global $current_action;
$current_action = 'edit';
if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
    if (do_edit('creative_server', $_POST, $_GET['id'])) {
        global $edited;
        $edited = 1;
        MAD_Admin_Redirect::redirect('edit_creative_server.php?edited=1&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '');
    } else {
        global $edited;
        $edited = 2;
if ($edited != 2) {
    $editdata = get_creativeserver_detail($_GET['id']);
require_once MAD_PATH . '/www/cp/templates/header.tpl.php';

    <div id="content">

        <div id="contentHeader">
            <h1>Edit Creative Server</h1>
        <!-- #contentHeader -->

        <div class="container">

            <div class="grid-24">
Exemplo n.º 2

global $current_section;
$current_section = 'campaigns';
require_once '../../init.php';
// Required files
require_once MAD_PATH . '/www/cp/auth.php';
require_once MAD_PATH . '/functions/adminredirect.php';
require_once MAD_PATH . '/www/cp/restricted.php';
require_once MAD_PATH . '/www/cp/admin_functions.php';
if (!check_permission('campaigns', $user_detail['user_id'])) {
$creative_detail = get_creative_detail($_GET['id']);
switch ($creative_detail['adv_type']) {
    case 1:
        if ($creative_detail['creativeserver_id'] == 1) {
            echo "<img src='../.." . MAD_CREATIVE_DIR . "" . $creative_detail['unit_hash'] . "." . $creative_detail['adv_creative_extension'] . "'>";
        } else {
            $server_detail = get_creativeserver_detail($creative_detail['creativeserver_id']);
            echo "<img src='" . $server_detail['server_default_url'] . "" . $creative_detail['unit_hash'] . "." . $creative_detail['adv_creative_extension'] . "'>";
    case 2:
        echo "<img src='" . $creative_detail['adv_bannerurl'] . "'>";
    case 3:
        echo $creative_detail['adv_chtml'];
Exemplo n.º 3
function do_create($type, $data, $detail)
    global $user_detail;
    $time_now = time();
    if ($type == 'user') {
        $data['email_address'] = strtolower($data['email_address']);
        if (!check_permission('add_administrator', $user_detail['user_id']) && $data['account_type'] != 2) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'You are not permitted to add users that are not in the Advertiser group.';
            return false;
        if (empty($data['first_name']) or empty($data['last_name']) or empty($data['email_address']) or empty($data['new_password']) or empty($data['new_password_2'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please fill out all required fields.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['new_password_2'] != $data['new_password']) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'The passwords you entered do not match.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if (username_exists($data['email_address'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'A user with this e-mail address already exists in the system.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        $data['password_md5'] = md5($data['new_password']);
        $creation_date = time();
        $data['first_name'] = sanitize($data['first_name']);
        $data['last_name'] = sanitize($data['last_name']);
        $data['company_name'] = sanitize($data['company_name']);
        $data['phone_number'] = sanitize($data['phone_number']);
        $data['fax_number'] = sanitize($data['fax_number']);
        $data['company_address'] = sanitize($data['company_address']);
        $data['company_city'] = sanitize($data['company_city']);
        $data['company_state'] = sanitize($data['company_state']);
        $data['company_zip'] = sanitize($data['company_zip']);
        $data['company_country'] = sanitize($data['company_country']);
        $data['tax_id'] = sanitize($data['tax_id']);
        $data['account_type'] = sanitize($data['account_type']);
        global $maindb;
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_uaccounts (email_address, pass_word, account_status, account_type, company_name, first_name, last_name, phone_number, fax_number, company_address, company_city, company_state, company_zip, company_country, tax_id, creation_date)\nVALUES ('{$data['email_address']}', '{$data['password_md5']}', '1', '{$data['account_type']}', '{$data['company_name']}', '{$data['first_name']}', '{$data['last_name']}', '{$data['phone_number']}', '{$data['fax_number']}', '{$data['company_address']}', '{$data['company_city']}', '{$data['company_state']}', '{$data['company_zip']}', '{$data['company_country']}', '{$data['tax_id']}', '{$creation_date}')", $maindb);
        global $created_user_id;
        $created_user_id = mysql_insert_id($maindb);
        create_rightset('user', $created_user_id, $data);
        return true;
    if ($type == 'group') {
        if (empty($data['group_name'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please enter a group name.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        global $maindb;
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_user_groups (group_name, group_status)\nVALUES ('{$data['group_name']}', '1')", $maindb);
        global $created_group_id;
        $created_group_id = mysql_insert_id($maindb);
        create_rightset('group', $created_group_id, $data);
        return true;
    if ($type == 'channel') {
