$tblStorage->th(_('Free'), 'class=colheader'); $tblStorage->th(_('Used'), 'class=colheader'); $tblStorage->th(_('Total'), 'class=colheader'); $tblStorage->th(_('Usage %'), 'class=colheader'); $tblStorage->th(_('Services'), 'class=colheader'); // // section body $tblStorage->tbody(); // list configured devices if (isset($cfgPtr['fsmounts'])) { foreach (array_keys($cfgPtr['fsmounts']) as $mntNode) { if (!is_array($cfgPtr['fsmounts'][$mntNode])) { continue; } // $fsInfo = getDevByUuid($disksInfo, $cfgPtr['fsmounts'][$mntNode]['uuid']); $devText = ''; if ($fsInfo !== false) { $devText = basename("{$fsInfo[0]}{$fsInfo[1]}"); } $tblStorage->tr(); // device/partition $tblStorage->td($devText); // filesystem label $tblStorage->td($cfgPtr['fsmounts'][$mntNode]['label']); // mount point $tblStorage->td("{$cfgPtr['mountroot']}/{$mntNode}"); // size/usage/... $fsFree = ''; $fsUsed = ''; $fsTotal = '';
$disksInfo = getBlockDevices(true); getDiskUsage($disksInfo); $storageReport = ''; foreach (array_keys($config['system']['storage']['fsmounts']) as $mntNode) { if (!is_array($config['system']['storage']['fsmounts'][$mntNode])) { continue; } // if ($config['system']['storage']['fsmounts'][$mntNode]['active'] != 1) { // disabled entry, only report active devices status continue; } // TODO: also report alerts about disks autodisabled at boot time because of errors // $fsUuid = $config['system']['storage']['fsmounts'][$mntNode]['uuid']; $fsInfo = getDevByUuid($disksInfo, $fsUuid); $hwName = ''; if (isset($disksInfo[$fsInfo[0]]['info']) && !empty($disksInfo[$fsInfo[0]]['info'])) { $hwName = "{$disksInfo[$fsInfo[0]]['info']} / "; } if ($fsInfo !== false) { if (isset($disksInfo[$fsInfo[0]]['parts'][$fsInfo[1]]['blocks-total'])) { $fsBlocksTotal = $disksInfo[$fsInfo[0]]['parts'][$fsInfo[1]]['blocks-total']; $fsBlocksUsed = $disksInfo[$fsInfo[0]]['parts'][$fsInfo[1]]['blocks-used']; // $storageReport .= basename("{$fsInfo[0]}{$fsInfo[1]}"); $storageReport .= ' (' . $disksInfo[$fsInfo[0]]['info'] . ')<br>'; // units of 1024 bytes blocks $storageReport .= _('Free') . ': ' . formatBytes($fsBlocksTotal * 1024 - $fsBlocksUsed * 1024) . ' '; $storageReport .= _('Used') . ': ' . formatBytes($fsBlocksUsed * 1024) . ' '; $storageReport .= _('Total') . ': ' . formatBytes($fsBlocksTotal * 1024);