/** * 推荐位删除计算 * Enter description here ... * @param int $catid 栏目ID * @param int $id 文章id * @param array $input_posid 传入推荐位数组 */ private function position_del($catid, $id, $input_posid) { $array = array(); $pos_data = M("Position_data"); //查找已存在推荐位 $olPosid = $pos_data->where(array('id' => $id, 'catid' => $catid))->getField('posid', true); if (empty($olPosid)) { return false; } //差集计算,需要删除的推荐 $real_posid = array_diff($olPosid, $input_posid); if (empty($real_posid)) { return false; } $where = array(); $where['catid'] = array("EQ", $catid); $where['modelid'] = getCategory($catid, 'modelid'); $where['id'] = array("EQ", $id); $where['posid'] = array("IN", $real_posid); $status = $pos_data->where($where)->delete(); if (false !== $status) { service("Attachment")->api_delete('position-' . $where['modelid'] . '-' . $where['id']); return true; } else { return false; } }
public function index() { $this->assign('LatestArticles', getLatest()); $this->assign('categories', getCategory()); $this->assign('allTags', getAllTags()); $this->type = $this->_get('type'); $this->typevalue = $this->_get('typevalue'); $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; switch ($this->_get('type')) { case 'username': $this->UserName($this->_get('typevalue'), $page); break; case 'userid': $this->UserId($this->_get('typevalue'), $page); break; case 'tag': $this->Tag($this->_get('typevalue'), $page); break; case 'category': $this->Category($this->_get('typevalue'), $page); break; case 'search': $this->Search($this->_get('keywords'), $page); break; default: $this->error('出错了'); } //模板输出 $this->display('articlelist'); }
public function category() { $mid = Q('mid', 0, 'intval'); $cid = Q('cid', 0, 'intval'); $cache = cache('category'); if (!$mid || !$cid || !isset($cache[$cid])) { _404(); } $cachetime = C('CACHE_CATEGORY') >= 1 ? C('CACHE_CATEGORY') : null; if (!$this->isCache()) { $category = $cache[$cid]; //外部链接,直接跳转 if ($category['cattype'] == 3) { go($category['cat_redirecturl']); } else { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($category['mid']); $catid = getCategory($category['cid']); $category['content_num'] = $Model->join()->where("cid IN(" . implode(',', $catid) . ")")->count(); $category['comment_num'] = intval(M('comment')->where("cid IN(" . implode(',', $catid) . ")")->count()); $this->assign("hdcms", $category); $this->display($category['template'], $cachetime); } } else { $this->display(null, $cachetime); } }
/** * 推荐字段类型表单组合处理 * @param type $field 字段名 * @param type $value 字段内容 * @param type $fieldinfo 字段配置 * @return string */ function posid($field, $value, $fieldinfo) { //扩展配置 $setting = unserialize($fieldinfo['setting']); //推荐位缓存 $position = F("Position"); if (empty($position)) { return ''; } $array = array(); foreach ($position as $_key => $_value) { if ($_value['modelid'] && $_value['modelid'] != $this->modelid || $_value['catid'] && strpos(',' . getCategory($_value['catid'], 'arrchildid') . ',', ',' . $this->catid . ',') === false) { continue; } $array[$_key] = $_value['name']; } $posids = array(); if (ACTION_NAME == 'edit') { $this->position_data_db = M('Position_data'); $result = $this->position_data_db->where(array('id' => $this->id, 'modelid' => $this->modelid))->getField("posid,id,catid,posid,module,modelid,thumb,data,listorder,expiration,extention,synedit"); $posids = implode(',', array_keys($result)); } else { $posids = $setting['defaultvalue']; } return "<input type='hidden' name='info[{$field}][]' value='-1'>" . Form::checkbox($array, $posids, "name='info[{$field}][]'", '', $setting['width']); }
