Exemplo n.º 1
        echo "<li>{$row}</li>\n";
    echo "</ul>\n\n";
    if ($collapse) {
        echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n\tcollapse({$section});\n// -->\n</script>\n\n";
while (!empty($cids) && ($row = $res->next())) {
    $sid = $row['submitid'];
    // Try to find the verification match string in one of the source
    // files. The first match is used.
    $files = $DB->q("KEYVALUETABLE SELECT rank, sourcecode\n\t                 FROM submission_file WHERE submitid = %i", $sid);
    $results = NULL;
    foreach ($files as $rank => $source) {
        if (($results = getExpectedResults($source)) !== NULL) {
    if ($results !== NULL && $row['verified'] == 0) {
        $result = mb_strtoupper($row['result']);
        if (!in_array($result, $results)) {
            $unexpected[] = "<a href=\"submission.php?id=" . $sid . "\">s{$sid}</a> has unexpected result '{$result}', " . "should be one of: " . implode(', ', $results);
        } else {
            if (count($results) > 1) {
                if ($verify_multiple) {
                    // Judging result is as expected, set judging to verified:
                    $DB->q('UPDATE judging SET verified = 1, jury_member = %s
				        WHERE judgingid = %i', $verifier, $row['judgingid']);
                    $multiple[] = "<a href=\"submission.php?id=" . $sid . "\">s{$sid}</a> verified as {$result}, " . "out of multiple possible outcomes (" . implode(', ', $results) . ")";
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Read problem description file and testdata from zip archive
 * and update problem with it, or insert new problem when probid=NULL.
 * Returns probid on success, or generates error on failure.
function importZippedProblem($zip, $probid = NULL, $cid = -1)
    global $DB, $teamid, $cdatas, $matchstrings;
    $prop_file = 'domjudge-problem.ini';
    $yaml_file = 'problem.yaml';
    $ini_keys_problem = array('name', 'timelimit', 'special_run', 'special_compare');
    $ini_keys_contest_problem = array('probid', 'allow_submit', 'allow_judge', 'points', 'color');
    $def_timelimit = 10;
    // Read problem properties
    $ini_array = parse_ini_string($zip->getFromName($prop_file));
    if (empty($ini_array)) {
        if ($probid === NULL) {
            error("Need '" . $prop_file . "' file when adding a new problem.");
    } else {
        // Only preserve valid keys:
        $ini_array_problem = array_intersect_key($ini_array, array_flip($ini_keys_problem));
        $ini_array_contest_problem = array_intersect_key($ini_array, array_flip($ini_keys_contest_problem));
        // Set default of 1 point for a problem if not specified
        if (!isset($ini_array_contest_problem['points'])) {
            $ini_array_contest_problem['points'] = 1;
        if ($probid === NULL) {
            if (!isset($ini_array_contest_problem['probid'])) {
                error("Need 'probid' in '" . $prop_file . "' when adding a new problem.");
            // Set sensible defaults for name and timelimit if not specified:
            if (!isset($ini_array_problem['name'])) {
                $ini_array_problem['name'] = $ini_array_contest_problem['probid'];
            if (!isset($ini_array_problem['timelimit'])) {
                $ini_array_problem['timelimit'] = $def_timelimit;
            // rename probid to shortname
            $shortname = $ini_array_contest_problem['probid'];
            $ini_array_contest_problem['shortname'] = $shortname;
            $probid = $DB->q('RETURNID INSERT INTO problem (' . implode(', ', array_keys($ini_array_problem)) . ') VALUES (%As)', $ini_array_problem);
            if ($cid != -1) {
                $ini_array_contest_problem['cid'] = $cid;
                $ini_array_contest_problem['probid'] = $probid;
                $DB->q('INSERT INTO contestproblem (' . implode(', ', array_keys($ini_array_contest_problem)) . ') VALUES (%As)', $ini_array_contest_problem);
        } else {
            if (count($ini_array_problem) > 0) {
                $DB->q('UPDATE problem SET %S WHERE probid = %i', $ini_array_problem, $probid);
            if ($cid != -1) {
                if ($DB->q("MAYBEVALUE SELECT probid FROM contestproblem\n\t\t\t\t             WHERE probid = %i AND cid = %i", $probid, $cid)) {
                    // Remove keys that cannot be modified:
                    if (count($ini_array_contest_problem) != 0) {
                        $DB->q('UPDATE contestproblem SET %S WHERE probid = %i AND cid = %i', $ini_array_contest_problem, $probid, $cid);
                } else {
                    $shortname = $ini_array_contest_problem['probid'];
                    $ini_array_contest_problem['shortname'] = $shortname;
