Exemplo n.º 1
    function nr_edit()
        global $books;
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
        $book = get_book($id);
		<div class="wrap nr_edit">
			<h2>Edit Book</h2>
        if ($book->ID) {
				<form method="post" action="">
            wp_nonce_field('nr_edit_' . $book->ID);
					<img src="<?php 
            echo $book->image;
" alt="" />
					<p><label for="title">Title:</label></p>
					<p><input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="<?php 
            echo htmlentities($book->title);
" /></p>
					<p><label for="author">Author:</label></p>
					<p><input type="text" name="author" id="author" value="<?php 
            echo htmlentities($book->author);
" /></p>
        } else {
				<p>I can't find that book, sorry.</p>
Exemplo n.º 2
function dk_book_permalink($echo = true, $id = 0)
    global $book, $wpdb;
    $options = get_option(NOW_READING_OPTIONS);
    if (!empty($book) && empty($id)) {
        $the_book = $book;
    } elseif (!empty($id)) {
        $the_book = get_book(intval($id));
    if ($the_book->id < 1) {
    $author = $the_book->nice_author;
    $title = $the_book->nice_title;
    $url = get_page_link(intval($_GET['page_id'])) . "?ig=ig&dkaction=view&now_reading_author={$author}&amp;now_reading_title={$title}";
    $url = apply_filters('book_permalink', $url);
    if ($echo) {
        echo $url;
    return $url;
Exemplo n.º 3

$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$existing = get_book($id);
$meta = get_book_meta($existing->id);
$tags = join(get_book_tags($existing->id), ',');
echo '
			<div class="wrap dk_single">
				<h2>' . __("Edit book", NRTD) . '</h2>
				<a href = "' . DK_BOOKSHELF_URL . '" >' . __('My bookshelf', NRTD) . ' &raquo;</a>
				<a href = "' . get_page_link(intval($_GET['page_id'])) . '" >' . __("Manage books", NRTD) . ' &raquo;</a>

				<form method="post" action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/dk_books/functions/edit.php">
if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) {
if (function_exists('wp_referer_field')) {
echo '
				<div class="book-image">
					<img style="" id="book-image-0" alt="Book Cover" src="' . $existing->image . '" />

				<h3><cite>' . $existing->title . '</cite><br /> by ' . $existing->author . '</h3>

				<table class="form-table" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">

				<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
Exemplo n.º 4

$method = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
switch ($method) {
    case 'get':
        // handle a GET request
    case 'post':
        // handle a POST request
    case 'put':
        // handle a PUT request
    case 'delete':
        // handle a DELETE request
        // unimplemented method
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Adds our details to the title of the page - book title/author, "Library" etc.
function nr_page_title( $title ) {
    global $wp, $wp_query;

    $title = '';

    if ( get_query_var('now_reading_library') )
        $title = 'Library';

    if ( get_query_var('now_reading_id') ) {
        $book = get_book(intval(get_query_var('now_reading_id')));
        $title = $book->title . ' by ' . $book->author;

    if ( get_query_var('now_reading_tag') )
        $title = 'Books tagged with &ldquo;' . htmlentities(get_query_var('now_reading_tag'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '&rdquo;';

    if ( get_query_var('now_reading_search') )
        $title = 'Library Search';

    if ( !empty($title) ) {
        $title = apply_filters('now_reading_page_title', $title);
        $separator = apply_filters('now_reading_page_title_separator', ' - ');
        return $separator.$title;
    return '';
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Creates the manage admin page, and deals with the creation and editing of reviews.
function dk_book_manage()
    global $wpdb, $nr_statuses, $nr_post_options, $userdata;
    $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
    $options = get_option(NOW_READING_OPTIONS);
    if (!$nr_url) {
        $nr_url = new nr_url();
    if (!empty($_GET['updated'])) {
        $updated = intval($_GET['updated']);
        if ($updated == 1) {
            $updated .= ' book';
        } else {
            $updated .= ' books';
        echo '
		<div id="message" class="updated fade">
			<p><strong>' . $updated . ' updated.</strong></p>
    if (!empty($_GET['deleted'])) {
        $deleted = intval($_GET['deleted']);
        if ($deleted == 1) {
            $deleted .= ' book';
        } else {
            $deleted .= ' books';
        echo '
		<div id="message" class="updated fade">
			<p><strong>' . $deleted . ' deleted.</strong></p>
    $action = $_GET['action'];
    $options = get_option(NOW_READING_OPTIONS);
    $dateTimeFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
    if ($options['ignoreTime']) {
        $dateTimeFormat = 'Y-m-d';
    switch ($action) {
        // Edit Book.
        case 'editsingle':
            $id = intval($_GET['id']);
            $existing = get_book($id);
            $meta = get_book_meta($existing->id);
            $tags = join(get_book_tags($existing->id), ',');
            echo '
			<div class="wrap">
				<h2>' . __("Edit Book", NRTD) . '</h2>
				<a href = "' . get_page_link(intval($_GET['page_id'])) . '" >Manage Books</a>

