Exemplo n.º 1
 function getListByQuery($query, $department, $rtype = '')
     $sDeptCondition = '';
     $sCondition = '';
     $sYear = getSchoolYear($this);
     if (getRole($this) == 2) {
         $sDept = $this->mod->getDeptOfEmployee(getUserId($this));
         $sDept = $sDept[0]->department_id;
         $sDeptCondition = "employees.department_id = {$sDept} and";
     $sDeptCondition = '';
     $rCondition = '';
     if (getRole($this) != 2 && ($department != -1 && !empty($department))) {
         $sDeptCondition = "(employees.department_id = {$department}) and";
     if (!empty($query)) {
         $sCondition = "(employees.empno like '%{$query}%' or employees.fname like '%{$query}%' or employees.lname like '%{$query}%') and";
     $iProfileId = getUserId($this);
     if (getRole($this) == 2) {
         $sdep = $this->mod->getDeptOfEmployee($iProfileId);
         $sDeptCondition = "(employees.department_id = {$sdep[0]->department_id}) and ";
     if (!empty($rtype)) {
         if (strpos($rtype, 'nal') !== false) {
             $rCondition = "and if(emp_types.time_unit = 'd', \r\n\r\n                    (select (sum(abs(datediff(g.end_date, g.start_date)) - abs(g.end_date_hw + g.start_date_hw)) +1)\r\n                        from \r\n                            leave_transactions g, leave_credits \r\n                        where \r\n\r\n                            employment_id = employment.id and \r\n                            leave_credits.id = leave_credits_id and \r\n                                                        leave_credits.is_base = 1 and g.schoolyear = '{$sYear}'),\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n                    round((        select (sum(timediff(g.end_time,g.start_time)))/10000 from \r\n                            leave_transactions g \r\n                        where \r\n\r\n                            g.employment_id = employment.id and g.schoolyear = '{$sYear}'\r\n\r\n                    ),2)) is null";
     $query = $this->db->query("\r\n            select \r\n                employees.id as myid, \r\n                employment.*, \r\n                employees.*,\r\n                ranks.*,\r\n                roles.*,\r\n                departments.*,\r\n                emp_types.*,\r\n                status.*,\r\n                emp_types.time_unit as timeunit\r\n            from \r\n                employment, \r\n                emp_types, \r\n                status, \r\n                employees, \r\n                emp_types_stat,\r\n                ranks,\r\n                departments,\r\n                roles\r\n            where \r\n                ({$sCondition} {$sDeptCondition} \r\n                employment.emp_types_stat_id = emp_types_stat.id and\r\n                \r\n                emp_types.id = emp_types_stat.emp_types_id and \r\n                \r\n                status.id = emp_types_stat.status_id and \r\n                \r\n                employment.employee_id = employees.id and\r\n                \r\n                employees.rank_id = ranks.id and\r\n                \r\n                employees.department_id = departments.id and\r\n                \r\n                employees.role_id = roles.id) {$rCondition} \r\n\r\n                group by employees.department_id, lname, fname\r\n                ");
     if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
         return $query->result();
     } else {
         return "";
Exemplo n.º 2
 function getlist_json_employee($employee, $bool)
     $list = $this->base_model->getLeaveCreditsByEmployee($employee, $bool);
     $date = $this->mod->getHireDateByEmployee(getUserId($this));
     $arrayList = objectToArray($list);
     $newArray = array();
     foreach ($arrayList as $key => $value) {
         $dayval = $value['days'];
         $usercount = 0;
         if ($value['date'] != '0000-00-00' && $value['date'] != '') {
             $hired = strtotime($date);
             $setdate = strtotime($value['date']);
             if ($hired > $setdate) {
                 $dayval = $value['days_after'];
             } else {
                 if ($hired < $setdate) {
                     $dayval = $value['days_before'];
         if ($value['schoolyear'] === getSchoolYear($this)) {
             $usercount = $value['usecount'];
         array_push($newArray, array('id' => $value['id'], 'ltid' => $value['ltid'], 'title' => $value['title'], 'days' => $dayval, 'date' => $value['date'], 'days_before' => $value['days_before'], 'days_after' => $value['days_after'], 'usecount' => $usercount));
     echo json_encode($newArray);
 function getLeaveCreditsByEmployee($employee_id)
     $sYear = getSchoolYear($this);
