function renderAddonList(array $addons) { $output = ''; if (is_array($addons) && count($addons)) { $output .= '<ul>'; foreach ($addons as $addon) { $output .= "<li><a href='" . createLinkUrl('addon', $addon->id) . "'>"; $output .= "<img src='" . getAddonThumbnail($addon->id, 'addonThumbnailSmall') . "' width='60' height='60' alt='{$addon->name}' class='pic alignleft' />"; $output .= "<b>{$addon->name}</b></a>"; $output .= "<span class='date'>" . $addon->updated . "</span>"; $output .= "</li>"; } $output .= '</ul>'; } return $output; }
/** * Renders the given addons as thumb list * * @param array $addons * @param string $uri The URL segment to use for pagination Links * @param integer $itemsTotal * @param integer $itemsPerPage * @return string The rendered list */ protected function renderAddonList(array $addons, $uri, $itemsTotal, $itemsPerPage = 40) { $output = ''; if (is_array($addons) && count($addons)) { $output .= '<ul id="addonList">'; foreach ($addons as $addon) { $output .= '<li>'; $output .= '<a href="' . createLinkUrl('addon', $addon->id) . '"><span class="thumbnail"><img src="' . getAddonThumbnail($addon->id, 'addonThumbnail') . '" width="100%" alt="' . $addon->name . '" class="pic" /></span>'; $output .= '<strong>' . $addon->name . '</strong></a>'; $output .= '</li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; // add pagination $output .= renderPagination($uri, $itemsTotal, $itemsPerPage); } return $output; }
require_once 'includes/functions.php'; // ############## Finish Includes ############### // // ############### Prepare requested mode ######### // $orderByProperty = 'created'; $feedTitle = 'Latest XBMC Add-Ons'; if (isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'updated') { $orderByProperty = 'updated'; $feedTitle = 'Recently updated XBMC Add-Ons'; } // ############### Setup Queries ############### // $queryResult = $db->get_results('SELECT * FROM addon ORDER BY ' . $orderByProperty . ' DESC LIMIT 10'); // ############## Finish Queries ############### // // Build the Add-Ons list $itemList = ''; foreach ($queryResult as $addon) { $thumbnailExternalUrl = getAddonThumbnail($addon->id, 'addonThumbnail'); $thumbnailFilePath = str_replace($configuration['cache']['pathRead'], $configuration['cache']['pathWrite'], $thumbnailExternalUrl); $thumbnailSize = 0; if (file_exists($thumbnailFilePath) && is_file($thumbnailFilePath)) { $thumbnailSize = filesize($thumbnailFilePath); } $itemList .= ' <item> <guid>' . $addon->id . '</guid> <title>' . htmlspecialchars($addon->name) . '</title> <description>' . htmlspecialchars($addon->description) . '</description> <date>' . $addon->updated . '</date> <link>' . createLinkUrl('addon', $addon->id) . '</link> <enclosure url="' . $configuration['baseUrl'] . $thumbnailExternalUrl . '" length="' . $thumbnailSize . '" type="image/png" /> </item> '; }
public function showAction() { if (count($this->arguments)) { $result = $this->db->get_results('SELECT * FROM addon WHERE id = "' . $this->db->escape($this->arguments[0]) . '" LIMIT 1'); } $output = ''; if ($result) { // prepare variables and rootline $addon = current($result); $this->pageRenderer->addRootlineItem(array('url' => createLinkUrl('addon', $addon->id), 'name' => 'Details')); // prepare authors and create individual links if more are listed by the addon $authors = explode(',', $addon->provider_name); $authorLinks = array(); foreach ($authors as $author) { if ($author) { $author = cleanupAuthorName($author); $authorLinks[] = '<a href="' . createLinkUrl('author', $author) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($author) . '</a>'; } } // create details view $output .= '<div id="addonDetail"> <span class="thumbnail"><img src="' . getAddonThumbnail($addon->id, 'large') . '" alt="' . $addon->name . '" class="pic" /></span> <h2>' . htmlspecialchars($addon->name) . '</h2> <strong>Author:</strong> ' . implode(', ', $authorLinks); // Show the extra details of the Add-on $output .= '<br /><strong>Version:</strong> ' . $addon->version; $output .= '<br /><strong>Released:</strong> ' . $addon->updated; // Show repository details $repoConfig = getRepositoryConfiguration($addon->repository_id); if ($repoConfig) { if (count($this->configuration['repositories']) > 1) { $output .= '<br /><strong>Repository:</strong> '; $output .= $repoConfig['downloadUrl'] ? '<a href="' . $repoConfig['downloadUrl'] . '" rel="nofollow">' . $repoConfig['name'] . '</a>' : $repoConfig['name']; } if ($repoConfig['statsUrl'] && $addon->downloads > 0) { $output .