Exemplo n.º 1
function sendOrder($vars, $responsetype)
    global $db;
    $ar = json_decode($vars['Data']['Data'], true, 5);
    if (empty($ar) || !isset($ar['PONumber']) || !isset($ar['Status']) || empty($ar['Items']) && empty($ar['Units'])) {
        RestLog("16521 - Insufficient data provided for creating order \n" . print_r($vars, true) . "\n");
        RestUtils::sendResponse(400, "16521 - Insufficient data provided");
        //Internal Server Error
        return false;
    //08.21.2015 ghh -  before we get started we need to see if the current dealer
    //already has a PO in the system matching what they are now sending.  If so we're
    //going to be updating it if its pending or if it hasn't been pulled by the primary
    //vendor system yet.
    $query = "select POID, Status from PurchaseOrders where PONumber='{$ar['PONumber']}' and\n\t\t\t\tDealerID={$vars['DealerID']}";
    if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
        RestLog("Error 16522 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
        RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16522 - There was a problem attempting to locate the PO");
        //Internal Server Error
        return false;
    //if we have no purchase order at all then we're going to be inserting a new one
    if ($db->sql_numrows($result) == 0) {
        $shiptofields = '';
        $shiptovals = '';
        if ($ar['ShipToAddress1'] != '') {
            $shiptofields = "ShipToFirstName, ShipToLastName, ShipToCompany,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tShipToAddress1, ShipToAddress2, ShipToCity, ShipToState,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tShipToZip, ShipToCountry, ShipToPhone, ShipToEmail,";
            if ($ar['ShipToFirstName'] == '') {
                $shiptovals = "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals = "'{$ar['ShipToFirstName']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToLastName'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToLastName']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToCompany'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToCompany']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToAddress1'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToAddress1']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToAddress2'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToAddress2']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToCity'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToCity']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToState'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToState']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToZip'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToZip']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToCountry'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToCountry']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToPhone'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToPhone']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToEmail'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "'',";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipToEmail']}',";
            if ($ar['PaymentMethod'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "1,";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['PaymentMethod']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipMethod'] == '') {
                $shiptovals .= "1,";
            } else {
                $shiptovals .= "'{$ar['ShipMethod']}',";
        $query = "insert into PurchaseOrders (Status, DealerID, BSVKeyID, PONumber,\n\t\t\t\tDateCreated, {$shiptofields} LastFour,OrderType) values \n\t\t\t\t( {$ar['Status']}, {$vars['DealerID']}, {$vars['BSVKeyID']}, '{$ar['PONumber']}', now(),\n\t\t\t\t{$shiptovals} '{$ar['LastFour']}',{$ar['OrderType']} )\n\t\t\t\t";
    } else {
        //if we do have a purchase order we need to determine if its ok to update it or not
        //and return error if its not.
        $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
        $poid = $row['POID'];
        //08.21.2015 ghh -  if the status is greater than 2 it means the supplier has already
        //started pulling the order and we can no longer update it.  In this case we're going
        //to die and return error
        if ($row['Status'] > 2) {
            RestLog("Purchase has already been pulled by supplier {$ar['PONumber']}\n");
            RestUtils::sendResponse(409, "Order has already been pulled by supplier");
            //Internal Server Error
            return false;
        //if we reach here then it must be ok to update the purchase order data so will build the
        //query here
        $query = "update PurchaseOrders set ";
        if ($ar['ShipToAddress1'] != '') {
            if ($ar['ShipToFirstName'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToFirstName='{$ar['ShipToFirstName']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToLastName'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToLastName='{$ar['ShipToLastName']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToCompany'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToCompany='{$ar['ShipToCompany']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToAddress1'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToAddress1='{$ar['ShipToAddress1']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToAddress2'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToAddress2='{$ar['ShipToAddress2']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToCity'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToCity='{$ar['ShipToCity']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToState'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToState='{$ar['ShipToState']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToZip'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToZip='{$ar['ShipToZip']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToCountry'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToCountry='{$ar['ShipToCountry']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToPhone'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToPhone='{$ar['ShipToPhone']}',";
            if ($ar['ShipToEmail'] != '') {
                $query1 .= "ShipToEmail='{$ar['ShipToEmail']}',";
        if ($ar['PaymentMethod'] != '') {
            $query1 .= "PaymentMethod={$ar['PaymentMethod']},";
        if ($ar['LastFour'] != '') {
            $query1 .= "LastFour='{$ar['LastFour']}',";
        if ($ar['ShipMethod'] != '') {
            $query1 .= "ShipMethod='{$ar['ShipMethod']}',";
        //if we are actually updating the PO then we're also going ot update the
        if ($query1 != '') {
            $query1 .= " DateLastModified=now() ";
            $query .= "{$query1} where DealerID={$vars['DealerID']} and PONumber='{$ar['PONumber']}'";
        } else {
            $query = '';
    //08.21.2015 ghh -  now we execute either of the two queries above to update or insert
    //the purchase order itself.
