Exemplo n.º 1

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
$prodlist = getListBySql("select id,prodid from prod order by prodid", $db);
$smarty->assign("prodlist", $prodlist);
$joblist = getListBySql("select id,jobname from job order by id", $db);
$smarty->assign("joblist", $joblist);
Exemplo n.º 2
    $smarty->assign("key", $_GET[key]);
if (isset($_GET[sdate]) && !empty($_GET[sdate])) {
    $case = $case . " and DATE_FORMAT(pddate,'%Y-%m-%d') = '" . $_GET[sdate] . "'";
    $smarty->assign("sdate", $_GET[sdate]);
$pagesize = 10;
$queryTotal = $db->query("SELECT * FROM orderitem AS oi LEFT JOIN customer AS c ON oi.custid = c.id " . $case);
$total = $db->db_num_rows($queryTotal);
pageft($total, $pagesize);
if ($firstcount < 0) {
    $firstcount = 0;
$sql = "SELECT\r\nc.custname,\r\noi.id,\r\noi.orderid,\r\nDATE_FORMAT(oi.pddate,'%Y-%m-%d') as pddate,\r\nDATE_FORMAT(oi.jcdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as jcdate,\r\noi.ccdate,\r\noi.custid,\r\noi.orderprice,\r\noi.create_date,\r\noi.create_user,\r\noi.edit_date,\r\noi.edit_user,\r\noi.edit_reason\r\nFROM\r\norderitem AS oi\r\nLEFT JOIN customer AS c ON oi.custid = c.id " . $case . " order by id desc limit {$firstcount}, {$displaypg}";
$orderRow = getListBySql($sql, $db);
$smarty->assign("orderlist", $orderRow);
$in = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($orderRow); $i++) {
    $in = $in . "'" . $orderRow[$i][id] . "',";
$in = substr($in, 0, strlen($in) - 1);
if (!empty($in)) {
    $orderlistRow = getListBySql("select ol.*,(select p.prodid from prod p where p.id = ol.prodid)as prodname from orderlist ol where ol.orderid in(" . $in . ")", $db);
$smarty->assign("orderlistlist", $orderlistRow);
$smarty->assign("page", $pagenav);
Exemplo n.º 3
    } else {
        include_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
        include_once "action/public_info.php";
        $db->query("select id from type where pid='" . $_GET[type] . "'");
        $cnt = $db->db_num_rows();
        $newslist = null;
        if ($cnt > 0) {
            $newslist = getListBySql("select * from type where pid='" . $_GET[type] . "'", $db);
        } else {
            require_once "action/page.class.php";
            $case = 'where type_id=' . $_GET[type];
            $pagesize = 20;
            $queryTotal = $db->query("select id from news " . $case);
            $total = $db->db_num_rows($queryTotal);
            pageft($total, $pagesize);
            if ($firstcount < 0) {
                $firstcount = 0;
            $smarty->assign("page", $pagenav);
            $newslist = getListBySql("select id,title,DATE_FORMAT(create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') as create_date,click from news " . $case . " order by create_date desc limit {$firstcount}, {$displaypg} ", $db);
        $smarty->assign("newslist", $newslist);
        $display = "news.htm";
Exemplo n.º 4
    $sql = "SELECT c.type_id,c.class_name,c.course_name,ru.course,ru.id,ru.username,ru.gender,ru.college,ru.work_unit,ru.mobile,\r\n\tru.telephone,ru.qq,ru.email,ru.cnt,ru.create_date,ru.money,ru.pay_date,ru.remark,ru.class_no,t.type_name,au.adminname,ru.input_user FROM\r\n\tboya_reg_user AS ru LEFT JOIN boya_course AS c ON c.id = ru.course LEFT JOIN boya_type AS t ON c.type_id = t.id\r\n\tLEFT JOIN boya_admin_user AS au ON ru.input_user = au.id where 1=1 ";
    if ("1" == $_GET[isfee]) {
        $sql = $sql . " and pay_date is not null ";
    } else {
        if ("0" == $_GET[isfee]) {
            $sql = $sql . " and pay_date is null ";
    if (isset($_GET[opentime]) && !empty($_GET[opentime])) {
        //echo "<script>alert()</script>";
        $sql = $sql . " and ru.open_time ='{$_GET['opentime']}' ";
    if ("-1" != $_GET[classname]) {
        $sql = $sql . " and ru.course='{$_GET['classname']}' ";
    $sql = $sql . " order by ru.create_date desc";
    $smarty->assign("opentime", $_GET[opentime]);
    $smarty->assign("isfee", $_GET[isfee]);
    $smarty->assign("classname", $_GET[classname]);
    $adminRow = getListBySql($sql, $db);
    $smarty->assign("adminRow", $adminRow);
    $smarty->assign("excelname", $adminRow[0][type_name] . "-" . $adminRow[0][class_name] . "-" . $adminRow[0][course_name]);
    pageft(0, 1);
    $smarty->assign("page", $pagenav);
} else {
    pageft(0, 1);
    $smarty->assign("page", $pagenav);
Exemplo n.º 5