				<form method="post" action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/dk_books/functions/edit.php">
            if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) {
            if (function_exists('wp_referer_field')) {
            echo '
				<div class="book-image">
					<img style="float:left; margin-right: 10px;" id="book-image-0" alt="Book Cover" src="' . $existing->image . '" />

				<h3><cite>' . $existing->title . '</cite><br /> by ' . $existing->author . '</h3>

				<table class="form-table" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">

				<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
				<input type="hidden" name="count" value="1" />
				<input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="' . $existing->id . '" />

            // Title.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="title-0">' . __("Title", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" class="main" id="title-0" name="title[]" value="' . $existing->title . '" />
            // Author.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="author-0">' . __("Author", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" class="main" id="author-0" name="author[]" value="' . $existing->author . '" />
            // ASIN.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
					<label for="asin-0">' . __("ASIN", NRTD) . '</label>
					<input type="text" class="main" id="asin-0" name="asin[]" value="' . $existing->asin . '" />
            // Status.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="status-0">' . __("Status", NRTD) . '</label>
						<select name="status[]" id="status-0">
            foreach ((array) $nr_statuses as $status => $name) {
                $selected = '';
                if ($existing->status == $status) {
                    $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                echo '
									<option value="' . $status . '"' . $selected . '>' . $name . '</option>
            echo '
            // Visibility.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="visibility-0">' . __("Visibility", NRTD) . '</label>
						<select name="visibility[]" id="visibility-0">
            if ($existing->visibility) {
                // Public.
                echo '
									<option value="0">Private</option>
									<option value="1" selected="selected">Public</option>
            } else {
                // Private.
                echo '
									<option value="0" selected="selected">Private</option>
									<option value="1">Public</option>
            echo '
            // Added Date.
            if (!$options['hideAddedDate']) {
                $added = nr_empty_date($existing->added) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($existing->added));
                echo '
					<tr class="form-field">
						<th valign="top" scope="row">
							<label for="added[]">' . __("Added", NRTD) . '</label>
							<input type="text" id="added-0" name="added[]" value="' . htmlentities($added, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '" />
            // Started Reading Date.
            $started = nr_empty_date($existing->started) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($existing->started));
            // Finished Reading Date.
            $finished = nr_empty_date($existing->finished) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($existing->finished));
            // Image URL.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="image-0">' . __("Image", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" class="main" id="image-0" name="image[]" value="' . htmlentities($existing->image) . '" />

            // Tags.
            // Link to Post.
            // Rating.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="rating[]"><label for="rating">' . __("Rating", NRTD) . '</label></label>
						<select name="rating[]" id="rating-' . $i . '" style="width:100px;">
							<option value="unrated">&nbsp;</option>
            for ($i = 10; $i >= 1; $i--) {
                $selected = $i == $existing->rating ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
                echo "\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='{$i}'{$selected}>{$i}</option>";
            echo '
            // Review.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="review-0">' . __("Review", NRTD) . '</label>
						<textarea name="review[]" id="review-' . $i . '" cols="50" rows="10" style="width:97%;height:200px;">' . htmlentities($existing->review, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</textarea>
								<a accesskey="i" href="#" onclick="reviewBigger(\'' . $i . '\'); return false;">' . __("Increase size", NRTD) . ' (Alt + I)</a>
								<a accesskey="d" href="#" onclick="reviewSmaller(\'' . $i . '\'); return false;">' . __("Decrease size", NRTD) . ' (Alt + D)</a>


				<p class="submit">
					<input class="button" type="submit" value="' . __("Save", NRTD) . '" />



