function showSettingsform() { $realname = getRealName(); $sitename = getSiteName(); $tagline = getTagline(); $rawsiteurl = getRawSiteUrl(); $indexNum = getIndexNum(); $rssNum = getRssNum(); $rewriteCheck = getrewriteCheck(); if ($rewriteCheck == 1) { $checked = "checked"; } else { $checked = ""; } echo "<p><b>general site settings:</b></p>"; echo "<form action=\""; echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo "\""; echo " method=\"post\">"; echo "user: <input type=\"text\" name=\"user\"><br />"; echo "pass: <input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\"><br />"; echo "real name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"realname\" value=\"" . $realname . "\"><br />"; echo "name of site: <input type=\"text\" name=\"site\" value=\"" . $sitename . "\"><br />"; echo "tagline for site: <input type=\"text\" name=\"tagline\" value=\"" . $tagline . "\"><br />"; echo "base url (without http://): <input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"" . $rawsiteurl . "\"><br />"; echo "number of entries to display per page: <input type=\"text\" name=\"index\" value=\"" . $indexNum . "\"><br />"; echo "number of entries to display in rss feed: <input type=\"text\" name=\"rss\" value=\"" . $rssNum . "\"><br />"; echo "use mod_rewrite? (remove .htaccess if you uncheck this): <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"rewrite\" value=\"1\" " . $checked . "><br />"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"checksubmit\" value=\"1\">"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"update\">"; echo "</form>"; }
<?php header('Content-type: application/atom+xml'); include_once "db.php"; include_once "dertyn.php"; $numRss = getRssNum(); $realname = getRealName(); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"; ?> <feed xmlns="" xmlns:thr="" xml:lang="en-us" xml:base="<?php echo $siteurl; ?> /atom.php"> <title type="text"><?php echo $sitename; ?> </title> <subtitle type="text"><?php echo $tagline; ?> </subtitle> <updated><?php getLastUpdatedAtom(); ?> </updated> <generator uri="" version="<?php echo $version;
public function _initiativetenderreturnAct() { file_put_contents('/tmp/4.txt', date('m-d H:i:s') . " returnplant异步:" . print_r($_POST, true) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); $is_avail = $this->is_avail($_POST); if ($is_avail) { $usrid = $_POST['UsrCustId']; $db = core::Singleton('comm.db.activeRecord'); $db->connect('CAILAI'); $info = $db->get_one($where = array('usrid' => $usrid), '', 'lzh_huifulog'); // file_get_contents('/tmp/3',json_encode($_POST)); //$info = M("huifulog")->distinct(true)->field("uid,username")->where('usrid' => $usrid)->find(); $data = array(); $data['uid'] = $info['uid']; //用户UID $data['username'] = $info['username']; //用户名 $data['rescode'] = $_POST['RespCode']; //返回码 $data['cmdid'] = $_POST['CmdId']; //消息类型 $data['usrid'] = $_POST['UsrCustId']; //用户客户号 $data['ordid'] = $_POST['OrdId']; //订单号 $data['orddate'] = $_POST['OrdDate']; //订单日期 $data['trxid'] = $_POST['TrxId']; //交易流水号 $data['merpriv'] = $_POST['MerPriv']; $data['addtime'] = time(); //记录时间 //防止钱投完使用红包不扣款的bug出现 $reqext = $_POST['RespExt']; //代金券的内容json字符串 $reqext = urldecode($reqext); $reqext = json_decode($reqext, 1); $reqext = $reqext['Vocher']['VocherAmt']; file_put_contents('/tmp/4.txt', date('m-d H:i:s') . " returnplant异步红包:" . print_r($reqext, true) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); sleep(1); //防止与前台回调同步到达 $condition['uid'] = $data['uid']; $condition['ordid'] = $data['ordid']; $num = $db->count_all($condition, 'lzh_huifulog'); if ($num === 0) { // $db = core::Singleton('comm.db.activeRecord'); // $db->connect('CAILAI'); $db->insert($data, 'lzh_huifulog'); if (strcmp($_POST['RespCode'], "000") == 0) { $temp = base64_decode($data['merpriv']); $pos1 = strpos($temp, '{'); $pos2 = strpos($temp, '}'); $len = $pos2 - $pos1 + 1; $merpriv = substr($temp, $pos1, $len); $merpriv = json_decode($merpriv, true); // file_put_contents('/tmp/4.txt',date('m-d H:i:s')." return ".print_r($merpriv,true)."\n",FILE_APPEND); $borrow_id = $merpriv['borrowid']; //标ID $money = str2val_money($_POST['TransAmt']); //交易金额 $info = array(); $info['ordid'] = $data['ordid']; //订单号 $info['orddate'] = $data['orddate']; //订单日期 $info['freezeordid'] = $_POST['FreezeOrdId']; //冻结订单号 $info['freezetrxid'] = $_POST['FreezeTrxId']; //冻结流水号 // $db = core::Singleton('comm.db.activeRecord'); $db->connect('CAILAI'); $invest_info_id = $db->insert($info, 'lzh_borrow_investor'); // $invest_info_id = M('borrow_investor')->add($info); //剪去红包的钱 才是真正扣掉的钱 //$money=$money-$reqext; file_put_contents('/tmp/4.txt', date('m-d H:i:s') . " returnplant真钱:" . print_r($money, true) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); $l = investMoney($data['uid'], $borrow_id, $money, 0, $invest_info_id, $reqext); $borrowName = getBorrowName($borrow_id); $realName = getRealName($data['uid']); $content = "尊敬的财来网投资人" . $realName['real_name'] . ",您于" . date("Y") . "年" . date("m") . "月" . date("d") . "日" . date("H") . ":" . date("i") . "分向" . $borrowName['borrow_name'] . "标的投资" . $money . "元,资金已冻结,将于满标复审后计息,详情请咨询客户经理,或致电400-079-8558"; sendsms(trim($data['username']), $content); } } echo "RECV_ORD_ID_" . $_POST['OrdId']; } exit; }