Exemplo n.º 1
 function getMenuUrlCode($site, $table, $parent, $depth, $uid, $code)
     static $string;
     $xdepth = $depth + 1;
     $CD = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'depth=' . $xdepth . ' and parent=' . $parent . ' and hidden=0 and reject=0 order by gid asc', '*');
     while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) {
         $code1 = $code . $C['id'] . '/';
         $_code = substr($code1, 0, strlen($code1) - 1);
         $string .= "<url><loc>" . getRWurl('c=' . $_code) . "</loc></url>\n";
         if ($C['isson']) {
             getMenuUrlCode($site, $table, $C['uid'], $C['depth'], $uid, $code1);
     return $string;
Exemplo n.º 2
function getMenuCodeToSql($table, $cat, $f)
    static $sql;
    $R = getUidData($table, $cat);
    if ($R['uid']) {
        $sql .= $f . '=' . $R['uid'] . ' or ';
    if ($R['isson']) {
        $RDATA = getDbSelect($table, 'parent=' . $R['uid'], 'uid');
        while ($C = db_fetch_array($RDATA)) {
            getMenuCodeToSql($table, $C['uid'], $f);
    return substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 4);
Exemplo n.º 3
 function getMenuWidgetTree($site, $table, $is_child, $parent, $depth, $id, $w, $_C)
     global $_CA;
     if ($depth < $w['limit']) {
         $CD = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'hidden=0 and parent=' . $parent . ' and depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ($w['mobile'] ? ' and mobile=1' : '') . ' order by gid asc', '*');
         echo "\n";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
             echo "\t";
         if ($is_child) {
             echo "<ul" . ($w['dropdown'] ? ' class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel"' : '') . ">\n";
             if ($w['dropdown'] && $w['dispfmenu']) {
                 echo $_C['link'];
                 echo '<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>' . "\n";
         while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) {
             $_newTree = ($id ? $id . '/' : '') . $C['id'];
             $_href = $w['link'] == 'bookmark' ? ' data-scroll href="#' . ($C['is_child'] && $w['limit'] > 1 && !$parent && $w['dropdown'] ? '' : str_replace('/', '-', $_newTree)) . '"' : ' href="' . RW('c=' . $_newTree) . '"';
             $_dropdown = $w['dropdown'] && $C['is_child'] && $C['depth'] == $w['depth'] + 1 && $w['olimit'] > 1 ? ' class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"' : '';
             $_name = $C['name'] . ($_dropdown ? ' <i class="caret"></i>' : '');
             $_target = $C['target'] == '_blank' ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
             $_addattr = $C['addattr'] ? ' ' . $C['addattr'] : '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < $C['depth']; $i++) {
                 echo "\t";
             if ($_dropdown) {
                 echo '<li class="dropdown' . (in_array($C['id'], $_CA) ? ' active' : '') . '"><a' . $_addattr . $_href . $_dropdown . $_target . '>' . $_name . '</a>';
             } else {
                 echo '<li' . (in_array($C['id'], $_CA) ? ' class="active"' : '') . '><a' . $_addattr . $_href . $_dropdown . $_target . '>' . $_name . '</a>';
             if ($C['is_child']) {
                 $C['link'] = '<li><a' . $_addattr . $_href . $_target . '>' . $C['name'] . '</a></li>';
                 getMenuWidgetTree($site, $table, $C['is_child'], $C['uid'], $C['depth'], $_newTree, $w, $C);
             echo "</li>\n";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
             echo "\t";
         if ($is_child) {
             echo "</ul>\n";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
             echo "\t";
Exemplo n.º 4
function DeleteOneline($C, $d, $sync_arr)
    global $table, $date;
    $_ONELINE = getDbSelect($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $C['uid'], '*');
    while ($_O = db_fetch_array($_ONELINE)) {
        if ($d['comment']['give_opoint'] && $_O['mbruid']) {
            getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $_O['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $d['comment']['give_opoint'] . "','한줄의견삭제(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&amp;', ' ', strip_tags($_O['content'])), 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'");
            getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $d['comment']['give_opoint'], 'memberuid=' . $_O['mbruid']);
    getDbDelete($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $C['uid']);
    // 댓글 수량 동기화
    $sync_arr = explode('|', $R['sync']);
    $feed_table = $sync_arr[0];
    $feed_uid = $sync_arr[1];
    getDbUpdate($feed_table, 'oneline=oneline-1', 'uid=' . $feed_uid);
Exemplo n.º 5
function getMenuShowSelect($site, $table, $j, $parent, $depth, $uid, $hidden, $id)
    global $cat, $_isUid;
    static $j;
    $CD = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ' and parent=' . $parent . ($hidden ? ' and hidden=0' : '') . ' order by gid asc', '*');
    while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) {