function getBacklink($id, $type, $category = true) { $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); if (!$category) { $query = "SELECT articleid from #__fieldsattach_values WHERE (value LIKE '%," . $id . ",%' OR value LIKE '" . $id . ",%' OR value LIKE '%," . $id . "' OR value LIKE '" . $id . "') AND fieldsid = 23"; } else { $query = "SELECT catid from #__fieldsattach_categories_values WHERE (value LIKE '%," . $id . ",%' OR value LIKE '" . $id . ",%' OR value LIKE '%," . $id . "' OR value LIKE '" . $id . "') AND fieldsid = 22"; } $db->setQuery($query); $result = $db->loadObjectList(); $function = ''; foreach ($result as $item) { if (!$category) { $parent = getParent(getCategory($item->articleid)); } else { $parent = getParent($item->catid); } if ($parent == $type) { if (!$category) { $function .= '<li><a href="' . ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->articleid, $parent) . '">' . getTitle($item->articleid, $category) . '</a></li>'; } else { $function .= '<li><a href="' . ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($item->catid, $parent) . '">' . getTitle($item->catid, $category) . '</a></li>'; } } } return $function; }
public function detail() { if (isAjaxTable()) { return $this->_detail(); } $this->view()->assign('my_shop', getMyShop())->assign('category', getCategory())->display(); }
/** * 信息管理 */ public function public_item() { if (IS_POST) { $items = count($_POST['items']) > 0 ? $_POST['items'] : $this->error("没有信息被选择!"); $db = D("Position_data"); if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $item) { $_v = explode('-', $item); $db->delete_item((int) $_POST['posid'], (int) $_v[0], (int) $_v[1]); } } $this->success("移除成功!"); } else { $posid = $this->_get("posid"); $db = M("Position_data"); $Category = F("Category"); $where = array(); $where['posid'] = array("EQ", $posid); $count = $db->where($where)->count(); $page = $this->page($count, 20); $data = $db->where($where)->order(array("listorder" => "DESC", "id" => "DESC"))->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $data[$k]['data'] = unserialize($v['data']); $tab = ucwords(getModel(getCategory($v['catid'], 'modelid'), 'tablename')); $data[$k]['data']['url'] = M($tab)->where(array("id" => $v['id']))->getField("url"); } $this->assign("Category", $Category); $this->assign("Page", $page->show('Admin')); $this->assign("data", $data); $this->assign("posid", $posid); $this->display(); } }
/** * Validates imported data. */ function validate_data($courses) { $errors = array(); $coursecodes = array(); foreach ($courses as $index => $course) { $course['line'] = $index + 1; // 1. Check whether mandatory fields are set. $mandatory_fields = array('Code', 'Title', 'CourseCategory'); foreach ($mandatory_fields as $field) { if (!isset($course[$field]) || strlen($course[$field]) == 0) { $course['error'] = get_lang($field . 'Mandatory'); $errors[] = $course; } } // 2. Check current course code. if (isset($course['Code']) && strlen($course['Code']) != 0) { // 2.1 Check whether code has been already used by this CVS-file. if (isset($coursecodes[$course['Code']])) { $course['error'] = get_lang('CodeTwiceInFile'); $errors[] = $course; } else { // 2.2 Check whether course code has been occupied. $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($course['Code']); if (!empty($courseInfo)) { $course['error'] = get_lang('CodeExists'); $errors[] = $course; } } $coursecodes[$course['Code']] = 1; } // 3. Check whether teacher exists. $teacherList = getTeacherListInArray($course['Teacher']); if (!empty($teacherList)) { foreach ($teacherList as $teacher) { $teacherInfo = api_get_user_info_from_username($teacher); if (empty($teacherInfo)) { $course['error'] = get_lang('UnknownTeacher') . ' (' . $teacher . ')'; $errors[] = $course; } else { /*if ($teacherInfo['status'] != COURSEMANAGER) { $course['error'] = get_lang('UserIsNotATeacher').' ('.$teacher.')'; $errors[] = $course; }*/ } } } // 4. Check whether course category exists. if (isset($course['CourseCategory']) && strlen($course['CourseCategory']) != 0) { require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'course_category.lib.php'; $categoryInfo = getCategory($course['CourseCategory']); if (empty($categoryInfo)) { //@todo this is so bad even all lang variables are wrong ... $course['error'] = get_lang('UnkownCategoryCourseCode') . ' (' . $course['CourseCategory'] . ')'; $errors[] = $course; } } } return $errors; }
