$rp_period = $rp_info['rp_period']; if ($_POST['rp_period']) { $rp_period = $_POST['rp_period']; } // Overall Report $report = genReport($rp_source_query . $bank_sql_t, $rp_destination_query, $rp_period); $report['title'] = "General Report - All companys"; $report['header'] = "Overall Report"; $report['priority'] = 99999; $report_list['z'] = $report; $company_list_sql = "Select userId, companyname from `cs_companydetails` as cd WHERE cd.activeuser=1 {$bank_sql_cd}"; $result = mysql_query($company_list_sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$company_list_sql}"); while ($companyId = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $s_sql = $rp_source_query . $bank_sql_t . " AND t.userId = '" . $companyId['userId'] . "'"; $d_sql = $rp_destination_query . $bank_sql_cd . " AND cd.userId = '" . $companyId['userId'] . "'"; $report = genReport($s_sql, $d_sql, $rp_period); if ($report['priority'] == 0) { $report['header'] = "Company Reports (No Alerts)"; } else { $report['header'] = "Company Reports (Contain Alerts)"; } $report['title'] = ucfirst($rp_type) . " Report - " . $companyId['companyname']; $report_list[$report['priority'] . "_" . $companyId['companyname']] = $report; } // Sorting List krsort($report_list); } // End Generate Report ob_start(); ?> <script language="javascript">
$report['priority'] = 99999; $report['period'] = $report_periods[round($rp_period)]; if (!$report['period']) { $report['period'] = round($rp_period) . " Day"; } $report_list['z'] = $report; if (!$_POST['rp_inactive']) { $company_sql = " AND cd.activeuser=1"; } $company_list_sql = "Select cd.userId, companyname from `cs_companydetails` as cd left join `cs_transactiondetails` as t on t.userId = cd.userId WHERE 1 {$company_sql} {$bank_sql_t} group by companyname "; $result = mysql_query($company_list_sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$company_list_sql}"); while ($companyId = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $s_sql = $rp_source_query . $bank_sql_t . " AND cd.userId = '" . $companyId['userId'] . "'"; $d_sql = $rp_destination_query . $bank_sql_cd . " AND cd.userId = '" . $companyId['userId'] . "'"; $rp_cmp_period = getHalfProcessingTime($companyId['userId'], $rp_period); $report = genReport($s_sql, $d_sql, $rp_cmp_period, false, $companyId['userId']); if ($report != -1) { $duration = ""; if ($rp_cmp_period >= 1) { $duration = " (" . round($rp_cmp_period * 2) . " Day Duration)"; } if ($rp_cmp_period < 1) { $duration = " (Less Than One Day)"; } if (intval($report['priority']) == 0) { $report['header'] = "Company Reports (No Alerts)"; } else { $report['header'] = "Company Reports (Contain Alerts)"; } $report['period'] = $report_periods[round($rp_cmp_period)]; if (!$report['period']) {