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
$list = getListBySql("select * from boya_config where comm_type='ContactUs'", $db);
$smarty->assign("ContactUsInfo", $list[0]);
$conlist = getListBySql("select * from boya_config where comm_type='Contact'", $db);
$smarty->assign("ContactInfo", $conlist[0]);
Exemplo n.º 6
                    if ($ms == 4) {
                        $case = $case . " and m_sal in('10','11','12') ";
        $smarty->assign("ms", $ms);
    if (isset($_GET['mon']) && !empty($_GET['mon'])) {
        $m = $_GET['mon'];
        $case = $case . " and m_sal ='" . $m . "' ";
        $smarty->assign("mon", $m);
    if (isset($_GET['staffid']) && !empty($_GET['staffid'])) {
        $staffid = $_GET['staffid'];
        $case = $case . " and staffid ='" . $staffid . "' ";
        $smarty->assign("staffid", $staffid);
        $staffinfo = getListBySql("select * from staff where id='" . $staffid . "'", $db);
        $smarty->assign("staffinfo", $staffinfo[0]);
    $nopayquery = $db->query("select sum(sal) as cnt from sal where ispay='0' " . $case . " ");
    $nopayinfo = $db->fetch_array($nopayquery);
    $smarty->assign("nopaysal", $nopayinfo);
    $payquery = $db->query("select sum(sal) as cnt from sal where ispay='1' " . $case . " ");
    $payinfo = $db->fetch_array($payquery);
    $smarty->assign("paysal", $payinfo);
Exemplo n.º 7

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
$list = $service = getListBySql("select id,comm_code,remark,comm_value from comm_code where comm_type='OnlineService'", $db);
$online = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($service); $i++) {
    $tmp = array();
    if ($service[$i][remark] == "Time") {
        $tmp["id"] = $service[$i][id];
        $tmp["text"] = $service[$i][comm_code];
        $tmp["value"] = $service[$i][comm_value];
        $tmp["key"] = 'Time';
    if ($service[$i][remark] == "Tell") {
        $tmp["id"] = $service[$i][id];
        $tmp["text"] = $service[$i][comm_code];
        $tmp["key"] = 'Tell';
    if ($service[$i][remark] == "QQ") {
        $tmp["id"] = $service[$i][id];
        $tmp["text"] = $service[$i][comm_code];
        $tmp["value"] = $service[$i][comm_value];
        $tmp["key"] = 'QQ';
    $online[$i] = $tmp;
$smarty->assign("online", $online);
Exemplo n.º 8

if (isset($_GET[clid]) && !empty($_GET[clid])) {
    require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
    $info = getListBySql("select * from cl where id = {$_GET['clid']}", $db);
    $smarty->assign("clinfo", $info[0]);
} else {
    echo "<script>window.history.back();</script>";
Exemplo n.º 9