        $nId = ($id ? $id . '/' : '') . $C[$_isUid . 'id'];
        echo '<option class="selectcat' . $C['depth'] . '" value="' . $nId . '"' . ($nId == $cat ? ' selected' : '') . '>';
        for ($i = 1; $i < $C['depth']; $i++) {
            echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        if ($C['depth'] > 1) {
            echo 'ㄴ';
        echo $C['name'] . ($C['num'] ? ' (' . $C['num'] . ')' : '') . '</option>';
        if ($C['is_child']) {
            getMenuShowSelect($site, $table, $j, $C['uid'], $C['depth'], $uid, $hidden, $nId);
Exemplo n.º 6
function getMenuTxt($site, $table, $j, $parent, $depth, $uid, $code)
    global $g;
    static $j, $string;
    $xdepth = $depth + 1;
    $CD = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'depth=' . $xdepth . ' and parent=' . $parent . ' order by gid asc', '*');
    while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) {
        $code = $code . $C['id'] . '/';
        $_code = substr($code, 0, strlen($code) - 1);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
            $string .= "\t";
        $string .= '[' . $xdepth . ']' . ($C['hidden'] ? '[숨김]' : '') . ($C['reject'] ? '[차단]' : '') . ($C['target'] ? '[새창]' : '') . $C['name'] . " = " . RW('c=' . $_code) . "\r\n";
        if ($C['isson']) {
            getMenuTxt($site, $table, $j, $C['uid'], $C['depth'], $uid, $code);
        if ($xdepth == 1) {
            $string .= "\r\n";
        $code = '';
    return $string;
Exemplo n.º 7
     if ($ACT_DM) {
         $_MENUS = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $S['uid'] . ' order by gid asc', '*');
         while ($_M = db_fetch_array($_MENUS)) {
             @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $_M['imghead']);
             @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $_M['imgfoot']);
             getDbDelete($table['s_seo'], 'rel=1 and parent=' . $_M['uid']);
         getDbDelete($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $S['uid']);
         db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_menu'], $DB_CONNECT);
         db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_seo'], $DB_CONNECT);
         DirDelete($g['path_page'] . $S['id'] . '-menus');
     if ($ACT_DP) {
         $_PAGES = getDbSelect($table['s_page'], 'site=' . $S['uid'] . ' order by uid asc', '*');
         while ($_P = db_fetch_array($_PAGES)) {
             getDbDelete($table['s_seo'], 'rel=2 and parent=' . $_P['uid']);
         getDbDelete($table['s_page'], 'site=' . $S['uid']);
         db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_page'], $DB_CONNECT);
         db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_seo'], $DB_CONNECT);
         DirDelete($g['path_page'] . $S['id'] . '-pages');
     @rename($g['path_tmp'] . 'app/' . $package_folder . '/pages/' . $d['package']['siteid'] . '-menus', $g['path_tmp'] . 'app/' . $package_folder . '/pages/' . $S['id'] . '-menus');
     @rename($g['path_tmp'] . 'app/' . $package_folder . '/pages/' . $d['package']['siteid'] . '-pages', $g['path_tmp'] . 'app/' . $package_folder . '/pages/' . $S['id'] . '-pages');
 } else {
     $MAXC = getDbCnt($table['s_site'], 'max(gid)', '');
     $gid = $MAXC + 1;
     $name = 'SITE ' . $gid;
     $id = 's' . date('His');
Exemplo n.º 8
				<option value="seychelles"<?php 
    if ($r == "seychelles") {
			<!-- / 통합 트레비아 임시 조치 -->

$resCate = getDbSelect($table[$m . 'data'], "site=" . $s . " AND bbsid='resort'", "subject");
			<select onchange="document.bbssearchf.cat.value=this.value;document.bbssearchf.submit();">
			<option value="">&nbsp;+ 리조트 선택</option>
			<option value="" class="sline">-------------------</option>
while ($infoCate = db_fetch_array($resCate)) {
			<option value="<?php 
    echo $infoCate[0];
    if ($infoCate[0] == $R['category'] || $infoCate[0] == $cat) {
Exemplo n.º 9
function getTreeMenu($conf, $cat, $code, $depth, $parent, $tmpcode)
    $id = 'tree_' . filterstr(microtime());
    $tree = '<div class="rb-tree"><ul id="' . $id . '">';
    $CD = getDbSelect($conf['table'], ($conf['site'] ? 'site=' . $conf['site'] . ' and ' : '') . 'depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ' and parent=' . $parent . ($conf['dispHidden'] ? ' and hidden=0' : '') . ' order by gid asc', '*');
    $_i = 0;
    while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) {
        $rcode = $tmpcode ? $tmpcode . '/' . $C['uid'] : $C['uid'];
        $topen = $rcode == substr($code, 0, strlen($rcode)) ? true : false;
        $tree .= '<li>';
        if ($C['isson']) {
            $tree .= '<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#' . $id . '-' . $_i . '-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="rb-branch' . ($conf['allOpen'] || $topen ? '' : ' collapsed') . '"></a>';
            $tree .= '<a href="' . $conf['link'] . $C['uid'] . '&amp;code=' . $rcode . ($conf['bookmark'] ? '#' . $conf['bookmark'] : '') . '"><span' . ($code == $rcode ? ' class="rb-active"' : '') . '>';