                    $ini_array_contest_problem['cid'] = $cid;
                    $ini_array_contest_problem['probid'] = $probid;
                    $DB->q('INSERT INTO contestproblem (' . implode(', ', array_keys($ini_array_contest_problem)) . ') VALUES (%As)', $ini_array_contest_problem);
    // parse problem.yaml
    $problem_yaml = $zip->getFromName($yaml_file);
    if ($problem_yaml !== FALSE) {
        $problem_yaml_data = spyc_load($problem_yaml);
        if (!empty($problem_yaml_data)) {
            if (isset($problem_yaml_data['uuid']) && $cid != -1) {
                $DB->q('UPDATE contestproblem SET shortname=%s
				        WHERE cid=%i AND probid=%i', $problem_yaml_data['uuid'], $cid, $probid);
            $yaml_array_problem = array();
            if (isset($problem_yaml_data['name'])) {
                if (is_array($problem_yaml_data['name'])) {
                    foreach ($problem_yaml_data['name'] as $lang => $name) {
                        // TODO: select a specific instead of the first language
                        $yaml_array_problem['name'] = $name;
                } else {
                    $yaml_array_problem['name'] = $problem_yaml_data['name'];
            if (isset($problem_yaml_data['validator_flags'])) {
                $yaml_array_problem['special_compare_args'] = $problem_yaml_data['validator_flags'];
            if (isset($problem_yaml_data['validation']) && $problem_yaml_data['validation'] == 'custom') {
                // search for validator
                $validator_files = array();
                for ($j = 0; $j < $zip->numFiles; $j++) {
                    $filename = $zip->getNameIndex($j);
                    if (starts_with($filename, "output_validators/") && !ends_with($filename, "/")) {
                        $validator_files[] = $filename;
                if (sizeof($validator_files) == 0) {
                    echo "<p>Custom validator specified but not found.</p>\n";
                } else {
                    // file(s) have to share common directory
                    $validator_dir = mb_substr($validator_files[0], 0, mb_strrpos($validator_files[0], "/")) . "/";
                    $same_dir = TRUE;
                    foreach ($validator_files as $validator_file) {
                        if (!starts_with($validator_file, $validator_dir)) {
                            $same_dir = FALSE;
                            echo "<p>{$validator_file} does not start with {$validator_dir}</p>\n";
                    if (!$same_dir) {
                        echo "<p>Found multiple custom output validators.</p>\n";
                    } else {
                        $tmpzipfiledir = exec("mktemp -d --tmpdir=" . TMPDIR, $dontcare, $retval);
                        if ($retval != 0) {
                            error("failed to create temporary directory");
                        chmod($tmpzipfiledir, 0700);
                        foreach ($validator_files as $validator_file) {
                            $content = $zip->getFromName($validator_file);
                            $filebase = basename($validator_file);
                            $newfilename = $tmpzipfiledir . "/" . $filebase;
                            file_put_contents($newfilename, $content);
                            if ($filebase === 'build' || $filebase === 'run') {
                                // mark special files as executable
                                chmod($newfilename, 0755);
                        exec("zip -r -j '{$tmpzipfiledir}/outputvalidator.zip' '{$tmpzipfiledir}'", $dontcare, $retval);
                        if ($retval != 0) {
                            error("failed to create zip file for output validator.");
                        $ovzip = file_get_contents("{$tmpzipfiledir}/outputvalidator.zip");
                        $probname = $DB->q("VALUE SELECT name FROM problem\n\t\t\t\t\t\t                    WHERE probid=%i", $probid);
                        $ovname = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '_', $probname) . "_cmp";
                        if ($DB->q("MAYBEVALUE SELECT execid FROM executable\n\t\t\t\t\t\t             WHERE execid=%s", $ovname)) {
                            // avoid name clash
                            $clashcnt = 2;
                            while ($DB->q("MAYBEVALUE SELECT execid FROM executable\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                WHERE execid=%s", $ovname . "_" . $clashcnt)) {
                            $ovname = $ovname . "_" . $clashcnt;
