Exemplo n.º 1
function getContent($pageId, $action, $userId, $permission, $recursed = 0)
    if ($action == "login") {
        if ($userId == 0) {
            ///Commented the requirement of login.lib.php because it is already included in /index.php
            $newUserId = login();
            if (is_numeric($newUserId)) {
                return getContent($pageId, "view", $newUserId, getPermissions($newUserId, $pageId, "view"), 0);
            } else {
                return $newUserId;
            ///<The login page
        } else {
            displayinfo("You are logged in as " . getUserName($userId) . "! Click <a href=\"./+logout\">here</a> to logout.");
        return getContent($pageId, "view", $userId, getPermissions($userId, $pageId, "view"), $recursed = 0);
    if ($action == "profile") {
        if ($userId != 0) {
            require_once "profile.lib.php";
            return profile($userId);
        } else {
            displayinfo("You need to <a href=\"./+login\">login</a> to view your profile.!");
    if ($action == "logout") {
        if ($userId != 0) {
            $newUserId = resetAuth();
            displayinfo("You have been logged out!");
            global $openid_enabled;
            if ($openid_enabled == 'true') {
                displaywarning("If you logged in via Open ID, make sure you also log out from your Open ID service provider's website. Until then your session in this website will remain active !");
            return getContent($pageId, "view", $newUserId, getPermissions($newUserId, $pageId, "view"), 0);
        } else {
            displayinfo("You need to <a href=\"./+login\">login</a> first to logout!");
    if ($action == "search") {
        require_once "search.lib.php";
        $ret = getSearchBox();
        if (isset($_POST['query'])) {
            $ret .= getSearchResultString($_POST['query']);
        } elseif (isset($_GET['query'])) {
            $ret .= getSearchResultString($_GET['query']);
        return $ret;
    if (isset($_GET['subaction']) && $_GET['subaction'] == 'getchildren') {
        if (isset($_GET['parentpath'])) {
            global $urlRequestRoot;
            require_once 'menu.lib.php';
            $pidarr = array();
            parseUrlReal(escape($_GET['parentpath']), $pidarr);
            $pid = $pidarr[count($pidarr) - 1];
            $children = getChildren($pid, $userId);
            $response = array();
            $response['path'] = escape($_GET['parentpath']);
            $response['items'] = array();
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                $response['items'][] = array($urlRequestRoot . '/home' . escape($_GET['parentpath']) . $child[1], $child[2]);
            //echo json_encode($response);
    if ($permission != true) {
        if ($userId == 0) {
            $suggestion = "(Try <a href=\"./+login\">logging in?</a>)";
        } else {
            $suggestion = "";
        displayerror("You do not have the permissions to view this page. {$suggestion}<br /><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\" value=\"Go back\" />");
        return '';
    if ($action == "admin") {
        require_once "admin.lib.php";
        return admin($pageId, $userId);
    ///default actions also to be defined here (and not outside)
    /// Coz work to be done after these actions do involve the page
    $pagetype_query = "SELECT page_module, page_modulecomponentid FROM " . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "pages WHERE page_id='" . escape($pageId) . "'";
    $pagetype_result = mysql_query($pagetype_query);
    $pagetype_values = mysql_fetch_assoc($pagetype_result);
    if (!$pagetype_values) {
        displayerror("The requested page does not exist.");
        return "";
    $moduleType = $pagetype_values['page_module'];
    $moduleComponentId = $pagetype_values['page_modulecomponentid'];
    if ($action == "settings") {
        ///<done here because we needed to check if the page exists for sure.