            if ($conf['dispCheckbox']) {
                $tree .= '<input type="checkbox" name="tree_members[]" value="' . $C['uid'] . '">';
            $tree .= $C['name'] . '</span></a>';
            if ($conf['dispNum'] && $C['num']) {
                $tree .= ' <small>(' . $C['num'] . ')</small>';
            if ($C['mobile']) {
                $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone" title="모바일"></i>';
            if ($C['hidden']) {
                $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-close" title="숨김"></i>';
            if ($C['reject']) {
                $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle" title="차단"></i>';
            $tree .= '<ul id="' . $id . '-' . $_i . '-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="collapse' . ($conf['allOpen'] || $topen ? ' in' : '') . '">';
            $tree .= getTreeMenu($conf, $cat, $code, $C['depth'], $C['uid'], $rcode);
            $tree .= '</ul>';
        } else {
            $tree .= '<a href="#." class="rb-leaf"></a>';
            $tree .= '<a href="' . $conf['link'] . $C['uid'] . '&amp;code=' . $rcode . ($conf['bookmark'] ? '#' . $conf['bookmark'] : '') . '"><span' . ($code == $rcode ? ' class="rb-active"' : '') . '>';
            if ($conf['dispCheckbox']) {
                $tree .= '<input type="checkbox" name="tree_members[]" value="' . $C['uid'] . '">';
            $tree .= $C['name'] . '</span></a>';
            if ($conf['dispNum'] && $C['num']) {
                $tree .= ' <small>(' . $C['num'] . ')</small>';
            if ($C['mobile']) {
                $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone" title="모바일"></i>';
            if ($C['hidden']) {
                $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-close" title="숨김"></i>';
            if ($C['reject']) {
                $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle" title="차단"></i>';
        $tree .= '</li>';
    $tree .= '</ul></div>';
    return $tree;
Exemplo n.º 10
$SITES = getDbArray($table['s_site'], '', '*', 'gid', 'asc', 0, 1);
$year1 = $year1 ? $year1 : substr($date['today'], 0, 4);
$month1 = $month1 ? $month1 : substr($date['today'], 4, 2);
$day1 = $day1 ? $day1 : 1;
$year2 = $year2 ? $year2 : substr($date['today'], 0, 4);
$month2 = $month2 ? $month2 : substr($date['today'], 4, 2);
$day2 = $day2 ? $day2 : substr($date['today'], 6, 2);
$p = $p ? $p : 1;
$recnum = $recnum && $recnum < 200 ? $recnum : 20;
$sort = $sort ? $sort : 'hit';
$orderby = $orderby ? $orderby : 'desc';
$accountQue = $account ? 'site=' . $account . ' and ' : '';
$_WHERE1 = $accountQue . 'date >= ' . $year1 . sprintf('%02d', $month1) . sprintf('%02d', $day1) . ' and date <= ' . $year2 . sprintf('%02d', $month2) . sprintf('%02d', $day2);
$_WHERE2 = 'keyword,sum(hit) as hit';
$RCD = getDbSelect($table['s_inkey'], $_WHERE1 . ' group by keyword order by ' . $sort . ' ' . $orderby . ' limit 0,' . $recnum, $_WHERE2);

<form name="procForm" action="<?php 
echo $g['s'];
/" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="r" value="<?php 
echo $r;
" />
<input type="hidden" name="m" value="<?php 
echo $m;
Exemplo n.º 11
		<div class="category">
if ($type != 'follower') {
			<select onchange="goHref('<?php 
    echo $g['url_page'];
    echo $type;
			<option value="">&nbsp;+ 전체</option>
			<option value="">-------------</option>
    $_CATS = getDbSelect($table['s_friend'], "my_mbruid=" . $my['uid'] . " and category<>'' group by category", 'category');
    while ($_R = db_fetch_array($_CATS)) {
			<option value="<?php 
        echo $_R['category'];
        if ($_R['category'] == $category) {
        echo $_R['category'];
Exemplo n.º 12

		<div class="lnb<?php 
if ($my['id']) {
} else {
$_MENUS1 = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $s . ' and hidden=0 and depth=1 order by gid asc', '*');
$infoDubai = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=6 AND category='두바이'", "uid", "", "rand()", 1, 1));
// $infoThailand1 = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'],"site=4 AND category='미주허니문'","uid","","rand()",1,1));
$infoThailand1 = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=4 AND category='푸켓'", "uid", "", "rand()", 1, 1));
$infoThailand4 = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=4 AND category='보라카이'", "uid", "", "rand()", 1, 1));
$infoThailand2 = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=4 AND category='하와이'", "uid", "", "rand()", 1, 1));
$infoThailand3 = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=4 AND category='코사무이'", "uid", "", "rand()", 1, 1));
$infoIndonesia1 = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=5 AND category='발리'", "uid", "", "rand()", 1, 1));
$infoIndonesia2 = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=5 AND category='롬복'", "uid", "", "rand()", 1, 1));
$infoSeychelles = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=8 AND bbsid='resort'", "uid", "", "rand()", 1, 1));
//15-11-12 칸쿤만 랜덤함수 13XXX으로 시작하면 여행후기로 넘어가서 강제로 임의의 숫자를 주었음.
//난수 발생 로직이 왜 필요한지는 파악이 안됨.