public function index() { $data = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $this->show($data); $this->assign('LatestArticles', getLatest()); $this->assign('categories', getCategory()); $this->assign('allTags', getAllTags()); $this->display(); }
public function add() { $sn = get('sn'); if (empty($sn)) { $row = array('sn' => m('StockIncome')->getSn(), 'shop_id' => session('shop_id'), 'user_name' => session('user_name'), 'status' => '0'); } else { $row = m('StockIncome')->getRowBySn($sn); } $this->view()->assign('row', $row)->assign('my_shop', getMyShop())->assign('category', getCategory())->display(); }
public function index() { $where = array(); $catid = I('get.catid', 0, 'intval'); $rssid = I('get.rssid', 0, 'intval'); if ($rssid) { header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=" . C("DEFAULT_CHARSET")); //检测缓存 $data = S("Rss_{$rssid}"); if ($data) { echo $data; exit; } $Cat = getCategory($rssid); //检查栏目是否存在 if (empty($Cat)) { $this->error('该栏目不存在!'); } //检查栏目类型 if ($Cat['type'] != 0) { $this->error('栏目类型不正确!'); } $where['status'] = array("EQ", 99); //判断是否有子栏目 if (getCategory($rssid, 'child')) { $where['catid'] = array("IN", getCategory($rssid, 'arrchildid')); } else { $where['catid'] = array("EQ", $rssid); } //模型ID $modelid = getCategory($rssid, 'modelid'); //获取表名 $tablename = ucwords(getModel($modelid, 'tablename')); if (empty($tablename)) { $this->error('出现错误!'); } //栏目配置 $setting = getCategory($rssid, 'setting'); $data = M($tablename)->where($where)->order(array("updatetime" => "DESC", "id" => "DESC"))->limit(50)->select(); import('@.ORG.Rss'); $Rss = new Rss($this->XMLstr(getCategory($rssid, 'catname') . ' - ' . CONFIG_SITENAME), $this->XMLstr(getCategory($rssid, 'url')), $this->XMLstr(getCategory($rssid, 'description')), $this->XMLstr(getCategory($rssid, 'image'))); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $v = $this->XMLstr($v); $Rss->AddItem($v['title'], $v['url'], $v['description'], date("Y-m-d H:i:s A", $v['updatetime'])); } //进行缓存 S("Rss_{$rssid}", $Rss->Fetch(), 900); $Rss->Display(); } $this->assign('catid', $catid); $this->assign('rssid', $rssid); $this->assign("SEO", seo(0, 'Rss订阅中心')); $this->display(); }
/** * 推荐位数据获取 * 参数名 是否必须 默认值 说明 * posid 是 null 推荐位ID * catid 否 null 调用栏目ID * thumb 否 0 是否仅必须缩略图 * order 否 null 排序类型 * num 是 null 数据调用数量 * @param type $data */ public function position($data) { //缓存时间 $cache = (int) $data['cache']; $cacheID = to_guid_string($data); if ($cache && ($return = S($cacheID))) { return $return; } $posid = (int) $data['posid']; if ($posid < 1) { return false; } $catid = (int) $data['catid']; $thumb = isset($data['thumb']) ? $data['thumb'] : 0; $order = empty($data['order']) ? array("listorder" => "DESC", "id" => "DESC") : $data['order']; $num = (int) $data['num']; $db = M("PositionData"); $Position = F("Position"); if ($num == 0) { $num = $Position[$posid]['maxnum']; } $where = array(); //设置SQL where 部分 if (isset($data['where']) && $data['where']) { $where['_string'] = $data['where']; } $where['posid'] = array("EQ", $posid); if ($thumb) { $where['thumb'] = array("EQ", 1); } if ($catid > 0) { $cat = getCategory($catid); if ($cat) { //是否包含子栏目 if ($cat['child']) { $where['catid'] = array("IN", $cat['arrchildid']); } else { $where['catid'] = array("EQ", $catid); } } } $data = $db->where($where)->order($order)->limit($num)->select(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $data[$k]['data'] = unserialize($v['data']); $tab = ucwords(getModel($v['modelid'], 'tablename')); $data[$k]['data']['url'] = M($tab)->where(array("id" => $v['id']))->getField("url"); } //结果进行缓存 if ($cache) { S($cacheID, $data, $cache); } return $data; }
public function add() { if (isPost()) { return $this->_add(); } $sn = get('sn'); if ($sn) { $row = m('GoodsBind')->getRowBySn($sn); } else { $row = array('sn' => m('GoodsBind')->getSn(), 'shop_id' => session('shop_id'), 'user_name' => session('user_name'), 'status' => '0'); } $this->view()->assign('row', $row)->assign('my_shop', getMyShop())->assign('category', getCategory())->display(); }