        require_once "pagesettings.lib.php";
        return pagesettings($pageId, $userId);
    if ($action == "widgets") {
        return handleWidgetPageSettings($pageId);
    if ($recursed == 0) {
        $pagetypeupdate_query = "UPDATE " . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "pages SET page_lastaccesstime=NOW() WHERE page_id='" . escape($pageId) . "'";
        $pagetypeupdate_result = mysql_query($pagetypeupdate_query);
        if (!$pagetypeupdate_result) {
            return '<div class="cms-error">Error No. 563 - An error has occured. Contact the site administators.</div>';
    if ($moduleType == "link") {
        return getContent($moduleComponentId, $action, $userId, true, 1);
    if ($action == "grant") {
        return grantPermissions($userId, $pageId);
    if ($moduleType == "menu") {
        return getContent(getParentPage($pageId), $action, $userId, true, 1);
    if ($moduleType == "external") {
        $query = "SELECT `page_extlink` FROM `" . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "external` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` =\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT `page_modulecomponentid` FROM `" . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "pages` WHERE `page_id`= '" . escape($pageId) . "')";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $values = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $link = $values[0];
        header("Location: {$link}");
    global $sourceFolder;
    global $moduleFolder;
    require_once $sourceFolder . "/" . $moduleFolder . "/" . $moduleType . ".lib.php";
    $page = new $moduleType();
    if (!$page instanceof module) {
        displayerror("The module \"{$moduleType}\" does not implement the inteface module</div>");
        return "";
    $createperms_query = " SELECT * FROM " . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "permissionlist where perm_action = 'create' AND page_module = '" . $moduleType . "'";
    $createperms_result = mysql_query($createperms_query);
    if (mysql_num_rows($createperms_result) < 1) {
        displayerror("The action \"create\" does not exist in the module \"{$moduleType}\"</div>");
        return "";
    $availableperms_query = "SELECT * FROM " . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "permissionlist where perm_action != 'create' AND page_module = '" . $moduleType . "'";
    $availableperms_result = mysql_query($availableperms_query);
    $permlist = array();
    while ($value = mysql_fetch_assoc($availableperms_result)) {
        array_push($permlist, $value['perm_action']);
    array_push($permlist, "view");
    $class_methods = get_class_methods($moduleType);
    foreach ($permlist as $perm) {
        if (!in_array("action" . ucfirst($perm), $class_methods)) {
            displayerror("The action \"{$perm}\" does not exist in the module \"{$moduleType}\"</div>");
            return "";
    if ($action == "pdf") {
        if (isset($_GET['depth'])) {
            $depth = $_GET['depth'];
        } else {
            $depth = 0;
        if (!is_numeric($depth)) {
            $depth = 0;
        global $TITLE;
        global $sourceFolder;
        require_once "{$sourceFolder}/modules/pdf/html2fpdf.php";
        $pdf = new HTML2FPDF();
        $pdf->WriteHTML($page->getHtml($userId, $moduleComponentId, "view"));
        $cp = array();
        $j = 0;
        if ($depth == -1) {
            $cp = child($pageId, $userId, $depth);
            if ($cp[0][0]) {
                for ($i = 0; $cp[$i][0] != NULL; $i++) {
                    require_once $sourceFolder . "/" . $moduleFolder . "/" . $cp[$i][2] . ".lib.php";
                    $page1 = new $cp[$i][2]();
                    $modCompId = $cp[$i][5];
                    $pdf->WriteHTML($page1->getHtml($userId, $modCompId, "view"));
        } else {
            if ($depth > 0) {
                $cp = child($pageId, $userId, $depth);
                while ($depth > 0) {
                    $count = count($cp);
                    for ($j; $j < $count; $j++) {
                        $cp = array_merge((array) $cp, (array) child($cp[$j][0], $userId, $depth));
                if ($cp[0][0]) {