            // Book Manager.
        // Book Manager.
            //depends on multiusermode (B. Spyckerelle)
            if ($options['multiuserMode']) {
                $count = total_books(0, 0, $userdata->ID);
                //counting only current users books
            } else {
                $count = total_books(0, 0, $userdata->ID);
                //counting all books
            if ($count) {
                if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
                    $search = '&search=' . urlencode($_GET['q']);
                } else {
                    $search = '';
                if (empty($_GET['p'])) {
                    $page = 1;
                } else {
                    $page = intval($_GET['p']);
                if (empty($_GET['o'])) {
                    $order = 'desc';
                } else {
                    $order = urlencode($_GET['o']);
                if (empty($_GET['s'])) {
                    $orderby = 'started';
                } else {
                    $orderby = urlencode($_GET['s']);
                // Filter by Author.
                if (empty($_GET['author'])) {
                    $author = '';
                } else {
                    $author = "&author=" . urlencode($_GET['author']);
                // Filter by Status.
                if (empty($_GET['status'])) {
                    $status = '';
                } else {
                    $status = "&status=" . urlencode($_GET['status']);
                $perpage = $options['booksPerPage'];
                $offset = $page * $perpage - $perpage;
                $num = $perpage;
                $pageq = "&num={$num}&offset={$offset}";
                // Depends on multiuser mode.
                if ($options['multiuserMode']) {
                    $reader = "&reader=" . $userdata->ID;
                } else {
                    $reader = '';
                $books = get_books("num=-1&status=all&orderby={$orderby}&order={$order}{$search}{$pageq}{$reader}{$author}{$status}");
                $count = count($books);
                $numpages = ceil(total_books(0, 0, $userdata->ID) / $perpage);
                $pages = '<span class="displaying-num">' . __("Pages", NRTD) . '</span>';
                if ($page > 1) {
                    $previous = $page - 1;
                    $pages .= " <a class='page-numbers prev' href='{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$previous}&s={$orderby}&o={$order}'>&laquo;</a>";
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $numpages; $i++) {
                    if ($page == $i) {
                        $pages .= "<span class='page-numbers current'>{$i}</span>";
                    } else {
                        $pages .= " <a class='page-numbers' href='{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$i}&s={$orderby}&o={$order}'>{$i}</a>";
                if ($numpages > $page) {
                    $next = $page + 1;
                    $pages .= " <a class='page-numbers next' href='{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$next}&s={$orderby}&o={$order}'>&raquo;</a>";
                echo '
				<div class="wrap">
                if (!empty($_GET['q']) || !empty($_GET['author']) || !empty($_GET['status'])) {
                    echo '
								<li><a href="' . $nr_url->urls['manage'] . '">' . __('Show all books', NRTD) . '</a></li>
                echo '
								<li><a href="' . library_url(0) . '">' . __('View library', NRTD) . '</a></li>
								<li><a href="' . get_page_link(intval($_GET['page_id'])) . '?dkaction=add">' . __('Add New Book', NRTD) . '</a></li>

						<div class="tablenav">
							<div class="tablenav-pages">
								' . $pages . '

					<br style="clear:both;" />

					<form method="post" action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/now-reading-redux/admin/edit.php">
                if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) {
                if (function_exists('wp_referer_field')) {
                echo '
					<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
					<input type="hidden" name="count" value="' . $count . '" />
                $i = 0;
                if ($order == 'desc') {
                    $new_order = 'asc';
                } else {
                    $new_order = 'desc';
                $title_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$page}&s=book&o={$new_order}{$author}";
                $author_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$page}&s=author&o={$new_order}{$author}";
                $added_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$page}&s=added&o={$new_order}{$author}";
                $started_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$page}&s=started&o={$new_order}{$author}";
                $finished_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$page}&s=finished&o={$new_order}{$author}";
                $status_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p={$page}&s=status&o={$new_order}{$author}";
                echo '
					<table class="widefat post fixed" cellspacing="0">
                foreach ((array) $books as $book) {
                    $meta = get_book_meta($book->id);
                    $tags = join(get_book_tags($book->id), ',');
                    $alt = $i % 2 == 0 ? ' alternate' : '';
                    $delete = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/dk_books/functions/edit.php?action=delete&id=' . $book->id;
                    $delete = wp_nonce_url($delete, 'now-reading-delete-book_' . $book->id);
                    echo '
						<tr class="manage-book' . $alt . '">

							<input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="' . $book->id . '" />
							<input type="hidden" name="title[]" value="' . $book->title . '" />
							<input type="hidden" name="author[]" value="' . $book->author . '" />

