/** * Create a default home calendar for the user. * @param string $username The username of the user we are creating relationships for. */ function CreateHomeCalendar($username) { global $session, $c; if (!isset($c->home_calendar_name) || strlen($c->home_calendar_name) == 0) { return true; } $usr = getUserByName($username); $parent_path = "/" . $username . "/"; $calendar_path = $parent_path . $c->home_calendar_name . "/"; $dav_etag = md5($usr->user_no . $calendar_path); $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT 1 FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dav_name', array(':dav_name' => $calendar_path)); if ($qry->Exec()) { if ($qry->rows() > 0) { $c->messages[] = i18n("Home calendar already exists."); return true; } } else { $c->messages[] = i18n("There was an error writing to the database."); return false; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO collection (user_no, parent_container, dav_name, dav_etag, dav_displayname, is_calendar, created, modified, resourcetypes) '; $sql .= 'VALUES( :user_no, :parent_container, :calendar_path, :dav_etag, :displayname, true, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, :resourcetypes );'; $params = array(':user_no' => $usr->user_no, ':parent_container' => $parent_path, ':calendar_path' => $calendar_path, ':dav_etag' => $dav_etag, ':displayname' => $usr->fullname, ':resourcetypes' => '<DAV::collection/><urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar/>'); $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $params); if ($qry->Exec()) { $c->messages[] = i18n("Home calendar added."); dbg_error_log("User", ":Write: Created user's home calendar at '%s'", $calendar_path); } else { $c->messages[] = i18n("There was an error writing to the database."); return false; } return true; }
function validateCreateUser() { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $repeat = $_POST['repeat_password']; $email = $_POST['email']; $check = mysql_num_rows(getUserByName($username)); $err = false; $msg = 'Sign up failed.\\n'; if (strlen($username) < 4) { $err = true; $msg .= 'Username must be at least 4 characters long.\\n'; } if ($check > 0) { $err = true; $msg .= 'That username already exists.\\n'; } if (strlen($password) < 6) { $err = true; $msg .= 'Password must be at least 6 characters long.\\n'; } if (!($password === $repeat)) { $err = true; $msg .= 'Passwords must match.\\n'; } if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $err = true; $msg .= 'Email Invalid.\\n'; } if ($err) { return $msg; } }
/** * Check the username / password against the PAM system */ function SQUID_PAM_check($username, $password) { global $c; /** * @todo Think of the children! This is a horribly insecure use of unvalidated user input! Probably it should be done with a popen or something, and it seems remarkably dodgy to expect that naively quoted strings will work in any way reliably. * Meanwhile, I've quickly hacked something basic in place to improve the situation. No quotes/backslashes in passwords for YOU! */ $username = str_replace("'", "", str_replace('"', "", str_replace('\\', "", $username))); $password = str_replace("'", "", str_replace('"', "", str_replace('\\', "", $password))); $cmd = "echo '" . $username . "' '" . $password . "' | " . $c->authenticate_hook['config']['script'] . " -n common-auth"; $auth_result = exec($cmd); if ($auth_result == "OK") { if ($usr = getUserByName($username)) { return $usr; } else { dbg_error_log("PAM", "user %s doesn't exist in local DB, we need to create it", $username); $fullname = exec('getent passwd "' . $username . '"'); $fullname = preg_replace('{^[^:]+:[^:]+:\\d+:\\d+:([^:,]+)(,?[^:]*):.*$}', '$1', $fullname); $usr = (object) array('user_no' => 0, 'username' => $username, 'active' => 't', 'email' => $username . "@" . $c->authenticate_hook['config']['email_base'], 'updated' => date(), 'fullname' => $fullname); UpdateUserFromExternal($usr); return $usr; } } else { dbg_error_log("PAM", "User %s is not a valid username (or password was wrong)", $username); return false; } }