                    for ($i = 0; isset($cp[$i]); $i++) {
                        require_once $sourceFolder . "/" . $moduleFolder . "/" . $cp[$i][2] . ".lib.php";
                        $page1 = new $cp[$i][2]();
                        $modCompId = $cp[$i][5];
                        $pdf->WriteHTML($page1->getHtml($userId, $modCompId, "view"));
        $filePath = $sourceFolder . "/uploads/temp/" . $TITLE . ".pdf";
        while (file_exists($filePath)) {
            $filePath = $sourceFolder . "/uploads/temp/" . $TITLE . "-" . rand() . ".pdf";
        header("Pragma: public");
        header("Expires: 0");
        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
        header("Cache-Control: private", false);
        header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($filePath) . "\";");
        header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
        header("Content-Length: " . filesize($filePath));
    return $page->getHtml($userId, $moduleComponentId, $action);
Exemplo n.º 2
         $fbMenu = KUNENA_get_menu(NULL, $fbConfig, $fbIcons, $my_id, 2, $view, $catid, $id, $thread, $is_Moderator, $numPending);
         $fbMenu = KUNENA_get_menu(NULL, $fbConfig, $fbIcons, $my_id, 1, $view);
 // display header
 $KunenaTemplate->addVar('kunena-header', 'menu', $fbMenu);
 $KunenaTemplate->addVar('kunena-header', 'board_title', stripslashes($board_title));
 if (file_exists(KUNENA_JTEMPLATEPATH . '/css/kunena.forum.css')) {
     $KunenaTemplate->addVar('kunena-header', 'css_path', KUNENA_JTEMPLATEURL . '/template/' . $fbConfig->template . '/kunena.forum.css');
 } else {
     $KunenaTemplate->addVar('kunena-header', 'css_path', KUNENA_DIRECTURL . '/template/' . $fbConfig->template . '/kunena.forum.css');
 $KunenaTemplate->addVar('kunena-header', 'offline_message', stripslashes($fbConfig->board_offline) ? '<span id="fbOffline">' . _FORUM_IS_OFFLINE . '</span>' : '');
 $KunenaTemplate->addVar('kunena-header', 'searchbox', getSearchBox());
 $KunenaTemplate->addVar('kunena-header', 'pb_imgswitchurl', KUNENA_URLIMAGESPATH . "shrink.gif");
 if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/profilebox/profilebox.php')) {
     include KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/profilebox/profilebox.php';
 } else {
     include KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT . DS . 'plugin/profilebox/profilebox.php';
 switch ($func) {
     case 'who':
         if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/who/who.php')) {
             include KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/who/who.php';
         } else {
             include KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT . DS . 'plugin/who/who.php';
Exemplo n.º 3
         $fbMenu = KUNENA_get_menu(KUNENA_CB_ITEMID, $fbConfig, $fbIcons, $my_id, 1);
 // display header
 $obj_KUNENA_tmpl->addVar('jb-header', 'menu', $fbMenu);
 $obj_KUNENA_tmpl->addVar('jb-header', 'board_title', stripslashes($board_title));
 if (file_exists(KUNENA_JTEMPLATEPATH . '/css/kunena.forum.css')) {
     $obj_KUNENA_tmpl->addVar('jb-header', 'css_path', KUNENA_JTEMPLATEURL . '/template/' . $fbConfig->template . '/kunena.forum.css');
 } else {
     $obj_KUNENA_tmpl->addVar('jb-header', 'css_path', KUNENA_DIRECTURL . '/template/' . $fbConfig->template . '/kunena.forum.css');
 $obj_KUNENA_tmpl->addVar('jb-header', 'offline_message', stripslashes($fbConfig->board_offline) ? '<span id="fbOffline">' . _FORUM_IS_OFFLINE . '</span>' : '');
 $obj_KUNENA_tmpl->addVar('jb-header', 'searchbox', getSearchBox());
 $obj_KUNENA_tmpl->addVar('jb-header', 'pb_imgswitchurl', KUNENA_URLIMAGESPATH . "shrink.gif");
 if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/profilebox/profilebox.php')) {
     include KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/profilebox/profilebox.php';
 } else {
     include KUNENA_ABSPATH . '/template/default/plugin/profilebox/profilebox.php';
 switch ($func) {
     case 'who':
         if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/who/who.php')) {
             include KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/who/who.php';
         } else {
             include KUNENA_ABSPATH . '/template/default/plugin/who/who.php';