        if (empty($data['channel_name'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please enter a channel name.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        global $maindb;
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_channels (channel_type, channel_name)\nVALUES ('1', '{$data['channel_name']}')", $maindb);
        return true;
    if ($type == 'creativeserver') {
        if (empty($data['server_name']) or empty($data['remote_host']) or empty($data['remote_user']) or empty($data['remote_password']) or empty($data['remote_directory']) or empty($data['server_default_url'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please fill out all required fields.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        $data['server_type'] = sanitize($data['server_type']);
        $data['server_name'] = sanitize($data['server_name']);
        $data['remote_host'] = sanitize($data['remote_host']);
        $data['remote_user'] = sanitize($data['remote_user']);
        $data['remote_password'] = sanitize($data['remote_password']);
        $data['remote_directory'] = sanitize($data['remote_directory']);
        $data['server_default_url'] = sanitize($data['server_default_url']);
        global $maindb;
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_creative_servers (server_type, server_name, remote_host, remote_user, remote_password, remote_directory, server_default_url, server_status)\nVALUES ('{$data['server_type']}', '{$data['server_name']}', '{$data['remote_host']}', '{$data['remote_user']}', '{$data['remote_password']}', '{$data['remote_directory']}', '{$data['server_default_url']}', '1')", $maindb);
        return true;
    if ($type == 'ad_unit') {
        if (empty($data['adv_name']) or $data['creative_format'] == 10 && (!is_numeric($data['custom_creative_width']) or !is_numeric($data['custom_creative_height']))) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please fill out all required fields.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if (!is_numeric($data['creative_format'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please choose a creative size for your ad.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['creative_type'] == 3) {
            if (empty($data['html_body'])) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'Please enter a HTML body for your ad.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
        if ($data['creative_type'] == 2) {
            if (empty($data['creative_url']) or empty($data['click_url'])) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'Please enter a Creative URL and Click URL for your ad.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
        if ($data['creative_type'] == 1) {
            if (empty($data['click_url'])) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'Please enter a Click URL for your ad.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
            if (!file_exists($_FILES['creative_file']['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['creative_file']['tmp_name'])) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'Please upload a creative for your ad unit.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
        // Define Image Sizes
        if ($data['creative_format'] == 1) {
            $data['custom_creative_width'] = 320;
            $data['custom_creative_height'] = 50;
        if ($data['creative_format'] == 2) {
            $data['custom_creative_width'] = 300;
            $data['custom_creative_height'] = 250;
        if ($data['creative_format'] == 3) {
            $data['custom_creative_width'] = 728;
            $data['custom_creative_height'] = 90;
        if ($data['creative_format'] == 4) {
            $data['custom_creative_width'] = 160;
            $data['custom_creative_height'] = 600;
        if ($data['creative_format'] == 5) {
            $data['custom_creative_width'] = 300;
            $data['custom_creative_height'] = 50;
        if ($data['creative_format'] == 6) {
            $data['custom_creative_width'] = 320;
            $data['custom_creative_height'] = 480;
        // End Define Image Sizes
        if ($data['creative_type'] == 1) {
            $creative_server = getconfig_var('default_creative_server');
            // Generate Creative Hash
            $uniqid = uniqid(time());
            $creative_hash = md5($uniqid);
            $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['creative_file']['name'], "."), 1));
            // Case: Remote Creative Server (FTP)
            if (getconfig_var('default_creative_server') > 1) {
                list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['creative_file']['tmp_name']);
                if ($height != $data['custom_creative_height'] or $width != $data['custom_creative_width'] or empty($file_extension)) {
                    global $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = 'The image you uploaded does not appear to be in the right dimensions. Please upload a valid image sized ' . $data['custom_creative_width'] . 'x' . $data['custom_creative_height'] . '';
                    global $editdata;
                    $editdata = $data;
                    return false;
                $creative_server_detail = get_creativeserver_detail(getconfig_var('default_creative_server'));
                if ($creative_server_detail['entry_id'] < 1) {