function checkUserPwd($user, $pwd) { global $key_pwd; if (!($u = getUserByName($user))) { $u = getUserByEmail($user); } if (dc_decrypt($u->password, $key_pwd) == $pwd) { return $u; } else { return false; } }
public function __construct($username) { $result = getUserByName($username); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); if (count === 1) { // user exists $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $this->userId = $row[0]; $this->username = $row[1]; $this->email = $row[2]; $this->houseId = $row[5]; } else { throw new Exception('Username not found.'); } }
/** * Constructor * @param mixed $parameters If null, an empty Principal is created. If it * is an integer then that ID is read (if possible). If it is * an array then the Principal matching the supplied elements * is read. If it is an object then it is expected to be a 'usr' * record that was read elsewhere. * * @return boolean Whether we actually read data from the DB to initialise the record. */ function __construct($parameters = null) { global $session, $c; $this->exists = null; $this->url = null; if ($parameters == null) { return false; } $this->by_email = false; if (is_object($parameters)) { dbg_error_log('principal', 'Principal: record for %s', $parameters->username); $usr = $parameters; } else { if (is_int($parameters)) { dbg_error_log('principal', 'Principal: %d', $parameters); $usr = getUserByID($parameters); $this->user_no = $parameters['user_no']; } else { if (is_array($parameters)) { if (!isset($parameters['options']['allow_by_email'])) { $parameters['options']['allow_by_email'] = false; } if (isset($parameters['username'])) { $usr = getUserByName($parameters['username']); $this->username = $parameters['username']; } else { if (isset($parameters['user_no'])) { $usr = getUserByID($parameters['user_no']); $this->user_no = $parameters['user_no']; } else { if (isset($parameters['email']) && $parameters['options']['allow_by_email']) { if ($username = $this->UsernameFromEMail($parameters['email'])) { $usr = getUserByName($username); $this->username = $username; } } else { if (isset($parameters['path'])) { dbg_error_log('principal', 'Finding Principal from path: "%s", options.allow_by_email: "%s"', $parameters['path'], $parameters['options']['allow_by_email']); if ($username = $this->UsernameFromPath($parameters['path'], $parameters['options'])) { $usr = getUserByName($username); $this->username = $username; } } else { if (isset($parameters['principal-property-search'])) { $usr = $this->PropertySearch($parameters['principal-property-search']); } } } } } } } } if (!isset($usr) || !is_object($usr)) { $this->exists = false; return false; } $this->exists = true; $this->InitialiseRecord($usr); if (is_array($parameters) && !isset($parameters['username']) && !isset($parameters['user_no']) && isset($parameters['path']) && preg_match('{^/(~|principals/)}', $parameters['path'])) { // Force it to match $this->url = $parameters['path']; $this->dav_name = $parameters['path']; } }
unset($user["password"]); $result->status = true; $result->data = $user; } else { $result->message = "invalid_key"; } } else { $result->message = "sketcy"; } echo json_encode($result); }); $app->get("/user/:username", function ($username) { global $app; $result = new stdClass(); $result->status = false; $user = getUserByName($username); if ($user) { unset($user["password"]); $result->status = true; $result->data = $user; } echo json_encode($result); }); $app->get("/email/:email", function ($email) { global $app; $result = new stdClass(); $result->status = false; $user = getUserByEmail($email); if ($user) { unset($user["password"]); $result->status = true;