// $infoMexico = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'],"site=7 AND category='칸쿤'","uid","","rand()",1,1));
$infoMexico = db_fetch_array(getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], "site=7 AND category='칸쿤'", "uid", "", "2786", 1, 1));
Exemplo n.º 13
echo $TPG;
		<div class="category">

			<select onchange="goHref('<?php 
echo str_replace('&amp;', '&', $g['url_page']);
			<option value="">&nbsp;+ 전체</option>
			<option value="">-------------</option>
$_CATS = getDbSelect($table['s_scrap'], "mbruid=" . $M['memberuid'] . " and category<>'' group by category", 'category');
while ($_R = db_fetch_array($_CATS)) {
			<option value="<?php 
    echo $_R['category'];
    if ($_R['category'] == $category) {
    echo $_R['category'];
Exemplo n.º 14
/" method="post">
					<input type="hidden" name="r" value="<?php 
    echo $r;
					<input type="hidden" name="m" value="<?php 
    echo $module;
					<input type="hidden" name="a" value="modifygid">
					<div class="panel-body" style="border-top:1px solid #DEDEDE;">
				        <div class="dd" id="nestable-menu">
				            <ol class="dd-list">
    $_MENUS = getDbSelect($table['s_domain'], 'parent=' . intval($CINFO['uid']) . ' and depth=' . ($CINFO['depth'] + 1) . ' order by gid asc', '*');
    $_i = 1;
    while ($_M = db_fetch_array($_MENUS)) {
				                <li class="dd-item" data-id="<?php 
        echo $_i;
									<input type="checkbox" name="menumembers[]" value="<?php 
        echo $_M['uid'];
" checked class="hidden">
				                    <div class="dd-handle"><i class="fa fa-arrows fa-fw"></i> <?php 
Exemplo n.º 15
if ($where == 'term' && $keyword) {
    $_yr = substr($keyword, 0, 4);
    $_mh = substr($keyword, 4, 2);
} else {
    $_yr = $_yr ? $_yr : $date['year'];
    $_mh = $_mh ? $_mh : substr($date['month'], 4, 2);
$todaynum = $date['today'];
$firstday = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_mh, 1, $_yr);
$startday = date('w', $firstday);
$endday = date('t', $firstday);
$prevyear = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_mh - 1, 1, $_yr));
$nextyear = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_mh + 1, 1, $_yr));
$prevmonth = date('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_mh - 1, 1, $_yr));
$nextmonth = date('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_mh + 1, 1, $_yr));
$DAYNUM = getDbSelect($table['bbsday'], "date like '" . $_yr . $_mh . "%' and site=" . $s . ' order by date asc', '*');
while ($_R = db_fetch_array($DAYNUM)) {
    if ($_R['num']) {
        $_D[$_R['date']] = $_R['num'];
			<div class="daily">
				<a name="calendar"></a>
				<div class="tt">
					<a href="<?php 
echo $g['s'];
echo $r;
Exemplo n.º 16

// ******************* 메인배너 이미지/링크 ******************* /
$rcd = getDbSelect($table['sliderdata'], "sitecode='maldives'", "*");
$seq_array = array();
for ($i = 0; $R = db_fetch_array($rcd); $i++) {
    if (empty($R['imgsrc']) || empty($R['url'])) {
    $bannerImageTemp[$R['seq']] = "/modules/slider/var/files/" . $R['imgsrc'];
    $bannerLinkTemp[$R['seq']] = $R['url'];
    //echo $bannerImageTemp[$i] . " - " . $bannerLinkTemp[$i];
    array_push($seq_array, $R['seq']);
    	echo "<pre>";
    	echo "</pre>";
	echo "<pre>";
	echo "</pre>";
for ($i = min($seq_array); $i <= max($seq_array); $i++) {
    do {
        $index = rand(min($seq_array), max($seq_array));
    } while ($bannerImageTemp[$index] == "ok");
    if ($bannerImageTemp[$index] != null) {
        $bannerImage[$i] = $bannerImageTemp[$index];
        $bannerLink[$i] = $bannerLinkTemp[$index];
Exemplo n.º 17
<span class="num">(<?php 
                echo $_M2['num'];
            if (getNew($_M2['d_last'], $d['layout']['newhour'])) {
<span class="new">new</span><?php 
            if ($_M2['isson']) {
                $_MENUS3 = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $s . ' and parent=' . $_M2['uid'] . ' and hidden=0 and depth=3 and mobile=1 order by gid asc', '*');
                while ($_M3 = db_fetch_array($_MENUS3)) {
<li class="m3<?php 
                    if ($_M1['id'] . '/' . $_M2['id'] . '/' . $_M3['id'] == $c) {
<a href="<?php 
                    echo RW('c=' . $_M1['id'] . '/' . $_M2['id'] . '/' . $_M3['id']);
" target="<?php 
                    echo $_M3['target'];
Exemplo n.º 18
    function getMenuWidgetCollapse($site, $table, $is_child, $parent, $depth, $id, $w, $_C)
        global $_CA;
        $CD = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'hidden=0 and parent=' . $parent . ' and depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ($w['mobile'] ? ' and mobile=1' : '') . ' order by gid asc', '*');
        if (db_num_rows($CD)) {
<div class="list-group" id="<?php 
            echo $w['collid'];
            while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) {
                $CD1 = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'hidden=0 and parent=' . $C['uid'] . ' and depth=' . ($C['depth'] + 1) . ' order by gid asc', '*');