                    global $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = 'The default creative server does not seem to exist. Please change your creative server in your mAdserve control panel under Configuration>Creative Servers';
                    global $editdata;
                    $editdata = $data;
                    return false;
                // Attempt: Upload
                include MAD_PATH . '/modules/ftp/ftp.class.php';
                try {
                    $ftp = new Ftp();
                    $ftp->login($creative_server_detail[remote_user], $creative_server_detail[remote_password]);
                    $ftp->put($creative_server_detail[remote_directory] . $creative_hash . '.' . $file_extension, $_FILES['creative_file']['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY);
                } catch (FtpException $e) {
                    global $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = 'FTP Client was unable to upload creative to remote server. Error given: ' . $e->getMessage() . '';
                    global $editdata;
                    $editdata = $data;
                    return false;
                // End: Upload
            // End Case: Remote Creative Server (FTP)
            // Case: Local Creative Server
            if (getconfig_var('default_creative_server') == 1) {
                include MAD_PATH . '/modules/upload/class.upload.php';
                $handle = new Upload($_FILES['creative_file']);
                $handle->allowed = array('image/*');
                $handle->file_new_name_body = $creative_hash;
                if ($handle->uploaded) {
                    $image_width = $handle->image_src_x;
                    $image_height = $handle->image_src_y;
                    if (!empty($image_width) && !empty($image_height) && ($image_height != $data['custom_creative_height'] or $image_width != $data['custom_creative_width'])) {
                        global $errormessage;
                        $errormessage = 'The image you uploaded does not appear to be in the right dimensions. Please upload an image sized ' . $data['custom_creative_width'] . 'x' . $data['custom_creative_height'] . '';
                        global $editdata;
                        $editdata = $data;
                        return false;
                    $handle->Process(MAD_PATH . MAD_CREATIVE_DIR);
                    if ($handle->processed) {
                        // OK
                    } else {
                        global $errormessage;
                        $errormessage = 'Creative could not be uploaded. Please check if your creative directory is writeable (' . MAD_CREATIVE_DIR . ') and that you have uploaded a valid image file.';
                        global $editdata;
                        $editdata = $data;
                        return false;
                } else {
                    // Not OK
                    global $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = 'Creative could not be uploaded. Please check if your creative directory is writeable (' . MAD_CREATIVE_DIR . ') and that you have uploaded a valid image file.';
                    global $editdata;
                    $editdata = $data;
                    return false;
            // End Case: Local Creative Sercer
        global $maindb;
        // Insert Ad Unit into DB
        if (!isset($creative_server)) {
            $creative_server = '';
        if (!isset($creative_hash)) {
            $creative_hash = '';
        if (!isset($file_extension)) {
            $file_extension = '';
        if (!isset($data['adv_mraid'])) {
            $data['adv_mraid'] = '';
        $data['creative_type'] = sanitize($data['creative_type']);
        $data['click_url'] = sanitize($data['click_url']);
        $data['html_body'] = sanitize($data['html_body']);
        $data['creative_url'] = sanitize($data['creative_url']);
        $data['tracking_pixel'] = sanitize($data['tracking_pixel']);
        $data['adv_name'] = sanitize($data['adv_name']);
        $data['custom_creative_height'] = sanitize($data['custom_creative_height']);
        $data['custom_creative_width'] = sanitize($data['custom_creative_width']);
        $data['adv_mraid'] = sanitize($data['adv_mraid']);
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_ad_units (campaign_id, unit_hash, adv_type, adv_status, adv_click_url, adv_click_opentype, adv_chtml, adv_bannerurl, adv_impression_tracking_url, adv_name, adv_clickthrough_type, adv_creative_extension, adv_height, adv_width, creativeserver_id, adv_mraid)\nVALUES ('{$data['campaign_id']}', '{$creative_hash}', '{$data['creative_type']}', '1', '{$data['click_url']}', '', '{$data['html_body']}', '{$data['creative_url']}', '{$data['tracking_pixel']}', '{$data['adv_name']}', '', '{$file_extension}', '{$data['custom_creative_height']}', '{$data['custom_creative_width']}', '{$creative_server}', '{$data['adv_mraid']}')", $maindb);
        global $created_adunit_id;
        $created_adunit_id = mysql_insert_id($maindb);
        // END: Insert Ad Unit into DB
        return true;
    if ($type == 'campaign') {
        if (!isset($data['as_values_1'])) {
            $data['as_values_1'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['placement_select'])) {
            $data['placement_select'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['channel_select'])) {
            $data['channel_select'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_iphone'])) {