function addUser($user) { $db = connectDB(); //Ajout de l'user dans la table USER $sql = 'INSERT INTO mif22_user (username_user, password_user, type_user) VALUES ("' . $user->getUsername() . '", "' . $user->getPass() . '",' . $user->getType() . ');'; mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL ! : ' . mysql_error()); mysql_close($db); if ($user->getType() != 0) { //Si ce n'est pas un enseignant //Selection de l'id du dernier user $user = getUserByName($user->getUsername()); $db = connectDB(); //Initialisation des niveaux du joueur $sql = 'INSERT INTO mif22_levelUserExercice (`id_user`, `id_exercice`, `level`) VALUES (' . $user->getId() . ', 1, 0), (' . $user->getId() . ', 21, 1), (' . $user->getId() . ', 22, 1), (' . $user->getId() . ', 23, 1), (' . $user->getId() . ', 24, 1), (' . $user->getId() . ', 31, 1), (' . $user->getId() . ', 32, 1), (' . $user->getId() . ', 33, 1);'; echo $sql; mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL la ! : ' . mysql_error()); $sql = 'INSERT INTO mif22_noteFausseExoSol (`id_user`,`do`,`re`,`mi`,`fa`,`sol`,`la`,`si`) VALUES (' . $user->getId() . ', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);'; mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL la ! : ' . mysql_error()); $sql = 'INSERT INTO mif22_noteFausseExoFa (`id_user`,`do`,`re`,`mi`,`fa`,`sol`,`la`,`si`) VALUES (' . $user->getId() . ', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);'; mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL la ! : ' . mysql_error()); mysql_close($db); } }
<?php require_once "query/message.php"; $DOJSS = $_COOKIE['DOJSS']; $user = checkDOJSS($DOJSS); if ($user) { $offset = $limit = ''; $list = $la = []; if (isset($_GET['pid'])) { $pid = (int) $_GET['pid']; $la[] = "`pid` = {$pid}"; } if (isset($_GET['uname'])) { $uid = getUserByName($_GET['uname']); if ($uid) { $uid = $uid->id; } else { $uid = 0; } $la[] = "`uid` = {$uid}"; } if ($la) { $limit = "WHERE " . join(" AND ", $la); } if (isset($_GET['offset'])) { $offset = "OFFSET " . (int) $_GET['offset']; } $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `submit` {$limit} ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 50 {$offset}"); while ($r = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { unset($r->code); $r->uname = getUserByID($r->uid)->name;
<?php require 'dbadapter.php'; require 'validate.php'; if (isset($_POST['username'])) { $error = validateUserLogin(); if (!$error) { // validation successful $username = $_POST['username']; $result = getUserByName($username); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($count === 1) { // user exists $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); if (password_verify($_POST['password'], $row[3])) { // password verified userActive($username); // switch active on for user $username session_regenerate_id(); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; session_write_close(); $message = "Welcome {$username}"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('{$message}'); window.location.href = 'http://localhost/mates/home.php';</script>"; } else { // wrong password $message = "Sorry, the password did not match, please try again."; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('{$message}');</script>"; } } else { // no user of that username $message = "That username does not exist. Please try again or sign up.";
/** * CheckPassword does all of the password checking and * returns a user record object, or false if it all ends in tears. */ function CheckPassword($username, $password) { global $c; if (isset($c->authenticate_hook) && isset($c->authenticate_hook['call']) && function_exists($c->authenticate_hook['call'])) { /** * The authenticate hook needs to: * - Accept a username / password * - Confirm the username / password are correct * - Create (or update) a 'usr' record in our database * - Return the 'usr' record as an object * - Return === false when authentication fails * * It can expect that: * - Configuration data will be in $c->authenticate_hook['config'], which might be an array, or whatever is needed. */ $hook_response = call_user_func($c->authenticate_hook['call'], $username, $password); /** * make the authentication hook optional: if the flag is set, ignore a return value of 'false' */ if (isset($c->authenticate_hook['optional']) && $c->authenticate_hook['optional']) { if ($hook_response !== false) { return $hook_response; } } else { return $hook_response; } } if ($usr = getUserByName($username)) { dbg_error_log("BasicAuth", ":CheckPassword: Name:%s, Pass:%s, File:%s, Active:%s", $username, $password, $usr->password, $usr->active ? 'Yes' : 'No'); if ($usr->active && session_validate_password($password, $usr->password)) { return $usr; } } return false; }