                $_newTree = ($id ? $id . '/' : '') . $C['id'];
                $_newTreeB = str_replace('/', '-', $_newTree);
                $_href = $w['link'] == 'bookmark' ? '#' . $_newTreeB : RW('c=' . $_newTree);
                $_name = $C['name'];
                $_target = $C['target'] == '_blank' ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
                $_addattr = $C['addattr'] ? ' ' . $C['addattr'] : '';
                $_isActive = in_array($C['id'], $_CA);
                if ($C['is_child'] && $w['limit'] > 1 && $w['collapse']) {
	<div class="panel rb-panel">
		<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#<?php 
                    echo $w['collid'];
" href="#<?php 
                    echo $w['collid'];
                    echo $C['uid'];
" class="list-group-item<?php 
                    if ($_isActive) {
                    echo $C['name'];
			<span class="branch"></span>
		<div id="<?php 
                    echo $w['collid'];
                    echo $C['uid'];
" class="collapse<?php 
                    if ($_isActive) {
			<ul class="nav">
                    if ($w['dispfmenu']) {
				<li class="rb-fmenu"><a href="<?php 
                        echo $_href;
                        echo $_addattr . $_target;
                        echo $_name;
				<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>
                    while ($C1 = db_fetch_array($CD1)) {
                        if (in_array($C1['id'], $_CA)) {
><a href="<?php 
                        echo $w['link'] == 'bookmark' ? '#' . $_newTreeB . '-' . $C1['id'] : RW('c=' . $_newTree . '/' . $C1['id']);
                        if ($C1['addattr']) {
                            echo $C1['addattr'];
                        if ($C1['target']) {
                            echo $C1['target'];
                        echo $C1['name'];
                } else {
	<a href="<?php 
                    echo $_href;
                    echo $_addattr . $_target;
                    if ($_isActive) {
                    echo $C['name'];
                    if ($C['is_child']) {
<span class="branch"></span><?php 
                    if ($C['is_child'] && $w['limit'] > 1 && $_isActive) {
	<ul class="nav">
                        while ($C1 = db_fetch_array($CD1)) {
                            if (in_array($C1['id'], $_CA)) {
><a href="<?php 
                            echo $w['link'] == 'bookmark' ? '#' . $_newTreeB . '-' . $C1['id'] : RW('c=' . $_newTree . '/' . $C1['id']);
                            if ($C1['addattr']) {
                                echo $C1['addattr'];
                            if ($C1['target']) {
                                echo $C1['target'];
                            echo $C1['name'];
Exemplo n.º 19
$where = "site = {$s}";
if (in_array($s, array(6, 7))) {
    $where = 'site in (6,7)';
$resCate = getDbSelect($table[$m . 'data'], $where . " AND bbsid='resort'", "subject");
		<td class="td1">카테고리</td>
		<td class="td2">
			<select name="category">
				<option value="">&nbsp;+ 리조트 선택</option>
				<option value="칸쿤">칸쿤</option>
				<option value="미주허니문">미주허니문</option>
				<option value="하와이">하와이</option>
				<option value="발리">발리</option>
				<option value="코사무이">코사무이</option>
				<option value="몰디브">몰디브</option>
				<option value="세이셸">세이셸</option>
				<option value="모리셔스">모리셔스</option>
				<option value="기타">기타</option>
Exemplo n.º 20

// ******************* 메인배너 이미지/링크 ******************* //
$rcd = getDbSelect($table['sliderdata'], "sitecode='newtrevia'", "*");
$seq_array = array();
for ($i = 0; $R = db_fetch_array($rcd); $i++) {
    if (empty($R['imgsrc']) || empty($R['url'])) {
    $bannerImageTemp[$R['seq']] = "/modules/slider/var/files/" . $R['imgsrc'];
    $bannerLinkTemp[$R['seq']] = $R['url'];
    //echo $bannerImageTemp[$i] . " - " . $bannerLinkTemp[$i];
    array_push($seq_array, $R['seq']);
    	echo "<pre>";
    	echo "</pre>";
for ($i = min($seq_array); $i <= max($seq_array); $i++) {
    do {
        $index = rand(min($seq_array), max($seq_array));
    } while ($bannerImageTemp[$index] == "ok");
    if ($bannerImageTemp[$index] != null) {
        $bannerImage[$i] = $bannerImageTemp[$index];
        $bannerLink[$i] = $bannerLinkTemp[$index];
    $bannerImageTemp[$index] = "ok";
    //echo " ( " . $i . " : " . $index . " ) " . $bannerImage[$i] . " - " . $bannerLink[$i];
/*$bannerImage[0] = "/pages/image/main/newtrevia/main_slide_04.jpg";
Exemplo n.º 21
<div id="_action_layer_"></div>
<div id="_action_layer_popup"></div>
<iframe name="_action_frame_<?php 
echo $m;
" width="0" height="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
if ($m != 'admin' && $iframe != 'Y' && !$g['mobile']) {
    $POPUPS = getDbSelect($table['s_popup'], 'hidden=0', '*');
    while ($POP = db_fetch_array($POPUPS)) {
        if (!$POP['term0'] && ($POP['term1'] > $date['totime'] || $POP['term2'] < $date['totime'])) {
            getDbUpdate($table['s_popup'], 'hidden=1', 'uid=' . $POP['uid']);
