Exemplo n.º 1
 function trustable()
     if ($this->obj) {
         $val = get_corp_allowed($this->obj->corpid);
         if (!is_null($val) && $val) {
             return 1;
         return 0;
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function figure_killtype()
     global $ft;
     # get the final killer
     $final = $this->killer();
     $killer_friendly = get_corp_allowed($final->corp_id);
     $victim_friendly = get_corp_allowed($this->victim->corp_id);
     # the states
     if ($killer_friendly && !$victim_friendly) {
         return 'kill';
     } elseif ($killer_friendly && $victim_friendly) {
         return 'murder';
     } elseif ($victim_friendly) {
         return 'loss';
     } else {
         return 'other';
     return 'other';
     ## END ##
     # get the data to use
     if (!isset($_ALLIANCE_STANDINGS)) {
         #                echo("[[ SET ALLIANCE STANDINGS ]]<br />\n");
         $alliances = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects('SELECT allianceid, standings FROM tbl:alliances');
         $_ALLIANCE_STANDINGS = $alliances;
     } else {
         $alliances = $_ALLIANCE_STANDINGS;
     if (!isset($_CORP_STANDINGS)) {
         #                echo("[[ SET CORP STANDINGS ]]<br />\n");
         $corps = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects('SELECT corpid, standings FROM tbl:corps');
         $_CORP_STANDINGS = $corps;
     } else {
         $corps = $_CORP_STANDINGS;
     # now, get our standings
     $v_a = 0;
     $k_a = 0;
     $v_c = 0;
     $k_c = 0;
     foreach ($alliances as $a) {
         if ($a->allianceid == $this->victim->alliance_id) {
             $v_a = $a->standings;
         if ($a->allianceid == $final->alliance_id) {
             $k_a = $a->standings;
     foreach ($corps as $c) {
         if ($c->corpid == $this->victim->corp_id) {
             $v_c = $c->standings;
         if ($c->corpid == $final->corp_id) {
             $k_c = $c->standings;
     #            echo("[[ (" . $this->victim->alliance_id . ',' . $this->victim->corp_id . ',' . $final->alliance_id . ',' . $final->corp_id . ") va=$v_a, vc=$v_c, ka=$k_a, kc=$k_c ]]<br />\n");
     # corp standings override alliance standings
     $killer_standings = $k_a;
     $victim_standings = $v_a;
     if ($k_c != 0) {
         $killer_standings = $k_c;
     if ($v_c != 0) {
         $victim_standings = $v_c;
     # figure out what happened
     if ($killer_standings > 0 && $victim_standings > 0) {
         return 'murder';
     } elseif ($killer_standings > 0 && $victim_standings <= 0) {
         return 'kill';
     } elseif ($killer_standings <= 0 && $victim_standings > 0) {
         return 'loss';
     } else {
         return 'other';