     $query = $this->db->query("\r\n            select \r\n                    leave_credits.id as id,\r\n                    leave_types.id as ltid,\r\n                    leave_types.title,\r\n                    leave_credits.date,\r\n                    leave_credits.days_before,\r\n                    leave_credits.days_after,\r\n                    leave_credits.days,\r\n                    (select \r\n                        sum((datediff(g.end_date,g.start_date))+(g.end_date_hw+g.start_date_hw)+1)\r\n                        from \r\n                            leave_transactions g \r\n                        where \r\n                            leave_credits_id = leave_credits.id and \r\n                            status = 'Approved' and rtype = 'd' and \r\n                            g.employment_id = employment.id and \r\n                            employment.employee_id = {$employee_id} and g.schoolyear = '{$sYear}'\r\n\r\n                    ) as usecount,\r\n                    (select \r\n                        g.schoolyear\r\n                        from \r\n                            leave_transactions g \r\n                        where \r\n                            leave_credits_id = leave_credits.id and \r\n                            status = 'Approved' and rtype = 'd' and \r\n                            g.employment_id = employment.id and \r\n                            employment.employee_id = {$employee_id} and g.schoolyear = '{$sYear}' limit 1\r\n\r\n                    ) as schoolyear                  \r\n            from\r\n                    leave_types,\r\n                    leave_credits,\r\n                    employment\r\n            where\r\n                    (leave_credits.emp_types_stat_id = employment.emp_types_stat_id and\r\n                    employment.employee_id = {$employee_id} and\r\n                    leave_credits.leave_types_id = leave_types.id)");
     if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
         return $query->result();
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 function getLeaveBalanceOfEmployee($employee_id)
     $emp = $employee_id;
     $tu = getEmployeeTimeUnit($this);
     $tunit = $tu;
     $val = 0;
     $sCondition = '';
     if (getEmployeeTimeUnit($this) == 'd') {
         $sCondition = "and is_base = true";
     $sYear = getSchoolYear($this);
     if ($tunit == 'h') {
         $query = $this->db->query("select employment.units as units from employment\r\n                     where employment.employee_id = {$employee_id}");
         $query2 = $this->db->query("select l.end_time,l.start_time from leave_transactions l, employment\r\n                     where employment.employee_id = {$employee_id} and l.employment_id = employment.id and l.status = 'Approved' and l.schoolyear = '{$sYear}'");
         $unit = $query->result();
         $val = $unit[0]->units;
         if ($query2->num_rows() > 0) {
             $units = $unit[0]->units;
             $total = 0;
             $res = objectToArray($query2->result());
             $diff = 0;
             $total = 0;
             foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
                 if (!empty($value['td'])) {
                     $parsed = date_parse($value['td']);
                 $time1 = strtotime($value['start_time']);
                 $time2 = strtotime($value['end_time']);
                 $diff = $time2 - $time1;
                 $total = $total + $diff;
             $val = $units * 3600 - $total;
             $val = $val / 3600;
         return array('value' => $val, 'unit' => ' h');
     } else {
         if ($tunit == 'd') {
             if (!empty($employee_id)) {
                 $employee_id = "and e.id = {$employee_id}";
             $query = $this->db->query("\r\n                    select \r\n                        sum(\r\n                            (datediff(g.end_date,g.start_date)) + (g.end_date_hw + g.start_date_hw)+ 1\r\n                            )  as days\r\n                    from \r\n                        leave_transactions g, \r\n                        employees e,\r\n                        employment em,\r\n                        leave_credits lc\r\n                    where (\r\n                        g.employment_id = em.id and \r\n                        em.employee_id = e.id \r\n                        {$employee_id} and \r\n                        g.status = 'Approved' and \r\n                        g.leave_credits_id = lc.id and \r\n                        lc.is_base = 1) and \r\n                        g.schoolyear = '{$sYear}'");
             $days = $query->result();
             $est = $this->getEmpTypesStatByEmployee($emp);
             $q = $this->db->query("select lc.days \r\n                from leave_credits lc, employment e where e.employee_id = {$emp} and lc.emp_types_stat_id = {$est[0]->id} {$sCondition}");
             $value = $q->result();
             return array('value' => $value[0]->days - $days[0]->days, 'unit' => ' d');
Exemplo n.º 5
 function getlist()
     $sEmployeeId = $_REQUEST['eid'];
     $sDept = $_REQUEST['did'];
     $sStat = $_REQUEST['stat'];
     $list = $this->basemodel->getQueryList($sEmployeeId, $sDept, $sStat);
     $arrayList = objectToArray($list);
     $newArray = array();
     foreach ($arrayList as $key => $value) {
         if ($value['schoolyear'] !== getSchoolYear($this)) {
         $leave = "Regular Leave";
         if (!empty($value['leave_credits_id'])) {
             $leave = $this->mod->getLeaveTypeTitleByCreditId($value['leave_credits_id']);
         $resumption = "N/S";
         if (strpos($value['resumption_date'], "0000-00-00") === false and !empty($value['resumption_date'])) {
             $resumption = $value['resumption_date'];
         if ($value['start_date'] != null && $value['end_date'] != null && isset($_REQUEST['date'])) {
