Exemplo n.º 1
function generate_link($link = false, $link_options = false)
    global $_CLASS, $_CORE_CONFIG;
    //static $SEO = array('?', '&', '&');
    $options = array('admin' => false, 'full' => false, 'sid' => true, 'force_sid' => false, 'seo' => true);
    if (is_array($link_options)) {
        $options = array_merge($options, $link_options);
    $options['seo'] = $options['force_sid'] ? true : $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['link_optimization'] && $options['seo'];
    if ($options['admin']) {
        $options['seo'] = false;
    if ($link && strpos($link, '#')) {
        list($link, $what_you_call_this) = explode('#', $link, 2);
    } else {
        /* No really, I want to know what you call that */
        $what_you_call_this = false;
    $file = $options['admin'] ? ADMIN_PAGE : INDEX_PAGE;
    if (!$link) {
        if ($options['sid'] && $_CLASS['core_user']->need_sid) {
            $options['seo'] = $options['force_sid'] = false;
            $link = $file . '?' . $_CLASS['core_user']->sid_link;
        } else {
            $link = $options['seo'] ? 'index' : $file;
    } else {
        if ($options['sid'] && $_CLASS['core_user']->need_sid) {
            $link .= '&' . $_CLASS['core_user']->sid_link;
        if ($link[0] === '&') {
            $link = $_CLASS['core_display']->page['page_name'] . $link;
        if (!$options['seo']) {
            $link = $file . '?mod=' . $link;
        } else {
            $link = str_replace(array('?', '&', '&'), '/', $link);
    if ($what_you_call_this) {
        $link .= $options['seo'] ? '.html#' . $what_you_call_this : '#' . $what_you_call_this;
    } elseif ($options['seo']) {
        $link .= '.html';
    return $options['full'] ? generate_base_url() . $link : $link;
$GDok = TRUE;
// ------------ config section --------------------
$IMGFOLDER_name = 'images/';
$path_to_drupal_root = '../../../../../../../../../';
$url_prefix = 'drupal/';
$VIDEOICON = 'video.jpg';
$AUDIOICON = 'audio.jpg';
// language setting   en
$LARGEIMG = 'Large image';
$DELETEIMG = 'Delete image';
$INSERTIMG = 'Insert image into HTML';
$UPLOADIMG = 'Upload';
$HELPSTR = 'Click a image!';
// -------------------------------------------------
$IMGFOLDER = $path_to_drupal_root . $IMGFOLDER_name;
$IMGURL = generate_base_url() . $url_prefix . $IMGFOLDER_name;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2" />
function make_thumb($img_name, $filename, $new_w, $new_h)
    $fsize = filesize($img_name);
    if (!$fsize) {
    if ($fsize > 100000) {
Exemplo n.º 3
function generate_link($link = false, $link_options = false)
    global $_CLASS, $_CORE_MODULE;
    $options = array('admin' => false, 'full' => false, 'sid' => true, 'force_sid' => false);
    if (is_array($link_options)) {
        $options = array_merge($options, $link_options);
    if ($link && strpos($link, '#')) {
        list($link, $what_you_call_this) = explode('#', $link, 2);
    } else {
        $what_you_call_this = false;
    $file = $options['admin'] ? ADMIN_PAGE : INDEX_PAGE;
    if (!$link) {
        $link = $file;
        if ($options['force_sid'] || $options['sid'] && $_CLASS['core_user']->sid_link) {
            $link .= '?' . $_CLASS['core_user']->sid_link;
    } else {
        if ($link[0] == '&') {
            $link = $_CORE_MODULE['name'] . $link;
        $link = $file . '?mod=' . $link;
        if ($options['force_sid'] || $options['sid'] && $_CLASS['core_user']->sid_link) {
            $link .= '&amp;' . $_CLASS['core_user']->sid_link;
    if ($what_you_call_this) {
        $link .= '#' . $what_you_call_this;
    return $options['full'] ? generate_base_url() . $link : $link;
 function magic_url()
     static $match;
     static $replace;
     if (!is_array($match)) {
         $match = $replace = array();
         // Be sure to not let the matches cross over. ;)
         // relative urls for this board
         $match[] = '#(^|[\\n ]|\\()(' . preg_quote(preg_replace('/^\\/?(.*?)(\\/)?$/', '$1', generate_base_url()), '#') . ')/(.*?([^ \\t\\n\\r<"\'\\)]*)?)#i';
         $replace[] = '$1<!-- l --><a href="$2/$3">$3</a><!-- l -->';
         // matches a xxxx://aaaaa.bbb.cccc. ...