if (isset($_GET[salid]) && !empty($_GET[salid])) {
    require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
    $query = $db->query("select s.*,sf.id as sfid,sf.staffid,sf.staffname from sal s left join staff sf on s.staffid = sf.id where s.id = '{$_GET['salid']}'");
    $info = $db->fetch_array($query);
    $smarty->assign("salinfo", $info);
    $m = date("m");
    $y = date("Y");
    if ($m - 1 == 0) {
        $y = $y - 1;
        $m = 12;
    } else {
        $m = $m - 1;
    $yzinfo = getListBySql("select sum(money) as money from yz where m_yz={$m} and y_yz={$y} and staffid = '" . $info[sfid] . "'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("yzmoney", $yzinfo[0]);
    $staffjob = getListBySql("SELECT oi.orderid,sj.amount,j.jobname,p.prodid,p.picname,\r\n\t\tsj.jobpriceid FROM \tstaffjob AS sj LEFT JOIN orderitem AS oi ON sj.orderid = oi.id\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN job AS j ON j.id = sj.jobid LEFT JOIN prod AS p ON sj.prodid = p.id where sj.issal='{$_GET['salid']}' and sj.staffid='" . $info[sfid] . "'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("staffjob", $staffjob);
} else {
    echo "<script>window.history.back();</script>";
Exemplo n.º 10

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once 'action/mysql.class.php';
$type = getListBySql("select * from boya_type where pid='2' order by seq", $db);
$smarty->assign("type", $type);
Exemplo n.º 11
    $case = $case . " and prodid like '%" . $_GET[key] . "%'";
    $smarty->assign("key", $_GET[key]);
$pagesize = 10;
$queryTotal = $db->query("select id from prod " . $case);
$total = $db->db_num_rows($queryTotal);
pageft($total, $pagesize);
if ($firstcount < 0) {
    $firstcount = 0;
$prodlist = getListBySql("select * from prod " . $case . " order by id desc limit {$firstcount}, {$displaypg}", $db);
$smarty->assign("prodRow", $prodlist);
if (sizeof($prodlist) > 0) {
    $in = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($prodlist); $i++) {
        $in = $in . "'" . $prodlist[$i][id] . "',";
    $in = substr($in, 0, strlen($in) - 1);
    $prodlistlist = getListBySql("SELECT pl.prodid,pl.amount,pl.sumprice,cl.clid,pl.id,cl.clname,cl.clgg,\r\n\t\tcl.unit,cl.price FROM prodlist AS pl LEFT JOIN cl ON pl.clid = cl.id where pl.prodid in(" . $in . ") order by pl.prodid", $db);
    $smarty->assign("prodList", $prodlistlist);
    $joblist = getListBySql("SELECT pj.prodid,pj.id,j.jobname FROM prodjob AS pj LEFT JOIN job j ON pj.jobid = j.id where pj.prodid in(" . $in . ") order by pj.prodid", $db);
    $smarty->assign("jobList", $joblist);
$smarty->assign("page", $pagenav);
Exemplo n.º 12
$trainslist = getListBySql("select id,type_name as menu_name,pid,url,seq  from boya_type where id='2'", $db);
$smarty->assign("trainsinfo", $trainslist[0]);
$trainsslist = getListBySql("select id,type_name as menu_name,pid,url,seq  from boya_type where pid = '2'  order by seq", $db);
$smarty->assign("trainsslist", $trainsslist);
$register = getListBySql("select id,type_name as menu_name,pid,url,seq  from boya_type where id='3' ", $db);
$smarty->assign("registerInfo", $register[0]);
$registers = getListBySql("select id,type_name as menu_name,pid,url,seq  from boya_type where pid = '3' order by seq", $db);
$smarty->assign("registers", $registers);
$contact = getListBySql("select id,type_name as menu_name,pid,url,seq  from  boya_type where  id='4'", $db);
$smarty->assign("contactinfo", $contact[0]);
$contactUs = getListBySql("select * from boya_config where comm_type='ContactUs'", $db);
$smarty->assign("contactUs", $contactUs[0]);
$SEO_Title = getInfo("boya_config where comm_type='SEO_Title'", $db);
$smarty->assign("SEO_Title", $SEO_Title);
$SEO_Keyword = getInfo("boya_config where comm_type='SEO_Keyword'", $db);
$smarty->assign("SEO_Keyword", $SEO_Keyword);
$SEO_Desc = getInfo("boya_config where comm_type='SEO_Desc'", $db);
$smarty->assign("SEO_Desc", $SEO_Desc);
$Buttom = getListBySql("select * from boya_config where comm_type='Buttom'", $db);
$smarty->assign("Buttom", $Buttom[0]);
$map = getListBySql("select * from boya_config where comm_type='Map'", $db);
$smarty->assign("map", $map[0]);
$imlist = getListBySql("select * from boya_config where comm_type='Im_Account' order by id", $db);
$smarty->assign("imlist", $imlist);
Exemplo n.º 13