    if ($query != '') {
        if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16523 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16523 - There was a problem attempting to insert/update the PO");
            return false;
    //if we don't already have a poid then we must have done an insert so we'll grab it now
    if (!$poid > 0) {
        $poid = $db->sql_nextid($result);
    //now that the purchase order has been updated we'll next start taking a look
    //at the items and units arrays
    //08.21.2015 rch -  we need to loop through each item that is passed in and evaluate whether or not
    //we are inserting the po or updating the po
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($ar['Items'] as $value => $key) {
        //08.21.2015 rch -  first we need to see if the item is already on the order
        $query = "select POItemID, Quantity \n\t\t\t\t\tfrom PurchaseOrderItems\n\t\t\t\t\twhere POID='{$poid}' and ItemNumber = '{$key['ItemNumber']}'\n\t\t\t\t\tand VendorID = '{$key['VendorID']}'";
        if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16524 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16524 - There was an error locating purchase order items");
            return false;
        //08.21.2015 rch -  we want to make sure that we have a partnumber and vendorid
        //before attempting to insert.
        if ($key['ItemNumber'] != '' && $key['VendorID'] != '') {
            //08.21.2015 ghh -  before we bother inserting the item we're going to first grab some
            //details from items so we can build up our response.
            $query = "select ItemID, NLA, CloseOut, PriceCode, Category, SupersessionID, \n\t\t\t\t\tMSRP, Cost\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom\n\t\t\t\t\tItems where ItemNumber='{$key['ItemNumber']}' and VendorID={$key['VendorID']}";
            if (!($itemresult = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                RestLog("Error 16526 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16526 - There was an error locating the order item");
                return false;
            $itemrow = $db->sql_fetchrow($itemresult);
            if ($db->sql_numrows($itemresult) == 0) {
                RestLog("Error 16545 The ItemNumber or VendorID you sent are not valid");
                RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16545 - The Item Number or VendorID passed are invalid");
                return false;
            //now lets see if we can calculate the cost for the current dealer
            $cost = getItemCost($itemrow['ItemID'], $vars['DealerID'], $itemrow['PriceCode'], $itemrow['Cost'], $itemrow['MSRP']);
        } else {
            RestLog("{$row['PONumber']} is missing a vendor id\n");
            RestUtils::sendResponse(409, "{$key['ItemNumber']} is missing a vendor id");
            return false;
        //08.21.2015 rch -  if we enter here,the partnumber does not exist on the po
        if ($db->sql_numrows($result) == 0) {
            //08.21.2015 ghh -  make sure the non required fields have a value
            if ($key['FillStatus'] == '') {
                $key['FillStatus'] = 0;
            if ($key['OrderType'] == '') {
                $key['OrderType'] = 2;
            $query = "insert into PurchaseOrderItems (POItemID,POID,ItemNumber,Quantity,\n\t\t\t\t\t FillStatus,ItemID,VendorID) values ( '','{$poid}','{$key['ItemNumber']}',{$key['Qty']},\n\t\t\t\t\t {$key['FillStatus']},{$itemrow['ItemID']}, {$key['VendorID']})";
        } else {
            //08.21.2015 rch -  if we enter here,the item is already in the table and just needs to be
            $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
            //08.21.2015 rch -  here we are updating the purchase order items table
            $query = "update PurchaseOrderItems set ";
            if ($key['Qty'] != '') {
                $query1 = "Quantity={$key['Qty']}";
            if ($query1 != '') {
                $query .= "{$query1} where POItemID={$row['POItemID']}";
            } else {
                $query = '';
        //08.21.2015 rch -  now we need to execute the query