function bmiLogicHere($split) { if (sizeof($split) < 2) { $responseMsg = "Invalid message content"; } else { $weight = (double) $split[0]; $height = (double) $split[1]; $bmi = getBMIValue($weight, $height / 100); $category = getCategory($bmi); $responseMsg = "Your BMI :" . round($bmi, 2) . ", Category :" . $category; } return $responseMsg; }
/** * 栏目字段 * @param type $field 字段名 * @param type $value 字段值 * @param type $fieldinfo 该字段的配置信息 * @return type */ function catid($field, $value, $fieldinfo) { if (empty($value)) { //当值为空时,获取当前添加的栏目ID $value = $this->catid; } //html $publish_str = ''; if (ACTION_NAME == 'add' && defined("IN_ADMIN") && IN_ADMIN) { $publish_str = "<a href='javascript:;' onclick=\"omnipotent('selectid','" . U("Contents/Content/public_othors", array("catid" => $this->catid)) . "','同时发布到其他栏目',1);return false;\" style='color:#B5BFBB'>[同时发布到其他栏目]</a>\n <ul class='three_list cc' id='add_othors_text'></ul>"; } $publish_str = '<input type="hidden" name="info[' . $field . ']" value="' . $value . '"/>' . getCategory($value, 'catname') . $publish_str; return $publish_str; }
function processMatches($ds, $type) { foreach ($ds as $d) { if (!is_null($d['label']) && !is_null($d['icon'])) { $q = "INSERT INTO matches (uri, poslabel, label, icon, type, category) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['pos']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['poslabel']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['label']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['icon']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($type) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string(getCategory($d['icon'])) . "')"; } elseif (!is_null($d['label'])) { $q = "INSERT INTO matches (uri, poslabel, label, type) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['pos']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['poslabel']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['label']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($type) . "')"; } elseif (!is_null($d['icon'])) { $q = "INSERT INTO matches (uri, poslabel, icon, type, category) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['pos']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['poslabel']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['icon']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($type) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string(getCategory($d['icon'])) . "')"; } else { $q = "INSERT INTO matches (uri, poslabel, type) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['pos']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($d['poslabel']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($type) . "')"; } runQuery($q); } }
function getCategory($parentId = null) { global $dbIn; if ($parentId == null) { $result = $dbIn->query("SELECT * FROM Categorieen WHERE Parent = -1 ORDER BY ID ASC"); } else { $result = $dbIn->buildQuery("SELECT * FROM Categorieen WHERE Parent=%d", $parentId); } $categories = array(); while ($row = $dbIn->fetchAssoc($result)) { $row['sub'] = getCategory($row['ID']); $categories[] = $row; } return $categories; }
function getCategory($id) { global $db; // echo "SELECT * FROM catalog_categories WHERE `id`='$id'"; $query_select = $db->query("SELECT * FROM catalog_categories WHERE `id`='{$id}'"); $res = $db->fetch_assoc($query_select); $result[$res['id']] = $res; if ($res["parent"] == 0) { $result[$res['id']] = $res; } else { $result = getCategory($res["parent"]); } // print_r($result); return $result; }