            $data['target_iphone'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_ipod'])) {
            $data['target_ipod'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_ipad'])) {
            $data['target_ipad'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_android'])) {
            $data['target_android'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_other'])) {
            $data['target_other'] = '';
        $countries_active = 0;
        $separate_countries = explode(',', $data['as_values_1']);
        foreach ($separate_countries as $my_tag) {
            if (!empty($my_tag)) {
                $countries_active = 1;
        if (!is_numeric($data['campaign_priority']) or empty($data['campaign_name'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please fill out all required fields.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['geo_targeting'] == 2 && $countries_active != 1) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please select at least one country you want to target.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['publication_targeting'] == 2 && count($data['placement_select']) < 1) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please select at least one placement you want to target.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['channel_targeting'] == 2 && count($data['channel_select']) < 1) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please select at least one channel you want to target.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['device_targeting'] == 2 && ($data['target_iphone'] != 1 && $data['target_ipod'] != 1 && $data['target_ipad'] != 1 && $data['target_android'] != 1 && $data['target_other'] != 1)) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please select at least one device type you want to target.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['campaign_type'] == 'network' && !is_numeric($data['campaign_networkid'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please select an ad network to send your campaign traffic to.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if (!empty($data['total_amount']) && !is_numeric($data['total_amount'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Your daily cap needs to be a numeric value.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['campaign_type'] != 'network') {
            if (empty($data['adv_name']) or $data['creative_format'] == 10 && (!is_numeric($data['custom_creative_width']) or !is_numeric($data['custom_creative_height']))) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'Please fill out all required fields.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
            if (!is_numeric($data['creative_format'])) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'Please choose a creative size for your ad.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
            if ($data['creative_type'] == 3) {
                if (empty($data['html_body'])) {
                    global $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = 'Please enter a HTML body for your ad.';
                    global $editdata;
                    $editdata = $data;
                    return false;
            if ($data['creative_type'] == 2) {
                if (empty($data['creative_url']) or empty($data['click_url'])) {
                    global $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = 'Please enter a Creative URL and Click URL for your ad.';
                    global $editdata;
                    $editdata = $data;
                    return false;
            if ($data['creative_type'] == 1) {
                if (empty($data['click_url'])) {
                    global $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = 'Please enter a Click URL for your ad.';
                    global $editdata;
                    $editdata = $data;
                    return false;
                if (!file_exists($_FILES['creative_file']['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['creative_file']['tmp_name'])) {
                    global $errormessage;
                    $errormessage = 'Please upload a creative for your ad unit.';
                    global $editdata;
                    $editdata = $data;
                    return false;
            if ($data['start_date_type'] == 2 && empty($data['startdate_value'])) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'Please choose a start date for your campaign.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
            if ($data['end_date_type'] == 2 && empty($data['enddate_value'])) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'Please choose an end date for your campaign.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
            if ($data['start_date_type'] == 2) {
                $start_date = explode('/', $data['startdate_value']);
                $start_date_array['year'] = $start_date[2];
                $start_date_array['day'] = $start_date[1];
                $start_date_array['month'] = $start_date[0];
                $start_date_array['unix'] = strtotime("{$start_date_array['year']}-{$start_date_array['month']}-{$start_date_array['day']}");
            if ($data['end_date_type'] == 2) {
                $end_date = explode('/', $data['enddate_value']);
                $end_date_array['year'] = $end_date[2];