        $POP['xdispage'] = '_' . $POP['dispage'];
        if (strpos($POP['xdispage'], '[c[' . $_HS['uid'] . ']]')) {
        if (!strpos($POP['xdispage'], '[s[' . $_HS['uid'] . ']]') && !strpos($POP['xdispage'], '[m[' . $_HS['uid'] . ']' . $_HM['id'] . ']') && !strpos($POP['xdispage'], '[m[' . $_HS['uid'] . ']' . $_HP['id'] . ']')) {
if (getCookie('popview').indexOf('[<?php 
Exemplo n.º 22
    $_M2 = db_fetch_array($_MENUS2);
<li id="top-2-2"><a href="<?php 
    echo RW('c=' . $_M1['id'] . '/' . $_M2['id']);
    $_M1 = db_fetch_array($_MENUS1);
<li id="top-menu3"><a href="<?php 
    echo $_M1['redirect'] ? $_M1['joint'] : RW('c=' . $_M1['id']);
" id="top-menu-head3">메뉴3</a>
    $_MENUS2 = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $s . ' and parent=' . $_M1['uid'] . ' and hidden=0 and depth=2 order by gid asc', '*');
			<ul id="top-sub-menu3">
    $_M2 = db_fetch_array($_MENUS2);
<li id="top-3-1"><a href="<?php 
    echo RW('c=' . $_M1['id'] . '/' . $_M2['id']);
    $_M2 = db_fetch_array($_MENUS2);
<li id="top-3-2"><a href="<?php 
    echo RW('c=' . $_M1['id'] . '/' . $_M2['id']);
Exemplo n.º 23
		<input type="hidden" name="a" value="modifymenugid" />

		<div class="savebtn">
			<img src="<?php 
        echo $g['img_core'];
/_public/btn_admin.gif" alt="" title="펼치기" onclick="orderOpen();" />
			<input type="image" src="<?php 
        echo $g['img_core'];
/_public/btn_save.gif" title="순서저장" />
		<div class="tt1">메뉴순서</div>
		<ul id="menuorder" class="dragul">
        $_MENUS = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $s . ' and parent=' . intval($CINFO['uid']) . ' and depth=' . ($CINFO['depth'] + 1) . ' order by gid asc', '*');
        while ($_M = db_fetch_array($_MENUS)) {
			<input type="checkbox" name="menumembers[]" value="<?php 
            echo $_M['uid'];
" checked="checked" />
			<img src="<?php 
            echo $g['img_core'];
/_public/ico_drag.gif" alt="" class="drag" />
            echo $_M['name'];
Exemplo n.º 24
 $fp = fopen('./_package/dump_page.dat', 'w');
 $_PAGES = getDbSelect($table['s_page'], '', '*');
 while ($R = db_fetch_array($_PAGES)) {
     //$_SEO = getDbData($table['s_seo'],'rel=2 and parent='.$R['uid'],'*');
     fwrite($fp, $R['pagetype'] . "\t" . $R['ismain'] . "\t" . $R['mobile'] . "\t" . $R['id'] . "\t" . $R['category'] . "\t" . $R['name'] . "\t" . $R['layout'] . "\t" . $R['joint'] . "\t" . $R['sosokmenu'] . "\t\n");
     $_xfile1 = $g['path_page'] . $R['id'];
     $_xfile2 = './_package/rb/pages/' . $R['id'];
     @copy($_xfile1 . '.php', $_xfile2 . '.php');
     @copy($_xfile1 . '.widget.php', $_xfile2 . '.widget.php');
     @copy($_xfile1 . '.mobile.php', $_xfile2 . '.mobile.php');
     @copy($_xfile1 . '.css', $_xfile2 . '.css');
     @copy($_xfile1 . '.js', $_xfile2 . '.js');
 $fp = fopen('./_package/dump_bbs.dat', 'w');
 $_BBS = getDbSelect($table['bbslist'], 'uid order by gid asc', '*');
 while ($R = db_fetch_array($_BBS)) {
     fwrite($fp, $R['id'] . "\t" . $R['name'] . "\t" . $R['category'] . "\t" . $R['imghead'] . "\t" . $R['imgfoot'] . "\t" . $R['puthead'] . "\t" . $R['putfoot'] . "\t\n");
     $_xfile1 = $g['path_module'] . 'bbs/var/var.' . $R['id'];
     $_xfile2 = './_package/rb/modules/bbs/var/var.' . $R['id'];
     @copy($_xfile1 . '.php', $_xfile2 . '.php');
 $fp = fopen('./_package/readme.txt', 'w');
 fwrite($fp, "패키지 안내문\n------------------\n");
 fwrite($fp, "여기(/_package/readme.txt)에 이 패키지의 설명글을 작성해 주세요.\n");
 fwrite($fp, "이 패키지는 샘플이므로 실제 적용가능한 패키지를 구성하려면 매뉴얼을 참조하세요.\n");
 fwrite($fp, "이 샘플패키지는 '적용취소' 버튼을 클릭하면 삭제할 수 있습니다.\n");
 $fp = fopen('./_package/package.rule.php', 'w');
 fwrite($fp, "<?php\n");
Exemplo n.º 25

if (!defined('__KIMS__')) {
$R = getUidData($table['s_site'], $account);
if ($R['uid']) {
    getDbDelete($table['s_start'], 'site=' . $R['uid']);
    getDbDelete($table['s_site'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']);
    $_MENUS = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $R['uid'] . ' order by gid asc', '*');
    while ($_M = db_fetch_array($_MENUS)) {
        $_xfile = $g['path_page'] . 'menu/' . sprintf('%05d', $_M['uid']);
        unlink($_xfile . '.php');
        unlink($_xfile . '.widget.php');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.mobile.php');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.css');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.js');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.header.php');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.footer.php');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.txt');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.cache');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.widget.cache');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.mobile.cache');
        @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $_M['imghead']);
        @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $_M['imgfoot']);