        if ($query != '') {
            if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                RestLog("Error 16525 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16525 - There was a problem attempting to insert/update the PO");
                //Internal Server Error
                return false;
            //08.24.2015 ghh - update the PO with the current time for last modified date
            $query = "update PurchaseOrders set DateLastModified=now() where POID = {$poid}";
            if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                RestLog("Error 16548 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16548 - There was a problem updating the last modified date");
                //Internal Server Error
                return false;
        //08.21.2015 ghh -  now we need to figure out what our current inventory is
        //minus any items already on orders so that we pass back a fairly reasonable
        //backorder response
        $query = "select (ifnull(sum(p1.Quantity), 0) - ifnull(sum(p2.QtyShipped),0)) as qty  \n\t\t\t\t\tfrom PurchaseOrderItems p1 \n\t\t\t\t\tleft outer join PurchaseOrderShipped p2 on p1.POItemID=p2.POItemID \n\t\t\t\t\twhere ItemID={$itemrow['ItemID']}";
        if (!($qtyresult = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16529 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16529 - There was an error getting total on order");
            return false;
        $qtyrow = $db->sql_fetchrow($qtyresult);
        $qtyonorder = $qtyrow['qty'];
        $query = "select sum( Qty ) as Qty from ItemStock where ItemID={$itemrow['ItemID']}";
        if (!($qtyresult = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16530 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16530 - There was an error getting total stock qty");
            return false;
        $qtyrow = $db->sql_fetchrow($qtyresult);
        $qtyinstock = $qtyrow['Qty'];
        //08.21.2015 ghh -  now we have all of our return information and have updated or
        //inserted into the items list for the purchase order so we only need to build our
        //response now.
        $items[$i]['VendorID'] = $key['VendorID'];
        $items[$i]['ItemNumber'] = $key['ItemNumber'];
        $items[$i]['Superseded'] = $itemrow['SupersessionID'];
        $items[$i]['NLA'] = $itemrow['NLA'];
        $items[$i]['Closeout'] = $itemrow['CloseOut'];
        $items[$i]['MSRP'] = $itemrow['MSRP'];
        $items[$i]['Cost'] = $cost;
        if ($qtyinstock - $qtyonorder < 0) {
            $items[$i]['BackorderQty'] = abs($qtyinstock - $qtyonorder);
        } else {
            $items[$i]['BackorderQty'] = 0;
    $rst['PONumber'] = $ar['PONumber'];
    $rst['InternalID'] = $poid;
    $rst['DealerKey'] = $vars['DealerKey'];
    $rst['Items'] = $items;
    //08.25.2015 ghh -  this section deals with unit purchase orders
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($ar['Units'] as $value => $key) {
        $key['ModelNumberNoFormat'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $key['ModelNumber']);
        //strip formatting.
        //08.21.2015 rch -  first we need to see if the item is already on the order
        $query = "select POUnitID\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom PurchaseOrderUnits\n\t\t\t\t\twhere POID='{$poid}' and ModelNumber = '{$key['ModelNumber']}'\n\t\t\t\t\tand VendorID = '{$key['VendorID']}'";
        if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16549 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16549 - There was an error locating purchase order unit");
            return false;
        //08.21.2015 rch -  we want to make sure that we have a partnumber and vendorid
        //before attempting to insert.
        if ($key['ModelNumberNoFormat'] != '' && $key['VendorID'] != '') {
            if (isset($key['Year'])) {
                $year = $key['Year'];
            } else {
                $year = 0;
            //08.21.2015 ghh -  before we bother inserting the item we're going to first grab some
            //details from items so we can build up our response.
