Exemplo n.º 1
function calcUnitStr(&$objUser, $unit_off, $unit_def)
    require_once 'inc/functions/bonuses.php';
    $arrSci = getSciences($objUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE));
    // possibly + spells + war, but I dont think that part of the mod off is
    // intresting here (same with def)
    $X = $unit_off * (1 + $arrSci['war']);
    $Y = $unit_def * (1 + $arrSci['def']);
    // a fifteenth of a str pt for each off pt beyond half of def, if that is
    // positive.
    $def_str = $Y / 4 + max($X - $Y / 2, 0) / 15;
    // 5% more str on the unit for having turtle at all, then 1/20:th of a str
    // pt for each def pt.
    $off_str = $X / 4 * (1 + min($Y, 0.05)) + $Y / 20;
    // taking the highest of the two above
    $unit_str = max($off_str, $def_str);
    return $unit_str;
Exemplo n.º 2
function getArmyDefence(&$objUser, $attack_type = '')
    $arrUnitInfo = getUnitVariables($objUser->get_stat(RACE));
    $arrUnitDefence = $arrUnitInfo['defence'];
    // Raw deffence
    $arrArmy = $objUser->get_armys();
    $raw_defence = $arrArmy[UNIT1] * $arrUnitDefence[2] + $arrArmy[UNIT2] * $arrUnitDefence[3] + $arrArmy[UNIT3] * $arrUnitDefence[4] + $arrArmy[UNIT4] * $arrUnitDefence[5] + $arrArmy[UNIT5] * $arrUnitDefence[6];
    // Bonus From Walls
    $arrBuildBonus = getBuildBonuses($objUser);
    $wall_bonus = floor($raw_defence * $arrBuildBonus['defence']);
    // Bonus From Science
    $arrSci = getSciences($objUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE));
    $research_bonus = floor($raw_defence * $arrSci['def']);
    // Bonus From Spells
    $arrSpellBonus = getSpellBonuses($objUser);
    $spell_bonus = floor($raw_defence * $arrSpellBonus['defence']);
    // Total
    $total = $raw_defence + $wall_bonus + $research_bonus + $spell_bonus;
    // Total Home
    $arrArmyHome = $objUser->get_armys_home();
    $raw_defence_home = $arrArmyHome[UNIT1] * $arrUnitDefence[2] + $arrArmyHome[UNIT2] * $arrUnitDefence[3] + $arrArmyHome[UNIT3] * $arrUnitDefence[4] + $arrArmyHome[UNIT4] * $arrUnitDefence[5] + $arrArmyHome[UNIT5] * $arrUnitDefence[6];
    // this'll add 15% to raw, fixed now - AI 16/11/06
    //if ($attack_type == ATTACK_RAID)
    //    $raw_defence_home *= 1.15;
    $home_raid = 0;
    if ($attack_type == ATTACK_RAID) {
        $home_raid = floor($raw_defence_home * 0.15);
    $home_spell = floor($raw_defence_home * $arrSpellBonus['defence']);
    $home_research = floor($raw_defence_home * $arrSci['def']);
    $home_walls = floor($raw_defence_home * $arrBuildBonus['defence']);
    $total_home = $raw_defence_home + $home_spell + $home_research + $home_walls + $home_raid;
    $defence['raw'] = $raw_defence;
    $defence['building_bonus'] = $wall_bonus;
    $defence['research_bonus'] = $research_bonus;
    $defence['spell_bonus'] = $spell_bonus;
    $defence['total'] = $total;
    $defence['total_home'] = $total_home;
    return $defence;
Exemplo n.º 3
function getSentOffence(&$objUser, $arrArmySent)
    $arrUnitInfo = getUnitVariables($objUser->get_stat(RACE));
    $arrUnitOffence = $arrUnitInfo['offence'];
    // Raw offence
    $raw_offence = $arrArmySent[UNIT1] * $arrUnitOffence[2] + $arrArmySent[UNIT2] * $arrUnitOffence[3] + $arrArmySent[UNIT3] * $arrUnitOffence[4] + $arrArmySent[UNIT4] * $arrUnitOffence[5] + $arrArmySent[UNIT5] * $arrUnitOffence[6];
    // Bonus From Weaponries
    $arrBuildBonus = getBuildBonuses($objUser);
    $weapon_bonus = floor($raw_offence * $arrBuildBonus['offence']);
    // Bonus From Science
    $arrSci = getSciences($objUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE));
    $research_bonus = floor($raw_offence * $arrSci['war']);
    // Bonus From Spells
    $arrSpellBonus = getSpellBonuses($objUser);
    $spell_bonus = floor($raw_offence * $arrSpellBonus['offence']);
    // Bonus From Fame                                Martel, September 25, 2007
    $arrFameBonus = getFameBonuses($objUser);
    $fame_bonus = floor($raw_offence * $arrFameBonus['offence']);
    // Total
    $total = $raw_offence + $weapon_bonus + $research_bonus + $spell_bonus + $fame_bonus;
    return $total;