								<img style="max-width:100px;" id="book-image-' . $i . '" class="small" alt="' . __('Book Cover', NRTD) . '" src="' . $book->image . '" />

							<td class="post-title column-title">
								<strong>' . stripslashes($book->title) . '</strong>
								<div class="row-actions">
									<a href="' . book_permalink(0, $book->id) . '">' . __('View', NRTD) . '</a> |
										<a href="' . get_page_link(intval($_GET['page_id'])) . '?dkaction=manage&amp;action=editsingle&amp;id=' . $book->id . '">' . __('Edit', NRTD) . '</a> | <a href="' . $delete . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . __("Are you sure you wish to delete this book permanently?", NRTD) . '\')">' . __("Delete", NRTD) . '</a>

								<a href="' . $nr_url->urls['manage'] . '&amp;author=' . $book->author . '">' . $book->author . '</a>

								<a href="' . $nr_url->urls['manage'] . '&amp;status=' . $book->status . '">' . $book->status . '</a>

							' . (nr_empty_date($book->started) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($book->started))) . '

							' . (nr_empty_date($book->finished) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($book->finished))) . '
                    echo '
                echo '

            } else {
                echo '
				<div class="wrap">
					<h2>' . __("Manage Books", NRTD) . '</h2>
					<p>' . sprintf(__("No books to display. To add some books, head over <a href='%s'>here</a>.", NRTD), $nr_url->urls['add']) . '</p>
            echo '
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Use in the main template loop; if un-fetched, fetches books for given $query and returns true whilst there are still books to loop through.
 * @param string $query The query string to pass to get_books()
 * @return boolean True if there are still books to loop through, false at end of loop.
function have_books($query)
    global $books, $current_book;
    if (!$books) {
        if (is_numeric($query)) {
            $GLOBALS['books'] = get_book($query);
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['books'] = get_books($query);
    if (is_a($books, 'stdClass')) {
        $books = array($books);
    $have_books = !empty($books[$current_book]);
    if (!$have_books) {
        $GLOBALS['books'] = null;
        $GLOBALS['current_book'] = 0;
    return $have_books;
Exemplo n.º 8
	<input type="hidden" name="amazon" value="1" />
	<p><input type="submit" value="Test Amazon" /></p>
if ($_GET['books']) {
    echo "<p>add_book('title=1984&author=George Orwell')";
    $id = add_book('title=1984&author=George Orwell');
    if ($id > 0) {
        echo "<br />Successfully created book, ID is {$id}.</p>";
    } else {
        echo "<br />Failure!</p>";
    echo "<p>get_book({$id})";
    $book = get_book($id);
    if ($book->ID == $id) {
        echo "<br />Successfully fetched book with ID {$id}:<br /><pre>";
        echo "</pre></p>";
    } else {
        echo "<br />Failure!</p>";
    echo "<p>delete_book({$id})";
    $del = delete_book($id);
    if ($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = %d", $id)) == 0) {
        echo "<br />Successfully deleted book with ID {$id}.</p>";
    } else {
        echo "<br />Failure!</p>";
} else {
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Creates the manage admin page, and deals with the creation and editing of reviews.
function nr_manage() {

    global $wpdb, $nr_statuses, $nr_post_options, $userdata;


    $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);

    $options = get_option('nowReadingOptions');

    if (!$nr_url)
        $nr_url = new nr_url();

    if (!empty($_GET['updated']))
        $updated = intval($_GET['updated']);

        if ( $updated == 1 )
            $updated .= ' book';
            $updated .= ' books';

        echo '
		<div id="message" class="updated fade">
			<p><strong>' . $updated . ' updated.</strong></p>

    if (!empty($_GET['deleted']))
        $deleted = intval($_GET['deleted']);

        if ($deleted == 1)
            $deleted .= ' book';
            $deleted .= ' books';

        echo '
		<div id="message" class="updated fade">
			<p><strong>' . $deleted . ' deleted.</strong></p>

    $action = $_GET['action'];

