Exemplo n.º 1
function addUser($baseURL, $database, $user, $email, $department, $role)
    $guid = getGUID();
    $statement = $database->prepare('INSERT INTO users ' . '(user, email, department, role) ' . 'VALUES (:user, :email, :department, :role)');
    $statement->bindValue(':user', $user, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $statement->bindValue(':email', $email, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $statement->bindValue(':department', $department, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $statement->bindValue(':role', $role, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $uid = $database->lastInsertId();
    $statement = $database->prepare("INSERT INTO pwresets (token, users_id) " . "VALUES (:token, :users_id)");
    $statement->bindValue(':token', $guid, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $statement->bindValue(':users_id', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $result = $statement->execute();
    if ($result === false) {
        return $statement->errorInfo()[2];
    $message = Swift_Message::newInstance();
    $message->setSender('noreply@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
    $message->setReturnPath('noreply@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
    $message->setFrom(array('noreply@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] => 'noreply@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));
    $message->setSubject('Holiday Management Registration - ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
    $message->setTo(array($email => $user));
    $message->setBody('You have been signed up for the holiday management system by your administrator.  ' . 'To complete your registration you must set a password on this system, this will also server to verify your ' . 'email address.  Please visit ' . $baseURL . 'pwreset/' . $guid . ' to verify this and setup the password.\\r\\n' . 'If this email was sent in error please visit ' . $baseURL . 'unsubscribe/' . $guid . ' to unsubscribe and we won\'t send' . ' you any more emails');
    $message->addPart('<html><head></head><body><p>You have been signed up for the holiday management system by your ' . 'administrator.  To complete your registration you must set a password on this system, this will also server to ' . 'verify your email address.  Please visit <a href="' . $baseURL . 'pwreset/' . $guid . '">here</a> to verify this and ' . 'setup the password.</p><p>If this email was sent in error please <a href="' . $baseURL . 'unsubscribe/' . $guid . '">' . 'unsubscribe and we won\'t send you any more emails</a></p></body></html>', 'text/html');
    $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance(Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('localhost', 25));
    return "";
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function getRequest(&$post)
     $strSOAPheader = '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">' . '<SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">' . '<wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">' . '<wsse:UsernameToken>' . '<wsse:Username>' . $post['Username'] . '</wsse:Username>' . '<wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">' . $post['Password'] . '</wsse:Password>' . '</wsse:UsernameToken>' . '</wsse:Security>' . '</SOAP-ENV:Header>' . '<SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">' . '{SOAPBODY}' . '</SOAP-ENV:Body>' . '</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>';
     list($agentId) = explode('#', $post['AgentId']);
     $strSOAPBody = '<OTA_HotelResNotifRQ xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" Version="1.0" EchoToken="' . getGUID() . '" ResStatus="' . $this->book_state . '" TimeStamp="' . $this->date_stamp . '">' . '<POS>' . '<Source>' . '<RequestorID Type="' . $this->request_type_id . '" ID="' . $agentId . '"/>' . '</Source>' . '</POS>' . '<HotelReservations>' . '<HotelReservation LastModifyDateTime="' . $this->date_stamp . '">' . '<UniqueID Type="14" ID="' . $post['ResID'] . '"/>' . $this->getRoomStay($post) . $this->getResGuests() . $this->getResGlobalInfo($post) . '</HotelReservation>' . '</HotelReservations>' . '</OTA_HotelResNotifRQ>';
     $post['request'] = array(str_replace('{SOAPBODY}', $strSOAPBody, $strSOAPheader));
Exemplo n.º 3
function saveData($location)
    global $_FILE, $_POST;
    // Get connection to the DB
    $link = getConnection();
    // Generate global unique Game ID
    $guid = getGUID();
    // Insert Game Data for the Player
    $query = "INSERT INTO Uploads VALUES('" . (string) $guid . "', '" . (string) $_POST['name'] . "', '" . (string) $_POST['description'] . "', 'Aspect', '" . (string) $location . "');";
    $res = mysqli_query($link, $query);
    echo (string) mysqli_error($link);
function nsf_parser($username, $password, $xml_url)
    $ch = curl_init();
    $timeout = 3600;
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $xml_url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    //    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    //    $response  = curl_getinfo($ch);
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
    if ($xml) {
        $trustDetail = $xml->applicantDetails->trust->trustDetail;
        $trustee = $xml->applicantDetails->trust->trustee;
        global $wpdb;
        $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash(8, TRUE);
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM wp_users  WHERE user_login = '******' ";
        $resultuser = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
        if ($resultuser) {
            function getGUID()
                if (function_exists('com_create_guid')) {
                    return com_create_guid();
                } else {
                    mt_srand((double) microtime() * 10000);
                    //optional for php 4.2.0 and up.
                    $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
                    $hyphen = chr(45);
                    // "-"
                    $uuid = chr(123) . substr($charid, 0, 8) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 8, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 12, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 16, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 20, 12) . chr(125);
                    // "}"
                    return $uuid;
            foreach ($resultuser as $results) {
                if ($wp_hasher->CheckPassword($password, $results->user_pass)) {
                    $unique = trim(getGUID(), '{}');
                    $result = $wpdb->insert('service_nsf', array('unique_code' => $unique, 'user_email' => "", 'fundName' => $trustDetail->name, 'numMembers' => '', 'stateLaw' => '', 'fundAddressCareOf' => '', 'fundAddressLevel' => '', 'fundAddressStreet' => $trustDetail->contactDetails->addressDetails[0]->addressLine1, 'fundAddressSuburb' => $trustDetail->contactDetails->addressDetails[0]->city, 'fundAddressState' => $trustDetail->contactDetails->addressDetails[0]->state, 'fundAddressPostcode' => $trustDetail->contactDetails->addressDetails[0]->postcode, 'teeMtgAddressLevel' => '', 'teeMtgAddressStreet' => '', 'teeMtgAddressSuburb' => '', 'teeMtgAddressState' => '', 'teeMtgAddressPostcode' => '', 'm1MemberNamePrefix' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[0]->persone->title, 'm1MemberGivenNames' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[0]->persone->givenNames, 'm1MemberFamilyName' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[0]->persone->surname, 'm1MemberDOB' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[0]->persone->dateOfBirth, 'm1MemberTFN' => '', 'm1AddressLevel' => '', 'm1AddressStreet' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[0]->contactDetails->addressDetails->addressLine1, 'm1AddressSuburb' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[0]->contactDetails->addressDetails->city, 'm1AddressState' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[0]->contactDetails->addressDetails->state, 'm1AddressPostcode' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[0]->contactDetails->addressDetails->postcode, 'm2MemberNamePrefix' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[1]->persone->title, 