function getSmsSendInfo($to, $text) { if (getSmsType() == 1) { $info = smsTempType1($to, $text); return $info; } elseif (getSmsType() == 2) { $info = smsTempType2($to, $text); return $info; } elseif (getSmsType() == 3) { $info = smsTempType3($to, $text); return $info; } elseif (getSmsType() == 4) { $info = smsTempType4($to, $text); return $info; } else { return NULL; } }
if (getSmsType() == 2) { $url = getSmsUrl(); $url .= "?" . $request; //echo $url; if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { echo 'CURL is not installed!'; die('CURL is not installed!'); } $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $curl_scraped_page = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $curl_scraped_page; //echo "Message Sent Succesfully to ".$list[$i]->getName()."<br />"; } if (getSmsType() == 3) { $url = getSmsUrl(); $url .= "?" . $request; //echo $url; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $curl_scraped_page = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //echo $curl_scraped_page; echo "Message Sent Succesfully to " . $list[$i][0]->getName() . "<br />"; } } } for ($i = 1; $i < $smssent; $i++) { increaseSmsCounter(); }