	$options = get_option('nowReadingOptions');
	$dateTimeFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
	if ($options['ignoreTime'])
		$dateTimeFormat = 'Y-m-d';

    switch ($action)
		// Edit Book.
        case 'editsingle':
			$id = intval($_GET['id']);
            $existing = get_book($id);
            $meta = get_book_meta($existing->id);
            $tags = join(get_book_tags($existing->id), ',');

            echo '
			<div class="wrap">
				<h2>' . __("Edit Book", NRTD) . '</h2>

				<form method="post" action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/now-reading-redux/admin/edit.php">

            if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
            if ( function_exists('wp_referer_field') )

            echo '
				<div class="book-image">
					<img style="float:left; margin-right: 10px;" id="book-image-0" alt="Book Cover" src="' . $existing->image . '" />

				<h3>' . __("Book", NRTD) . ' ' . $existing->id . ':<br /> <cite>' . $existing->title . '</cite><br /> by ' . $existing->author . '</h3>

				<table class="form-table" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">

				<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
				<input type="hidden" name="count" value="1" />
				<input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="' . $existing->id . '" />


			// Title.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="title-0">' . __("Title", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" class="main" id="title-0" name="title[]" value="' . $existing->title . '" />

			// Author.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="author-0">' . __("Author", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" class="main" id="author-0" name="author[]" value="' . $existing->author . '" />

			// ASIN.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
					<label for="asin-0">' . __("ASIN", NRTD) . '</label>
					<input type="text" class="main" id="asin-0" name="asin[]" value="' . $existing->asin . '" />

			// Status.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="status-0">' . __("Status", NRTD) . '</label>
						<select name="status[]" id="status-0">
				foreach ( (array) $nr_statuses as $status => $name ) {
					$selected = '';
					if ( $existing->status == $status )
						$selected = ' selected="selected"';

					echo '
									<option value="' . $status . '"' . $selected . '>' . $name . '</option>

				echo '

			// Visibility.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="visibility-0">' . __("Visibility", NRTD) . '</label>
						<select name="visibility[]" id="visibility-0">

					if ($existing->visibility)
						// Public.
						echo '
									<option value="0">Private</option>
									<option value="1" selected="selected">Public</option>
						// Private.
						echo '
									<option value="0" selected="selected">Private</option>
									<option value="1">Public</option>

				echo '

			// Added Date.
			if (!$options['hideAddedDate'])
				$added = ( nr_empty_date($existing->added) ) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($existing->added));
				echo '
					<tr class="form-field">
						<th valign="top" scope="row">
							<label for="added[]">' . __("Added", NRTD) . '</label>
							<input type="text" id="added-0" name="added[]" value="' . htmlentities($added, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '" />

			// Started Reading Date.
			$started = ( nr_empty_date($existing->started) ) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($existing->started));
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="started[]">' . __("Started", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" id="started-0" name="started[]" value="' . htmlentities($started, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '" />


			// Finished Reading Date.
			$finished = ( nr_empty_date($existing->finished) ) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($existing->finished));
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="finished[]">' . __("Finished", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" id="finished-0" name="finished[]" value="' . htmlentities($finished, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '" />


			// Image URL.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="image-0">' . __("Image", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" class="main" id="image-0" name="image[]" value="' . htmlentities($existing->image) . '" />


			// Tags.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="tags[]">' . __("Tags", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" name="tags[]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($tags, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '" /><br />
						<small>' . __("A comma-separated list of keywords that describe the book.", NRTD) . '</small>


			// Link to Post.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="posts[]">' . __("Link to post", NRTD) . '</label>
						<input type="text" name="posts[]" value="' . intval($existing->post) . '" /><br />
						<small>' . __("If you wish, you can link this book to a blog entry by entering that entry's ID here. The entry will be linked to from the book's library page.", NRTD) . '</small>

				// Post Option.
				echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="post_op">' . __("Post Option", NRTD) . '</label>
						<select name="post_op[]" id="post_op">
				$post_op_idx = 0;
				foreach ( (array) $nr_post_options as $post_op => $name ) {
					$selected = '';
					if ($existing->post_op == $post_op_idx)
						$selected = ' selected="selected"';

					echo '
									<option value="' . $post_op_idx . '"' . $selected . '>' . $name . '</option>
				echo '