= '<br /><strong>Downloads:</strong> ' . number_format($addon->downloads); } } // I can't seem to get the following code working. It should list the genres and create links to that each genre. /* $genres = $addon->genres; if ($genres) { $genres = explode(',', $genres ); $genreLinks = array(); foreach ($genres as $genre) { if ($genre) { $category_args = array(); $category_args[] = 'video'; //$addon->content_types; $category_args[] = $genres; $category = getCategoryFromArguments($category_args); $genreLinks[] = '<a href="' . createLinkUrl('category', $category_args) . '">' . $category['label'] . '</a>'; } } $output .= '<br /><strong>Genres:</strong> ' . implode(', ', $genreLinks); }*/ if ($addon->content_types) { $output .= '<br /><strong>Add-on Type:</strong> ' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->content_types); } if ($addon->genres) { $output .= '<br /><strong>Genres:</strong> ' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->genres); } if ($addon->license) { $output .= '<br /><strong>License:</strong> ' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->license); } if ($addon->platform) { $output .= '<br /><strong>Platforms:</strong> ' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->platform); } /* if ($addon->xbox_compatible) { $output .= '<br /><h2>XBMC4Xbox COMPATIBLE</h2> '; }*/ if ($addon->notes) { $output .= '<br /><strong>Notes:</strong> ' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->notes); } if ($addon->OverrideDesc) { $output .= '<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><div class="description"><h2>Description:</h2><h4>' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->mydescription) . '</h4></div>'; } else { $output .= '<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><div class="description"><h2>Description:</h2><h4>' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->description) . '</h4></div>'; } if ($addon->broken) { $output .= renderFlashMessage('This addon is reported as broken!', '<strong>Details:</strong> ' . htmlspecialchars($addon->broken) . '.', 'error'); } if ($addon->my_broken) { $output .= renderFlashMessage('This addon is reported as broken!', '<strong>Details:</strong> ' . htmlspecialchars($addon->my_broken) . '.', 'error'); } $output .= '<ul class="addonLinks">'; $output .= '<br /><h2>Resources:</h2>'; // Check forum link exists $forumLink = $addon->forum ? '<a href="' . $addon->forum . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/forum.png" alt="Forum discussion" /></a>' : '<img src="images/forumbw.png" alt="Forum discussion" />'; $output .= '<li><strong>Forum Discussion:</strong><br />' . $forumLink . '</li>'; // Auto Generate Wiki Link $output .= '<li><strong>Wiki Docs:</strong><br /><a href="' . $addon->name . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/wiki.png" alt="Wiki page of this addon" /></a></li>'; // Check sourcecode link exists $sourceLink = $addon->source ? '<a href="' . $addon->source . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/code.png" alt="Source code" /></a>' : '<img src="images/codebw.png" alt="Source code" />'; $output .= "<li><strong>Source Code:</strong><br />" . $sourceLink . '</li>'; // Check website link exists $websiteLink = $addon->website ? '<a href="' . $addon->website . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/website.png" alt="Website" /></a>' : '<img src="images/websitebw.png" alt="Website" />'; $output .= "<li><strong>Website:</strong><br />" . $websiteLink . '</li>'; // Show the Download link $downloadLink = getAddonDownloadLink($addon); if ($downloadLink) { $output .= '<li><strong>Direct Download:</strong><br />'; $output .= '<a href="' . $downloadLink . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="images/download_link.png" alt="Download" /></a></li>'; } // Check if any video links exist if ($addon->myvideopreview or $addon->video_preview or $addon->myvideoguide or $addon->video_guide) { $output .= '<br /><br /><br /><h2>Video Guides:</h2>'; } // Check video preview link exists if ($addon->myvideopreview) { $videopreviewLink = '<a href="' . $addon->myvideopreview . '"target="_blank"><img src="images/addons_preview.png" alt="Preview video" /></a>'; $output .= '<li>' . $videopreviewLink . '</li>'; } else { if ($addon->video_preview) { $videopreviewLink = $addon->video_preview ? '<a href="' . $addon->video_preview . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/addons_preview.png" alt="Preview video" /></a>' : '<img src="images/addons_preview.png" alt="Preview video" />'; $output .= '<li>' . $videopreviewLink . '</li>'; } } // Check video guide link exists if ($addon->myvideoguide) { $videoguideLink = '<a href="' . $addon->myvideoguide . '"target="_blank"><img src="images/addons_tutorial.png" alt="Tutorial video" /></a>'; $output .= '<li>' . $videoguideLink . '</li>'; } else { if ($addon->video_guide) { $videoguideLink = $addon->video_guide ? '<a href="' . $addon->video_guide . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/addons_tutorial.png" alt="Tutorial video" /></a>' : '<img src="images/addons_tutorial.png" alt="Tutorial video" />'; $output .= '<li>' . $videoguideLink . '</li>'; } } $output .= '</ul></div>'; } else { $this->pageNotFound(); } return $output; }