function category() { if (empty($_GET['cid'])) { return "Access Deny"; } //Error::dbd(); $this->common(); $tplname = strtolower($this->app) . '_list.html'; $cate_id = (int) $_GET['cid']; $cate = getCategory($cate_id); if (empty($cate)) { Swoole_js::js_back('不存在的分类!', '/index.php'); exit; } if (!empty($cate['uptime']) and Swoole\Tool::httpExpire($cate['uptime']) === false) { exit; } if ($cate['fid'] == 0) { $this->swoole->tpl->assign("fid", $cate_id); $this->swoole->tpl->assign("ccate", $cate); if ($cate['tplname']) { $tplname = $cate['tplname']; } $gets['fid'] = $cate_id; } else { if ($cate['tplname']) { $tplname = $cate['tplname']; } $this->swoole->tpl->assign("cate", $cate); $ccate = $this->swoole->db->query("select * from st_catelog where id={$cate['fid']} limit 1")->fetch(); $this->swoole->tpl->assign("ccate", $ccate); $gets['cid'] = $cate_id; } $pager = null; $gets['order'] = 'addtime desc'; $gets['page'] = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : (int) $_GET['page']; $gets['pagesize'] = empty($this->_model->pagesize) ? $this->swoole->config['cms']['pagesize'] : $this->_model->pagesize; $gets['select'] = "id,title,addtime"; $list = $this->_model->gets($gets, $pager); if ($this->swoole->config['cms']['html_static']) { $pager->page_tpl = WEBROOT . "/{$this->app}/list_{$cate_id}_%s.html"; } $pager = array('total' => $pager->total, 'render' => $pager->render()); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('pager', $pager); $this->swoole->tpl->assign("list", $list); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('cid', $cate_id); $this->swoole->tpl->display($tplname); }
function parse() { $displayName = "Hoofdpagina"; //Fetch all from SQL. $sql = "SELECT TOP 3 id,title,end_moment,start_bid,city FROM objects WHERE end_moment > GETDATE() ORDER BY end_moment ASC"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); $soonEndingObjects = parseObjects($result); $sql = "SELECT TOP 3 id,title,end_moment,start_bid,city FROM objects ORDER BY start_moment DESC"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); $newObjects = parseObjects($result); $categories = getCategory(array()); //$this->addToBreadcrumbs("Home"); $this->website->assign("categories", $categories); $this->website->assign("newObjects", $newObjects); $this->website->assign("soonEndingObjects", $soonEndingObjects); $this->render($displayName, 'index.tpl'); }
function findCategories($search, $path = '', $showHidden = false) { $params = array(); $sqlSearch = array(); if ($search) { $search = is_array($search) ? $search : array($search); for ($i = 0; $i < count($search); ++$i) { $sqlSearch[] = "(\r\n\t\t\t\tname LIKE CONCAT('%',:search{$i},'%') OR\r\n\t\t\t\tshort_descr LIKE CONCAT('%',:search{$i},'%') OR\r\n\t\t\t\tdescr LIKE CONCAT('%',:search{$i},'%')\r\n\t\t\t)"; $params["search{$i}"] = $search[$i]; } } $IDs = \cf\query2vector("\r\n\t\tSELECT id\r\n\t\tFROM cf_groups\r\n\t\tWHERE " . implode(' AND ', $sqlSearch) . ($showHidden ? '' : ' AND (hidden IS NULL OR hidden=0)'), $params); $categories = array(); foreach ($IDs as $id) { $categories[] = getCategory($id, $path); } return $categories; }
function getComboCat() { $p = ''; $p .= '<option value="">None</option>'; $dParent = getCategory(); if (!empty($dParent)) { foreach ($dParent as $rParent) { $p .= '<option value="' . $rParent->term_id . '">' . $rParent->name . '</option>'; $dChild = getCategory($rParent->term_id); if (!empty($dChild)) { foreach ($dChild as $rChild) { $p .= '<option value="' . $rChild->term_id . '">— ' . $rChild->name . '</option>'; } } } } echo $p; }
public function index() { //栏目ID $catid = I('get.catid', 0, 'intval'); //信息ID $id = I('get.id', 0, 'intval'); //模型ID $modelid = (int) getCategory($catid, 'modelid'); if (empty($modelid)) { exit; } $this->db = \Content\Model\ContentModel::getInstance($modelid); $r = $this->db->where(array('id' => $id))->field('catid,id,dayviews,monthviews,views,weekviews,yesterdayviews,viewsupdatetime')->find(); if (empty($r)) { exit; } $r['modelid'] = $modelid; //增加点击率 $this->hits($r); echo json_encode($r); }