         $match[] = '#(^|[\\n ]|\\()([\\w]+?://.*?([^ \\t\\n\\r<"\'\\)]*)?)#ie';
         $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- m --><a href=\"\$2\" target=\"_blank\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr(str_replace('&amp;', '&', '\$2'), 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr(str_replace('&amp;', '&', '\$2'), -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- m -->'";
         // matches a "www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz]" kinda lazy URL thing
         $match[] = '#(^|[\\n ]|\\()(www\\.[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-.\\~]+(?:/[^ \\t\\n\\r<"\'\\)]*)?)#ie';
         $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- w --><a href=\"http://\$2\" target=\"_blank\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr(str_replace('&amp;', '&', '\$2'), 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr(str_replace('&amp;', '&', '\$2'), -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- w -->'";
         // matches an email@domain type address at the start of a line, or after a space.
         $match[] = '#(^|[\\n ]|\\()([a-z0-9&\\-_.]+?@[\\w\\-]+\\.([\\w\\-\\.]+\\.)?[\\w]+)#ie';
         $replace[] = "'\$1<!-- e --><a href=\"mailto:\$2\">' . ((strlen('\$2') > 55) ? substr('\$2', 0, 39) . ' ... ' . substr('\$2', -10) : '\$2') . '</a><!-- e -->'";
     /* IMPORTANT NOTE (Developer inability to do advanced regular expressions) - Acyd Burn:  
     			Transforming &lt; (<) to <&amp;lt; in order to bypass the inability of preg_replace 
     			supporting multi-character sequences (POSIX - [..]). Since all message text is specialchared by
     			default a match against < will always fail, since it is a &lt; sequence within the text.
     			Replacing with <&amp;lt; and switching back thereafter produces no problems, because < will never show up with &amp;lt; in
     			the same text (due to this specialcharing). The < is put in front of &amp;lt; to let the url break gracefully.
     			I hope someone can lend me a hand here, telling me how to achive the wanted result without switching to ereg_replace.
     $this->message = preg_replace($match, $replace, str_replace('&lt;', '<&amp;lt;', $this->message));
     $this->message = str_replace('<&amp;lt;', '&lt;', $this->message);
  * Parse Message
 function parse($allow_html, $allow_bbcode, $allow_magic_url, $allow_smilies, $allow_img_bbcode = true, $allow_flash_bbcode = true, $allow_quote_bbcode = true, $allow_url_bbcode = true, $update_this_message = true, $mode = 'post')
     global $config, $_CLASS;
     $mode = $mode != 'sig' ? 'post' : 'sig';
     $this->mode = $mode;
     $this->allow_img_bbcode = $allow_img_bbcode;
     $this->allow_flash_bbcode = $allow_flash_bbcode;
     $this->allow_quote_bbcode = $allow_quote_bbcode;
     $this->allow_url_bbcode = $allow_url_bbcode;
     // If false, then $this->message won't be altered, the text will be returned instead.
     if (!$update_this_message) {
         $tmp_message = $this->message;
         $return_message =& $this->message;
     if ($this->message_status == 'display') {
     // Do some general 'cleanup' first before processing message,
     // e.g. remove excessive newlines(?), smilies(?)
     // Transform \r\n and \r into \n
     $match = array('#\\r\\n?#', '#sid=[a-z0-9]*?&amp;?#', "#([\n][\\s]+){3,}#", '#(script|about|applet|activex|chrome):#i');
     $replace = array("\n", '', "\n\n", "\\1&#058;");
     $this->message = preg_replace($match, $replace, trim($this->message));
     // Message length check. -1 disables this check completely.
