Exemplo n.º 1
 * Get the matches for the search term.
 * @since	1.2
 * @param	string $search_info    Search terms array
 * @param	bool   $bydate         Sort by date?
 * @return	array	Search results
function get_bsearch_matches($search_query, $bydate)
    global $wpdb, $bsearch_settings;
    // if there are two items in $search_info, the string has been broken into separate terms that
    // are listed at $search_info[1]. The cleaned-up version of $search_query is still at the zero index.
    // This is when fulltext is disabled, and we search using LIKE
    $search_info = get_bsearch_terms($search_query);
    // Get search transient
    $search_query_transient = 'bs_' . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\-]/', '', str_replace(' ', '', $search_query));
     * Filter name of the search transient
     * @since	2.1.0
     * @param	string	$search_query_transient	Transient name
     * @param	array	$search_query	Search query
    $search_query_transient = apply_filters('bsearch_transient_name', $search_query_transient, $search_query);
    $search_query_transient = substr($search_query_transient, 0, 40);
    // Name of the transient limited to 40 chars
    $matches = get_transient($search_query_transient);
    if ($matches) {
        if (isset($matches['search_query'])) {
            if ($matches['search_query'] == $search_query) {
                $results = $matches[0];
                 * Filter array holding the search results
                 * @since	1.2
                 * @param	object	$matches	Search results object
                 * @param	array	$search_info	Search query
                return apply_filters('get_bsearch_matches', $matches, $search_info);
    // If no transient is set
    if (!isset($results)) {
        $sql = bsearch_sql_prepare($search_info, $bsearch_settings['boolean_mode'], $bydate);
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    // If no results are found then force BOOLEAN mode
    if (!$results) {
        $sql = bsearch_sql_prepare($search_info, 1, $bydate);
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    // If no results are found then force LIKE mode
    if (!$results) {
        // strip out all the fancy characters that fulltext would use
        $search_query = addslashes_gpc($search_query);
        $search_query = preg_replace('/, +/', ' ', $search_query);
        $search_query = str_replace(',', ' ', $search_query);
        $search_query = str_replace('"', ' ', $search_query);
        $search_query = trim($search_query);
        $search_words = explode(' ', $search_query);
        $s_array[0] = $search_query;
        // Save original query at [0]
        $s_array[1] = $search_words;
        // Save array of terms at [1]
        $search_info = $s_array;
        $sql = bsearch_sql_prepare($search_info, 0, $bydate);
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    $matches[0] = $results;
    $matches['search_query'] = $search_query;
    if ($bsearch_settings['cache']) {
        // Set search transient
        set_transient($search_query_transient, $matches, 7200);
     * Described in better-search.php
    return apply_filters('get_bsearch_matches', $matches, $search_info);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Get the matches for the search term.
 * @param mixed $search_info Search terms array
 * @param mixed $bydate Sort by date?
 * @return array Search results
function get_bsearch_matches($search_info, $bydate)
    global $wpdb, $bsearch_settings;
    parse_str($bsearch_settings['post_types'], $post_types);
    // Save post types in $post_types variable
    $n = '%';
    // if there are two items in $search_info, the string has been broken into separate terms that
    // are listed at $search_info[1]. The cleaned-up version of $search_query is still at the zero index.
    // This is when fulltext is disabled, and we search using LIKE
    $search_info = get_bsearch_terms();
    if (count($search_info) > 1) {
        $search_terms = $search_info[1];
        $args = array($n . $search_terms[0] . $n, $n . $search_terms[0] . $n);
        $sql = "SELECT ID, 0 AS score FROM " . $wpdb->posts . " WHERE (";
        $sql .= "((post_title LIKE '%s') OR (post_content LIKE '%s'))";
        for ($i = 1; $i < count($search_terms); $i = $i + 1) {
            $sql .= " AND ((post_title LIKE '%s') OR (post_content LIKE '%s'))";
            $args[] = $n . $search_terms[$i] . $n;
            $args[] = $n . $search_terms[$i] . $n;
        $sql .= " OR (post_title LIKE '%s') OR (post_content LIKE '%s')";
        $args[] = $n . $search_info[0] . $n;
        $args[] = $n . $search_info[0] . $n;
        $sql .= ") AND post_status = 'publish' ";
        $sql .= "AND ( ";
        $multiple = false;
        foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
            if ($multiple) {
                $sql .= ' OR ';
            $sql .= " post_type = '%s' ";
            $multiple = true;
            $args[] = $post_type;
            // Add the post types to the $args array
        $sql .= " ) ";
        $sql .= "ORDER BY post_date DESC ";
    } else {
        $boolean_mode = $bsearch_settings['boolean_mode'] ? ' IN BOOLEAN MODE' : '';
        $args = array($search_info[0], $bsearch_settings['weight_title'], $search_info[0], $bsearch_settings['weight_content'], $search_info[0]);
        $sql = "SELECT ID, ";
        $sql .= "(MATCH(post_title) AGAINST ('%s' {$boolean_mode} ) * %d ) + ";
        $sql .= "(MATCH(post_content) AGAINST ('%s' {$boolean_mode} ) * %d ) ";
        $sql .= "AS score FROM " . $wpdb->posts . " WHERE MATCH (post_title,post_content) AGAINST ('%s' {$boolean_mode} ) AND post_status = 'publish' ";
        $sql .= "AND ( ";
        $multiple = false;
        foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
            if ($multiple) {
                $sql .= ' OR ';
            $sql .= " post_type = '%s' ";
            $multiple = true;
            $args[] = $post_type;
            // Add the post types to the $args array
        $sql .= " ) ";
        if ($bydate) {
            $sql .= "ORDER BY post_date DESC ";
        } else {
            $sql .= "ORDER BY score DESC ";
    $matches[0] = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $args));
    $matches[1] = $sql;
    return apply_filters('get_bsearch_matches', $matches);