'm2MemberGivenNames' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[1]->persone->givenNames, 'm2MemberFamilyName' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[1]->persone->surname, 'm2MemberDOB' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[1]->persone->dateOfBirth, 'm2MemberTFN' => '', 'm2AddressLevel' => '', 'm2AddressStreet' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[1]->contactDetails->addressDetails->addressLine1, 'm2AddressSuburb' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[1]->contactDetails->addressDetails->city, 'm2AddressState' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[1]->contactDetails->addressDetails->state, 'm2AddressPostcode' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[1]->contactDetails->addressDetails->postcode, 'm3MemberNamePrefix' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[2]->persone->title, 'm3MemberGivenNames' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[2]->persone->givenNames, 'm3MemberFamilyName' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[2]->persone->surname, 'm3MemberDOB' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[2]->persone->dateOfBirth, 'm3MemberTFN' => '', 'm3AddressLevel' => '', 'm3AddressStreet' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[2]->contactDetails->addressDetails->addressLine1, 'm3AddressSuburb' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[2]->contactDetails->addressDetails->city, 'm3AddressState' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[2]->contactDetails->addressDetails->state, 'm3AddressPostcode' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[2]->contactDetails->addressDetails->postcode, 'm4MemberNamePrefix' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[3]->persone->title, 'm4MemberGivenNames' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[3]->persone->givenNames, 'm4MemberFamilyName' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[3]->persone->surname, 'm4MemberDOB' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[3]->persone->dateOfBirth, 'm4MemberTFN' => '', 'm4AddressLevel' => '', 'm4AddressStreet' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[3]->contactDetails->addressDetails->addressLine1, 'm4AddressSuburb' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[3]->contactDetails->addressDetails->city, 'm4AddressState' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[3]->contactDetails->addressDetails->state, 'm4AddressPostcode' => $trustee->business->officeBearer[3]->contactDetails->addressDetails->postcode, 't2NonMemberNamePrefix' => '', 't2NonMemberGivenNames' => '', 't2NonMemberFamilyName' => '', 't2NonMemberAddressLevel' => '', 't2NonMemberAddressStreet' => '', 't2NonMemberAddressSuburb' => '', 't2NonMemberAddressState' => '', 't2NonMemberAddressPostcode' => '', 'corpTeeName' => $trustee->business->businessDetail->businessName, 'corpTeeACN' => '', 'corpTeeAddressCareOf' => '', 'corpTeeAddressLevel' => '', 'corpTeeAddressStreet' => $trustee->business->contactDetails->addressDetails[1]->addressLine1, 'corpTeeAddressSuburb' => $trustee->business->contactDetails->addressDetails[1]->city, 'corpTeeAddressState' => $trustee->business->contactDetails->addressDetails[1]->state, 'corpTeeAddressPostcode' => $trustee->business->contactDetails->addressDetails[1]->postcode, 'd2NonMemberNamePrefix' => '', 'd2NonMemberGivenNames' => '', 'd2NonMemberFamilyName' => '', 'd2NonMemberAddressLevel' => '', 'd2NonMemberAddressStreet' => '', 'd2NonMemberAddressSuburb' => '', 'd2NonMemberAddressState' => '', 'd2NonMemberAddressPostcode' => '', 'chairmanTrustee' => ''));
                    return array('unique_code' => $unique);
                } else {
                    return array('username' => 'Invalid username or password1');
        } else {
            return array('username' => 'Invalid username or password ' . $result);
    } else {
        return array('error' => 'no data found');
Exemplo n.º 5
function generateToken()
     * Create and set a new token for CSRF protection
     * on initial entry or after form errors and we are going to redisplay the form.
    $salt = "";
    $tokenStr = "";
    $salt = sha1($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
    setcookie("token", "", time() - 42000);
    $_SESSION["salt"] = $salt;
    $_SESSION["guid"] = getGUID();
    $_SESSION["ip"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    $_SESSION["time"] = time();
    $tokenStr = "IP:" . $_SESSION["ip"] . ",SESSIONID:" . session_id() . ",GUID:" . $_SESSION["guid"];
    $_SESSION["token"] = sha1($tokenStr . $_SESSION["salt"] . $_SESSION["salt"]);
    if (setcookie("token", $_SESSION["token"], time() + 86400)) {
        $_SESSION["usecookie"] = True;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: root
 * Date: 21/11/15
 * Time: 5:42 PM
function AddToken($Data)
    include '../common/Models/Database.php';
    include '../common/helpers/QueryGenrator.php';
    $table = 'userinfo';
    $QueryGen = new QueryGenrator();
    $DB = new DatabaseModel();
    $data = array("AccessToken" => getGUID());
    $Email = $Data['Email'];
    $Password = $Data['Password'];
    $condition = "WHERE Email = '{$Email}' AND Password = '******'";
    $QueryCheck = $Query = $QueryGen->select($table, $DATA = "None", $condition);
    $CheckInfo = $DB->select($QueryCheck);
    if ($CheckInfo == ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) {
        return ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND;
    $Query = $QueryGen->update($table, $data, $condition);
    $DBEntry = $DB->update($Query);
    return $data['AccessToken'];
Exemplo n.º 7
* This method is used to store the ionformation about a Tweety game session. This information can later be
* used to find the top 10 scores, find game info about a particular session etc.
* @param player_name :: Name of the Player
* @param time_remaining :: Total time remaining in seconds
* @param score :: Total score at the end of the game
* @param num_correct :: Number of correct pairs selected
* @param num_incorrect :: Number of incorrect pairs selected
* @param profile_pic :: Profile Picture link of the player
function storeGameInfo($player_name, $time_remaining, $score, $num_correct, $num_incorrect, $profile_pic)
    // Get connection to the DB
    $link = getConnection();
    // Generate global unique Game ID
    $guid = getGUID();
    // Insert Game Data for the Player
    $query = "INSERT INTO Scores(Game_ID, Player, Score, Time_Remaining, Num_Correct, Num_Incorrect, Profile_Pic) VALUES('" . (string) $guid . "'," . $player_name . ", " . $score . ", " . $time_remaining . ", " . $num_correct . ", " . $num_incorrect . ", " . $profile_pic . ");";
    $res = mysqli_query($link, $query);
    $affectedRows = mysqli_affected_rows($link);
    // log information based on result
    if ($affectedRows == 1) {
        if ($player_name == NULL) {
            $player_name = 'NOT_SPECIFIED';
        logSuccess('gameSelectionLogs.html', 'Player <b>' . $player_name . '</b>\'s game data has been stored. Game ID: <b>' . $guid . '</b>.');
    } else {
        if ($player_name == NULL) {
            $player_name = 'NOT_SPECIFIED';
        logError('gameSelectionLogs.html', 'Unable to store game data for Player <b>' . $player_name . '</b>. <b> ERROR: </b>' . (string) mysqli_error($link));
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Generate a unique guid
 * @param int $length length of guid
 * @return string generated guid
function getGUID($length = 8)
    $str = generateRandomString($length);
    $r = select_sql('SELECT * FROM allguids WHERE guid = ?', 's', $str);
    if ($r == array()) {
        insert_sql("INSERT INTO allguids(guid) VALUES(?)", 's', array($str));
        return $str;
    } else {
        return getGUID($length);
Exemplo n.º 9
include "funciones.php";
$conn = conexion();
//Variables Alumno
@($id_alumno = getGUID());
@($id_alumno = substr($id_alumno, 1, length - 1));
@($nombre_alumno = $_POST['alumno_nombre']);
@($apellidos_alumno = $_POST['alumno_apellidos']);
@($edad_alumno = $_POST['alumno_edad']);
@($mail_alumno = $_POST['alumno_mail']);
@($grupo_alumno = $_POST['alumno_grupo']);
@($carrera_alumno = $_POST['alumno_carrera']);
@($tipo_usuario = 'Alumno');
