function introducirPalabra($palabra) { var_dump($palabra); $id = getMaxId('palabras'); insertMySQL('palabras', array('id', 'palabra'), 'is', array($id, $palabra["palabra"])); $valoresSignificados = array(getMaxId('significados'), $id, getIdCampoCte('cte_tipos_palabras', 'tipo', 's', $palabra["significado"]["tipo"]), $palabra["significado"]["acepcion"]); insertMySQL('significados', array('id', 'palabra_id', 'tipo', 'acepción'), 'iiis', $valoresSignificados); foreach ($palabra["etimologia"] as $etimologia) { if (!isset($palabraPrevia)) { $palabraPrevia = null; } $valoresEtimologias = array(getMaxId('etimologias'), $id, "2013-07-31", getIdCampoCte('cte_idiomas', 'idioma', 's', $etimologia["idioma"]), $etimologia["palabra"]); $palabraPrevia = $etimologia["palabra"]; insertMySQL('etimologias', array('id', 'palabra_id', 'fecha', 'idioma', 'palabra'), 'iidss', $valoresEtimologias); } }
function userEarnedNotify(){ try{ $cnt = 0; $maxId = getMaxId(); if(!$_COOKIE['max_id']){ setcookie('max_id', $maxId); }else{ if($maxId != $_COOKIE['max_id']){ $db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=".DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); $db->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ); for($i = $maxId; $i > $_COOKIE['max_id']; $i--){ $query = $db->query("SELECT user_id, item_id FROM `wp_bp_notifications` WHERE id = $i"); $result = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if($result['user_id'] == get_current_user_id() and $result['user_id'] != 0){ // получаем title страницы $title = get_the_title($result['item_id']); // получаем url прикрепленного изображения страницы $img_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($result['item_id']); $img_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id,'thumbnail', true); $img_url = $img_url[0]; // получаем ссылка на страницу $item_url = get_permalink($result['item_id']); $output .= "<li><b><a href='$item_url'>".get_the_title($result['item_id'])."</a></b></li>"; $output .= <<<SCRIPT <a href="#" onclick="Share.vkontakte('$item_url','$title','$img_url','Я получил новую ачивку от ВПШ!')">Поделится ВК</a> SCRIPT; $cnt += 1;//если будет равен 0 тогда не выводим popup окно на сайте } } setcookie('max_id', $maxId); } } // скрываем popup окно если показывать нечего if($cnt == 0) echo "<style type='text/css'> #overlay-sidebar-wrap {display:none;} </style>"; return $output; }catch(PDOException $e){ die($e->getMessage()); } }
} } } } return $max; } function cpm($a, $b) { return $a["id"] < $b["id"] ? -1 : 1; } if (isset($_POST['newUser'])) { $newUser = $_POST['newUser']; $users = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); if ($users) { $count = count($users); $maxId = getMaxId($users); $newUser = array('id' => $maxId + 1) + $newUser; } else { $users = []; $newUser = array('id' => 1) + $newUser; } array_push($users, $newUser); usort($users, "cpm"); file_put_contents($file, json_encode($users)); echo json_encode($users); exit; } if (isset($_POST['editUser']) && $_POST['editUser']) { $editUser = $_POST['editUser']; $users = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); if ($users) {
function getprofile() { $intId = '1'; $region_image_img_name = ""; if ($_POST['md_title'] != '') { $_POST['md_region_id'] = implode(",", $_POST['md_regions']); // $strSql ='SELECT * FROM tbl_profiles where title =\'' .$objDatabase->con->real_escape_string(trim($_POST['md_title'])).'\' and region_id = \''.trim($_POST['md_region_id']).'\' '; // $namecheck_rs = $this->db->query($strSql); // $namecheck=$namecheck_rs->result_array(); $namecheck = $this->db->where('title', trim($_POST['md_title']))->where('region_id', trim($_POST['md_region_id']))->count_all_results('tbl_profiles'); $dataint = 0; if ($namecheck) { $datamsg = 'Profile Name already exists'; $dataint = 0; } else { $_POST['db_dob'] = $_POST['year'] . '-' . $_POST['month'] . '-' . $_POST['day']; unset($_POST['year']); unset($_POST['month']); unset($_POST['day']); // $intId= $objDatabase->insertForm('tbl_suggestion'); $maxid = getMaxId("tbl_suggestion", "id"); $data = array('gname' => $_POST['db_gname'], 'email' => $_POST['db_email'], 'title' => $_POST['md_title'], 'dob' => $_POST['db_dob'], 'image' => '', 'region_id' => $_POST['md_region_id'], 'kind' => trim($_POST['md_kind']), 'description' => addslashes($_POST['md_description'])); $this->db->insert('tbl_suggestion', $data); if (!empty($_FILES["db_image"]['name'])) { $gettmp_tumbs_arr = array(); $imagecounter = 1; $ext = explode(".", $_FILES["db_image"]['name']); $ext = strtolower($ext[1]); $uploadConst['upload_path'] = SITE_UPLOADPATH; $uploadConst['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg'; //$uploadConst['max_size'] = REGION_MAP; // $uploadConst['min_width'] = '1200'; // $uploadConst['min_height'] = '900'; $uploadConst['file_name'] = 'suggestionprofile-' . $maxid . "." . $ext; $this->upload->initialize($uploadConst); if (!