break; case 'gettags': print json_encode(list_tags()); break; case 'getfaveartists': print json_encode(get_fave_artists()); break; case 'getcharts': $charts = array(); $charts['Artists'] = get_artist_charts(); $charts['Albums'] = get_album_charts(); $charts['Tracks'] = get_track_charts(); print json_encode($charts); break; case 'geturis': $uris = getItemsToAdd($uri, ""); print json_encode($uris); break; case 'geturisfordir': $uris = getDirItems($uri); print json_encode($uris); break; } close_transaction(); close_mpd(); debuglog("---------------------------END----------------------", "USERRATING", 4); function forcedUriOnly($u, $d) { // Some mopidy backends - YouTube and SoundCloud - can return the same artist/album/track info // for multiple different tracks. // This gives us a problem because find_item will think they're the same.
$newimage = md5('Playlist ' . $cmd[2]); if (file_exists('albumart/small/' . $oldimage . '.jpg')) { debuglog("Renaming playlist image for " . $cmd[1] . " to " . $cmd[2], "MPD"); system('mv "albumart/small/' . $oldimage . '.jpg" "albumart/small/' . $newimage . '.jpg"'); system('mv "albumart/asdownloaded/' . $oldimage . '.jpg" "albumart/asdownloaded/' . $newimage . '.jpg"'); } $playlist_file = format_for_disc(rawurldecode($cmd[1])); $new_file = format_for_disc(rawurldecode($cmd[2])); system('mv "prefs/' . $playlist_file . '" "prefs/' . $new_file . '"'); $cmds[] = join_command_string($cmd); break; case "playlistadd": require_once "backends/sql/backend.php"; if (preg_match('/[ab]album\\d+|[ab]artist\\d+/', $cmd[2])) { $lengthnow = count($cmds); $cmds = array_merge($cmds, getItemsToAdd($cmd[2], $cmd[0] . ' "' . format_for_mpd($cmd[1]) . '"')); check_playlist_add_move($cmd, count($cmds) - $lengthnow); } else { $cmds[] = join_command_string(array($cmd[0], $cmd[1], $cmd[2])); check_playlist_add_move($cmd, 1); } break; case "playlistadddir": // TODO How do we move things into position? $thing = array('searchaddpl', $cmd[1], 'base', $cmd[2]); $cmds[] = join_command_string($thing); break; case 'save': $playlist_name = format_for_mpd($cmd[1]); $playlist_file = format_for_disc(rawurldecode($cmd[1])); clean_the_toilet($playlist_file);