if (isset($_GET[upd_id]) && !empty($_GET[upd_id])) {
    require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
    $query = $db->query("select * from staff where id = '{$_GET['upd_id']}'");
    $info = $db->fetch_array($query);
    $smarty->assign("staffinfo", $info);
    $gwlist = getListBySql("select * from gw order by gwname", $db);
    $smarty->assign("gwlist", $gwlist);
} else {
    echo "<script>window.history.back();</script>";
Exemplo n.º 14

if (isset($_GET[task]) && "updatePower" == $_GET[task]) {
    require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    require_once 'action/mysql.class.php';
    $powerlist = getListBySql("select * from boya_admin_menu where pid='-1' order by seq", $db);
    $smarty->assign("power", $powerlist);
    $powerinfo = getListBySql("select * from boya_admin_menu where id='{$_GET['menuid']}'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("powerinfo", $powerinfo[0]);
} else {
    echo "<script>window.history.back();</script>";
Exemplo n.º 15
$smarty->assign('selflist', $selfList);
$crList = getListBySql("select id,title from news where type_id in(select id from type where id='3' or pid='3') order by create_date desc limit 0,8", $db);
$smarty->assign('crlist', $crList);
$remoteList = getListBySql("select id,title from news where type_id in(select id from type where id='4' or pid='4') order by create_date desc limit 0,8", $db);
$smarty->assign('remotelist', $remoteList);
$otherList = getListBySql("select id,title from news where type_id in(select id from type where id='5' or pid='5') order by create_date desc limit 0,8", $db);
$smarty->assign('otherlist', $otherList);
$kyList = getListBySql("select id,title from news where type_id in(select id from type where id='6' or pid='6') order by create_date desc limit 0,8", $db);
$smarty->assign('kylist', $kyList);
$kjList = getListBySql("select id,type_name,isnewslist from type where pid='8' or pid in(select id from type where pid='8')", $db);
$smarty->assign('kjlist', $kjList);
$jsjList = getListBySql("select id,title from news where type_id in(select id from type where id='10' or pid='10') order by create_date desc limit 0,8", $db);
$smarty->assign('jsjlist', $jsjList);
$downloadList = getListBySql("select id,title from news where type_id in(select id from type where id='9' or pid='9') order by create_date desc limit 0,8", $db);
$smarty->assign('downloadlist', $downloadList);
$xlList = getListBySql("select id,title from news where type_id in(select id from type where id='7' or pid='7') order by create_date desc limit 0,8", $db);
$smarty->assign('xllist', $xlList);
$zcpsList = getListBySql("select id,title from news where type_id in(select id from type where id='12' or pid='12') order by create_date desc limit 0,8", $db);
$smarty->assign('zcpslist', $zcpsList);
$links = getListBySql("select * from link order by remark", $db);
$smarty->assign('linklist', $links);
Exemplo n.º 16