				// Meta Data.
				echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						Meta Data
						<p><a href="#" onclick="addMeta(\'0\'); return false;">' . __("Add another field", NRTD) . ' +</a></p>
											<th scope="col">' . __("Key", NRTD) . ':</th>
											<th scope="col">' . __("Value", NRTD) . ':</th>
											<th scope="col"></th>
									<tbody id="book-meta-table-0" class="book-meta-table">
					foreach ( (array) $meta as $key => $val ) {
						$url = get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/now-reading-redux/admin/edit.php?action=deletemeta&id={$existing->id}&key=" . urlencode($key);
						if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_url') )
							$url = wp_nonce_url($url, 'now-reading-delete-meta_' . $existing->id . $key);

						echo '
													<td><textarea name="keys-0[]" class="key">' . htmlspecialchars($key, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</textarea></td>
													<td><textarea name="values-0[]" class="value">' . htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</textarea></td>
													<td><a href="' . $url . '">' . __("Delete", NRTD) . '</a></td>
					echo '
											<td><textarea name="keys-0[]" class="key"></textarea></td>
											<td><textarea name="values-0[]" class="value"></textarea></td>


			// Rating.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="rating[]"><label for="rating">' . __("Rating", NRTD) . '</label></label>
						<select name="rating[]" id="rating-' . $i . '" style="width:100px;">
							<option value="unrated">&nbsp;</option>
            for ($i = 10; $i >=1; $i--) {
                $selected = ($i == $existing->rating) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
                echo "
										<option value='$i'$selected>$i</option>";
            echo '

			// Review.
            echo '
				<tr class="form-field">
					<th valign="top" scope="row">
						<label for="review-0">' . __("Review", NRTD) . '</label>
						<textarea name="review[]" id="review-' . $i . '" cols="50" rows="10" style="width:97%;height:200px;">' . htmlentities($existing->review, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</textarea>
								<a accesskey="i" href="#" onclick="reviewBigger(\'' . $i . '\'); return false;">' . __("Increase size", NRTD) . ' (Alt + I)</a>
								<a accesskey="d" href="#" onclick="reviewSmaller(\'' . $i . '\'); return false;">' . __("Decrease size", NRTD) . ' (Alt + D)</a>


				<p class="submit">
					<input class="button" type="submit" value="' . __("Save", NRTD) . '" />




		// Book Manager.
			//depends on multiusermode (B. Spyckerelle)
			if ($options['multiuserMode']) {
				$count = total_books(0, 0, $userdata->ID); //counting only current users books
			} else {
				$count = total_books(0, 0); //counting all books

			if ( $count ) {
				if ( !empty($_GET['q']) )
					$search = '&search=' . urlencode($_GET['q']);
					$search = '';

				if ( empty($_GET['p']) )
					$page = 1;
					$page = intval($_GET['p']);

				if ( empty($_GET['o']) )
					$order = 'desc';
					$order = urlencode($_GET['o']);

				if ( empty($_GET['s']) )
					$orderby = 'started';
					$orderby = urlencode($_GET['s']);

				// Filter by Author.
				if (empty($_GET['author']))
					$author = '';
					$author = "&author=" . urlencode($_GET['author']);

				// Filter by Status.
				if (empty($_GET['status']))
					$status = '';
					$status = "&status=" . urlencode($_GET['status']);

				$perpage = $options['booksPerPage'];
				$offset = ($page * $perpage) - $perpage;
				$num = $perpage;
				$pageq = "&num=$num&offset=$offset";

				// Depends on multiuser mode.
				if ($options['multiuserMode']) {
					$reader = "&reader=".$userdata->ID;
				} else {
					$reader = '';

				$books = get_books("num=-1&status=all&orderby={$orderby}&order={$order}{$search}{$pageq}{$reader}{$author}{$status}");
				$count = count($books);

				$numpages = ceil(total_books(0, 0, $userdata->ID) / $perpage);

				$pages = '<span class="displaying-num">' . __("Pages", NRTD) . '</span>';

				if ( $page > 1 ) {
					$previous = $page - 1;
					$pages .= " <a class='page-numbers prev' href='{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$previous&s=$orderby&o=$order'>&laquo;</a>";

				for ( $i = 1; $i <= $numpages; $i++) {
					if ( $page == $i )
						$pages .= "<span class='page-numbers current'>$i</span>";
						$pages .= " <a class='page-numbers' href='{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$i&s=$orderby&o=$order'>$i</a>";

				if ( $numpages > $page ) {
					$next = $page + 1;
					$pages .= " <a class='page-numbers next' href='{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$next&s=$orderby&o=$order'>&raquo;</a>";

				echo '
				<div class="wrap">

					<h2>Now Reading Redux</h2>

						<form method="get" action="" onsubmit="location.href += \'&q=\' + document.getElementById(\'q\').value; return false;">
							<p class="search-box"><label class="hidden" for="q">' . __("Search Books", NRTD) . ':</label> <input type="text" name="q" id="q" value="' . htmlentities($_GET['q']) . '" /> <input class="button" type="submit" value="' . __('Search Books', NRTD) . '" /></p>

				if (!empty($_GET['q']) || !empty($_GET['author']) || !empty($_GET['status']))
					echo '
								<li><a href="' . $nr_url->urls['manage'] . '">' . __('Show all books', NRTD) . '</a></li>

				echo '
								<li><a href="' . library_url(0) . '">' . __('View library', NRTD) . '</a></li>