            $query = "select ModelID, NLA, CloseOut, Cost, OrderCode \n\t\t\t\t\tMSRP from UnitModel \n\t\t\t\t\twhere ModelNumberNoFormat='{$key['ModelNumberNoFormat']}' and VendorID={$key['VendorID']}\n\t\t\t\t\tand Year={$year}";
            if (!($unitresult = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                RestLog("Error 16560 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16560 - There was an error locating the order model");
                return false;
            $unitrow = $db->sql_fetchrow($unitresult);
            if ($db->sql_numrows($unitresult) == 0) {
                RestLog("Error 16561 The Unit Model you sent is not valid");
                RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16561 - The Model Number or VendorID passed are invalid");
                return false;
            //now lets see if we can calculate the cost for the current dealer
            $cost = getUnitCost($unitrow['ModelID'], $vars['DealerID'], $unitrow['Cost']);
        } else {
            RestLog("Error 16563 {$row['PONumber']} is missing a vendor id\n");
            RestUtils::sendResponse(409, "Error 16563 {$key['ModelNumber']} is missing a vendor id");
            return false;
        //08.25.2015 ghh -  if we have less line items on the PO than the qty we need then
        //we're going to insert a few more rows until they match.
        if ($db->sql_numrows($result) < $key['Qty']) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $key['Qty'] - $db->sql_numrows($result); $i++) {
                $query = "insert into PurchaseOrderUnits (POID,ModelNumber,\n\t\t\t\t\t ModelID,OrderCode,Year, Colors, VendorID, Cost) values \n\t\t\t\t\t ( '{$poid}','{$key['ModelNumber']}',{$unitrow['ModelID']},'{$unitrow['OrderCode']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t {$year},'{$key['Colors']}', {$key['VendorID']}, '{$cost}')";
                if (!($tmpresult = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                    RestLog("Error 16564 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                    RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16564 - There was an error trying to add the unit to the order");
                    return false;
            //08.25.2015 ghh - update the PO with the current time for last modified date
            $query = "update PurchaseOrders set DateLastModified=now() where POID = {$poid}";
            if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                RestLog("Error 16565 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16565 - There was a problem updating the last modified date");
                //Internal Server Error
                return false;
        } else {
            if ($db->sql_numrows($result) > $key['Qty']) {
                $qtytoremove = $db->sql_numrows($result) - $key['Qty'];
                $query = "select POUnitID from PurchaseOrderUnits where POID={$poid}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand ModelID={$unitrow['ModelID']} limit {$qtytoremove}";
                if (!($tmpresult = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                    RestLog("Error 16566 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                    RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16566 - There was a problem deleting changed models");
                    //Internal Server Error
                    return false;
                while ($tmprow = $db->sql_fetchrow($tmpresult)) {
                    $query = "delete from PurchaseOrderUnits where POUnitID={$tmprow['POUnitID']}";
                    if (!($tmp2result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                        RestLog("Error 16567 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                        RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16567 - There was a problem deleting changed models");
                        //Internal Server Error
                        return false;
                //08.25.2015 ghh - update the PO with the current time for last modified date
                $query = "update PurchaseOrders set DateLastModified=now() where POID = {$poid}";
                if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
                    RestLog("Error 16568 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
                    RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16568 - There was a problem updating the last modified date");
                    //Internal Server Error
                    return false;
        //08.25.2015 ghh -  first lets grab total qty for the current model
        $query = "select sum(Qty) as Qty from UnitModelStock where ModelID={$unitrow['ModelID']}";
        if (!($qtyresult = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16570 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16570 - There was an error getting total instock");
            return false;
        $tmprow = $db->sql_fetchrow($qtyresult);
        $stockqty = $tmprow['Qty'];
        $query = "select count(POUnitID) as Qty from PurchaseOrderUnits \n\t\t\t\twhere ModelID={$unitrow['ModelID']} and SerialVin is null";
        if (!($qtyresult = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16571 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16571 - There was an error getting total instock");
            return false;
        $tmprow = $db->sql_fetchrow($qtyresult);
        $orderqty = $tmprow['Qty'];
        //08.21.2015 ghh -  now we have all of our return information and have updated or
        //inserted into the items list for the purchase order so we only need to build our
        //response now.
