Exemplo n.º 1
 function upd_lelang()
     $data = array();
     $datax = array();
     $id = $_POST['no_spb'];
     $n = $_POST['ide'];
     $data['no_spb'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "no_spb", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $data['id_barang'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "id_barang", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $data['nilai_spb'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "nilai_spb", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $data['jw_spb'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "jw_spb", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $tgl_spb = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "tgl_spb", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $pp_ke = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("perpanjang_spb", "pp_ke", "where pp_stat='Y' and no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $pp_ke == '' ? $pp_ke = 1 : ($pp_ke = $pp_ke);
     $data['jt_spb'] = getNextDays($tgl_spb, $pp_ke * 30);
     $_POST['stat'] == '' ? $sts = "" : ($sts = $_POST['stat']);
     $data['pp_stat'] = $_POST['stat'];
     $data["created_by"] = $this->session->userdata("userid");
     if ($this->Admin_model->field_exists('lelang', "where no_spb='{$id}'", 'no_spb') == '') {
         $this->Admin_model->simpan_data('lelang', $data);
     } else {
         $this->Admin_model->upd_data('lelang', "set pp_stat='" . $sts . "'", "where no_spb='{$id}'");
     $_POST['stat'] == '' ? $this->Admin_model->upd_data('spb', "set stat_spb='Y',created_by='" . $this->session->userdata("userid") . "'", "where no_spb='" . $_POST['no_spb'] . "'") : $this->Admin_model->upd_data('spb', "set stat_spb='C',created_by='" . $this->session->userdata("userid") . "'", "where no_spb='" . $_POST['no_spb'] . "'");
     //print_r ($data);
     $datax['gambar'] = base_url() . "asset/images/44.gif";
     $datax['diklik'] = "upd_lelang('{$id}','');";
     $datax['ttl'] = $this->Admin_model->total_data('lelang', 'D', "pp_stat");
     echo json_encode($datax);
Exemplo n.º 2
 function label_siap_print()
     $data = array();
     $id = $_POST['no_spb'];
     $data['no_spb'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "no_spb", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $data['id_barang'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "id_barang", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $data['nilai_spb'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "nilai_spb", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $data['jw_spb'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "jw_spb", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $tgl_spb = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("spb", "tgl_spb", "where no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $pp_ke = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("perpanjang_spb", "pp_ke", "where pp_stat='Y' and no_spb='" . $id . "'");
     $pp_ke == '' ? $pp_ke = 1 : ($pp_ke = $pp_ke);
     $data['jt_spb'] = getNextDays($tgl_spb, $pp_ke * 30);
     $_POST['stat'] == '' ? $sts = "" : ($sts = $_POST['stat']);
     $data['pp_stat'] = $_POST['stat'];
     $data["created_by"] = $this->session->userdata("userid");
     if ($this->Admin_model->field_exists('labeling', "where no_spb='{$id}'", 'no_spb') == '') {
         $this->Admin_model->simpan_data('labeling', $data);
     } else {
         $this->Admin_model->upd_data('labeling', "set pp_stat='" . $sts . "'", "where no_spb='{$id}'");
Exemplo n.º 3
function perpanjang($no_spb, $pp_ke = 1, $showtgl = false, $bayar = false)
    $jtspb = rdb('spb', 'tgl_spb', 'tgl_spb', "where no_spb='{$no_spb}'");
    $nextjtspb = getNextDays($jtspb, $pp_ke * 30);
    $nextjtspb2 = getNextDays($jtspb, ($pp_ke + 1) * 30);
    $bataslelang = getNextDays($nextjtspb, 13);
    $today = date('Y-m-d');
    $stat = rdb('perpanjang_spb', 'pp_ke', 'pp_ke', "where no_spb='" . $no_spb . "' and pp_ke='{$pp_ke}'");
    $action = rdb('perpanjang_spb', 'pp_stat', 'pp_stat', "where no_spb='" . $no_spb . "' and pp_ke='{$pp_ke}'");
    $bayare = $bayar == true && $pp_ke > 1 ? rdb('perpanjang_spb', 'pp_stat', 'pp_stat', "where no_spb='" . $no_spb . "' and pp_ke='" . ($pp_ke - 1) . "'") : '';
    $bunga = rdb('spb', 'taksir_spb', 'taksir_spb', "where no_spb='{$no_spb}'");
    $bunga = $bunga * 10 / 100;
    if ($stat == '') {
        if (compare_date($today, $bataslelang) == true && compare_date($today, $nextjtspb) == false) {
            return "<img class='aksi' src='" . base_url() . "/asset/images/icon-25.gif' width='20' height='20' title='Klik untuk process perpanjang' onclick=\"aksi_click('{$no_spb}','{$pp_ke}','{$bunga}')\";>";
        } else {
            return compare_date($nextjtspb2, $today) == false ? $bayar == true && $bayare == 'Y' || $pp_ke == '1' ? "<img src='" . base_url() . "/asset/images/checkout.gif' title='Click untuk transaksi bayar' onclick=\"aksi_click('{$no_spb}','{$pp_ke}','{$bunga}')\">" : false : "<img src='" . base_url() . "/asset/images/8.png' title='Tidak di perpanjang lanjut untuk process lelang'>";
    } else {
        if ($action == 'Y') {
            return $showtgl == false ? "<img src='" . base_url() . "/asset/images/iconic.png' ondblclick=\"reset_upd('{$no_spb}','{$pp_ke}','');\" title='Telah di perpanjang " . $stat . " kali.\nTanggal Jatuh Tempo berikutnya :" . tglfromSql(getNextDays($jtspb, ($stat + 1) * 30)) . "'>" : ShortTgl($nextjtspb2);
        } else {
            if ($action == 'N') {
                return "<img src='" . base_url() . "/asset/images/8.png' ondblclick=\"reset_upd('{$no_spb}','{$pp_ke}','Y');\" title='Tidak di perpanjang lanjut untuk process lelang'>";
            } else {
                if ($action == 'L') {
                    return "<img src='" . base_url() . "/asset/images/bullet.png' title='Lunas'>";
                } else {
                    return false;