function ProcessFormRegister() { global $tpl, $user, $error_list, $order, $mail, $product, $coupon, $pay_class, $currency_code, $currency_unit; $product_id = $_REQUEST['product_id']; $username = stripslashes($_REQUEST['username']); $password = stripslashes($_REQUEST['password']); $repassword = stripslashes($_REQUEST['repassword']); $firstname = stripslashes($_REQUEST['firstname']); $lastname = stripslashes($_REQUEST['lastname']); $email = stripslashes($_REQUEST['email']); $address1 = stripslashes($_REQUEST['address1']); $address2 = stripslashes($_REQUEST['address2']); $city = stripslashes($_REQUEST['city']); $state = stripslashes($_REQUEST['state']); $zip = stripslashes($_REQUEST['zip']); $phone = stripslashes($_REQUEST['phone']); $payment_gateway = $_REQUEST['payment_gateway']; $products = $product->GetProduct($product_id); $date_order_mo = $_REQUEST['date_order']; //figure out what the timestamp for the month should be if ($date_order_mo < date('m')) { //year+1 $date_order = strtotime(date('Y') + 1 . '/' . $date_order_mo . '/1'); } else { $date_order = strtotime(date('Y') . '/' . $date_order_mo . '/1'); } $i = 0; if ($product_id == "") { $error_list[$i] = "Please select membership type"; $i++; } if ($username == "") { $error_list[$i] = "Username is required"; $i++; } if ($password == "") { $error_list[$i] = "Password is required"; $i++; } if ($repassword == "") { $error_list[$i] = "Retype password is required"; $i++; } if ($firstname == "") { $error_list[$i] = "Firstname is required"; $i++; } if ($lastname == "") { $error_list[$i] = "Lastname is required"; $i++; } if ($email == "") { $error_list[$i] = "Email is required"; $i++; } if ($address1 == "") { $error_list[$i] = _("Address is required"); $i++; } if ($city == "") { $error_list[$i] = _("City is required"); $i++; } if ($state == "") { $error_list[$i] = _("State is required"); $i++; } if ($zip == "") { $error_list[$i] = _("Zip is required"); $i++; } if ($payment_gateway == "" && $products['price'] > 0) { $error_list[$i] = "Please select payment gateway"; $i++; } if ($user->CheckUser($username, $email)) { $error_list[$i] = "Username or email already exist"; $i++; } if ($repassword != $password) { $error_list[$i] = "password doesnt match"; $i++; } if (!IsEmailAddress($email)) { $error_list[$i] = "email is not valid"; $i++; } if (!is_array($error_list)) { $product_id = $_REQUEST['product_id']; $price = $products['price']; $name = $products['name']; $description = $products['description']; $item_name = $name . " ( " . $description . " )"; $invoice_id = getInvoiceId(); //**** for coupon ****// if ($coupon_code != "") { $discount_data = $coupon->CheckProductDiscount($coupon_code, $product_id); if (!$discount_data) { } else { $percentage = strrpos($discount_data['coupon_value'], "%"); if ($percentage) { $percent = str_replace("%", "", $discount_data['coupon_value']); $coupon_value_type = "percentage"; $percentage_coupon_value = $percent; $net_price = $discount_data['price'] - $discount_data['price'] * ($percent / 100); } else { $coupon_value_type = "price"; $price_coupon_value = $discount_data['coupon_value']; $net_price = $discount_data['price'] - $discount_data['coupon_value']; } $price = $net_price; if ($price < 0) { $price = 0; } } } if ($price == 0) { $user_id = $user->Add($username, $password, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $address1, $address2, $city, $state, $zip, $phone); $order_id = $order->AddOrder($user_id, $product_id, $date_order); $order_data = $order->GetOrder($order_id); $product_name = $order_data['name']; $product_desc = $order_data['description']; $product_price = $order_data['price']; $product_expire = date("Y-m-d", $order_data['date_expire']); $from_email = CFG_NOTIFY_EMAIL; $from_name = CFG_NOTIFY_FROM; $mail->ConfirmOrderEmail(CFG_SITE_NAME, $firstname, $lastname, $from_email, $from_name, $product_name, $product_desc, $product_price, $product_expire, $email); $mail->ReceivedOrderEmail(CFG_SITE_NAME, $firstname, $lastname, $from_email, $from_name, $product_name, $product_desc, $product_price, $date_order, $product_expire, CFG_SITE_MAIL); $order->UpdateLastEmailSent($order_id, time()); $login = $user->Login($username, $password, $expire); header("Location: index.php"); } else { $firstname = $_REQUEST['firstname']; $lastname = $_REQUEST['lastname']; $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $username = $_REQUEST['username']; $password = $_REQUEST['password']; $currency_code = $currency_code; //$currency_unit ===== GLOBAL VARIABLE $return_url = CFG_SITE_URL; $cancel_url = CFG_SITE_URL; $total = $price; $custom = "{$product_id}&{$email}&{$username}&{$password}&{$firstname}&{$lastname}&{$coupon_code}&{$date_order}"; if ($payment_gateway == "co" || $payment_gateway == "co_subscribe") { $gateway_data = $pay_class->GetPaymentGatewayDetail("2" . $payment_gateway); } else { $gateway_data = $pay_class->GetPaymentGatewayDetail($payment_gateway); } if ($payment_gateway == "paypal_payments") { $notify_url = CFG_SITE_URL . '/payment/paypal.ipn.php'; $paypal_payments_email = $gateway_data['payment_gateway_account']; $paypal_email = $paypal_payments_email; include 'payment/paypal.php'; } elseif ($payment_gateway == "paypal_subscribe") { $notify_url = CFG_SITE_URL . '/payment/paypal-subscribe.ipn.php'; $paypal_subscribe_email = $gateway_data['payment_gateway_account']; $listing_period = $products['duration']; $listing_period_code = strtoupper($products['duration_unit']); $paypal_email = $paypal_subscribe_email; include 'payment/paypal-subscribe.php'; } elseif ($payment_gateway == "co") { $notify_url = CFG_SITE_URL . '/payment/2co.ipn.php'; $co_account = $gateway_data['payment_gateway_account']; $list_co_account = explode("&", $co_account); $co_sid = $list_co_account[0]; $co_secret = $list_co_account[1]; $co_recurring = 0; //set subscribe include 'payment/2co.php'; } elseif ($payment_gateway == "co_subscribe") { $notify_url = CFG_SITE_URL . '/payment/2co-subscribe.ipn.php'; $co_account = $gateway_data['payment_gateway_account']; $list_co_account = explode("&", $co_account); $co_sid = $list_co_account[0]; $co_secret = $list_co_account[1]; $co_recurring = 1; //set subscribe $co_prod_id = $product_id; include 'payment/2co-subscribe.php'; } elseif ($payment_gateway == "alertpay") { $notify_url = CFG_SITE_URL . '/payment/alertpay.ipn.php'; $alertpay_account = $gateway_data['payment_gateway_account']; $list_alertpay_account = explode("&", $alertpay_account); $payalert_email = $list_alertpay_account[0]; $payalert_security_code = $list_alertpay_account[1]; $ap_currency = $currency_code; $ap_purchasetype = "service"; //lainnya subscription & service include 'payment/alertpay.php'; } elseif ($payment_gateway == "alertpay_subscribe") { $notify_url = CFG_SITE_URL . '/payment/alertpay.ipn.php'; $alertpay_subscribe_account = $gateway_data['payment_gateway_account']; $list_alertpay_subscribe_account = explode("&", $alertpay_subscribe_account); $payalert_email = $list_alertpay_subscribe_account[0]; $payalert_security_code = $list_alertpay_subscribe_account[1]; $ap_currency = $currency_code; $ap_purchasetype = "Subscription"; //lainnya subscription & service if (strtolower($products['duration_unit']) == "d") { $ap_timeunit = "Day"; } elseif (strtolower($products['duration_unit']) == "m") { $ap_timeunit = "Month"; } elseif (strtolower($products['duration_unit']) == "y") { $ap_timeunit = "Year"; } $ap_periodlength = $products['duration']; include 'payment/alertpay-subscribe.php'; } elseif ($payment_gateway == "moneybookers") { $notify_url = CFG_SITE_URL . '/payment/moneybookers.ipn.php'; $moneybookers_email = $gateway_data['payment_gateway_account']; include 'payment/moneybookers.php'; } } } else { ShowFormRegister(); } }