             $setDate = $_REQUEST['date'];
             $setDate = strtotime($_REQUEST['date']);
             $contractDateBegin = strtotime($value['start_date']);
             $contractDateEnd = strtotime($value['end_date']);
             if (!($setDate >= $contractDateBegin && $setDate <= $contractDateEnd)) {
                 $diff = 0;
                 $addon = 0;
                 if ($value['rtype'] === 'h') {
                     $from = strtotime($value['start_time']);
                     $to = strtotime($value['end_time']);
                     $diff = $to - $from;
                     $from = date("h:i A", $from);
                     $to = date("h:i A", $to);
                     $diff = $diff / 3600;
                     $diff = $diff . ' h';
                 } else {
                     $from = strtotime($value['start_date']);
                     $to = strtotime($value['end_date']);
                     $diff = $to - $from;
                     $from = $value['start_date'];
                     $to = $value['end_date'];
                     if ($value['start_date_hw'] > 0) {
                         $from = $from . ' (hd)';
                         $addon = $addon + 0.5;
                     } else {
                         if ($value['end_date_hw'] > 0) {
                             $to = $to . ' (hd)';
                             $addon = $addon + 0.5;
                     $diff = $diff / 60 / 60 / 24 + 1;
                     $diff = $diff + $addon;
                     $diff = $diff . ' d';
                 array_push($newArray, array('id' => $value['id'], 'filing_date' => $value['date'] ? $value['date'] : $value['filing_date'], 'employee' => $value['employee'], 'status' => $value['status'], 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'diff' => $diff, 'from_type' => $value['start_date_hw'] ? $value['start_date_hw'] : '', 'to_type' => $value['end_date_hw'] ? $value['end_date_hw'] : '', 'resumption' => $resumption, 'reason' => $value['notes'], 'leave_title' => $leave, 'leave_hours' => $value['leaves'], 'deny_reason' => $value['deny_reason']));
         } else {
             if (!isset($_REQUEST['date'])) {
                 $diff = 0;
                 $addon = 0;
                 if ($value['rtype'] === 'h') {
                     $from = strtotime($value['start_time']);
                     $to = strtotime($value['end_time']);
                     $diff = $to - $from;
                     $from = date("h:i A", $from);
                     $to = date("h:i A", $to);
                     $diff = $diff / 3600;
                     $diff = $diff . ' h';
                 } else {
                     $from = strtotime($value['start_date']);
                     $to = strtotime($value['end_date']);
                     $diff = $to - $from;
                     $from = $value['start_date'];
                     $to = $value['end_date'];
                     if ($value['start_date_hw'] > 0) {
                         $from = $from . ' (hd)';
                         $addon = $addon + 0.5;
                     } else {
                         if ($value['end_date_hw'] > 0) {
                             $to = $to . ' (hd)';
                             $addon = $addon + 0.5;
                     $diff = $diff / 60 / 60 / 24 + 1;
                     $diff = $diff + $addon;
                     $diff = $diff . ' d';
                 array_push($newArray, array('id' => $value['id'], 'filing_date' => $value['date'] ? $value['date'] : $value['filing_date'], 'employee' => $value['employee'], 'status' => $value['status'], 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'diff' => $diff, 'from_type' => $value['start_date_hw'] ? $value['start_date_hw'] : '', 'to_type' => $value['end_date_hw'] ? $value['end_date_hw'] : '', 'resumption' => $resumption, 'reason' => $value['notes'], 'leave_title' => $leave, 'leave_hours' => $value['leaves'], 'deny_reason' => $value['deny_reason']));
     echo json_encode($newArray);
 function createUpdate($aDetails)
     if ($aDetails['rtype'] == 'd') {
         $data = array('employment_id' => $aDetails['employment_id'], 'leave_credits_id' => $aDetails['leave_credits_id'], 'start_date' => $aDetails['start_date'], 'start_date_hw' => $aDetails['start_date_hw'], 'end_date' => $aDetails['end_date'], 'end_date_hw' => $aDetails['end_date_hw'], 'filing_date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'notes' => $aDetails['notes'], 'status' => 'Pending', 'resumption_date' => $aDetails['resume'], 'rtype' => $aDetails['rtype'], 'status' => 'Pending', 'schoolyear' => getSchoolYear($this));
     if ($aDetails['rtype'] == 'h') {
         $data = array('employment_id' => $aDetails['employment_id'], 'leave_credits_id' => $aDetails['leave_credits_id'], 'date' => $aDetails['date'], 'start_time' => date('H:i', strtotime($aDetails['from'])), 'end_time' => date('H:i', strtotime($aDetails['to'])), 'filing_date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'notes' => $aDetails['notes'], 'rtype' => $aDetails['rtype'], 'status' => 'Pending', 'schoolyear' => getSchoolYear($this));
     if (!empty($aDetails['id'])) {
         $this->db->where('id', $aDetails['id']);
         $this->db->update('leave_transactions', $data);
     } else {
         $this->db->insert('leave_transactions', $data);
     return true;