@($contraseña_alumno = $_POST['alumno_contraseña']);
//Variables Maestro
@($id_maestro = getGUID());
@($id_maestro = substr($id_maestro, 1, length - 1));
@($nombre_maestro = $_POST['maestro_nombre']);
@($apellidos_maestro = $_POST['maestro_apellidos']);
@($edad_maestro = $_POST['maestro_edad']);
@($correo_maestro = $_POST['maestro_correo']);
@($estado_maestro = 'Activo');
@($materia_maestro = $_POST['maestro_materia']);
if ($nombre_alumno != '') {
    $Insert_Alumno = mysql_query("INSERT INTO alumno VALUES ('{$id_alumno}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$nombre_alumno}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$apellidos_alumno}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$edad_alumno},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$mail_alumno}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$contraseña_alumno}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$grupo_alumno}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$carrera_alumno}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$tipo_usuario}')", $conn);
    if ($Insert_Alumno) {
        $_SESSION["Alumno"] = "Alumno";
        header('Location: ../indexAlumno.php');
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function registrationAction()
     $ErrorMessage = '';
     $vEmail = '';
     $vFirstName = '';
     $vLastName = '';
     if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'registration_btn') !== NULL) {
         $vEmail = POSTStrAsSQLStr('email');
         $vFirstName = POSTStrAsSQLStr('firstname');
         $vLastName = POSTStrAsSQLStr('lastname');
         if (empty($ErrorMessage)) {
             if (!preg_match("/[\\x{0400}-\\x{04FF}\\x]{1,32}/u", $vFirstName)) {
                 $ErrorMessage = 'Имя пользователя должно содержать только символы кириллицы.';
         if (empty($ErrorMessage)) {
             if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['password2']) {
                 //return AddAlertMessage('danger', 'Пароли не совпадают', '/auth/registration');
                 $ErrorMessage = 'Пароль и подтверждение пароля не совпадают.';
         if (empty($ErrorMessage)) {
             $vSecurimage = new Securimage();
             if (!$vSecurimage->check($_POST['CaptchaCodeEdt']) == true) {
                 $ErrorMessage = 'Вам нужно решить пример правильно.';
         if (empty($ErrorMessage)) {
             $sql = "select ID from Users where (Email = '{$vEmail}');";
             $user = $this->db->query($sql)->fetch();
             if (!empty($user['ID'])) {
                 //return AddAlertMessage('danger', 'Такой e-mail уже зарегистрирован', '/auth/registration');
                 $ErrorMessage = "Пользователь с такой эл. почтой уже существует.";
                 $vEmail = '';
             } else {
                 $vUniversalID = getGUID();
                 /*$this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO Users (PasswordHash, UserName, PhoneNumber, Email, EmailConfirmed, UniversalType, UniversalID) '
                           . 'VALUES (:ph, :un, :pn, :e, 1, 1, :uid)')->
                           execute(array('ph' => EncryptPassword(Tools::getValue('password')), 'un' => Tools::getValue('email'), 'pn' => Tools::getValue('phone'), 'e' => Tools::getValue('email'), 'uid' => $vUniversalID));
                   $id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
                   $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO UserData (UserID, FirstName, LastName) VALUES (:ui, :fn, :ln)')->execute(array('ui' => $id, 'fn' => Tools::getValue('firstname'), 'ln' => Tools::getValue('lastname')));
                 $sql = "insert into Users(UniversalType, UniversalID, UserName, Email, EmailConfirmed, PasswordHash) " . "values(1, '{$vUniversalID}', '{$vEmail}', '{$vEmail}', 1, '" . EncryptPassword($_POST['password']) . "') " . "on duplicate key update " . "UniversalID = '{$vUniversalID}';";
                 $UserID = $this->db->lastInsertId();
                 $sql = "insert into UserData(UserID, FirstName, LastName) " . "values({$UserID}, '{$vFirstName}', '{$vLastName}') " . "on duplicate key update " . "UserID = {$UserID};";
                 if (LoginUsingUniversalID($vUniversalID)) {
                     return AddAlertMessage('success', 'Добро пожаловать!', '/');
                 } else {
                     return AddAlertMessage('danger', 'Ошибка при регистрации!', '/');
     if (!empty($ErrorMessage)) {
         AddAlertMessage('danger', $ErrorMessage);
     $this->view->setVars(array('Email' => $vEmail, 'FirstName' => $vFirstName, 'LastName' => $vLastName));
     $this->view->breadcrumbs = array(array('url' => '/auth/registration', 'title' => 'Регистрация'));
     $this->view->meta = array('meta_title' => 'Регистрация пользователя', 'meta_description' => 'Регистрация пользователя', 'meta_keywords' => '');
Exemplo n.º 11
			<div class="tab-pane" id="condensed">
				<div class="box-content">
					<form action="index.php?page=addoffer&mID=<?php 
echo $_REQUEST['mID'];
" class='validate form-horizontal' method="post" name="addmerchant" enctype="multipart/form-data">
						<div class="control-group">
							<label for="title" class="control-label">Code</label>
							<div class="controls">
								<input type="text" name="code" value="<?php 
echo getGUID(6);
" class='{required:true} span8'>
						<div class="control-group">
							<label for="title" class="control-label">Title</label>
							<div class="controls">
								<input type="text" name="title" value="<?php 
echo $_REQUEST['title'];
" class='{required:true} span8'>
						<div class="control-group">
							<label for="title" class="control-label">Description</label>

require_once 'php/db.php';
insert_sql("INSERT INTO category(guid, name, description) VALUES(?,?,?)", 'sss', array(getGUID(8), $_GET['name'], $_GET['desc']));
Exemplo n.º 13
function getGUID()
    if (function_exists('com_create_guid')) {
        return com_create_guid();
    } else {
        mt_srand((double) microtime() * 10000);
        //optional for php 4.2.0 and up.
        $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
        $hyphen = chr(45);
        // "-"
        $uuid = chr(123) . substr($charid, 0, 8) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 8, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 12, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 16, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 20, 12) . chr(125);
        // "}"
        return $uuid;
$appguid = getGUID();
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" . PHP_EOL;
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')" />
    <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Release</Configuration>
    <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
echo $appguid;
echo $_PROG->name;
Exemplo n.º 14
function insertObject($userId, $tableName, $values)
    global $con;
    global $systemColumns;
    $values_array = json_decode($values, true);
    foreach ($systemColumns as $systemColumn) {
    foreach ($values_array as $key => $value) {
        $sql[] = is_numeric($value) ? "{$key} = {$value}" : "{$key} = '" . $con->real_escape_string($value) . "'";
    $guid = getGUID();
    $lastModifiedDatetime = time();
    $lastModifiedById = $userId;
    $isDeleted = "false";
    array_push($sql, "guid = '{$guid}'", "lastModifiedDatetime = '{$lastModifiedDatetime}'", "lastModifiedById = '{$lastModifiedById}'", "isDeleted = '{$isDeleted}'");
    $sqlclause = implode(",", $sql);
    $query = "INSERT INTO {$tableName} SET {$sqlclause};";
    if (runQuery($query)) {
        fetchObjectWithClause($tableName, "guid = '" . $guid . "'");
Exemplo n.º 15
    die("Not valid information!");
// combine the OMOP required vocab ids with the user selected vocab ids
$allvocabids = $vocabids + $OMOPTypes;
$allvocabids = array_unique($allvocabids);
if ($CDMVersion == 4.5) {
    $Cred = $database_prodv4_credentials;
} else {
    $Cred = $database_prodv5_credentials;
$VocIds = implode(",", $allvocabids);
//$FName = implode("_", $vocabids).".zip";
if ($CDMVersion == 4.5) {
    $FName = "vocab_download_v4_5_" . getGUID() . ".zip";
} else {
    $FName = "vocab_download_v5_" . getGUID() . ".zip";