        getDbDelete($table['s_seo'], 'rel=1 and parent=' . $_M['uid']);
    getDbDelete($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $R['uid']);
    db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_site'], $DB_CONNECT);
    db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_menu'], $DB_CONNECT);
Exemplo n.º 26

if (!defined('__KIMS__')) {
if (!$cat) {
    getLink('./?m=admin&module=' . $m . '&front=menu', 'parent.', '', '');
include_once $g['path_core'] . 'function/menu.func.php';
$subQue = getMenuCodeToSql($table['s_menu'], $cat, 'uid');
if ($subQue) {
    $DAT = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], $subQue, '*');
    while ($R = db_fetch_array($DAT)) {
        getDbDelete($table['s_menu'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']);
        getDbDelete($table['s_seo'], 'rel=1 and parent=' . $R['uid']);
        $_xfile = $g['path_page'] . 'menu/' . sprintf('%05d', $R['uid']);
        unlink($_xfile . '.php');
        unlink($_xfile . '.widget.php');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.mobile.php');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.css');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.js');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.header.php');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.footer.php');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.txt');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.cache');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.widget.cache');
        @unlink($_xfile . '.mobile.cache');
        @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $R['imghead']);
        @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $R['imgfoot']);
Exemplo n.º 27
function getDbData($table, $where, $data)
    $row = db_fetch_array(getDbSelect($table, getSqlFilter($where), $data));
    return $row;
Exemplo n.º 28
function getTreeMenu($conf, $code, $depth, $parent, $tmpcode)
    $ctype = $conf['ctype'] ? $conf['ctype'] : 'uid';
    $id = 'tree_' . filterstr(microtime());
    $tree = '<div class="rb-tree"><ul id="' . $id . '">';
    $CD = getDbSelect($conf['table'], ($conf['site'] ? 'site=' . $conf['site'] . ' and ' : '') . 'depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ' and parent=' . $parent . ($conf['dispHidden'] ? ' and hidden=0' : '') . ($conf['mobile'] ? ' and mobile=1' : '') . ' order by gid asc', '*');
    $_i = 0;
    while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) {
        $rcode = $tmpcode ? $tmpcode . '/' . $C[$ctype] : $C[$ctype];
        $t_arr = explode('/', $code);
        $t1_arr = explode('/', $rcode);
        $topen = in_array($t1_arr[count($t1_arr) - 1], $t_arr) ? true : false;
        $tree .= '<li>';
        if ($C['is_child']) {
            $tree .= '<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#' . $id . '-' . $_i . '-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="rb-branch' . ($conf['allOpen'] || $topen ? '' : ' collapsed') . '"></a>';
            if ($conf['userMenu'] == 'link') {
                $tree .= '<a href="' . RW('c=' . $rcode) . '"><span' . ($code == $rcode ? ' class="rb-active"' : '') . '>';
            } else {
                if ($conf['userMenu'] == 'bookmark') {
                    $tree .= '<a data-scroll href="#rb-tree-menu-' . $C['id'] . '"><span' . ($code == $rcode ? ' class="rb-active"' : '') . '>';
                } else {
                    $tree .= '<a href="' . $conf['link'] . $C['uid'] . '&amp;code=' . $rcode . ($conf['bookmark'] ? '#' . $conf['bookmark'] : '') . '"><span' . ($code == $rcode ? ' class="rb-active"' : '') . '>';
            if ($conf['dispCheckbox']) {
                $tree .= '<input type="checkbox" name="tree_members[]" value="' . $C['uid'] . '">';
            if ($C['hidden']) {
                $tree .= '<u title="' . _LANG('fs002', 'admin') . '" data-tooltip="tooltip">';
            $tree .= $C['name'];
            if ($C['hidden']) {
                $tree .= '</span>';
            $tree .= '</u></a>';
            if ($conf['dispNum'] && $C['num']) {
                $tree .= ' <small>(' . $C['num'] . ')</small>';
            if (!$conf['hideIcon']) {
                //if($C['mobile']) $tree.= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone" title="'._LANG('fs005','admin').'" data-tooltip="tooltip"></i>&nbsp;';
                if ($C['target']) {
                    $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window" title="' . _LANG('fs004', 'admin') . '" data-tooltip="tooltip"></i>&nbsp;';
                if ($C['reject']) {
                    $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle" title="' . _LANG('fs003', 'admin') . '" data-tooltip="tooltip"></i>';
            $tree .= '<ul id="' . $id . '-' . $_i . '-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="collapse' . ($conf['allOpen'] || $topen ? ' in' : '') . '">';
            $tree .= getTreeMenu($conf, $code, $C['depth'], $C['uid'], $rcode);