                        $DB->q("INSERT INTO executable (execid, md5sum, zipfile,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        description, type) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", $ovname, md5($ovzip), $ovzip, 'output validator for ' . $probname, 'compare');
                        $DB->q("UPDATE problem SET special_compare=%s\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        WHERE probid=%i", $ovname, $probid);
                        echo "<p>Added output validator '{$ovname}'.</p>\n";
            if (isset($problem_yaml_data['limits'])) {
                if (isset($problem_yaml_data['limits']['memory'])) {
                    $yaml_array_problem['memlimit'] = 1024 * $problem_yaml_data['limits']['memory'];
                if (isset($problem_yaml_data['limits']['output'])) {
                    $yaml_array_problem['outputlimit'] = 1024 * $problem_yaml_data['limits']['output'];
            if (sizeof($yaml_array_problem) > 0) {
                $DB->q('UPDATE problem SET %S WHERE probid = %i', $yaml_array_problem, $probid);
    // Add problem statement
    foreach (array('pdf', 'html', 'txt') as $type) {
        $text = $zip->getFromName('problem.' . $type);
        if ($text !== FALSE) {
            $DB->q('UPDATE problem SET problemtext = %s, problemtext_type = %s
			        WHERE probid = %i', $text, $type, $probid);
            echo "<p>Added problem statement from: <tt>problem.{$type}</tt></p>\n";
    // Insert/update testcases
    $maxrank = 1 + $DB->q('VALUE SELECT max(rank) FROM testcase
	                       WHERE probid = %i', $probid);
    // first insert sample, then secret data in alphabetical order
    foreach (array('sample', 'secret') as $type) {
        $ncases = 0;
        $datafiles = array();
        for ($j = 0; $j < $zip->numFiles; $j++) {
            $filename = $zip->getNameIndex($j);
            if (starts_with($filename, "data/{$type}/") && ends_with($filename, ".in")) {
                $basename = basename($filename, ".in");
                $fileout = "data/{$type}/" . $basename . ".ans";
                if ($zip->locateName($fileout) !== FALSE) {
                    $datafiles[] = $basename;
        echo "<ul>\n";
        foreach ($datafiles as $datafile) {
            $testin = $zip->getFromName("data/{$type}/{$datafile}.in");
            $testout = $zip->getFromName("data/{$type}/{$datafile}.ans");
            $description = $datafile;
            if (($descfile = $zip->getFromName("data/{$type}/{$datafile}.desc")) !== FALSE) {
                $description .= ": \n" . $descfile;
            $image_file = $image_type = $image_thumb = FALSE;
            foreach (array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif') as $img_ext) {
                if (($image_file = $zip->getFromName("data/{$type}/{$datafile}" . "." . $img_ext)) !== FALSE) {
                    list($image_thumb, $image_type) = get_image_thumb_type($image_file);
            $md5in = md5($testin);
            $md5out = md5($testout);
            // Skip testcases that already exist identically
            $id = $DB->q('MAYBEVALUE SELECT testcaseid FROM testcase
			              WHERE md5sum_input = %s AND md5sum_output = %s AND
			              description = %s AND sample = %i AND probid = %i', $md5in, $md5out, $description, $type == 'sample' ? 1 : 0, $probid);
            if (isset($id)) {
                echo "<li>Skipped {$type} testcase <tt>{$datafile}</tt>: already exists</li>\n";
            $DB->q('INSERT INTO testcase (probid, rank, sample,
			        md5sum_input, md5sum_output, input, output, description' . ($image_file !== FALSE ? ', image, image_thumb, image_type' : '') . ')' . 'VALUES (%i, %i, %i, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' . ($image_file !== FALSE ? ', %s, %s, %s' : '%_ %_ %_') . ')', $probid, $maxrank, $type == 'sample' ? 1 : 0, $md5in, $md5out, $testin, $testout, $description, $image_file, $image_thumb, $image_type);
            echo "<li>Added {$type} testcase from: <tt>{$datafile}.{in,ans}</tt></li>\n";
        echo "</ul>\n<p>Added {$ncases} {$type} testcase(s).</p>\n";
    // submit reference solutions
    if ($cid == -1) {
        echo "<p>No jury solutions added: problem is not linked to a contest (yet).</p>\n";
    } else {
        if (empty($teamid)) {
            echo "<p>No jury solutions added: must associate team with your user first.</p>\n";
        } else {
            if ($DB->q('VALUE SELECT allow_submit FROM problem
	                    INNER JOIN contestproblem using (probid)
	                    WHERE probid = %i AND cid = %i', $probid, $cid)) {
                // First find all submittable languages:
                $langs = $DB->q('KEYVALUETABLE SELECT langid, extensions
		                 FROM language WHERE allow_submit = 1');
                $njurysols = 0;