                $end_date_array['day'] = $end_date[1];
                $end_date_array['month'] = $end_date[0];
                $end_date_array['unix'] = strtotime("{$end_date_array['year']}-{$end_date_array['month']}-{$end_date_array['day']}");
            if ($data['end_date_type'] == 2 && $end_date_array['unix'] < time()) {
                global $errormessage;
                $errormessage = 'The end date you entered is in the past. Please choose an end date in the future.';
                global $editdata;
                $editdata = $data;
                return false;
            // Define Image Sizes
            if ($data['creative_format'] == 1) {
                $data['custom_creative_width'] = 320;
                $data['custom_creative_height'] = 50;
            if ($data['creative_format'] == 2) {
                $data['custom_creative_width'] = 300;
                $data['custom_creative_height'] = 250;
            if ($data['creative_format'] == 3) {
                $data['custom_creative_width'] = 728;
                $data['custom_creative_height'] = 90;
            if ($data['creative_format'] == 4) {
                $data['custom_creative_width'] = 160;
                $data['custom_creative_height'] = 600;
            if ($data['creative_format'] == 5) {
                $data['custom_creative_width'] = 300;
                $data['custom_creative_height'] = 50;
            if ($data['creative_format'] == 6) {
                $data['custom_creative_width'] = 320;
                $data['custom_creative_height'] = 480;
            // End Define Image Sizes
            if ($data['creative_type'] == 1) {
                // Generate Creative Hash
                $uniqid = uniqid(time());
                $creative_hash = md5($uniqid);
                $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['creative_file']['name'], "."), 1));
                // Case: Remote Creative Server (FTP)
                if (getconfig_var('default_creative_server') > 1) {
                    list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['creative_file']['tmp_name']);
                    if ($height != $data['custom_creative_height'] or $width != $data['custom_creative_width'] or empty($file_extension)) {
                        global $errormessage;
                        $errormessage = 'The image you uploaded does not appear to be in the right dimensions. Please upload a valid image sized ' . $data['custom_creative_width'] . 'x' . $data['custom_creative_height'] . '';
                        global $editdata;
                        $editdata = $data;
                        return false;
                    $creative_server_detail = get_creativeserver_detail(getconfig_var('default_creative_server'));
                    if ($creative_server_detail['entry_id'] < 1) {
                        global $errormessage;
                        $errormessage = 'The default creative server does not seem to exist. Please change your creative server in your mAdserve control panel under Configuration>Creative Servers';
                        global $editdata;
                        $editdata = $data;
                        return false;
                    // Attempt: Upload
                    include MAD_PATH . '/modules/ftp/ftp.class.php';
                    try {
                        $ftp = new Ftp();
                        $ftp->login($creative_server_detail[remote_user], $creative_server_detail[remote_password]);
                        $ftp->put($creative_server_detail[remote_directory] . $creative_hash . '.' . $file_extension, $_FILES['creative_file']['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY);
                    } catch (FtpException $e) {
                        global $errormessage;
                        $errormessage = 'FTP Client was unable to upload creative to remote server. Error given: ' . $e->getMessage() . '';
                        global $editdata;
                        $editdata = $data;
                        return false;
                    // End: Upload
                // End Case: Remote Creative Server (FTP)
                // Case: Local Creative Server
                if (getconfig_var('default_creative_server') == 1) {
                    include MAD_PATH . '/modules/upload/class.upload.php';
                    $handle = new Upload($_FILES['creative_file']);
                    $handle->allowed = array('image/*');
                    $handle->file_new_name_body = $creative_hash;
                    if ($handle->uploaded) {
                        $image_width = $handle->image_src_x;
                        $image_height = $handle->image_src_y;
                        if (!empty($image_width) && !empty($image_height) && ($image_height != $data['custom_creative_height'] or $image_width != $data['custom_creative_width'])) {
                            global $errormessage;
                            $errormessage = 'The image you uploaded does not appear to be in the right dimensions. Please upload an image sized ' . $data['custom_creative_width'] . 'x' . $data['custom_creative_height'] . '';
                            global $editdata;
                            $editdata = $data;
                            return false;
                        $handle->Process(MAD_PATH . MAD_CREATIVE_DIR);
                        if ($handle->processed) {
                            // OK