     if ($config['max_' . $mode . '_chars'] != -1) {
         $msg_len = $mode === 'post' ? strlen($this->message) : strlen(preg_replace('#\\[\\/?[a-z\\*\\+\\-]+(=[\\S]+)?\\]#is', ' ', $this->message));
         if (!$msg_len && $mode !== 'sig' || $config['max_' . $mode . '_chars'] && $msg_len > $config['max_' . $mode . '_chars']) {
             $this->warn_msg[] = !$msg_len ? $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['TOO_FEW_CHARS'] : $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['TOO_MANY_CHARS'];
             return $this->warn_msg;
     // Parse HTML
     if ($allow_html && $config['allow_html_tags']) {
     // Prepare BBcode (just prepares some tags for better parsing)
     if ($allow_bbcode && strpos($this->message, '[') !== false) {
         $disallow = array('img', 'flash', 'quote', 'url');
         foreach ($disallow as $bool) {
             if (!${'allow_' . $bool . '_bbcode'}) {
                 $this->bbcodes[$bool]['disabled'] = true;
     // Parse smilies
     if ($allow_smilies) {
         $this->smilies($config['max_' . $mode . '_smilies']);
     $num_urls = 0;
     // Parse BBCode
     if ($allow_bbcode && strpos($this->message, '[') !== false) {
         $num_urls += $this->parsed_items['url'];
     // Parse URL's
     if ($allow_magic_url) {
         if ($config['max_' . $mode . '_urls']) {
             $num_urls += preg_match_all('#\\<!-- (l|m|w|e) --\\>.*?\\<!-- \\1 --\\>#', $this->message, $matches);
     // Check number of links
     if ($config['max_' . $mode . '_urls'] && $num_urls > $config['max_' . $mode . '_urls']) {
         $this->warn_msg[] = sprintf($_CLASS['core_user']->lang['TOO_MANY_URLS'], $config['max_' . $mode . '_urls']);
         return $this->warn_msg;
     if (!$update_this_message) {
         $this->message = $tmp_message;
         return $return_message;
     $this->message_status = 'parsed';
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function display_header($title = false)
     global $_CLASS, $_CORE_CONFIG, $_CORE_MODULE;
     if ($this->displayed['header']) {
     $this->displayed['header'] = true;
     if (extension_loaded('zlib') && !ob_get_length()) {
     if ($title) {
         $_CORE_MODULE['module_title'] = $title;
     } elseif (!$_CORE_MODULE['module_title']) {
         // should move this somewhere else
         $_CORE_MODULE['module_title'] = $_CORE_MODULE['module_name'];
     if ($_CLASS['core_user']->is_user && $_CLASS['core_user']->data['user_new_privmsg'] && $_CLASS['core_user']->user_data_get('popuppm')) {
         $this->header['js'][] = '<script type="text/javascript">window.open(\'' . preg_replace('/&amp;/', '&', generate_link('Control_Panel&i=pm&mode=popup', array('full' => true))) . "', '_phpbbprivmsg','height=135,resizable=yes,status=no,width=400');</script>";
         //$_CLASS['core_db']->sql_query('UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_new_privmsg = 0 WHERE user_id = ' . $_CLASS['core_user']->data['user_id']);
     $this->header['regular'][] = '<meta name="generator" content="Viperal CMS ( www.viperal.com ) Copyright(c) ' . date('Y') . '" />';
     if (file_exists('favicon.ico')) {
         $this->header['regular'][] = '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';
     $this->header['regular'][] = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/xml" title="RSS" href="' . generate_base_url() . 'feed.php?feed=rdf" />';
     if ($_CORE_CONFIG['maintenance']['active'] && $_CORE_CONFIG['maintenance']['start'] < $_CLASS['core_user']->time) {
         $this->message = '<b>System is in maintenance mode</b><br />';
     $this->header['js'][] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/common.js"></script>';
     $this->header['js'][] = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nvar cms_session_id = '{$_CLASS['core_user']->data['session_id']}';\nvar cms_cookie_path = '{$_CORE_CONFIG['server']['cookie_path']}';\nvar cms_cookie_domain = '{$_CORE_CONFIG['server']['cookie_domain']}';\n</script>";
     $this->header['meta'][] = '<base href="' . generate_base_url() . '" />';
     $_CLASS['core_template']->assign_array(array('SITE_LANG' => $_CLASS['core_user']->lang['LANG'], 'SITE_TITLE' => $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['site_name'] . ': ' . (is_array($_CORE_MODULE['module_title']) ? implode(' &gt; ', $_CORE_MODULE['module_title']) : $_CORE_MODULE['module_title']), 'SITE_URL' => generate_base_url(), 'SID' => empty($_CLASS['core_user']->data['session_id']) ? '' : $_CLASS['core_user']->data['session_id'], 'SITE_NAME' => $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['site_name'], 'HEADER_MESSAGE' => $this->message, 'HEADER_META' => empty($this->header['meta']) ? '' : implode("\n", $this->header['meta']), 'HEADER_REGULAR' => empty($this->header['regular']) ? '' : implode("\n", $this->header['regular']), 'HEADER_JS' => empty($this->header['js']) ? '' : implode("\n", $this->header['js']), 'FOOTER_CONTENT' => $this->footer));
     if ($this->homepage) {