<?php require 'auth.php'; require 'dbadapter.php'; // fetch house info for logged in user $userRow = mysql_fetch_row(getUserByName($username)); $userHouseId = $userRow[5]; $houseRow = mysql_fetch_row(getHouseById($userHouseId)); //house details $houseName = $houseRow[1]; $houseRent = $houseRow[3]; $houseSqft = $houseRow[4]; include_once 'header.php'; ?> <h2>House View</h2> <p>You live in your house, <?php echo $houseName; ?> </p> <?php if ($houseSqft) { echo "<p>Your house is {$houseSqft} sq. ft. in size</p>"; } ?> <p>Your rent is <?php echo $houseRent; ?> </p> <a href="http://localhost/mates/home.php">Home</a> <?php include_once 'footer.php';
<?php require_once 'query/message.php'; $msg = $_POST; if (isset($msg['user'])) { $user = $msg['user']; } if (isset($msg['password'])) { $pwd = $msg['password']; } $rem = isset($msg['remember']); if (getUserByName($user) || getUserByEmail($user)) { if ($r = checkUserPwd($user, $pwd)) { if ($rem) { $time = time() + 3600 * 24 * 365; } else { $time = 0; } setcookie("DOJSS", DOJSS($r->id, $r->password), $time); header("Location:/"); } else { $error = $err['wrongPwd']; } } else { $error = $err['noUser']; } require_once 'template/login.php';
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <?php include './common/meta.php'; ?> <title>写纸条</title> </head> <body> <?php $MSG_TEXT_LIST = array('0' => '消息发送成功!', '1' => '消息内容不能为空!', '2' => '用户名输入错误!', '3' => '用户名不能为空', '10' => '数据库连接错误!'); $doc_title = '写纸条'; $user = $common['user']; if ($_POST) { $username = trim($_POST['username']); $content = trim($_POST['content']); $target = getUserByName($username, $con); $msg_code = -1; if ($username == '') { $msg_code = 3; } else { if ($content == '') { $msg_code = 1; } else { if ($target && $target['userid'] != $user['userid']) { $sql = "insert into message (toid, authorid, content, dateline) values(" . $target['userid'] . "," . $user['userid'] . ", '" . $content . "'," . time() . ");"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if ($result) { $msg_code = 0; } else { $msg_code = 10; }
} } else { // Sinon affiche une erreur $error = '<span id="helpBlock" class="help-block">Some field are empty.</span>'; } } // Si le formulaire de connexion est envoyé if (isset($_REQUEST["btnSubmit"])) { // Initialisation $UserName = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'UserName', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $UserPassword = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'UserPassword', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); // Si le login est juste if (CheckLogin($UserName, $UserPassword)) { // Initialise une variable dans $_SESSION à true $_SESSION['user_logged'] = $UserName; $_SESSION["user"] = getUserByName($UserName); // Redirige vers l'index header('Location: index.php'); } else { $error = '<span id="helpBlock" class="help-block">The login has failed.</span>'; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="author" content="">
<?php ob_start(); session_start(); require_once '../db/database.php'; spl_autoload_register('loadClass'); unset($_SESSION['loginError']); unset($_SESSION['creationSuccess']); //CONNEXION if (isset($_POST['user_login']) && isset($_POST['user_pass'])) { $resConnect = checkUserConnexion($_POST['user_login'], $_POST['user_pass']); if ($resConnect == 1) { $user = getUserByName($_POST['user_login']); $_SESSION['user'] = serialize($user); $_SESSION['username'] = $user->getUsername(); if ($user->getType() == 0) { header('Location: ../part/panelEnseignant.php'); } else { header('Location: ../part/main.php'); } } else { if ($resConnect == -2) { $_SESSION['loginError'] = "Nom d'utilisateur inconnu"; } else { if ($resConnect == -1) { $_SESSION['loginError'] = "Mauvais mot de passe"; } } $_SESSION['username'] = '******'; header('Location: ../part/accueil.php'); }