                        } else {
                            global $errormessage;
                            $errormessage = 'Creative could not be uploaded. Please check if your creative directory is writeable (' . MAD_CREATIVE_DIR . ') and that you have uploaded a valid image file.';
                            global $editdata;
                            $editdata = $data;
                            return false;
                    } else {
                        // Not OK
                        global $errormessage;
                        $errormessage = 'Creative could not be uploaded. Please check if your creative directory is writeable (' . MAD_CREATIVE_DIR . ') and that you have uploaded a valid image file.';
                        global $editdata;
                        $editdata = $data;
                        return false;
                // End Case: Local Creative Sercer
            // END CREATIVE UPLOAD
        $creation_timestamp = time();
        /* Date Stuff */
        if ($data['start_date_type'] == 1) {
            $start_date_array['year'] = date("Y");
            $start_date_array['day'] = date("d");
            $start_date_array['month'] = date("m");
        if ($data['end_date_type'] == 1) {
            $end_date_array['year'] = '2090';
            $end_date_array['day'] = '12';
            $end_date_array['month'] = '12';
        if ($data['start_date_type'] == 2) {
            $start_date = explode('/', $data['startdate_value']);
            $start_date_array['year'] = $start_date[2];
            $start_date_array['day'] = $start_date[1];
            $start_date_array['month'] = $start_date[0];
            $start_date_array['unix'] = strtotime("{$start_date_array['year']}-{$start_date_array['month']}-{$start_date_array['day']}");
        if ($data['end_date_type'] == 2) {
            $end_date = explode('/', $data['enddate_value']);
            $end_date_array['year'] = $end_date[2];
            $end_date_array['day'] = $end_date[1];
            $end_date_array['month'] = $end_date[0];
            $end_date_array['unix'] = strtotime("{$end_date_array['year']}-{$end_date_array['month']}-{$end_date_array['day']}");
        $data['startdate_value'] = '' . $start_date_array['year'] . '-' . $start_date_array['month'] . '-' . $start_date_array['day'] . '';
        $data['enddate_value'] = '' . $end_date_array['year'] . '-' . $end_date_array['month'] . '-' . $end_date_array['day'] . '';
        global $maindb;
        if (!isset($data['target_iphone'])) {
            $data['target_iphone'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_ipod'])) {
            $data['target_ipod'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_ipad'])) {
            $data['target_ipad'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_android'])) {
            $data['target_android'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['target_other'])) {
            $data['target_other'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['ios_version_min'])) {
            $data['ios_version_min'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['ios_version_max'])) {
            $data['ios_version_max'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['android_version_min'])) {
            $data['android_version_min'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['android_version_max'])) {
            $data['android_version_max'] = '';
        $data['campaign_type'] = sanitize($data['campaign_type']);
        $data['campaign_name'] = sanitize($data['campaign_name']);
        $data['campaign_desc'] = sanitize($data['campaign_desc']);
        $data['startdate_value'] = sanitize($data['startdate_value']);
        $data['enddate_value'] = sanitize($data['enddate_value']);
        $data['campaign_networkid'] = sanitize($data['campaign_networkid']);
        $data['campaign_priority'] = sanitize($data['campaign_priority']);
        $data['target_iphone'] = sanitize($data['target_iphone']);
        $data['target_ipod'] = sanitize($data['target_ipod']);
        $data['target_ipad'] = sanitize($data['target_ipad']);
        $data['target_android'] = sanitize($data['target_android']);
        $data['target_other'] = sanitize($data['target_other']);
        $data['ios_version_min'] = sanitize($data['ios_version_min']);
        $data['ios_version_max'] = sanitize($data['ios_version_max']);
        $data['android_version_min'] = sanitize($data['android_version_min']);
        $data['android_version_max'] = sanitize($data['android_version_max']);
        $data['geo_targeting'] = sanitize($data['geo_targeting']);
        $data['publication_targeting'] = sanitize($data['publication_targeting']);
        $data['channel_targeting'] = sanitize($data['channel_targeting']);
        $data['device_targeting'] = sanitize($data['device_targeting']);
        // Insert Campaign into DB