public function showAction() { if (count($this->arguments)) { $result = $this->db->get_results('SELECT * FROM addon WHERE id = "' . $this->db->escape($this->arguments[0]) . '" LIMIT 1'); } $output = ''; if ($result) { // prepare variables and rootline $addon = current($result); $this->pageRenderer->addRootlineItem(array('url' => createLinkUrl('addon', $addon->id), 'name' => 'Details')); $this->setPageTitle('"' . $addon->name . '" Add-On for Kodi'); $stats = getAddonStats($addon); // prepare authors and create individual links if more are listed by the addon $authors = explode(',', $addon->provider_name); $authorLinks = array(); foreach ($authors as $author) { if ($author) { $author = cleanupAuthorName($author); $authorLinks[] = '<a href="' . createLinkUrl('author', $author) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($author) . '</a>'; } } // create details view $output .= '<div id="addonDetail"> <span class="thumbnail"><img src="' . getAddonThumbnail($addon->id, 'large') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($addon->name) . '" class="pic" /></span> <h2>' . htmlspecialchars($addon->name) . '</h2> <div id="addonMetaData"> <strong>Author:</strong> ' . implode(', ', $authorLinks); // Show the extra details of the Add-on $output .= '<br /><strong>Version:</strong> ' . $addon->version; if (is_array($stats) && $stats['Total']) { $output .= '<br /><strong>Downloads:</strong> ' . number_format($stats['Total']); } $output .= '<br /><strong>Released:</strong> ' . $addon->updated; // Show repository details $repoConfig = getRepositoryConfiguration($addon->repository_id); if ($repoConfig) { if (count($this->configuration['repositories']) > 1) { $output .= '<br /><strong>Repository:</strong> '; $output .= $repoConfig['downloadUrl'] ? '<a href="' . $repoConfig['downloadUrl'] . '" rel="nofollow">' . htmlspecialchars($repoConfig['name']) . '</a>' : $repoConfig['name']; } } if ($addon->license) { $output .= '<br /><strong>License:</strong> ' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->license); } $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<div class="description"><h4>Description:</h4><p>' . str_replace('[CR]', '<br />', $addon->description) . '</p></div>'; if ($addon->broken) { $output .= renderFlashMessage('Warning', 'This addon is currently reported as broken! <br /><strong>Suggestion / Reason:</strong> ' . htmlspecialchars($addon->broken) . '.', 'error'); } $output .= '<ul class="addonLinks">'; // Check forum link exists $forumLink = $addon->forum ? '<a href="' . $addon->forum . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/forum.png" alt="Forum discussion" /></a>' : '<img src="images/forumbw.png" alt="Forum discussion" />'; $output .= '<li><strong>Forum Discussion:</strong><br />' . $forumLink . '</li>'; // Auto Generate Wiki Link $output .= '<li><strong>Wiki Docs:</strong><br /><a href="' . $addon->name . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/wiki.png" alt="Wiki page of this addon" /></a></li>'; // Check sourcecode link exists $sourceLink = $addon->source ? '<a href="' . $addon->source . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/code.png" alt="Source code" /></a>' : '<img src="images/codebw.png" alt="Source code" />'; $output .= "<li><strong>Source Code:</strong><br />" . $sourceLink . '</li>'; // Check website link exists $websiteLink = $addon->website ? '<a href="' . $addon->website . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/website.png" alt="Website" /></a>' : '<img src="images/websitebw.png" alt="Website" />'; $output .= "<li><strong>Website:</strong><br />" . $websiteLink . '</li>'; // Show the Download link $downloadLink = getAddonDownloadLink($addon); if ($downloadLink) { $output .= '<li><strong>Direct Download:</strong><br />'; $output .= '<a href="' . $downloadLink . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="images/download_link.png" alt="Download" /></a></li>'; } $output .= '</ul></div>'; } else { $this->pageNotFound(); } return $output; }