Exemplo n.º 1
     tpl_set_var('cachename', getCacheName($_GET['cacheid']));
     tpl_set_var('cacheid', $_GET['cacheid']);
     $tplname = "chowner_chooseuser";
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['accept']) && $_GET['accept'] == 1) {
         $sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM chowner WHERE cache_id = :1 AND user_id = :2";
         $potwierdzenie = $db->multiVariableQueryValue($sql, 0, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']);
         if ($potwierdzenie > 0) {
             // zmiana wlasciciela
             tpl_set_var("error_msg", tr('adopt_30'));
             tpl_set_var("info_msg", "");
             require_once $rootpath . 'lib/cache_owners.inc.php';
             $pco = new OrgCacheOwners($db);
             $oldOwnerId = getCacheOwner($_GET['cacheid']);
             $isCachePublished = isCachePublished($_GET['cacheid']);
             $sql = "DELETE FROM chowner WHERE cache_id = :1 AND user_id = :2";
             $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']);
             if ($isCachePublished) {
                 $sql = "UPDATE caches SET user_id = :2, org_user_id = IF(org_user_id IS NULL, :3, org_user_id) WHERE cache_id= :1";
                 $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid'], $oldOwnerId);
             } else {
                 $sql = "UPDATE caches SET user_id = :2 WHERE cache_id= :1";
                 $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']);
             $sql = "UPDATE pictures SET user_id = :2 WHERE object_id = :1";
             $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']);
             // this should be kept consistent by a trigger
             //$sql = "UPDATE user SET hidden_count = hidden_count - 1 WHERE user_id = :1";
             //$db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $oldOwnerId);
Exemplo n.º 2
     foreach (listPendingCaches($usr['userid']) as $cache) {
         $acceptList .= "<tr><td>";
         $acceptList .= "<a href='viewcache.php?cacheid=" . $cache['cache_id'] . "'>";
         $acceptList .= $cache['name'] . "</a>";
         $acceptList .= " <a href='chowner.php?cacheid=" . $cache['cache_id'] . "&accept=1'>[<font color='green'>" . tr('adopt_12') . "</font>]</a>";
         $acceptList .= " <a href='chowner.php?cacheid=" . $cache['cache_id'] . "&accept=0'>[<font color='#ff0000'>" . tr('adopt_13') . "</font>]</a>";
         $acceptList .= "</td>\n                    <td>" . strftime($dateformat, strtotime($cache['date_hidden'])) . "</td>\n                    </tr>\n                    ";
     tpl_set_var('acceptList', $acceptList);
 //user for adoption is selected
 if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
     $newUserId = doesUserExist($_POST['username']);
     if ($newUserId > 0) {
         // check if selected user not own this cache...
         $ownerId = getCacheOwner($_REQUEST['cacheid']);
         if ($ownerId == $newUserId) {
             tpl_set_var('error_msg', tr('adopt_33') . '<br /><br />');
         } else {
             // uzytkownik istnieje, mozna kontynuowac procedure
             $q = "INSERT INTO chowner (cache_id, user_id) VALUES ( ?, ?)";
             $stmt = XDb::xSql($q, $_REQUEST['cacheid'], $newUserId);
             if (XDb::xNumRows($stmt) > 0) {
                 tpl_set_var('info_msg', ' ' . tr('adopt_24') . ' <br /><br />');
                 $mailContent = tr('adopt_26');
                 $mailContent = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $mailContent);
                 $mailContent = str_replace('{userName}', $usr['username'], $mailContent);
                 $mailContent = str_replace('{cacheName}', getCacheName($_REQUEST['cacheid']), $mailContent);
                 mb_send_mail_2(getUserEmail($newUserId), tr('adopt_25'), $mailContent, emailHeaders());
             } else {
                 tpl_set_var('error_msg', tr('adopt_22') . '<br /><br />');