        $units[$i]['VendorID'] = $key['VendorID'];
        $units[$i]['ModelNumber'] = $key['ModelNumber'];
        $units[$i]['NLA'] = $unitrow['NLA'];
        $units[$i]['Closeout'] = $unitrow['CloseOut'];
        $units[$i]['MSRP'] = $unitrow['MSRP'];
        $units[$i]['Cost'] = $cost;
        if ($stockqty - $onorderqty < 0) {
            $units[$i]['BackorderQty'] = abs($stockqty - $onorderqty);
        } else {
            $units[$i]['BackorderQty'] = 0;
    $rst['Units'] = $units;
    RestLog("Successful Request\n");
    //08.10.2012 naj - return code 200 OK.
    RestUtils::sendResponse(200, json_encode(stripHTML($rst)));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
function getModel($vars, $responsetype)
    global $db;
    $ar = $vars;
    if (empty($ar) || !isset($ar['VendorID']) || !isset($ar['ModelNumber']) || !isset($ar['Year'])) {
        RestLog("16579 - Insufficient data provided for creating order \n" . print_r($vars, true) . "\n");
        RestUtils::sendResponse(400, "16579 - Insufficient data provided");
        //Internal Server Error
        return false;
    $ar['ModelNumberNoFormat'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $ar['ModelNumber']);
    //strip formatting.
    //now we grab inventory records for the requested item and build up our package to return
    //to the dealer
    $query = "select ModelID, OrderCode, Colors, ModelName, VehicleTypeID, NLA, CloseOut,\n\t\t\t\t\tCost, MSRP, MAP, Description from UnitModel where VendorID=\n\t\t\t\t\t{$ar['VendorID']} and ModelNumberNoFormat='{$ar['ModelNumberNoFormat']}' and\n\t\t\t\t\tYear={$ar['Year']}";
    if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
        RestLog("Error 16581 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
        RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16581 - There was a problem getting model information.");
        //Internal Server Error
        return false;
    $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
    $unit['OrderCode'] = $row['OrderCode'];
    $unit['Colors'] = $row['Colors'];
    $unit['ModelName'] = $row['ModelName'];
    $unit['NLA'] = $row['NLA'];
    $unit['CloseOut'] = $row['CloseOut'];
    $unit['Cost'] = getUnitCost($row['ModelID'], $ar['DealerID'], $row['Cost']);
    $unit['MSRP'] = $row['MSRP'];
    $unit['MAP'] = $row['MAP'];
    $unit['Description'] = $row['Description'];
    $modelid = $row['ModelID'];
    if ($modelid > 0) {
        //08.25.2015 ghh -  now we grab unit inventory information
        $query = "select Warehouses.WarehouseName, Warehouses.WarehouseState,\n\t\t\t\t\tQty, DaysToArrive \n\t\t\t\t\tfrom Warehouses, UnitModelStock, DaysToFullfill\n\t\t\t\t\twhere Warehouses.WarehouseID=UnitModelStock.WarehouseID and\n\t\t\t\t\tUnitModelStock.ModelID={$row['ModelID']} and\n\t\t\t\t\tUnitModelStock.WarehouseID=DaysToFullfill.WarehouseID and\n\t\t\t\t\tDaysToFullfill.DealerID={$ar['DealerID']} order by DaysToArrive";
        if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16582 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16582 - There was a problem getting model warehouse information.");
            //Internal Server Error
            return false;
        $i = 0;
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
            $rst[$i]['WarehouseName'] = $row['WarehouseName'];
            $rst[$i]['WarehouseState'] = $row['WarehouseState'];
            $rst[$i]['Qty'] = $row['Qty'];
            $rst[$i]['DaysToArrive'] = $row['DaysToArrive'];
        $unit['Warehouses'] = $rst;
        //08.25.2015 ghh -  now we're getting a list of images that may exist for this
        $query = "select * from UnitModelImages where ModelID={$modelid}";
        if (!($result = $db->sql_query($query))) {
            RestLog("Error 16583 in query: {$query}\n" . $db->sql_error());
            RestUtils::sendResponse(500, "16583 - There was a problem retrieving a list of images");
            //Internal Server Error
            return false;
        $i = 0;
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
            $img[$i]['ImageURL'] = $row['ImageURL'];
            $img[$i]['ImageSize'] = $row['ImageSize'];
        $unit['Images'] = $img;
    RestLog("Successful Request\n");
    RestUtils::sendResponse(200, json_encode(stripHTML($unit)));
    return true;