function parse($id, $p) { $categoryResult = $this->db->buildQuery("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE id=%i", $id); $category = $this->db->fetchAssoc($categoryResult); //Fetch number of objects in this category: $countResult = $this->db->buildQuery("SELECT COUNT(object_id) AS c FROM object_in_category WHERE category_id=%i", $id); $c = $this->db->fetchAssoc($countResult)['c']; $sql = "SELECT id,title,end_moment,start_bid,city FROM objects WHERE id IN (SELECT object_id FROM object_in_category WHERE category_id=%i) ORDER BY start_moment DESC"; $result = null; $maxPerPage = 18; if ($c > $maxPerPage) { if ($p > 0) { $fo = $p * $maxPerPage; } else { $fo = 0; } $fe = $fo + $maxPerPage; $sql .= " OFFSET %i ROWS FETCH NEXT %i ROWS ONLY;"; $result = $this->db->buildQuery($sql, $id, $fo, $fe); $this->website->assign("paginationNeeded", true); $this->website->assign("page", $p + 1); $this->website->assign("maxPages", $c / $maxPerPage - 1); } else { $result = $this->db->buildQuery($sql, $id); } $objects = parseObjects($result); $categoriesCrumbs = array(); getCategoryFromBottom($categoriesCrumbs, $id); array_pop($categoriesCrumbs); $this->addToBreadcrumbs("Home", baseurl("")); foreach ($categoriesCrumbs as $cat) { $this->addToBreadcrumbs($cat['name'], baseurl("Rubriek/" . $cat['id'])); } $this->addToBreadcrumbs($category['name']); $categories = getCategory($categoriesCrumbs); $this->website->assign("category", $category); $this->website->assign("categories", $categories); $this->website->assign("objects", $objects); $this->render("Categorie", 'lot/objects.tpl'); }
public function category($cid, $page = 1) { $categoryCache = cache('category'); $cat = $categoryCache[$cid]; $GLOBALS['totalPage'] = 0; if ($cat['cat_url_type'] == 2 || $cat['cattype'] == 3) { return true; } //单文章 if ($cat['cattype'] == 4) { $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($cat['mid']); $result = $Model->join()->where("cid={$cat['cid']}")->find(); if ($result) { $Content = new Content($cat['mid']); $data = $Content->find($result['aid']); return $this->content($data); } } else { //普通栏目与封面栏目 $htmlDir = C("HTML_PATH") ? C("HTML_PATH") . '/' : ''; $_REQUEST['page'] = $_GET['page'] = $page; $_REQUEST['mid'] = $cat['mid']; $_REQUEST['cid'] = $cat['cid']; $Model = ContentViewModel::getInstance($cat['mid']); $catid = getCategory($cat['cid']); $cat['content_num'] = $Model->join()->where("cid IN(" . implode(',', $catid) . ")")->count(); $cat['comment_num'] = intval(M('comment')->where("cid IN(" . implode(',', $catid) . ")")->count()); $htmlFile = $htmlDir . str_replace(array('{catdir}', '{cid}', '{page}'), array($cat['catdir'], $cat['cid'], $page), $cat['cat_html_url']); $info = explode('.', $htmlFile); $this->assign("hdcms", $cat); $this->createHtml(basename($info[0]), dirname($htmlFile) . '/', $cat['template']); //第1页时复制index.html if ($page == 1) { copy($htmlFile, dirname($htmlFile) . '/index.html'); } return true; } }
function index($pid = 0) { $type = $this->type; $map['type'] = $type; $title = I('title'); $search_type = I('search_type'); if ($title) { if ($search_type == 2) { $map['id'] = intval($title); } else { $map['title'] = array('like', '%' . $title . '%'); } $data['title'] = $title; $data['search_type'] = $search_type; } $map['pid'] = $pid; $list = $this->page($this->table, $map, "sort desc"); $data['_list'] = int_to_string($list, $map = array('status' => array(1 => '正常', -1 => '删除', 0 => '禁用'), 'is_fixed' => array(0 => '否', 1 => '是'))); $data['type'] = $type; $this->assign($data); $this->assign('meta_title', "分类"); getCategory($type); $this->display(); }
<form action="index/addgallery.php?mode=add" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="addgallery_form" > <div class="div-row"> <div class="input-div" style="width: 700px;" > <div class="lable" ><span class="red" >*</span>Albums</div> <select class="textbykk" id="album" name="album" > <option value="" ></option> <?php $pid = $_GET["pid"]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT album FROM gallerybykk_" . $sitelang . " WHERE state = 1 ORDER BY album ASC ; ", $db); if (!$query) { die("Error reading query: " . mysql_error()); } $category = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query)) { if ($category != $row[0]) { echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='" . $row[0] . "' >" . getCategory($row[0]) . "</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; $category = $row[0]; } } ?> <option value="other" >Other...</option> </select> <input type="text" class="textbykk" id="album_name" name="album_name" > </div> </div> <div class="div-row" > <div class="input-div" > <div class="lable" ><span class="red" >*</span>Picture (You can select more than one pictures!)</div> <input type="file" class="textbykk" id="picture" name="picture[]" style="width: 400px;" multiple="multiple" > </div> </div>