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_campaigns (campaign_owner, campaign_status, campaign_type, campaign_name, campaign_desc, campaign_start, campaign_end, campaign_creationdate, campaign_networkid, campaign_priority, target_iphone, target_ipod, target_ipad, target_android, target_other, ios_version_min, ios_version_max, android_version_min, android_version_max, country_target, publication_target, channel_target, device_target)\nVALUES ('{$user_detail['user_id']}', '1', '{$data['campaign_type']}', '{$data['campaign_name']}', '{$data['campaign_desc']}', '{$data['startdate_value']}', '{$data['enddate_value']}', '{$creation_timestamp}', '{$data['campaign_networkid']}', '{$data['campaign_priority']}', '{$data['target_iphone']}', '{$data['target_ipod']}', '{$data['target_ipad']}', '{$data['target_android']}', '{$data['target_other']}', '{$data['ios_version_min']}', '{$data['ios_version_max']}', '{$data['android_version_min']}', '{$data['android_version_max']}', '{$data['geo_targeting']}', '{$data['publication_targeting']}', {$data['channel_targeting']}, '{$data['device_targeting']}')", $maindb);
        global $created_campaign_id;
        $created_campaign_id = mysql_insert_id($maindb);
        // END: Insert Campaign into DB
        if ($data['campaign_type'] != 'network') {
            if ($data['creative_type'] == 1) {
                $creative_server = getconfig_var('default_creative_server');
            // Insert Ad Unit into DB
            if (!isset($creative_server)) {
                $creative_server = '';
            if (!isset($creative_hash)) {
                $creative_hash = '';
            if (!isset($file_extension)) {
                $file_extension = '';
            if (!isset($data['adv_mraid'])) {
                $data['adv_mraid'] = '';
            $data['creative_type'] = sanitize($data['creative_type']);
            $data['click_url'] = sanitize($data['click_url']);
            $data['html_body'] = sanitize($data['html_body']);
            $data['creative_url'] = sanitize($data['creative_url']);
            $data['tracking_pixel'] = sanitize($data['tracking_pixel']);
            $data['adv_name'] = sanitize($data['adv_name']);
            $data['custom_creative_height'] = sanitize($data['custom_creative_height']);
            $data['custom_creative_width'] = sanitize($data['custom_creative_width']);
            $data['adv_mraid'] = sanitize($data['adv_mraid']);
            mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_ad_units (campaign_id, unit_hash, adv_type, adv_status, adv_click_url, adv_click_opentype, adv_chtml, adv_bannerurl, adv_impression_tracking_url, adv_name, adv_clickthrough_type, adv_creative_extension, adv_height, adv_width, creativeserver_id, adv_mraid)\nVALUES ('{$created_campaign_id}', '{$creative_hash}', '{$data['creative_type']}', '1', '{$data['click_url']}', '', '{$data['html_body']}', '{$data['creative_url']}', '{$data['tracking_pixel']}', '{$data['adv_name']}', '', '{$file_extension}', '{$data['custom_creative_height']}', '{$data['custom_creative_width']}', '{$creative_server}', '{$data['adv_mraid']}')", $maindb);
            global $created_adunit_id;
            $created_adunit_id = mysql_insert_id($maindb);
            // END: Insert Ad Unit into DB
        // Extra Targeting Variables
        // Country
        if ($data['geo_targeting'] == 2) {
            $separate_countries = explode(',', $data['as_values_1']);
            foreach ($separate_countries as $country_tag) {
                if (!empty($country_tag)) {
                    // Add Country
                    add_campaign_targeting($created_campaign_id, 'geo', $country_tag);
        //End Country
        // Channel
        if ($data['channel_targeting'] == 2 && is_array($data['channel_select'])) {
            foreach ($data['channel_select'] as $channel_id) {
                add_campaign_targeting($created_campaign_id, 'channel', $channel_id);
        // End Channel
        // Placement
        if ($data['publication_targeting'] == 2 && is_array($data['placement_select'])) {
            foreach ($data['placement_select'] as $placement_id) {
                add_campaign_targeting($created_campaign_id, 'placement', $placement_id);
        // End Placement
        // End: Extra Targeting Variables
        if (!isset($data['cap_type'])) {
            $data['cap_type'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['total_amount'])) {
            $data['total_amount'] = '';
        // Add Campaign Limit
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_campaign_limit (campaign_id, cap_type, total_amount, total_amount_left)\nVALUES ('{$created_campaign_id}', '{$data['cap_type']}', '{$data['total_amount']}', '{$data['total_amount']}')", $maindb);
        // END: Add Campaign Limit
        return true;
    if ($type == 'placement') {
        global $maindb;
        if (!isset($data['mobfox_min_cpc_active'])) {
            $data['mobfox_min_cpc_active'] = 0;
        if (!isset($data['mobfox_backfill_active'])) {
            $data['mobfox_backfill_active'] = 0;
        if (!isset($data['zone_height'])) {
            $data['zone_height'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['zone_width'])) {
            $data['zone_width'] = '';
        if (!is_numeric($detail)) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please select a Publication to add this zone to.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if (!is_numeric($data['zone_refresh']) or empty($data['zone_name']) or $data['zone_size'] == '10' && (!is_numeric($data['custom_zone_width']) or !is_numeric($data['custom_zone_height'])) or empty($data['zone_type']) or $data['zone_type'] == 'banner' && !is_numeric($data['zone_size'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please fill out all required fields.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['mobfox_min_cpc_active'] == 1 && (!is_numeric($data['min_cpc']) or !is_numeric($data['min_cpm']) or $data['min_cpm'] > 5 or $data['min_cpc'] > 0.2)) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Invalid minimum CPC/CPM values entered.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        $publication_detail = get_publication_detail($detail);
