public function results($page, $perpage, $recordview = NULL) { $fields = $this->result->list_fields(); // print the the column titles $i = 0; // check for the array and print any results if (is_array($fields)) { echo "<tr bgcolor=#ccccdd><td></td>"; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { echo "<td>{$value}</td>\n"; $i++; } } // if there is only 1 result go to that customer record // else print out the listing of results // get the number of results $num_of_results = $this->result->num_rows(); echo "{$num_of_results} " . lang('found'); if ($num_of_results > $perpage) { // load the pager helper to calculate page numbers $this->load->helper('pager'); $pager = getPagerData($num_of_results, $perpage, $page); $offset = $pager->offset; $limit = $pager->limit; $page = $pager->page; $numpages = $pager->numPages; $pagedquery = $this->searchquery . " limit {$offset}, {$limit}"; $this->result = $this->db->query($pagedquery) or die("page query failed"); echo lang('page') . " " . $page . " " . lang('of') . " " . $numpages . " | "; if ($page == 1) { // disabled button echo "<form name=prevform>" . "<input type=submit value=\"" . lang('previous') . "\" disabled>" . "</form>"; } else { echo "<form name=prevform action=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/" . ($page - 1) . "/{$perpage}/"; if ($recordview) { echo "record"; } echo "\" method=POST>" . "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"{$this->id}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s1 value=\"{$this->s1}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s2 value=\"{$this->s2}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s3 value=\"{$this->s3}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s4 value=\"{$this->s4}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s5 value=\"{$this->s5}\">" . "<input type=submit value=\"" . lang('previous') . "\">" . "</form>"; } if ($page == $pager->numPages) { echo "<form name=nextform action=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/" . ($page + 1) . "/{$perpage}/"; echo "\" method=POST>" . "<input type=submit value=\"" . lang('next') . "\" disabled>" . "</form>"; } else { echo "<form name=nextform action=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/" . ($page + 1) . "/{$perpage}/"; if ($recordview) { echo "record"; } echo "\" method=POST>" . "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"{$this->id}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s1 value=\"{$this->s1}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s2 value=\"{$this->s2}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s3 value=\"{$this->s3}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s4 value=\"{$this->s4}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s5 value=\"{$this->s5}\">" . "<input type=submit value=\"" . lang('next') . "\">" . "</form>"; } echo "<form name=nextform action=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/" . $numpages . "/{$perpage}/"; if ($recordview) { echo "record"; } echo "\" method=POST>" . "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"{$this->id}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s1 value=\"{$this->s1}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s2 value=\"{$this->s2}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s3 value=\"{$this->s3}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s4 value=\"{$this->s4}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s5 value=\"{$this->s5}\">" . "<input type=submit value=\"" . lang('last') . "\">" . "</form>"; echo " | "; echo lang('results_per_page'); echo " <form name=\"resultsper\" method=POST>" . "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"{$this->id}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s1 value=\"{$this->s1}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s2 value=\"{$this->s2}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s3 value=\"{$this->s3}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s4 value=\"{$this->s4}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s5 value=\"{$this->s5}\">" . "<select name=\"perchoice\" onchange=\"" . "this.form.action=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" . "this.form.submit()\">" . "<option selected value=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/{$page}/{$perpage}\">{$perpage}</option>" . "<option value=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/" . "{$page}/20/\">20</option>" . "<option value=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/" . "{$page}/50\">50</option>" . "<option value=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/" . "{$page}/100\">100</option>" . "<option value=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/" . "{$page}/1000\">1000</option>" . "</select></form>"; } // record view link echo " <form method=post " . "action=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/{$page}/1/record/\">" . "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"{$this->id}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s1 value=\"{$this->s1}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s2 value=\"{$this->s2}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s3 value=\"{$this->s3}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s4 value=\"{$this->s4}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s5 value=\"{$this->s5}\">" . "<input