/** * Defunct function for creating default relationships. * @param string $username The username of the user we are creating relationships for. */ function CreateDefaultRelationships($username) { global $c; if (!isset($c->default_relationships) || count($c->default_relationships) == 0) { return true; } $changes = false; foreach ($c->default_relationships as $group => $relationships) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO grants (by_principal, to_principal, privileges) VALUES(:by_principal, :to_principal, :privileges::INT::BIT(24))'; $params = array(':by_principal' => getUserByName($username)->principal_id, ':to_principal' => $group, ':privileges' => privilege_to_bits($relationships)); $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $params); if ($qry->Exec()) { $changes = true; dbg_error_log("User", ":Write: Created user's default relationship by:'%s', to:'%s', privileges:'%s'", $params[':by_principal'], $params[':to_principal'], $params[':privileges']); } else { $c->messages[] = i18n("There was an error writing to the database."); return false; } } if ($changes) { $c->messages[] = i18n("Default relationships added."); } return true; }
/** * Work out the user whose calendar we are accessing, based on elements of the path. */ function UserFromPath() { global $session; $this->user_no = $session->user_no; $this->username = $session->username; $this->principal_id = $session->principal_id; @dbg_error_log("WARN", "Call to deprecated CalDAVRequest::UserFromPath()"); if ($this->path == '/' || $this->path == '') { dbg_error_log("caldav", "No useful path split possible"); return false; } $path_split = explode('/', $this->path); $this->username = $path_split[1]; if ($this->username == 'principals') { $this->username = $path_split[3]; } @dbg_error_log("caldav", "Path split into at least /// %s /// %s /// %s", $path_split[1], $path_split[2], $path_split[3]); if (isset($this->options['allow_by_email']) && preg_match('#/(\\S+@\\S+[.]\\S+)/?$#', $this->path, $matches)) { $this->by_email = $matches[1]; $qry = new AwlQuery("SELECT user_no, principal_id, username FROM usr JOIN principal USING (user_no) WHERE email = :email", array(':email' => $this->by_email)); if ($qry->Exec('caldav', __LINE__, __FILE__) && ($user = $qry->Fetch())) { $this->user_no = $user->user_no; $this->username = $user->username; $this->principal_id = $user->principal_id; } } elseif ($user = getUserByName($this->username, 'caldav', __LINE__, __FILE__)) { $this->principal = $user; $this->user_no = $user->user_no; $this->principal_id = $user->principal_id; } }
/** * Check the username / password against the LDAP server */ function LDAP_check($username, $password) { global $c; $ldapDriver = getStaticLdap(); if (!$ldapDriver->valid) { dbg_error_log("ERROR", "Couldn't contact LDAP server for authentication"); return false; } $mapping = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['mapping_field']; $attributes = array_values($mapping); /** * If the config contains a filter that starts with a ( then believe * them and don't modify it, otherwise wrap the filter. */ $filter_munge = ""; if (preg_match('/^\\(/', $ldapDriver->filterUsers)) { $filter_munge = $ldapDriver->filterUsers; } else { if (isset($ldapDriver->filterUsers) && $ldapDriver->filterUsers != '') { $filter_munge = "({$ldapDriver->filterUsers})"; } } $filter = "(&{$filter_munge}(" . $mapping["username"] . "={$username}))"; $valid = $ldapDriver->requestUser($filter, $attributes, $username, $password); // is a valid user or not if (!$valid) { dbg_error_log("LDAP", "user %s is not a valid user", $username); return false; } $ldap_timestamp = $valid[$mapping["updated"]]; /** * This splits the LDAP timestamp apart and assigns values to $Y $m $d $H $M and $S */ foreach ($c->authenticate_hook['config']['format_updated'] as $k => $v) { ${$k} = substr($ldap_timestamp, $v[0], $v[1]); } $ldap_timestamp = "{$Y}" . "{$m}" . "{$d}" . "{$H}" . "{$M}" . "{$S}"; $valid[$mapping["updated"]] = "{$Y}-{$m}-{$d} {$H}:{$M}:{$S}"; if ($usr = getUserByName($username)) { // should we update it ? $db_timestamp = $usr->updated; $db_timestamp = substr(strtr($db_timestamp, array(':' => '', ' ' => '', '-' => '')), 0, 14); if ($ldap_timestamp <= $db_timestamp) { return $usr; // no need to update } // we will need to update the user record } else { dbg_error_log("LDAP", "user %s doesn't exist in local DB, we need to create it", $username); $usr = (object) array('user_no' => 0); } // The local cached user doesn't exist, or is older, so we create/update their details sync_user_from_LDAP($usr, $mapping, $valid); return $usr; }