if (isset($_GET[sjid]) && !empty($_GET[sjid])) {
    require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
    $query = $db->query("select * from staffjob where id = '{$_GET['sjid']}'");
    $info = $db->fetch_array($query);
    $smarty->assign("staffjobinfo", $info);
    $stafflist = getListBySql("select id,staffname,staffid from staff order by staffname,staffid", $db);
    $smarty->assign("stafflist", $stafflist);
    $prodinfo = getListBySql("select * from prod where id='" . $info[prodid] . "'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("prodinfo", $prodinfo[0]);
    $orderinfo = getListBySql("select * from orderitem where id='" . $info[orderid] . "'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("orderinfo", $orderinfo[0]);
    $orderlistinfo = getListBySql("select * from orderlist where id='" . $info[orderlistid] . "'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("orderlistinfo", $orderlistinfo[0]);
    $jobinfo = getListBySql("select * from job where id='" . $info[jobid] . "'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("jobinfo", $jobinfo[0]);
} else {
    echo "<script>window.history.back();</script>";
Exemplo n.º 17
         $db->addLog("CAP04006", $_SESSION['WEB_AAMS_USER_LOGIN_UID_SESSION'], "成功", "订单排单", "订单排单成功!");
         echo "OK";
 } else {
     if (isset($_POST[task]) && "updateStaffJobMore" == $_POST[task]) {
         $db->query('start transaction');
         //$staffcnt = $_POST[staffcnt];
         //将会用到implode() 函数进行PHP数组转字符串。而在PHP里,explode() 函数则是用来实现PHP字符串转数组的。
         //$text = implode(",", $vegetables);
         //$vegetables = explode(", ", $text);
         $staffcnt = explode("#", $_POST[staffcnt]);
         $m = date("m");
         $y = date("Y");
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($staffcnt); $i++) {
             $jobprice = getListBySql("select jobprice from jobprice where jobid='" . $_POST[jobid] . "' and prodid='" . $_POST[prodid] . "'", $db);
             $info = explode("-", $staffcnt[$i]);
             $sql = "insert into staffjob(staffid,jobpriceid,prodid,orderid,orderlistid,jobid,amount,m_job,y_job,create_date) " . "values('" . $info[0] . "','" . $jobprice[0][jobprice] . "','" . $_POST[prodid] . "','" . $_POST[oid] . "','" . $_POST[olid] . "','" . $_POST[jobid] . "','" . $info[1] . "','{$m}','{$y}',now())";
             $sql = "";
         $db->query("delete from staffjob where id='{$_POST['sjid']}'");
         if (mysql_errno()) {
             $db->addLog("CAP14003", $_SESSION['WEB_AAMS_USER_LOGIN_UID_SESSION'], "失败", "修改员工作业", "修改员工作业失败!" . mysql_errno());
             echo "DB_ERROR" . mysql_errno();
         } else {
             $db->addLog("CAP14003", $_SESSION['WEB_AAMS_USER_LOGIN_UID_SESSION'], "成功", "修改员工作业", "修改员工作业成功!");
             echo "OK";
Exemplo n.º 18

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
$xcbm = getListBySql("select * from boya_config where comm_type ='XCBM'", $db);
$smarty->assign("xcbm", $xcbm[0]);
Exemplo n.º 19

if (isset($_GET[prodid]) && !empty($_GET[prodid])) {
    require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
    $prodlist = getListBySql("select * from prod where id='{$_GET['prodid']}'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("prodRow", $prodlist);
    $in = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($prodlist); $i++) {
        $in = $in . "'" . $prodlist[$i][id] . "',";
    $in = substr($in, 0, strlen($in) - 1);
    $prodlistlist = getListBySql("SELECT pl.prodid,pl.amount,pl.sumprice,cl.id as cid,cl.clid,pl.id,cl.clname,cl.clgg,\r\n\t\tcl.unit,cl.price FROM prodlist AS pl LEFT JOIN cl ON pl.clid = cl.id where pl.prodid in(" . $in . ") order by pl.prodid", $db);
    $smarty->assign("prodList", $prodlistlist);
    $smarty->assign("count", count($prodlistlist));
    $joblist = getListBySql("SELECT pj.prodid,pj.id,pj.jobid,j.jobname,jp.jobprice FROM prodjob AS pj LEFT JOIN job j ON pj.jobid = j.id " . "left join jobprice jp on j.id=jp.jobid and jp.prodid=pj.prodid where pj.prodid in(" . $in . ") order by pj.prodid", $db);
    $smarty->assign("prodjoblist", $joblist);
    $job = getListBySql("select * from job", $db);
    $smarty->assign("joblist", $job);
    $cl = getListBySql("select c.id,c.clid,c.clname,c.clgg,c.price from cl c order by c.clname,c.clid", $db);
    $smarty->assign("cllist", $cl);
} else {
    echo "<script>window.history.back();</script>";
Exemplo n.º 20