$shell_exec_string = 'nohup ' . $perl_dump_script_dir . 'dump.pl ' . $Cred . ' ' . $CDMVersion . ' ' . $zip_file_output_dir . $FName . ' ' . $VocIds . ' > /dev/null & echo $!';
$PID = shell_exec($shell_exec_string);
if (!$PID) {
    $e = oci_error($stid);
    sendErrorEmail("downloads.php shell_exec failed, exec_string=" . $shell_exec_string);
    header("Location:error.php?errorMessage=" . urlencode("Error: unable to generate export file"));
$insert_user_process_sql = "INSERT INTO VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER (\n        EMAIL_ADDRESS,\n        NAME,\n        ORGANIZATION,\n        ADDRESS,\n        CITY_NAME,\n        COUNTRY_NAME,\n        PHONE_NUMBER,\n        VOCABULARY_LIST,\n        PROCESS_ID,\n        TITLE,\n        STATE,\n        ZIP_CODE,\n\tFILE_NAME,\n        FILE_CREATION_JOB_RUNNING_FLAG\n    ) VALUES (\n        '" . $email . "',\n        '" . $name . "',\n        '" . $Organization . "',\n        '" . $Address . "',\n        '" . $City . "',\n        '" . $Country . "',\n        '" . $Phone . "',\n        '" . $VocIds . "',\n        " . $PID . ",\n        '" . $Title . "',\n        '" . $State . "',\n        '" . $Zip . "',\n        '" . $FName . "',\n        'Y'\n    )";
$stid_add_user_process = oci_parse($conn, $insert_user_process_sql);
if (!$stid_add_user_process) {
    $e = oci_error($conn);
    sendErrorEmail("downloads.php: oci_parse INSERT INTO VOCAB_DOWNLOAD.VOCABULARY_USER table failed, sql=" . $insert_user_process_sql . ", error message=" . $e['message']);
    header("Location:error.php?errorMessage=" . urlencode("Error: unable to log export file request"));
Exemplo n.º 16
 if (lg_debug) {
     $dbMsg .= "city = " . $city . "<br />\n";
  * Set $locked, $dateLocked and unlock $token
 $locked = "1";
 if (lg_debug) {
     $dbMsg .= "locked = 1<br />\n";
 $dateLocked = dbNow();
 if (lg_debug) {
     $dbMsg .= "dateLocked = " . $dateLocked . "<br />\n";
 $token = strtoupper(sha1(getGUID()));
 if (lg_debug) {
     $dbMsg .= "token = " . $token . "<br />\n";
  * Write new account to user's table in database
 addUser($dateRegistered, $userid, $passhash, $name, $email, $ip, $region, $city, $country, $useragent, $website, $news, $locked, $dateLocked, $token);
 if (lg_debug) {
     $dbMsg .= "Database insert occurred. Result = " . $numAffected . "<br />\n";
 if ($numAffected == 1) {
      * On success, $email user the unlock $token. Copy the webmaster
     if (lg_debug) {
Exemplo n.º 17
function AddTaskForSendEmail_UseTemplate($AFromEmail, $AFromName, $AToEmail, $AToName, $ASubject, $AUseTemplate, $ATemplateParamsArray, $APriority = 50, $ABlindCopyToEmail = '', $ACopyToEmail = '')
    if (isset($ATemplateParamsArray)) {
        $vTemplateParamsArray = base64_encode(serialize($ATemplateParamsArray));
    } else {
        $vTemplateParamsArray = '';
    $sql = "insert into Emails_ToSend(RecordGUID, CreateDate, FromEmail, FromName, ToEmail, ToName, CopyToEmail, BlindCopyToEmail, Subject, Body, UseTemplate, Priority) " . "values('" . getGUID() . "', '" . GetLocalDateTimeAsSQLStr() . "', '{$AFromEmail}', '{$AFromName}', '{$AToEmail}', '{$AToName}', '{$ACopyToEmail}', '{$ABlindCopyToEmail}', '{$ASubject}', '{$vTemplateParamsArray}', '{$AUseTemplate}', {$APriority});";
    $vTemplateParamsArray = '';
    //$YourSerializedData = base64_encode(serialize($theHTML));
    //$theHTML = unserialize(base64_decode($YourSerializedData));
function getGUID()
    if (function_exists('com_create_guid')) {
        return com_create_guid();
    } else {
        mt_srand((double) microtime() * 10000);
        //optional for php 4.2.0 and up.
        $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
        $hyphen = chr(45);
        // "-"
        $uuid = chr(123) . substr($charid, 0, 8) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 8, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 12, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 16, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 20, 12) . chr(125);
        // "}"
        return $uuid;
$guidString = getGUID();
$GUID = substr($guidString, 1, -1);
$guid = isset($_SESSION["step2-guid"]) ? $_SESSION["step2-guid"] : $GUID;

	<div class="full-registration" ng-app="listpp" ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl">
		<div class="container">
      <div class="f-space15"></div>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="heading">CRUD Application using AngularJS, PHP and MySQL</div>
      <hr />
			<div class="full-step3">
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col-sm-6 form-box">
            <div class="step3form-heading">Add a person</div>
Exemplo n.º 19
function get_skin($user, $skinData)
    $tmp = tempnam("/tmp", "skin_");
    if (!file_put_contents($tmp, base64_decode($skinData))) {
        return FALSE;
    $info = getimagesize($tmp);
    if ($info[0] != 64 || $info[1] != 32 && $info[1] != 64 || $info['mime'] != 'image/png') {
        error_log(print_r(getimagesize($tmp), true));
        return FALSE;
    $link = newdb();
    $stmt = $link->prepare("SELECT skin FROM players WHERE player=?");
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $user);
    if ($oldskin and is_readable("./Skins/" . $oldskin)) {
        unlink("./Skins/" . $oldskin);
    $newskin = getGUID(false) . getGUID(false);
    $stmt = $link->prepare("UPDATE players SET skin=? WHERE player=?");
    $stmt->bind_param('ss', $newskin, $user);
    if (!rename($tmp, "./Skins/" . $newskin)) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 20
    $cIngred5 = $cIngred5 - $rIngred5;
if ($numValid < 1) {
// echo "got past ingred compares\n";
$query = "UPDATE orderTable SET ing0=" . $cIngred0 . ", ing1=" . $cIngred1 . ", ing2=" . $cIngred2 . ", ing3=" . $cIngred3 . ", ing4=" . $cIngred4 . ", ing5=" . $cIngred5 . " WHERE orderID=\"0\"";
$result = mysqli_query($dbCon, $query);
if (!$result) {
    // echo "Error updating reserved ingredients\n";
    // echo mysqli_error($dbCon);
$date = date_create();
$time = date_timestamp_get($date);
$barcode = getGUID();
$query = 'INSERT INTO orderTable (orderID, ing0, ing1, ing2, ing3, ing4, ing5, orderTime) VALUES ("' . $barcode . '", ' . $rIngred0 . ', ' . $rIngred1 . ', ' . $rIngred2 . ', ' . $rIngred3 . ', ' . $rIngred4 . ', ' . $rIngred5 . ', ' . $time . ')';
$result = mysqli_query($dbCon, $query);
if (!$result) {
    // echo "Error inserting new drink order\n";
    // echo mysqli_error($dbCon);
$createBarcodeImage = '/usr/local/bin/zint -b 92 --scale=10 -o /srv/http/barcodeImages/' . $barcode . '.png --data=' . $barcode;
$expireTime = $time + 600;
$arr = array('barcode' => $barcode, 'expireTime' => $expireTime);
echo json_encode($arr);
Exemplo n.º 21

// DB connection
include_once 'database.php';
$user = $_POST['email'];
$pass = $_POST['userkey'];
$md5password = md5($pass);
$GUID = getGUID();
$GUID = substr($GUID, 1, -1);
//echo $password;
$callback = isset($_GET['callback']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9$_]/si', '', $_GET['callback']) : false;
header('Content-Type: ' . ($callback ? 'application/javascript' : 'application/json') . ';charset=UTF-8');
$conn = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password) or die("Couldn't connect to MySQL" . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($database, $conn) or die("Couldn't open {$test}: " . mysql_error());
$rows = array();
$update = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET accesstoken ='" . $GUID . "' WHERE email='" . $user . "'");
$rows["token"] = $GUID;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT users.id as userid, users.firstname, users.lastname,  users.email, users.handle, users.profileimg, users.companyid, \n            companies.name AS companyname, companies.img AS companyimg\n            FROM users \n            INNER JOIN companies \n            ON companies.id=users.companyid WHERE users.email = '" . $user . "' AND users.userkey = '" . $md5password . "'");
while ($p = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $rows["user"][] = $p;
echo ($callback ? $callback . '(' : '') . json_encode($rows) . ($callback ? ')' : '');
function getGUID()
    if (function_exists('com_create_guid')) {
        return com_create_guid();
    } else {
        mt_srand((double) microtime() * 10000);
        //optional for php 4.2.0 and up.