            $tree .= '</ul>';
        } else {
            $tree .= '<a href="#." class="rb-leaf"></a>';
            if ($conf['userMenu'] == 'link') {
                $tree .= '<a href="' . RW('c=' . $rcode) . '"><span' . ($code == $rcode ? ' class="rb-active"' : '') . '>';
            } else {
                if ($conf['userMenu'] == 'bookmark') {
                    $tree .= '<a data-scroll href="#rb-tree-menu' . $C['id'] . '"><span' . ($code == $rcode ? ' class="rb-active"' : '') . '>';
                } else {
                    $tree .= '<a href="' . $conf['link'] . $C['uid'] . '&amp;code=' . $rcode . ($conf['bookmark'] ? '#' . $conf['bookmark'] : '') . '"><span' . ($code == $rcode ? ' class="rb-active"' : '') . '>';
            if ($conf['dispCheckbox']) {
                $tree .= '<input type="checkbox" name="tree_members[]" value="' . $C['uid'] . '">';
            if ($C['hidden']) {
                $tree .= '<u title="' . _LANG('fs002', 'admin') . '" data-tooltip="tooltip">';
            $tree .= $C['name'];
            if ($C['hidden']) {
                $tree .= '</u>';
            $tree .= '</span></a>';
            if ($conf['dispNum'] && $C['num']) {
                $tree .= ' <small>(' . $C['num'] . ')</small>';
            if (!$conf['hideIcon']) {
                //if($C['mobile']) $tree.= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone" title="'._LANG('fs005','admin').'" data-tooltip="tooltip"></i>&nbsp;';
                if ($C['target']) {
                    $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window" title="' . _LANG('fs004', 'admin') . '" data-tooltip="tooltip"></i>&nbsp;';
                if ($C['reject']) {
                    $tree .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle" title="' . _LANG('fs003', 'admin') . '" data-tooltip="tooltip"></i>';
        $tree .= '</li>';
    $tree .= '</ul></div>';
    return $tree;
Exemplo n.º 29
            } else {
                //if($U['type']==2) unlink($g['path_file'].$U['folder'].'/'.$U['thumbname']);
                unlink('./modules/bbs/upload/' . $U['folder'] . '/' . $U['tmpname']);
                if ($U['type'] == 2) {
                    unlink('./modules/bbs/upload/' . $U['folder'] . '/' . $U['thumbname']);
if ($R['oneline']) {
    $_ONELINE = getDbSelect($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $R['uid'], '*');
    while ($_O = db_fetch_array($_ONELINE)) {
        getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'oneline=oneline-1', "date='" . substr($_O['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $_O['site']);
        if ($_O['point'] && $_O['mbruid']) {
            getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $_O['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $_O['point'] . "','한줄의견삭제(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&amp;', ' ', strip_tags($_O['content'])), 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'");
            getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $_O['point'], 'memberuid=' . $_O['mbruid']);
    getDbDelete($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $R['uid']);
getDbDelete($table['s_comment'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']);
getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'comment=comment-1', "date='" . substr($R['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $R['site']);
if ($R['point'] && $R['mbruid']) {
    getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $R['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $R['point'] . "','댓글삭제(" . getStrCut($R['subject'], 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'");
    getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $R['point'], 'memberuid=' . $R['mbruid']);
Exemplo n.º 30
function getMenuPackage($site, $table, $j, $parent, $depth, $uid)
    global $g;
    static $j, $string;
    $xdepth = $depth + 1;
    $CD = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'depth=' . $xdepth . ' and parent=' . $parent . ' order by gid asc', '*');
    while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) {
        $_parent = $C['parent'] ? getDbData($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'uid=' . $C['parent'], 'id') : array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
            $string .= "\t";
        $string .= "\tarray('name'=>'" . $C['name'] . "','id'=>'" . $C['id'] . "','menutype'=>'" . $C['menutype'] . "','mobile'=>'" . $C['mobile'] . "','target'=>'" . $C['target'] . "','redirect'=>'" . $C['redirect'] . "','joint'=>'" . $C['joint'] . "','layout'=>'" . $C['layout'] . "','imghead'=>'" . $C['imghead'] . "','imgfoot'=>'" . $C['imgfoot'] . "','addattr'=>'" . $C['addattr'] . "','depth'=>'" . $C['depth'] . "','parent'=>'" . $_parent['id'] . "','is_child'=>'" . $C['is_child'] . "','gid'=>'" . $C['gid'] . "',),\r\n";
        if ($C['is_child']) {
            getMenuPackage($site, $table, $j, $C['uid'], $C['depth'], $uid);
    return $string;