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
$list = getListBySql("select comm_value from comm_code where comm_type='Copy_Info'", $db);
$smarty->assign("aboutInfo", $list[0][comm_value]);
Exemplo n.º 21

include_once "../action/mysql.class.php";
if (isset($_POST[task]) && md5('RegUser') == $_POST[task]) {
    $opentime = getListBySql("SELECT c.open_time as open_time FROM boya_course AS c JOIN boya_type AS t ON c.type_id = t.id and c.id={$_POST['course']}", $db);
    $opentime = $opentime[0][open_time];
    $db->query("insert into boya_reg_user(username,gender,college,work_unit,mobile,telephone,qq,email,course,create_date,open_time)  " . " value('{$_POST['username']}','{$_POST['sex']}','{$_POST['certi']}','{$_POST['address']}','{$_POST['telephone']}','{$_POST['phone']}','{$_POST['qqcode']}','{$_POST['email']}'" . ",'{$_POST['course']}',now(),'{$opentime}') ");
    echo "<script>alert('您已报名成功,本校工作人员将48小时内与您联系确认。谢谢!');location.href='../wsbm.php';</script>";

Exemplo n.º 22
    $smarty->assign("m", $_GET[m]);
if (isset($_GET[jobid]) && !empty($_GET[jobid]) && "-1" != $_GET[jobid]) {
    $case = $case . " and sj.jobid = '" . $_GET[jobid] . "'";
    $smarty->assign("jobid", $_GET[jobid]);
if (isset($_GET[isover]) && !empty($_GET[isover])) {
    $isover = $_GET[isover];
    if ("-1" == $_GET[isover]) {
        $isover = 0;
    $case = $case . " and sj.isfinish = '" . $isover . "'";
    $smarty->assign("isover", $isover);
$pagesize = 15;
$queryTotal = $db->query("SELECT sj.id FROM staffjob AS sj LEFT JOIN job AS j ON sj.jobid = j.id\r\nLEFT JOIN prod AS p ON sj.prodid = p.id LEFT JOIN orderitem AS oi ON sj.orderid = oi.id\r\nINNER JOIN staff AS s ON sj.staffid = s.id " . $case);
$total = $db->db_num_rows($queryTotal);
pageft($total, $pagesize);
if ($firstcount < 0) {
    $firstcount = 0;
$stafflist = getListBySql("SELECT sj.id,sj.amount,sj.m_job,sj.y_job,sj.isfinish,j.jobname,p.picname,\r\np.prodid,oi.orderid,s.staffid,s.staffname,sj.jobpriceid FROM staffjob AS sj\r\nLEFT JOIN job AS j ON sj.jobid = j.id LEFT JOIN prod AS p ON sj.prodid = p.id\r\nLEFT JOIN orderitem AS oi ON sj.orderid = oi.id LEFT JOIN staff AS s ON sj.staffid = s.id  " . $case . " order by sj.id desc,s.staffname limit {$firstcount}, {$displaypg}", $db);
$smarty->assign("stafflist", $stafflist);
$smarty->assign("page", $pagenav);
$joblist = getListBySql("select * from job", $db);
$smarty->assign("joblist", $joblist);
Exemplo n.º 23

if (isset($_GET[task]) && "regUserInfo" == $_GET[task]) {
    require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    require_once 'action/mysql.class.php';
    $reginfo = getListBySql("select ru.* from boya_reg_user ru where ru.id='{$_GET['regid']}'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("reginfo", $reginfo[0]);
} else {
    echo "<script>window.history.back();</script>";
Exemplo n.º 24

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
$db->query("select * from orderlist where isfinish='0' and orderid=(select id from orderitem where orderid='" . $_GET[orderid] . "')");
$cnt = $db->db_num_rows();
if ($cnt < 1) {
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    if (isset($_GET[orderid]) && !empty($_GET[orderid])) {
        $smarty->assign("orderid", $_GET[orderid]);
    $stafflist = getListBySql("select id,staffid,staffname from staff order by staffname", $db);
    $smarty->assign("stafflist", $stafflist);
} else {
    echo "<script>alert('订单明细未全部竣工,无法操作出仓!');location.href='orderlist.php'</script>";
Exemplo n.º 25

if (isset($_GET[task]) && "updateUser" == $_GET[task]) {
    require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
    require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
    require_once 'action/mysql.class.php';
    $userinfo = getListBySql("select * from boya_admin_user where id='{$_GET['userid']}'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("userinfo", $userinfo[0]);
    $userpower = getListBySql("select * from boya_admin_user_menu where userid='{$_GET['userid']}'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("userpower", $userpower);
    $powerlist = getListBySql("select * from boya_admin_menu order by seq", $db);
    $smarty->assign("powerlist", $powerlist);
} else {
    echo "<script>window.history.back();</script>";
Exemplo n.º 26