        $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
Exemplo n.º 22
// If the username, the password, and the validation password POST variables exist
if (isset($_POST["username"]) || isset($_POST["password"]) || isset($_POST["vpassword"])) {
    // Getting the username, the password, and the validation password
    $username = $_POST["username"];
    $password = $_POST["password"];
    $vpassword = $_POST["vpassword"];
    // If no one is empty
    if (!empty($username) && !empty($password) && !empty($vpassword)) {
        // Sending a request to the database to get a user with the same name as the given name
        $req = Core\Queries::execute('SELECT * FROM openauth_users WHERE username=:username', ['username' => $username]);
        // If the request is null, or is empty (so the user doesn't already exist)
        if (is_null($req) || empty($req)) {
            // If the password and the validation password are the same
            if ($password == $vpassword) {
                // Generating a new GUID
                $guid = getGUID();
                // Generating a new UUID
                $uuid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
                // Hashing the given password
                $password = hash('sha256', $password);
                // Sending a request to the database to add the user
                Core\Queries::execute('INSERT INTO openauth_users (guid, uuid, username, password) VALUES (:guid, :uuid, :username, :password)', ['username' => $username, 'uuid' => $uuid, "password" => $password, 'guid' => $guid]);
                // Setting the 'You are now suscribed' message
                $notif = "Vous êtes bien inscrits !";
            } else {
                // Setting the 'Different passwords' message
                $notif = 'Les mots de passe sont different !';
        } else {
            // Setting the 'User already exists' message
            $notif = 'Le pseudo est déjà utilise !';
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function syncToDatabase()
     $url = getGUID(40);
     $sql = insert_sql("INSERT INTO ra_mail(user_guid, url, action) VALUES(?,?,?)", 'ssi', array($this->guid, $url, ACTIONRESETPASSWORD));
     if ($sql) {
         svMail($this->data['email'], "Registratie spullenverloten.nl", array(MAILUSERNAME => $this->username, MAILCODE => $url), 'reset');
         $this->message = "Er zijn instructies verstuurd naar uw emailadres.";
         $this->state = STATE_SUCCESS;
     } else {
         $this->message = "Er ging onverwacht iets mis. Probeer het later nog eens.";
         $message = lg_phrase_no_matching_registration;
         if (lg_debug) {
             $dbMsg .= "Message: " . $message . "<br />\n";
 if ($message == "") {
      * We have a valid, locked account, issue a new token and update the user table
     if (lg_debug) {
         $dbMsg .= "Valid, locked account: Issue Token<br />\n";
     $locked = "1";
     $dateLocked = dbNow();
     $token = sha1(getGUID());
     if (lg_debug) {
         $dbMsg .= "Locked = " . $locked . "<br />\n";
     if (lg_debug) {
         $dbMsg .= "dateLocked = " . $dateLocked . "<br />\n";
     if (lg_debug) {
         $dbMsg .= "Token = " . $token . "<br />\n";
     ivt_issueToken($token, $locked, $dateLocked, $id);
     if (lg_debug) {
         $dbMsg = "numAffected = " . $numAffected . "<br />\n";
     if ($numAffected == 1) {
Exemplo n.º 25
 * Do Upgrade
function do_upgrade($h, $old_version)
    $h->messages['Updating from ' . $old_version . ' <i class="fa fa-arrows-h"></i> ' . $h->version] = 'blue';
    // can't upgrade from pre-1.0 versions of Hotaru.
    // 1.0.0 to 1.3.0 updates all removed (check github for old code)
    // 1.3.0 to 1.4.0
    if ($old_version == "1.3.0") {
        // Drop token_id column from the tokens table
        if ($h->db->column_exists('tokens', 'token_id')) {
            $h->db->query("ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . "tokens DROP token_id");
        // update "old version" for next set of upgrades
        $old_version = "1.4.0";
    // 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
    if ($old_version == "1.4.0") {
        // update "old version" for next set of upgrades
        $old_version = "1.4.1";
    // 1.4.1 to 1.4.2
    if ($old_version == "1.4.1") {
        $h->messages['Updated from 1.4.1'] = 'green';
        // Change post_title column from `post_title` varchar(255) NULL, to `post_title` text NULL,
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('posts', 'post_title');
        if ($exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_POSTS . " MODIFY post_title text NULL";
        // remove multi-site option from settings
        $sql = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " WHERE settings_name = %s";
        $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, 'MULTI_SITE'));
        //tables to remove site_id from:
        $tables = array('blocked' => 'blocked', 'categories' => 'category', 'comments' => 'comment', 'plugins' => 'plugin', 'miscdata' => 'miscdata', 'pluginsettings' => 'pluginsetting', 'posts' => 'post', 'settings' => 'settings', 'tags' => 'tag', 'users' => 'user', 'widgets' => 'widget');
        // Remove site_id columns
        foreach ($tables as $table => $column) {
            if ($exists = $h->db->column_exists($table, $column . '_siteid')) {
                // Remove column
                $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . $table . " DROP " . $column . "_siteid";
            // Remove site_id indices
            $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . $table . "` WHERE KEY_NAME = '" . $column . "_siteid'";
            $result = $h->db->query($sql);
            if ($result) {
                $sql = "DROP INDEX " . $column . "_siteid ON " . DB_PREFIX . $table;
        // Drop unique site_id keys
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_CATEGORIES . "` DROP INDEX `key`";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_CATEGORIES . "` ADD UNIQUE KEY `key` (`category_name`)";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_PLUGINS . "` DROP INDEX `key`";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_PLUGINS . "` ADD UNIQUE KEY `key` (`plugin_folder`)";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_SETTINGS . "` DROP INDEX `key`";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_SETTINGS . "` ADD UNIQUE KEY `key` (`settings_name`)";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_TAGS . "` DROP INDEX `key`";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_TAGS . "` ADD UNIQUE KEY `key` (`tags_post_id`, `tags_word`)";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_USERS . "` DROP INDEX `key`";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_USERS . "` ADD UNIQUE KEY `key` (`user_username`)";
        // Drop Site table
        $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . DB_PREFIX . 'site`;';
        // Drop Relates table
        $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . DB_PREFIX . 'relates`;';
        // remove the "1" cache folder if permissions allow, otherwise error messages supressed.