/** * Check the username / password against the PAM system */ function PWAUTH_PAM_check($username, $password) { global $c; $program = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['path']; $email_base = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['email_base']; $pipe = popen(escapeshellarg($program), 'w'); $authinfo = sprintf("%s\n%s\n", $username, $password); $written = fwrite($pipe, $authinfo); dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'Bytes written: %d of %d', $written, strlen($authinfo)); $return_status = pclose($pipe); switch ($return_status) { case 0: // STATUS_OK: Authentication succeeded. dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'User %s successfully authenticated', $username); if ($user = getUserByName($username)) { return $user; } else { dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'User %s does not exist in local db, creating', $username); $fullname = exec(sprintf('getent passwd %s', escapeshellarg($username))); $fullname = preg_replace('{^[^:]+:[^:]+:\\d+:\\d+:([^:,]+)(,[^:]*):.*$}', '$1', $fullname); $user = (object) array('user_no' => 0, 'username' => $username, 'active' => 't', 'email' => sprintf('%s@%s', $username, $email_base), 'updated' => date('%r'), 'fullname' => $fullname); UpdateUserFromExternal($user); return $user; } break; /* * Note that for system configurations using PAM instead of * reading the password database directly, if PAM is unable to * read the password database, pwauth will return status 1. */ /* * Note that for system configurations using PAM instead of * reading the password database directly, if PAM is unable to * read the password database, pwauth will return status 1. */ case 1: case 2: // (1) STATUS_UNKNOWN: Invalid username or password. // (2) STATUS_INVALID: Invalid password. dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'Invalid username or password (username: %s)', $username); break; case 3: // STATUS_BLOCKED: UID for username is < pwauth's MIN_UNIX_UID dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'UID for username %s is < pwauth MIN_UNIX_UID', $username); break; case 4: // STATUS_EXPIRED: The user account has expired. dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'The account for %s has expired', $username); break; case 5: // STATUS_PW_EXPIRED: The user account's password has expired. dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'The account password for user %s has expired', $username); break; case 6: // STATUS_NOLOGIN: Logins to the system are administratively disabled. dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'Logins administratively disabled (%s)', $username); break; case 7: // STATUS_MANYFAILS: Too many login failures for user account. dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'Login rejected for %s, too many failures', $username); break; case 50: // STATUS_INT_USER: Configuration error, Web server cannot use pwauth dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'config error: see pwauth man page (%s)', 'STATUS_INT_USER'); break; case 51: // STATUS_INT_ARGS: pwauth received no username/passwd to check dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'error: pwauth received no username/password'); break; case 52: // STATUS_INT_ERR: unknown error dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'error: see pwauth man page (%s)', 'STATUS_INT_ERR'); break; case 53: // STATUS_INT_NOROOT: pwauth could not read the password database dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'config error: cannot read password database (%s)', 'STATUS_INT_NOROOT'); default: // Unknown error code. dbg_error_log('pwauth', 'An unknown error (%d) has occurred', $return_status); } return FALSE; }