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/checkOrderPassword.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
$cust = getListBySql("select c.id,c.custid,c.custname from customer c order by c.custname,c.custid", $db);
$smarty->assign("custlist", $cust);
$prod = getListBySql("select c.id,c.prodid,c.picname from prod c order by c.picname,c.prodid", $db);
$smarty->assign("prodlist", $prod);
Exemplo n.º 27

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
$list = getListBySql("select * from boya_config where comm_type='Buttom'", $db);
$smarty->assign("ButtomInfo", $list[0]);
Exemplo n.º 28

include_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
include_once "action/mysql.class.php";
include_once "action/public_info.php";
$smarty->assign('addressNav', '<a href="index.php">首页</a>&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;联系我们');
$info = getListBySql("select comm_value from comm_code where comm_type='Menu' and comm_code='contact.php'", $db);
$smarty->assign("content", $info[0][comm_value]);
Exemplo n.º 29
$db->query("select id from orderitem where orderid='" . $seqid . "'");
$cnt = $db->db_num_rows();
$smarty->assign("orderid", $seqid);
if ($cnt > 0) {
    $sql = "SELECT oi.id,c.custname,oi.orderid,oi.pddate,oi.jcdate,\r\n\t\toi.custid,oi.orderprice,oi.create_date,oi.create_user,oi.edit_date,\r\n\t\toi.edit_user,oi.edit_reason FROM orderitem AS oi LEFT JOIN customer AS c ON oi.custid = c.id\r\n\t\twhere oi.orderid='" . $seqid . "'";
    $orderInfoList = getListBySql($sql, $db);
    $smarty->assign("orderinfo", $orderInfoList[0]);
    $sql2 = "select ol.*,(select p.prodid from prod p where p.id = ol.prodid)as prodname " . "from orderlist ol where ol.orderid ='" . $orderInfoList[0][id] . "'";
    $orderlist = getListBySql($sql2, $db);
    $smarty->assign("orderlist", $orderlist);
    $sql3 = "SELECT ol.id AS olid, ol.orderid,ol.cnt,ol.itemprice,ol.isfinish,\r\n\t\tol.finish_date,j.jobname,p.id AS pid,p.prodid,p.picname,j.id AS jid\r\n\t\tFROM orderlist AS ol LEFT JOIN prodjob AS pj ON ol.prodid = pj.prodid\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN prod AS p ON ol.prodid = p.id LEFT JOIN job AS j ON pj.jobid = j.id\r\n\t\twhere ol.orderid ='" . $orderInfoList[0][id] . "'";
    $prodjoblist = getListBySql($sql3, $db);
    $smarty->assign("prodjoblist", $prodjoblist);
    $stafflist = getListBySql("select id,staffname,staffid from staff order by staffname,staffid", $db);
    $smarty->assign("stafflist", $stafflist);
    $staffjoblist = getListBySql("select * from staffjob where orderid='" . $orderInfoList[0][id] . "'", $db);
    $smarty->assign("staffjoblist", $staffjoblist);
} else {
    if (!empty($seqid)) {
        $smarty->assign("isOverAllPd", "<font style='color:red;'>该订单已经完成排单!</font>");
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("isOverAllPd", "<font style='color:red;'>没有所要查询的数据....</font>");
Exemplo n.º 30

require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php";
require_once "action/smarty_inc.php";
require_once "action/mysql.class.php";
require_once "action/page.class.aams.php";
$pagesize = 50;
$queryTotal = $db->query("select id from boya_type");
$total = $db->db_num_rows($queryTotal);
pageft($total, $pagesize);
if ($firstcount < 0) {
    $firstcount = 0;
$adminQuery = $db->query("select * from boya_type order by seq limit {$firstcount}, {$displaypg}");
$adminRow = array();
while ($rowadmin = $db->fetch_array($adminQuery)) {
    $adminRow[] = $rowadmin;
$smarty->assign("adminRow", $adminRow);
$smarty->assign("page", $pagenav);
$p_menu = getListBySql("select * from boya_type where pid='-1'", $db);
$smarty->assign("pmenu", $p_menu);