                echo "<ul>\n";
                for ($j = 0; $j < $zip->numFiles; $j++) {
                    $filename = $zip->getNameIndex($j);
                    $filename_parts = explode(".", $filename);
                    $extension = end($filename_parts);
                    if (!starts_with($filename, 'submissions/') || ends_with($filename, '/')) {
                        // skipping non-submission files and directories silently
                    foreach ($langs as $key => $exts) {
                        if (in_array($extension, json_decode($exts))) {
                            $langid = $key;
                    if (empty($langid)) {
                        echo "<li>Could not add jury solution <tt>{$filename}</tt>: unknown language.</li>\n";
                    } else {
                        if (!($tmpfname = tempnam(TMPDIR, "ref_solution-"))) {
                            error("Could not create temporary file in directory " . TMPDIR);
                        $offset = mb_strlen('submissions/');
                        $expectedResult = normalizeExpectedResult(mb_substr($filename, $offset, mb_strpos($filename, '/', $offset) - $offset));
                        $source = $zip->getFromIndex($j);
                        $results = getExpectedResults($source);
                        if ($results === NULL) {
                            // annotate source code with expected result
                            $source = "// added by import: " . $matchstrings[0] . $expectedResult . "\n" . $source;
                        } else {
                            if (!in_array($expectedResult, $results)) {
                                warning("annotated result '" . implode(', ', $results) . "' does not match directory for {$filename}");
                        file_put_contents($tmpfname, $source);
                        if (filesize($tmpfname) <= dbconfig_get('sourcesize_limit') * 1024) {
                            submit_solution($teamid, $probid, $cid, $langid, array($tmpfname), array(basename($filename)));
                            echo "<li>Added jury solution from: <tt>{$filename}</tt></li>\n";
                        } else {
                            echo "<li>Could not add jury solution <tt>{$filename}</tt>: too large.</li>\n";
                echo "</ul>\n<p>Added {$njurysols} jury solution(s).</p>\n";
            } else {
                echo "<p>No jury solutions added: problem not submittable</p>\n";
    if (!in_array($cid, array_keys($cdatas))) {
        echo "<p>The corresponding contest is not activated yet." . "To view the submissions in the submissions list, you have to activate the contest first.</p>\n";
    return $probid;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * POST a new submission
function submissions_POST($args)
    global $userdata, $DB, $api;
    checkargs($args, array('shortname', 'langid'));
    checkargs($userdata, array('teamid'));
    $contests = getCurContests(TRUE, $userdata['teamid'], false, 'shortname');
    $contest_shortname = null;
    if (isset($args['contest'])) {
        if (isset($contests[$args['contest']])) {
            $contest_shortname = $args['contest'];
        } else {
            $api->createError("Cannot find active contest '{$args['contest']}', or you are not part of it.");
    } else {
        if (count($contests) == 1) {
            $contest_shortname = key($contests);
        } else {
            $api->createError("No contest specified while multiple active contests found.");
    $cid = $contests[$contest_shortname]['cid'];
    $probid = $DB->q('MAYBEVALUE SELECT probid FROM problem
	                  INNER JOIN contestproblem USING (probid)
	                  WHERE shortname = %s AND cid = %i AND allow_submit = 1', $args['shortname'], $cid);
    if (empty($probid)) {
        error("Problem " . $args['shortname'] . " not found or or not submittable");
    // rebuild array of filenames, paths to get rid of empty upload fields
    $FILEPATHS = $FILENAMES = array();
    foreach ($_FILES['code']['tmp_name'] as $fileid => $tmpname) {
        if (!empty($tmpname)) {
            $FILEPATHS[] = $_FILES['code']['tmp_name'][$fileid];
            $FILENAMES[] = $_FILES['code']['name'][$fileid];
    $sid = submit_solution($userdata['teamid'], $probid, $cid, $args['langid'], $FILEPATHS, $FILENAMES);
    if (checkrole('jury')) {
        $results = getExpectedResults(file_get_contents($FILEPATHS[0]));
        if (!empty($results)) {
            $DB->q('UPDATE submission SET expected_results=%s
			        WHERE submitid=%i', json_encode($results), $sid);
    auditlog('submission', $sid, 'added', 'via api', null, $cid);
    return safe_int($sid);