        if (is_dir(CACHE . '1')) {
            if (is_dir(CACHE . '1/db_cache')) {
                $h->deleteFiles(CACHE . '1/db_cache');
                @rmdir(CACHE . '1/db_cache');
            if (is_dir(CACHE . '1/css_js_cache')) {
                $h->deleteFiles(CACHE . '1/css_js_cache');
                @rmdir(CACHE . '1/css_js_cache');
            if (is_dir(CACHE . '1/rss_cache')) {
                $h->deleteFiles(CACHE . '1/rss_cache');
                @rmdir(CACHE . '1/rss_cache');
            if (is_dir(CACHE . '1/lang_cache')) {
                $h->deleteFiles(CACHE . '1/lang_cache');
                @rmdir(CACHE . '1/lang_cache');
            if (is_dir(CACHE . '1/html_cache')) {
                $h->deleteFiles(CACHE . '1/html_cache');
                @rmdir(CACHE . '1/html_cache');
            if (is_dir(CACHE . '1/debug_logs')) {
                $h->deleteFiles(CACHE . '1/debug_logs');
                @rmdir(CACHE . '1/debug_logs');
            if (file_exists(CACHE . '1/smartloader_cache.php')) {
                @unlink(CACHE . '1/smartloader_cache.php');
            @rmdir(CACHE . '1');
        // update "old version" for next set of upgrades
        $old_version = "1.4.2";
    // 1.4.2 to 1.5.0
    if ($old_version == "1.4.2") {
        $h->messages['Updated from 1.4.2'] = 'green';
        // update "old version" for next set of upgrades
        $old_version = "1.5.0";
    // 1.5.0 to 1.5.1
    if (version_compare($old_version, "1.4.2") < '<=') {
        // should set an upper limit here later
        // Need to cover all of the 1.5.0.RCx verson as well
        // Add a few new settings
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('settings', 'settings_id');
        if ($exists) {
            $newSettings = array('FTP_SITE', 'FTP_USERNAME', 'FTP_PASSWORD');
            foreach ($newSettings as $setting) {
                $sql = "SELECT settings_name FROM " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " WHERE settings_name = %s";
                $result = $h->db->get_var($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting));
                if (!$result) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " (settings_name, settings_value, settings_default, settings_note, settings_show) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)";
                    $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting, ' ', ' ', ' ', 1));
        // drop joint primary key to postvotes table if exists
        // should not be there
        $result = $h->db->get_row($h->db->prepare($sql, 'PRIMARY'));
        if ($result) {
        $h->messages['Updated from 1.5.0, 1.5.1'] = 'green';
        // update "old version" for next set of upgrades
        $old_version = "1.5.1";
    // 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
    if (version_compare($old_version, "1.5.2", '<=') > 0) {
        // this will also cover 1.5.2.b1 etc but need an upper limit
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM `" . TABLE_POSTS . "` WHERE KEY_NAME = %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_row($h->db->prepare($sql, 'post_author'));
        if (!$result) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_POSTS . "` ADD INDEX (`post_author`)";
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . TABLE_COMMENTS . " WHERE KEY_NAME = %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_row($h->db->prepare($sql, 'comment_user_id'));
        if (!$result) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_COMMENTS . "` ADD INDEX (`comment_user_id`)";
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . TABLE_COMMENTS . " WHERE KEY_NAME = %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_row($h->db->prepare($sql, 'comment_parent'));
        if (!$result) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_COMMENTS . "` ADD INDEX (`comment_parent`)";
        $result = $h->db->get_row($h->db->prepare($sql, 'message_to'));
        if (!$result) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_MESSAGING . "` ADD INDEX (`message_to`)";
        // change NULL value setings in settings table
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " MODIFY `settings_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " MODIFY `settings_value` text NULL";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " MODIFY `settings_default` text NULL";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " MODIFY `settings_note` text NULL";
        // should we hash the settings table on this version
        // should we urldecode the cats and save them back
        $h->messages['Updated from 1.5.2.b/rc'] = 'green';
        // update "old version" for next set of upgrades
        $old_version = "1.5.2";
    // 1.5.2 to 1.6.0
    if (version_compare($old_version, "1.5.2", '<=') > 0) {
        // this will also cover 1.5.2.b1 etc but need an upper limit
        // Add a few new settings
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('settings', 'settings_id');
        if ($exists) {
            $newSettings = array('REST_API');
            // add more to array as requird
            foreach ($newSettings as $setting) {
                $sql = "SELECT settings_name FROM " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " WHERE settings_name = %s";
                $result = $h->db->get_var($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting));
                if (!$result) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " (settings_name, settings_value, settings_default, settings_note, settings_show) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)";
                    $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting, 'false', 'false', ' ', 1));
        $h->messages['Updated from 1.5.2'] = 'green';
        // update "old version" for next set of upgrades
        $old_version = "1.6.0";
    // 1.6.0 to 1.6.6
    if (version_compare($old_version, "1.6.0", '<=') > 0) {
        // Add columns to plugins table for resources from forum to plugin into
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('plugins', 'plugin_resourceId');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PLUGINS . " ADD Column `plugin_resourceId` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0";
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('plugins', 'plugin_resourceVersionId');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PLUGINS . " ADD Column `plugin_resourceVersionId` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0";
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('plugins', 'plugin_rating');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PLUGINS . " ADD Column `plugin_rating` varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0'";
        // Add a few new settings
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('settings', 'settings_id');
        if ($exists) {
            $newSettings = array('FORUM_USERNAME', 'FORUM_PASSWORD');
            // add more to array as requird
            foreach ($newSettings as $setting) {
                $sql = "SELECT settings_name FROM " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " WHERE settings_name = %s";
                $result = $h->db->get_var($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting));
                if (!$result) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " (settings_name, settings_value, settings_default, settings_note, settings_show) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)";
                    $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting, '', '', 'Need for auto updates', 1));
        $h->messages['Updated from 1.6.*'] = 'green';
        // update "old version" for next set of upgrades
    // 1.6.6 to 1.7.0
    if (version_compare($old_version, "1.7.0", '<=') > 0) {
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE Key_name = %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_row($h->db->prepare($sql, 'post_category'));
        if (!$result) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_POSTS . "` ADD INDEX (`post_category`)";
        // delete out any surplus indices from Post table
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE KEY_NAME like %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_results($h->db->prepare($sql, 'post_category_%'));
        if ($result) {
            foreach ($result as $item) {
                $sql = "DROP INDEX `" . $item->Key_name . "` ON " . TABLE_POSTS;
        // delete out any surplus indices from Messaging table
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . TABLE_MESSAGING . " WHERE KEY_NAME like %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_results($h->db->prepare($sql, 'message_to_%'));
        if ($result) {
            foreach ($result as $item) {
                $sql = "DROP INDEX `" . $item->Key_name . "` ON " . TABLE_MESSAGING;
        // delete out any surplus indices from Comments table
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . TABLE_COMMENTS . " WHERE KEY_NAME like %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_results($h->db->prepare($sql, 'comment_user_id_%'));
        if ($result) {
            foreach ($result as $item) {
                $sql = "DROP INDEX `" . $item->Key_name . "` ON " . TABLE_COMMENTS;
        // delete out any surplus indices from Comments table
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . TABLE_COMMENTS . " WHERE KEY_NAME like %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_results($h->db->prepare($sql, 'comment_parent_%'));
        if ($result) {
            foreach ($result as $item) {
                $sql = "DROP INDEX `" . $item->Key_name . "` ON " . TABLE_COMMENTS;
        // Add userlogin table
        $table_name = "userlogin";
        $exists = $h->db->table_exists($table_name);