function formularioUsuarios() { $html = <<<EOS \t\t\t<form action="" method="POST" id="formbuscausu"> \t\t\t<label>Nombre de usuario:</label><input id="text" type="text" name="cadena"> \t\t\t<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Buscar" /><!-- boton de enviar --> \t\t\t</form> EOS; echo $html; $me = getUserByName($_SESSION["usuario"]); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $usuarios = buscarUsuario($_POST['cadena']); echo '<table id="tabla-contenido">'; if ($usuarios != NULL) { //$me = getUserByName($_SESSION["usuario"]); foreach ($usuarios as $usuario) { $nick = $usuario["username"]; $id = $usuario["id_user"]; echo '<tr>'; if (!isFriendDB($me["id_user"], $id)) { echo '<td><a href="perfil.php?id=' . $id . '">' . $nick . '</a></td><td><a href="add-friend.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="' . RAIZ_APP . 'img/add_friend.png" /></a></td>'; } else { echo '<td><a href="delete-friend.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="' . RAIZ_APP . 'img/delete_friend.png" /></a></td>'; } echo '</tr>'; if (isset($_SESSION["rol"]) && $_SESSION["rol"] > 1) { echo '<td><a href="modify-rol.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="' . RAIZ_APP . 'img/rol_admin.png" /></a></td></tr>'; } } echo '</table>'; } else { echo '<div class="info"><ul><li>No se han encontrado usuarios.</li></ul></div>'; } } else { $usuarios = buscarUsuario(""); echo '<table id="tabla-contenido">'; foreach ($usuarios as $usuario) { $nick = $usuario["username"]; $id = $usuario["id_user"]; echo '<tr><td><a href="perfil.php?id=' . $id . '">' . $nick . '</a></td>'; if (!isFriendDB($me["id_user"], $id)) { echo '<td><a href="add-friend.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="' . RAIZ_APP . 'img/add_friend.png" /></a></td><td></td>'; } else { echo '<td></td><td><a href="delete-friend.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="' . RAIZ_APP . 'img/delete_friend.png" /></a></td>'; } if (isset($_SESSION["rol"]) && $_SESSION["rol"] > 1) { echo '<td><a href="modify-rol.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="' . RAIZ_APP . 'img/rol_admin.png" /></a></td></tr>'; echo '</tr>'; } } echo '</table>'; } }
$comments = dameCommentsMercha($content["id_merchandising"]); if ($comments != NULL) { foreach ($comments as $comment) { ?> <div id = "detalle-comentario"> <a href="perfil.php?id=<?php echo $comment["id_user"]; ?> "><?php echo getUser($comment["id_user"])["username"]; ?> </a> el <?php echo $comment["fecha"]; ?> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['rol']) && (isset($_SESSION["rol"]) && $_SESSION["rol"] > 1 || getUserByName($_SESSION["usuario"]) == $comment["id_user"])) { ?> <a class="options-comment" href="delete-comment.php?id=<?php echo $comment["id_comment"]; ?> "> Eliminar </a> <?php } ?> <p><?php echo $comment["texto"]; ?> </p> </div> <?php
<?php require_once "query/message.php"; $DOJSS = $_COOKIE['DOJSS']; $name = safe($_POST['name']); $pwd = safe($_POST['password']); $user = checkDOJSS($DOJSS); if (!checkName($name)) { send(1, $err['invalidName']); } if ($user) { if ($user->name == $name) { send(2, $warning['sameMsg']); } if ($u = getUserByName($name)) { if ($u->id != $user->id) { send(1, $err['sameName']); } } if (dc_decrypt($user->password, $key_pwd) != $pwd) { send(1, $err['wrongPwd']); } $uid = $user->id; mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET \n\t\t\t`name` = '{$name}'\n\t\tWHERE `id` = {$uid} "); if (mysql_affected_rows()) { send(0, $tip['changedName'], "\$('#myName').html('{$name}');"); } else { send(1, $err['notSaved']); } } else { send(1, $err['wrongDOJSS']);
require_once 'query/message.php'; $msg = $_POST; $name = $msg['name']; $password = $msg['password']; $mail = $msg['email']; $key = $msg['key']; if (!checkName($name)) { $error = $err['invalidName']; } else { if (!checkPwd($password)) { $error = $err['invalidPwd']; } else { if (!checkEmail($mail)) { $error = $err['wrongEmailFormat']; } else { if (getUserByName($name)) { $error = $err['sameName']; } else { if (getUserByEmail($mail)) { $error = $err['sameEmail']; } } } } } $kmail = checkKey($key); if ($kmail == $mail . '&') { $admin = 1; } else { if ($kmail == $mail) { $admin = 0;