						<div class="tablenav">
							<div class="tablenav-pages">
								' . $pages . '

					<br style="clear:both;" />

					<form method="post" action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/now-reading-redux/admin/edit.php">

				if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
				if ( function_exists('wp_referer_field') )

				echo '
					<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
					<input type="hidden" name="count" value="' . $count . '" />

				$i = 0;

				if ( $order == 'desc' )
					$new_order = 'asc';
					$new_order = 'desc';

				$title_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$page&s=book&o=$new_order$author";
				$author_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$page&s=author&o=$new_order$author";
				$added_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$page&s=added&o=$new_order$author";
				$started_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$page&s=started&o=$new_order$author";
				$finished_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$page&s=finished&o=$new_order$author";
				$status_sort_link = "{$nr_url->urls['manage']}&p=$page&s=status&o=$new_order$author";

				echo '
					<table class="widefat post fixed" cellspacing="0">
								<th class="manage-column column-title"><a class="manage_books" href="'. $title_sort_link .'">Book</a></th>
								<th class="manage-column column-author"><a class="manage_books" href="'. $author_sort_link .'">Author</a></th>
								<th><a class="manage_books" href="'. $status_sort_link .'">Status</a></th>
								<th><a class="manage_books" href="'. $started_sort_link .'">Started</a></th>
								<th><a class="manage_books" href="'. $finished_sort_link .'">Finished</a></th>';

				if (!$options['hideAddedDate'])
					echo '
								<th><a class="manage_books" href="'. $added_sort_link .'">Added</a></th>';

				echo '

				foreach ((array)$books as $book)

					$meta = get_book_meta($book->id);
					$tags = join(get_book_tags($book->id), ',');

					$alt = ( $i % 2 == 0 ) ? ' alternate' : '';

					$delete = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/now-reading-redux/admin/edit.php?action=delete&id=' . $book->id;
					$delete = wp_nonce_url($delete, 'now-reading-delete-book_' .$book->id);

					echo '
						<tr class="manage-book' . $alt . '">

							<input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="' . $book->id . '" />
							<input type="hidden" name="title[]" value="' . $book->title . '" />
							<input type="hidden" name="author[]" value="' . $book->author . '" />

								<img style="max-width:100px;" id="book-image-' . $i . '" class="small" alt="' . __('Book Cover', NRTD) . '" src="' . $book->image . '" />

							<td class="post-title column-title">
								<strong>' . stripslashes($book->title) . '</strong>
								<div class="row-actions">
									<a href="' . book_permalink(0, $book->id) . '">' . __('View', NRTD) . '</a> |
										<a href="' . $nr_url->urls['manage'] . '&amp;action=editsingle&amp;id=' . $book->id . '">' . __('Edit', NRTD) . '</a> | <a href="' . $delete . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . __("Are you sure you wish to delete this book permanently?", NRTD) . '\')">' . __("Delete", NRTD) . '</a>

								<a href="' . $nr_url->urls['manage'] . '&amp;author=' . $book->author . '">' . $book->author . '</a>

								<a href="' . $nr_url->urls['manage'] . '&amp;status=' . $book->status . '">' . $book->status . '</a>

							' . ( ( nr_empty_date($book->started) ) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($book->started)) ) . '

							' .( ( nr_empty_date($book->finished) ) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($book->finished)) ) . '

						if (!$options['hideAddedDate'])
							echo '
							' . ( ( nr_empty_date($book->added) ) ? '' : date($dateTimeFormat, strtotime($book->added)) ) . '

					echo '



				echo '


			} else {
				echo '
				<div class="wrap">
					<h2>' . __("Manage Books", NRTD) . '</h2>
					<p>' . sprintf(__("No books to display. To add some books, head over <a href='%s'>here</a>.", NRTD), $nr_url->urls['add']) . '</p>

			echo '