$this->upload->do_upload('db_image')) { $remap_error = $this->upload->display_errors(); $images_error["masterlist_error"] = $remap_error; } else { $config = array(); $image_data = array(); $image_data = $this->upload->data(); $region_image_img_name = $image_data["orig_name"]; $region_ext_img_name = $image_data["file_ext"]; } $this->db->query("update tbl_suggestion set image='" . $region_image_img_name . "' where id='" . $maxid . "' "); } else { $region_image_img_name = ""; } if ($intId) { $datamsg = 'Thank you! Your submission has been received and is awaiting approval'; $dataint = 1; if ($_POST['db_email'] != '') { //***************************************** $strSql = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_mailtemplates where id=%d'; $objRecord1 = $this->db->query(sprintf($strSql, '1')); $messagearr = $objRecord1->row_array(); $message = $messagearr["temp_content"]; $name = $_POST['db_gname'] != '' ? $_POST['db_gname'] : 'User'; $message = str_replace("[#name]", $name, $message); $message = str_replace("[#profilename]", trim($_POST['md_title']), $message); $message = str_replace("[#kind]", $_POST['md_kind'], $message); $message = str_replace("[#description]", $_POST['md_description'], $message); //***************** Send to Add User ********************** send_email($messagearr["subject"], $message, $_POST['db_email'], $_POST['md_title'], $messagearr["from_mail"], $messagearr["title"]); //******************************************************* } } else { $datamsg = 'Sorry, your request not sent try later'; $dataint = 0; } } } else { $datamsg = 'Sorry, your request not sent try later'; $dataint = 0; } $data = array($dataint, $datamsg); // echo "<pre>"; // print_r($_POST); // print_r($_FILES); // exit; echo json_encode($data); }
<?php /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ include_once '../../mainfile.php'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php'; $tablename = $_GET['tablename']; $idname = $_GET['idname']; switch ($tablename) { case "sim_groups": echo getMaxId($idname, $tablename, ""); break; case "": break; case "": break; default: break; } function getMaxId($idname, $tablename, $wherestr) { global $xoopsDB; $sql = "SELECT max(" . $idname . ") as id FROM " . $tablename . " " . $wherestr; $query = $xoopsDB->query($sql); while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($query)) { return $row['id']; } }
/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Adriana Valenzuela, Mayra Ruiz & Roberto Ruiz * Date: 04/11/2015 * Time: 11:04 */ $code = $_GET["code"]; $conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'osham'); if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $result = $conn->query("select * from tempusers where code = '{$code}'"); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); if (isset($row["email"])) { echo "Entro"; $email = $row["email"]; $password = $row["password"]; include "getId.php"; $id = getMaxId(); $result->free(); $result = $conn->query("insert into users values('{$id}','{$email}','{$password}')"); $conn->close(); header("location:html/profile.html"); } else { echo '<a href=\'login.html\' ><h1>Usuario o password incorrectos, vuelva a intentarlo</h1> </a>'; echo "bien"; } ?> </body> </html>
<?php include_once 'dbq.php'; $a = $_POST['fname']; $b = $_POST['lname']; $c = $_POST['add1']; $d = $_POST['add2']; $e = $_POST['city']; $f = $_POST['state']; $g = $_POST['zip']; $h = $_POST['country']; $i = $_POST['contact']; $j = $_POST['email']; $k = $_POST['uname']; $l = $_POST['pass']; $q = getDataFromUserName($k, 1); $mx = intval(getMaxId()); $mx = $mx + 1; $id = $mx; if ($q = 'false') { $rnd = rand(1111, 9999); mysql_query("insert into users values(\n '" . $k . "',\n '" . $l . "',\n '" . $a . "',\n '" . $b . "',\n '" . $c . "',\n '" . $d . "',\n '" . $e . "',\n '" . $f . "',\n '" . $g . "',\n '" . $h . "',\n '" . $i . "',\n '" . $rnd . "',\n '0',\n '" . $mx . "',\n 'NA',\n '" . $j . "')\n "); $to = $j; $subject = "Email Verification Mail from Indian Web Analyst"; $message = "\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Email Verification</title>\n\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>Your verification code is <a href='" . $id . "&code=" . $rnd . "'>" . $rnd . "</a></h1>\n<br />\n<a href='" . $mx . "&code=" . $rnd . "'>Click here to verify.</a> <br />\nIf this link not working just copy and paste it...<br /><br />\n" . $mx . "&code=" . $rnd . " <br />\n\n\n</body>\n</html>\n"; // Always set content-type when sending HTML email $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n"; // More headers $headers .= 'From: <*****@*****.**>' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Cc:' . "\r\n"; $from = "*****@*****.**";