type=submit value=\"" . lang('recordview') . "\">" . "</form> "; echo "<form method=post action=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/search/results/{$page}/20\">" . "<input type=hidden name=id value=\"{$this->id}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s1 value=\"{$this->s1}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s2 value=\"{$this->s2}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s3 value=\"{$this->s3}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s4 value=\"{$this->s4}\">" . "<input type=hidden name=s5 value=\"{$this->s5}\">" . "<input type=submit value=\"" . lang('listview') . "\">" . "</form><br>"; foreach ($this->result->result() as $myresult) { // initialize variables; $acnum = 0; $serviceid = 0; $id = 0; $removed = ''; $cancel_date = ''; // get the account_number or service id in the search result foreach ($myresult as $key => $value) { if ($key == "account_number") { $acnum = $value; } if ($key == "user_services_id" or $key == "user_services") { $serviceid = $value; } if ($key == "id") { $id = $value; } if ($key == 'removed') { $removed = $value; } if ($key == 'cancel_date') { $cancel_date = $value; } } // if the row is a removed service, grey it out if ($removed == 'y' or !empty($cancel_date)) { $rowstyle = "background-color: eee; color: aaa;"; } else { $rowstyle = "background-color: dde; color: black;"; } if ($num_of_results == 1) { // check if this is a service item and redirect to the service item if ($serviceid) { print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">window.location.href = " . "\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/view/service/{$serviceid}/{$acnum}\";</script>"; } else { // else just redirect the account by account_number print "<script language=\"JavaScript\">window.location.href = " . "\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/view/account/{$acnum}\";</script>"; } } else { // check if this is a service item and link to the service item if ($serviceid) { echo "<tr style=\"{$rowstyle}\"><td><a href=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/view/service/" . "{$serviceid}\">" . lang('view') . ": " . lang('service') . "</a></td>"; } else { // else just link to the account by account number echo "<tr style=\"{$rowstyle}\"><td><a href=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/view/account/" . "{$acnum}\">" . lang('view') . ": " . lang('account') . "</a></td>"; } } if ($recordview == TRUE) { echo "<hr noshade>"; // set the new account number to view $this->session->set_userdata('account_number', $acnum); $this->account_number = $acnum; // load the models necessary $this->load->model('customer_model'); $this->load->model('module_model'); $this->load->model('user_model'); $this->load->model('support_model'); $this->load->model('user_model'); /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * below here is the similar to the customer controller's index method * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* // load the module header common to all module views $this->load->view('module_header_view'); */ // show the customer information (name, address, etc) $data = $this->customer_model->record($this->account_number); $this->load->view('customer/index_view', $data); // show a small preview of billing info $this->load->model('billing_model'); $data['record'] = $this->billing_model->record_list($this->account_number); $this->load->view('billing/mini_index_view', $data); // show the services that they have assigned to them $this->load->model('service_model'); $data['categories'] = $this->service_model->service_categories($this->account_number); $this->load->view('services/heading_view', $data); // output the list of services $data['services'] = $this->service_model->list_services($this->account_number); $this->load->view('services/index_view', $data); /* // the history listing tabs $this->load->view('historyframe_tabs_view'); // the html page footer $this->load->view('html_footer_view'); */ } else { foreach ($myresult as $key => $value) { echo "<td>{$value}</td>\n"; } } } if (empty($key)) { echo "<tr><td><b>" . lang('sorrynorecordsfound') . "</b></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td><a href=\"{$this->url_prefix}/index.php/dashboard\"> " . lang('clickheretotryagain') . "</a>"; } }
$pnum = ""; } // no of elements per page $limit = 20; // Query to get total num of mem being displayed $queryPN = "{$query}"; // simple query to get total no of entries if ($result = $mysqli->query("{$queryPN}")) { /* determine number of rows result set */ $total = $result->num_rows; // printf("Topics: %d \n", $total); /* close result set */ $result->close(); } // work out the pager values $pager = getPagerData($total, $limit, $pnum); $offset = $pager->offset; $limit = $pager->limit; $pnum = $pager->pnum; // Global link to this page for page nums $cur_page_url_link = "{$site_forum_title}?1=forum_display&2={$f_cat}&3={$f_id}/"; // End Get Page Number Stuff $query_b = "{$query} LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}"; if ($result = $mysqli->query($query_b)) { $arr2 = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_BOTH); foreach ($arr2 as $row2) { $f_p_id = $row2['forum_post_id']; $f_p_id_cat = $row2['forum_id']; $f_p_title = $row2['forum_title']; $f_p_timestamp = $row2['forum_timestamp']; $f_p_user_id = $row2['forum_user_id'];