        if ($publication_detail['inv_type'] == 3 && $data['zone_type'] == 'interstitial') {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Full Page Interstitials are supported only inside iOS and Android applications.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        $uniqid = uniqid($data['zone_name']);
        $new_placement_hash = md5($uniqid);
        if ($data['zone_size'] == 1) {
            $data['zone_width'] = 320;
            $data['zone_height'] = 50;
        if ($data['zone_size'] == 2) {
            $data['zone_width'] = 300;
            $data['zone_height'] = 250;
        if ($data['zone_size'] == 3) {
            $data['zone_width'] = 728;
            $data['zone_height'] = 90;
        if ($data['zone_size'] == 4) {
            $data['zone_width'] = 160;
            $data['zone_height'] = 600;
        $data['zone_name'] = sanitize($data['zone_name']);
        $data['zone_type'] = sanitize($data['zone_type']);
        $data['zone_width'] = sanitize($data['zone_width']);
        $data['zone_height'] = sanitize($data['zone_height']);
        $data['zone_refresh'] = sanitize($data['zone_refresh']);
        $data['zone_channel'] = sanitize($data['zone_channel']);
        $data['zone_description'] = sanitize($data['zone_description']);
        $data['mobfox_backfill_active'] = sanitize($data['mobfox_backfill_active']);
        $data['mobfox_min_cpc_active'] = sanitize($data['mobfox_min_cpc_active']);
        $data['min_cpc'] = sanitize($data['min_cpc']);
        $data['min_cpm'] = sanitize($data['min_cpm']);
        $data['backfill_alt_1'] = sanitize($data['backfill_alt_1']);
        $data['backfill_alt_2'] = sanitize($data['backfill_alt_2']);
        $data['backfill_alt_3'] = sanitize($data['backfill_alt_3']);
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_zones (publication_id, zone_hash, zone_name, zone_type, zone_width, zone_height, zone_refresh, zone_channel, zone_description, mobfox_backfill_active, mobfox_min_cpc_active, min_cpc, min_cpm, backfill_alt_1, backfill_alt_2, backfill_alt_3)\nVALUES ('{$detail}', '{$new_placement_hash}', '{$data['zone_name']}', '{$data['zone_type']}', '{$data['zone_width']}', '{$data['zone_height']}', '{$data['zone_refresh']}', '{$data['zone_channel']}', '{$data['zone_description']}', '{$data['mobfox_backfill_active']}', '{$data['mobfox_min_cpc_active']}', '{$data['min_cpc']}', '{$data['min_cpm']}', '{$data['backfill_alt_1']}', '{$data['backfill_alt_2']}', '{$data['backfill_alt_3']}')", $maindb);
        global $created_zone_id;
        $created_zone_id = mysql_insert_id($maindb);
        mf_add_publication_layer($created_zone_id, 1);
        return true;
    if ($type == 'publication') {
        global $maindb;
        if (!isset($data['mobfox_min_cpc_active'])) {
            $data['mobfox_min_cpc_active'] = 0;
        if (!isset($data['mobfox_backfill_active'])) {
            $data['mobfox_backfill_active'] = 0;
        if (!isset($data['zone_height'])) {
            $data['zone_height'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['zone_width'])) {
            $data['zone_width'] = '';
        if (empty($data['inv_name']) or !is_numeric($data['inv_type']) or empty($data['inv_address']) or !is_numeric($data['inv_defaultchannel']) or !is_numeric($data['zone_refresh']) or empty($data['zone_name']) or $data['zone_size'] == '10' && (!is_numeric($data['custom_zone_width']) or !is_numeric($data['custom_zone_height'])) or empty($data['zone_type']) or $data['zone_type'] == 'banner' && !is_numeric($data['zone_size'])) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Please fill out all required fields.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['mobfox_min_cpc_active'] == 1 && (!is_numeric($data['min_cpc']) or !is_numeric($data['min_cpm']) or $data['min_cpm'] > 5 or $data['min_cpc'] > 0.2)) {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Invalid minimum CPC/CPM values entered.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        if ($data['inv_type'] == 3 && $data['zone_type'] == 'interstitial') {
            global $errormessage;
            $errormessage = 'Full Page Interstitials are supported only inside iOS and Android applications.';
            global $editdata;
            $editdata = $data;
            return false;
        $data['inv_type'] = sanitize($data['inv_type']);
        $data['inv_name'] = sanitize($data['inv_name']);
        $data['inv_description'] = sanitize($data['inv_description']);
        $data['inv_address'] = sanitize($data['inv_address']);
        $data['inv_defaultchannel'] = sanitize($data['inv_defaultchannel']);
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO md_publications (inv_status, inv_type, inv_name, inv_description, inv_address, inv_defaultchannel, creator_id)\nVALUES (1, '{$data['inv_type']}', '{$data['inv_name']}', '{$data['inv_description']}', '{$data['inv_address']}', '{$data['inv_defaultchannel']}', '{$user_detail['user_id']}')", $maindb);
        $new_publication_id = mysql_insert_id($maindb);
        if (do_create('placement', $data, $new_publication_id)) {
            return true;