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE `" . DB_PREFIX . $table_name . "` (\n                            `user_id` int(20) NOT NULL,\n                            `login_provider` varchar(128) NULL,\n                            `provider_key` varchar(128) NULL,\n                            `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\n                            INDEX  (`user_id`)\n                    ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE_INNODB . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='3rd Party UserLogin Providers';";
        // Add user_claim table
        $table_name = "userclaim";
        $exists = $h->db->table_exists($table_name);
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE `" . DB_PREFIX . $table_name . "` (\n                            `claim_id` int(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n                            `user_id` int(20) NOT NULL,\n                            `claim_type` TEXT NULL,\n                            `claim_value` TEXT NULL,\n                            INDEX  (`user_id`)\n                    ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE_INNODB . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='UserClaim for login';";
        // Add or change type in Posts table for post_img
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('posts', 'post_img');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_POSTS . " ADD Column `post_img` varchar(255) NULL";
        } else {
            // make sure it is a varchar not a text field
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_POSTS . " MODIFY `post_img` varchar(255) NULL";
        // Add column to POSTS table for comment_count
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('posts', 'post_comments_count');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_POSTS . " ADD Column `post_comments_count` smallint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'";
        // Add column to SETTINGS table for setting_type
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('settings', 'settings_type');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " ADD Column `settings_type` varchar(32) NULL";
        // Add column to SETTINGS table for setting_subType
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('settings', 'settings_subType');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " ADD Column `settings_subType` varchar(32) NULL";
        // Add column to USERS table for `user_is_locked_out`
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('users', 'user_is_locked_out');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_USERS . " ADD Column `user_is_locked_out` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `user_email_conf`";
        // Add column to USERS table for `user_access_failed_count`
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('users', 'user_access_failed_count');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_USERS . " ADD Column `user_access_failed_count` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0";
        // Add column to USERS table for `user_last_password_changed_date`
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('users', 'user_last_password_changed_date');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_USERS . " ADD Column `user_last_password_changed_date` timestamp NULL";
        // Add column to USERS table for `user_lockout_date`
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('users', 'user_lockout_date');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_USERS . " ADD Column `user_lockout_date` timestamp NULL";
        // Add column to USERS table for `password_version`. set default as 1 to populate all current data as version 1
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('users', 'password_version');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_USERS . " ADD Column `password_version` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1  AFTER `user_email_conf`";
        // modify default value to 2 for new paswords from now on
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('users', 'password_version');
        if ($exists) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_USERS . " MODIFY Column `password_version` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 2";
        // Add a few new settings
        $exists = $h->db->column_exists('settings', 'settings_id');
        if ($exists) {
            $newSettings = array('JQUERY_PATH', 'BOOTSTRAP_PATH');
            // add more to array as requird
            foreach ($newSettings as $setting) {
                $sql = "SELECT settings_name FROM " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " WHERE settings_name = %s";
                $result = $h->db->get_var($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting));
                if (!$result) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " (settings_name, settings_type, settings_subType, settings_value, settings_default, settings_note, settings_show) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)";
                    $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting, 'Perf', 'Files', 'local', 'local', 'Local/CDN', 1));
            $newSettings = array('MINIFY_CSS', 'MINIFY_JS');
            // add more to array as requird
            foreach ($newSettings as $setting) {
                $sql = "SELECT settings_name FROM " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " WHERE settings_name = %s";
                $result = $h->db->get_var($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting));
                if (!$result) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " (settings_name, settings_type, settings_subType, settings_value, settings_default, settings_note, settings_show) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)";
                    $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting, 'Perf', 'Scripts', 'false', 'false', '', 1));
        $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM " . TABLE_COMMENTS . " WHERE KEY_NAME = %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_row($h->db->prepare($sql, 'comment_post_id'));
        if (!$result) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_COMMENTS . "` ADD INDEX (`comment_post_id`)";
        // Change all tabels to have their updatedts named as just updated_at
        $tablesChangeNameUpdatedCol = array('blocked' => 'blocked', 'categories' => 'category', 'comments' => 'comment', 'commentvotes' => 'cvote', 'friends' => 'friends', 'posts' => 'post', 'messaging' => 'message', 'miscdata' => 'miscdata', 'plugins' => 'plugin', 'pluginhooks' => 'plugin', 'pluginsettings' => 'plugin', 'postmeta' => 'postmeta', 'postvotes' => 'vote', 'settings' => 'settings', 'tags' => 'tags', 'tempdata' => 'tempdata', 'users' => 'user', 'usermeta' => 'usermeta', 'useractivity' => 'useract', 'widgets' => 'widget');
        foreach ($tablesChangeNameUpdatedCol as $table => $col) {
            $newCol = $col . '_updatedts';
            $exists = $h->db->column_exists($table, 'updated_at');
            if ($exists) {
                $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . $table . " CHANGE `updated_at` `" . $newCol . "` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
        $sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " SET settings_type = 'Mail'  WHERE settings_name like 'SMTP%'";
        $sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " SET settings_type = 'Security'  WHERE settings_name like 'FTP%' OR settings_name like 'FORUM%'";
        $sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " SET settings_type = 'Perf'  WHERE settings_name like '%CACHE%'";
        $exists = $h->db->table_exists('tokens');
        if ($exists) {
            $sql = "DROP TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . 'tokens';
        $h->messages['Updated from 1.6.6'] = 'green';
    // 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
    if (version_compare($old_version, "1.7.1", '<=') > 0) {
        // this will also cover other versions in between but need an upper limit
        $setting = 'HOTARU_API_KEY';
        $sql = "SELECT settings_name FROM " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " WHERE settings_name = %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_var($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting));
        if (!$result) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " (settings_name, settings_type, settings_subType, settings_value, settings_default, settings_note, settings_show) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)";
            $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting, 'Security', '', getGUID(), '', '', 1));
        $setting = 'HOTARUCMS_COM_CONNECTED';
        $sql = "SELECT settings_name FROM " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " WHERE settings_name = %s";
        $result = $h->db->get_var($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting));
        if (!$result) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_SETTINGS . " (settings_name, settings_type, settings_subType, settings_value, settings_default, settings_note, settings_show) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)";
            $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, $setting, 'Security', '', 'false', 'false', '', 1));
        // SPAM LOG - spamlog
        $exists = $h->db->table_exists('spamlog');
        if (!$exists) {