/** * 生成缓存,以栏目ID为数组下标,以排序字段listorder ASC排序 */ public function category_cache() { $data = $this->order("listorder ASC")->select(); $categorys = array(); foreach ($data as $r) { //更新缓存 getCategory($r['catid'], '', true); $categorys[$r['catid']] = array('catid' => $r['catid'], 'parentid' => $r['parentid'], 'arrparentid' => $r['arrparentid'], 'child' => $r['child'], 'arrchildid' => $r['arrchildid'], 'type' => $r['type'], 'modelid' => $r['modelid'], 'catname' => $r['catname'], 'url' => $r['url'], 'catdir' => $r['catdir'], 'ismenu' => $r['ismenu'], 'sethtml' => $r['sethtml']); } F("Category", $categorys); return true; }
/** * 扩展字段处理 * @param type $catid 栏目ID * @param type $post 数据 * @return boolean */ public function extendField($catid, $post) { if (empty($catid) || intval($catid) < 1 || empty($post)) { return false; } C('TOKEN_ON', false); //时间 $time = time(); //栏目信息 $info = $this->where(array('catid' => $catid))->find(); if (empty($info)) { return false; } $info['setting'] = unserialize($info['setting']); //删除不存在的选项 if (!empty($post['extenddelete'])) { $extenddelete = explode('|', $post['extenddelete']); M('CategoryField')->where(array('fid' => array('IN', $extenddelete)))->delete(); } //查询出该栏目扩展字段列表 $extendFieldLisr = array(); foreach (M('CategoryField')->where(array('catid' => $catid))->field('fieldname')->select() as $rs) { $extendFieldLisr[] = $rs['fieldname']; } //检查是否有新怎字段 if (!empty($post['extend_config']) && is_array($post['extend_config'])) { $validate = array(array('catid', 'require', '栏目ID不能为空!', 1, 'regex', 3), array('fieldname', 'require', '键名不能为空!', 1, 'regex', 3), array('type', 'require', '类型不能为空!', 1, 'regex', 3), array('fieldname', '/^[a-z_0-9]+$/i', '键名只支持英文、数字、下划线!', 0, 'regex', 3)); foreach ($post['extend_config'] as $field => $rs) { //如果已经存在则跳过 if (in_array($field, $extendFieldLisr)) { continue; } $rs['catid'] = $catid; $data = M('CategoryField')->validate($validate)->create($rs); if ($data) { $data['createtime'] = $time; $setting = $data['setting']; if ($data['type'] == 'radio' || $data['type'] == 'checkbox') { $option = array(); $optionList = explode("\n", $setting['option']); if (is_array($optionList)) { foreach ($optionList as $rs) { $rs = explode('|', $rs); if (!empty($rs)) { $option[] = array('title' => $rs[0], 'value' => $rs[1]); } } $setting['option'] = $option; } } $data['setting'] = serialize($setting); $fieldId = M('CategoryField')->add($data); if ($fieldId) { $extendFieldLisr[] = $field; } } else { continue; } } } //值更新 $extend = array(); if (!empty($post['extend']) || is_array($post['extend'])) { foreach ($post['extend'] as $field => $value) { if (in_array($field, $extendFieldLisr)) { $extend[$field] = $value; } } $info['setting']['extend'] = $extend; } //更新栏目 $status = $this->where(array('catid' => $catid))->save(array('setting' => serialize($info['setting']))); //删除缓存 getCategory($catid, '', true); return $status !== false ? true : false; }
<td> </td> <td> </td> <?php foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { ?> <td><?php echo $returnArray[$key]; ?> hours </td> <?php } ?> <td> </td> </tr> <?php $category = getCategory($_GET['user_id'], $fromdate, $todate); if ($category) { foreach ($category as $categoryKey => $categoryValue) { $categorycnt[$categoryValue] = 1; $project = getProject($_GET['user_id'], $categoryKey, $fromdate, $todate); if ($project) { foreach ($project as $projectKey => $projectValue) { $projectcnt[$projectValue] = 1; $task = getTask($_GET['user_id'], $categoryKey, $projectKey, $fromdate, $todate); if ($task) { $j = 0; foreach ($task as $taskKey => $taskValue) { ?> <tr> <td><?php if ($categorycnt[$categoryValue] == 1) {