Exemplo n.º 1
            $sort[$pid] = -getPuzzleTestPriority($pid);
        $availPuzzles = array_keys($sort);
        $availPuzzles = array_reverse($availPuzzles);
    displayQueue($uid, $availPuzzles, "notes summary numtesters", TRUE);
    $myteam = getUserTestTeamID($uid);
    if ($myteam == NULL) {
        echo "<h2>Puzzletron doesn't know your testsolve team at this time. Consult the testsolve team assignment spreadsheet manually for an ID to enter above. No puzzles listed.</h2>";
    } else {
        $myteamname = getTestTeamName($myteam);
        echo "<h2>Listing available puzzles to testsolve for team {$myteamname} </h2>";
        $teampuzzles = getTestTeamPuzzles($myteam);
        if (!$teampuzzles) {
            echo "This testsolving team has no puzzles assigned at this time.";
        } else {
            displayQueue($uid, $teampuzzles, "notes summary", TRUE);
        <br><h3>Currently Testing &mdash; (if you're done, please submit a report, even an empty one):</h3>
Exemplo n.º 2
        echo "<option value='{$tid}' ";
        if ($tid == $testteam) {
            echo "SELECTED ";
        echo ">{$teamname}\n";
    echo "</select><input type='submit' value='set' name='setPuzzleTestTeam'></form></td><tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
echo "<h2>Testsolve Team People Assignments</h2>";
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><th>Person</th><th>TestSolve Team</th></tr>\n";
$people = getPeopleTeamsList();
foreach ($people as $uid => $testteam) {
    $name = getUserName($uid);
    $teamid = getUserTestTeamID($uid);
    echo "<tr><td>{$name}</td>\n";
    echo "<td><form method='post' action='form-submit.php'>\n";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='uid' value='{$uid}'>\n";
    echo "<SELECT NAME='tid'>\n";
    if ($teamid == NULL) {
        echo "<option value=''>";
    $testteams = getTestTeams();
    foreach ($testteams as $t) {
        $tid = $t['tid'];
        $teamname = $t['name'];
        echo "<option value='{$tid}' ";
        if ($tid == $teamid) {
            echo "SELECTED ";