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE `" . DB_PREFIX . "spamlog` (\n                            `spamlog_id` int(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n                            `spamlog_email` varchar(64) NULL,\n                            `spamlog_pluginfolder` varchar(64) NULL,\n                            `spamlog_type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            `spamlog_updatedts` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\n                            INDEX  (`spamlog_pluginfolder`),\n                            INDEX  (`spamlog_type`)\n                    ) ENGINE=" . DB_ENGINE_INNODB . " DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET . " COLLATE=" . DB_COLLATE . " COMMENT='SpamLog';";
        $h->messages['Updated from 1.7.0'] = 'green';
        // TODO add column for settings_disabled (default is false)
        // which indicates whether user can change setting manually on settings page
     * Update Hotaru version number to the database (referred to when upgrading)
     * This is always the final step of the upgrade
    $sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_MISCDATA . " SET miscdata_key = %s, miscdata_value = %s, miscdata_default = %s WHERE miscdata_key = %s";
    $h->db->query($h->db->prepare($sql, 'hotaru_version', $h->version, $h->version, 'hotaru_version'));
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Admin Pages
 public function pages($h, $page = 'admin_login')
     $h->vars['admin_sidebar_layout'] = 'vertical';
     $h->sidebars = true;
     switch ($page) {
         case "admin_login":
             $h->sidebars = false;
         case "admin_logout":
         case "admin_news":
             echo $h->adminNews(10, 3, 300);
         case "systeminfo_feedback":
             $sysInfo = SystemInfo::instance();
         case "admin_account":
             $h->vars['admin_account'] = $this->adminAccount($h);
         case "settings":
             $h->vars['admin_settings'] = $this->settings($h);
         case "maintenance":
             $h->vars['admin_plugin_settings'] = $this->listPluginSettings($h);
             $h->vars['admin_plugin_tables'] = $this->listDbTables($h, true);
         case "blocked":
             $h->vars['admin_blocked_list'] = $this->blocked($h);
         case "pages_management":
             $h->vars['admin_pages_array'] = $this->getPages($h);
         case "pages_management_edit":
             $h->vars['admin_edit_page'] = $h->cage->get->testAlnumLines('filename');
         case "plugin_management":
             $h->vars['admin_settings'] = $this->settings($h);
         case "plugin_management_beta_search":
         case "theme_management":
         case "spam_management":
         case "ajax_stats":
         case "stats_users":
         case "media":
             $h->vars['media_folder'] = $h->cage->get->testAlnumLines('folder');
         case "ajax_loginforum":
             $ch = $h->loginForum(FORUM_USERNAME, FORUM_PASSWORD);
             $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
             if ($statusCode == 303) {
                 $error = false;
                 $message = 'Success';
             } else {
                 $error = true;
                 $message = 'Password Failed';
             print json_encode(array('error' => $error, 'message' => $message));
         case "ajax_getHotaruApiKey":
             // call api on api.hotarucms.org with site details
             $newApiKey = getGUID();
             \Hotaru\Models2\Setting::makeUpdate($h, 'HOTARU_API_KEY', $newApiKey);
             $error = false;
             $message = "API Key Reset";
             print json_encode(array('error' => $error, 'message' => $message, 'apiKey' => $newApiKey));
         case "plugin_search":
             $h->vars['admin_sidebar_layout'] = 'horizontal';
         case "plugin_settings":
             $h->vars['settings_plugin'] = $h->cage->get->testAlnumLines('plugin');
             // get plugin name from url
             if (!$h->vars['settings_plugin']) {
                 $h->vars['settings_plugin'] = $h->cage->post->testAlnumLines('plugin');
                 // get plugin name from form
             $h->vars['plugin_settings_csrf_error'] = '';
             if ($h->cage->post->testAlpha('submitted') == 'true') {
                 $h->vars['plugin_settings_csrf_error'] = !$h->csrf() ? true : false;
             $alt_template = $h->cage->get->testPage('alt_template');
             if ($alt_template) {
                 $h->template($alt_template, $h->vars['settings_plugin']);
         case "theme_settings":
             $h->vars['settings_theme'] = $h->cage->get->testAlnumLines('theme');
             // get plugin name from url
             if (!$h->vars['settings_theme']) {
                 $h->vars['settings_theme'] = $h->cage->post->testAlnumLines('theme');
                 // get plugin name from form
             $h->vars['theme_settings_csrf_error'] = '';
             if ($h->cage->post->testAlpha('submitted') == 'true') {
                 $h->vars['theme_settings_csrf_error'] = !$h->csrf() ? true : false;
             // we need this because it's not specified in the url:
             $h->pageName = 'admin_home';
     // Display the main theme's index.php template
//rowkey를 위해 guid 생성
function getGUID()
    if (function_exists('com_create_guid')) {
        return com_create_guid();
    } else {
        mt_srand((double) microtime() * 10000);
        //optional for php 4.2.0 and up.
        $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
        $hyphen = chr(45);
        // "-"
        $uuid = chr(123) . substr($charid, 0, 8) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 8, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 12, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 16, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 20, 12) . chr(125);
        // "}"
        return $uuid;
$dwguid = getGUID();
//guid 처리
$entity = new Entity();
$entity->addProperty("Description", null, "VS가 쵝오에요~");
$entity->addProperty("DueDate", EdmType::DATETIME, new DateTime("2015-11-14T08:15:00-08:00"));
$entity->addProperty("Location", EdmType::STRING, "광화문");
try {
    $tableRestProxy->insertEntity("phptable", $entity);
} catch (ServiceException $e) {
    $code = $e->getCode();
    $error_message = $e->getMessage();
Exemplo n.º 28
 function getPhysicalDevices()
     $physical_devices_request = "<BaseRequest xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:type=\"GetAllPhysicalDeviceStatesRequest\" Version=\"1.70\" RequestId=\"" . $this->uuid . "\" SessionId=\"" . $this->session_id . "\" />";
     $request = Request::post('https://' . $this->host . '/cmd')->body($physical_devices_request);
     $request->addHeader('clientId', getGUID());
     $response = $request->send();
         // обрабатываем пачками, чтобы не перегрузить сервер
         $sql = "update Emails_Notify " . "set InProcess = 1 " . "order by CreateDate " . "limit 100;";
         // создаем задания на рассылку по списку рассылки (только для акти)
         $sql = "insert into Emails_ToSend(RecordGUID, CreateDate, Priority, FromEmail, FromName, ToEmail, Subject, Body) " . "select UUID(), N.CreateDate, 120, '*****@*****.**', 'Карапуз', NR.Email, N.Subject, N.Body " . "from Emails_Notify as N " . "left outer join Emails_NotifyRecipients as NR on ((N.DocumentType = NR.DocumentType) and (N.DocumentID = NR.DocumentID)) " . "where (N.InProcess = 1) " . "and (lower(N.OwnerEmail) <> lower(NR.Email)) " . "and (coalesce(NR.Email, '') <> '');";
         // удаление обработанной пачки записей из Emails_Notify
         $sql = "delete from Emails_Notify where InProcess = 1;";
         // in msec
 $vContinueProcessing = true;
 while ($vContinueProcessing) {
     $vProcessingGUID = getGUID();
     $sql = "update Emails_ToSend " . "set ProcessingDate = '" . GetLocalDateTimeAsSQLStr() . "', " . "ProcessingGUID = '{$vProcessingGUID}', " . "CountAttempts = CountAttempts+1 " . "where ((ProcessingGUID is null) or ((ProcessingDate is not null) and (ProcessingDate < '" . GetLocalDateTime()->modify('-5 minutes')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'))) " . "and (CountAttempts < 3) " . "order by Priority, CreateDate " . "limit 1;";
     $sql = "select RecordGUID, CreateDate, CountAttempts, FromEmail, FromName, ToEmail, ToName, CopyToEmail, BlindCopyToEmail, Subject, Body, UseTemplate " . "from Emails_ToSend " . "where (ProcessingGUID = '{$vProcessingGUID}') " . "limit 1;";
     $rec = GetMainConnection()->query($sql)->fetch();
     if (empty($rec['RecordGUID'])) {
         $vContinueProcessing = false;
     } else {
         if (!isset($mail)) {
             $mail = new PHPMailer();
             $mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';
             //$mail->SMTPDebug = 3;                               // Enable verbose debug output
             // Set mailer to use SMTP
             //$mail->Timeout = 10;
Exemplo n.º 30
			<div class="tab-pane" id="condensed">
				<div class="box-content">
					<form action="index.php?page=addbeacon&mID=<?php 
echo $_REQUEST['mID'];
" class='validate form-horizontal' method="post" name="addbeacon" enctype="multipart/form-data">
						<div class="control-group">
							<label for="title" class="control-label">UUID</label>
							<div class="controls">
								<input type="text" name="uuid" value="<?php 
echo getGUID();
" class='{required:true} span8'>
						<div class="control-group">
							<label for="title" class="control-label">Offer</label>
							<div class="controls">
							    <select name='offer_id' class='span8'>
                                    <option value='0'>&nbsp;</option>
$sql = "SELECT offer.id, offer.title FROM offer LEFT JOIN beacon ON offer.id = beacon.`offer_id` WHERE beacon.id IS NULL AND offer.`merchant_id` = {$_REQUEST['mID']}";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    printf("<option value='%s'>%s</option>", $row['id'], $row['title']);