echo " contain a value and the ap_TrialAmount is not equal to 0."; } else { if ($ap_Status == "Success") { // The is not a free trial and ap_TrialAmount contains some amount and the // ap_ReferenceNumber contains a valid transaction reference number. $raw = explode('&', urldecode($_POST['apc_1'])); $val_product_id = $raw[0]; $val_email = $raw[1]; $val_username = $raw[2]; $val_password = $raw[3]; $val_firstname = $raw[4]; $val_lastname = $raw[5]; $val_coupon_code = $raw[6]; $val_date_order = $raw[7]; $log = implode("\n", $_POST); $invoice_id = getInvoiceId(); $payment_date = time(); ProcessIPN($payalert_email, $_POST['ap_merchant'], $_POST['ap_amount'], $val_product_id, $val_username, $val_password, $val_firstname, $val_lastname, $val_email, $log, $payment_date, $payment_gateway, $invoice_id, $val_coupon_code, $val_date_order); } else { echo "Transaction cancelled means seller explicitely cancelled the subscription or AlertPay "; echo "cancelled or it was cancelled since buyer didnt have enough money after resheduling after two times."; echo "Take Action appropriately"; if ($ap_PurchaseType == "Subscription") { setSubscriptionVariables(); } else { } } } } function setSubscriptionVariables() {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { deleteRoom($data[$i]); } } if (isset($_POST['add'])) { $total = $_POST['total']; $amount = $_POST['amount']; $section = $_POST['section']; $order_date = date("Y-m-d"); $method = $_POST['method']; $client = $_POST['client']; //Get Invoice invoice id and insert data $query = "select * from invoice where date_issued='" . $order_date . "' and section_id='" . $section . "' and cust_id='" . $client . "'"; $state = getData($query); if (empty($state)) { $id = getInvoiceId(); $qry = "insert into invoice (invoice_number, date_issued, status, amount,section_id,cust_id,user_id) values ('" . $id . "','" . $order_date . "','pending','" . $total . "','" . $section . "','" . $client . "','" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "')"; update($qry); } else { $id = $state[0]['invoice_number']; $total_amnt = $total + $state[0]['amount']; $qry = "update invoice set amount='" . $total_amnt . "' where invoice_number='" . $id . "' and date_issued='" . $order_date . "'"; update($qry); } //Insert Payment in payment Table $payid = getPayment(); $query = "insert into payment (pay_id, amount, cust_id,section_id) values ('" . $payid . "','" . $amount . "','" . $client . "','" . $section . "')"; update($query); header('Location: bill.php'); } ?>
$lname = $_POST['lname']; $email = $_POST['email']; $tel = $_POST['phone']; $meal = $_POST['meal']; $description = $_POST['description']; $cust_id = getCustomerId(); $date = date_create($from); $from = date_format($date, "Y-m-d 11:00:00"); $date = date_create($to); $to = date_format($date, "Y-m-d 14:00:00"); $date_issue = date('Y-m-d'); //insert into customer $query = "insert into customer values ('" . $cust_id . "','" . $fname . "','" . $mname . "','" . $lname . "','" . $email . "','" . $tel . "')"; update($query); //insert into invoice $invoice_no = getInvoiceId(); $query = "insert into invoice (invoice_number, amount, status,date_issued,section_id,cust_id,user_id) values ('" . $invoice_no . "','" . $totalamnt . "','Pending','" . $date_issue . "','5','" . $cust_id . "','" . $_SESSION["user_id"] . "')"; update($query); //insert amount paid into payment $query = "insert into payment (pay_id, amount, code, section_id,cust_id) values ('" . $payid . "','" . $payment . "','" . $code . "','5','" . $cust_id . "')"; update($query); $no = getReserveId(); $query = "insert into reservation (order_id, arrival_date, departure_date, cust_id, status,invoice_number,description, meal,user_id) values ('" . $no . "' , '" . $from . "' , '" . $to . "','" . $cust_id . "','Active','" . $invoice_no . "','" . $description . "','" . $meal . "','" . $_SESSION["user_id"] . "' )"; update($query); //Standard single rooms if (isset($_POST['standard_single'])) { $adult_single = $_POST['adult_single']; $child_single = $_POST['child_single']; $child_singleb = $_POST['child_singleB']; $rooms_single = $_POST['stand_single']; for ($x = 0; $x < $rooms_single; $x++) {