Exemplo n.º 1

try {
    run_sql_script(__DIR__ . '/sql/activate.sql');
    run_sql_script(__DIR__ . '/sql/profile_strength.sql');
    //$mysqli = new mysqli(elgg_get_config('dbhost'), elgg_get_config('dbuser'), elgg_get_config('dbpass'), elgg_get_config('dbname'));
    //if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
    //    throw new Exception($mysqli->connect_errno);
    //if (!$mysqli->query("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS GET_suggestedFriends") ||
    //!$mysqli->query("CREATE PROCEDURE `GET_suggestedFriends`(IN `UserGUID` BIGINT(20),IN Sug_Limit INT) BEGIN select fof.guid_two,ue.username FROM {$DBprefix}entities as e INNER JOIN {$DBprefix}users_entity ue ON ue.guid = e.guid INNER JOIN {$DBprefix}entity_relationships fr ON fr.guid_one = UserGUID AND fr.relationship = 'friend' INNER JOIN {$DBprefix}entity_relationships fof ON fof.guid_one = fr.guid_two AND fof.relationship = 'friend' WHERE ue.banned='no' and e.guid NOT IN (SELECT f.guid_two FROM {$DBprefix}entity_relationships f WHERE f.guid_one = UserGUID AND f.relationship = 'friend') and fof.guid_two = e.guid and e.guid != UserGUID GROUP BY e.guid ORDER BY fof.guid_two desc, ue.last_action DESC LIMIT Sug_Limit;END;")) {
    //    throw new Exception($mysqli->errno);
    //  run_sql_script(__DIR__ . '/sql/activate.sql');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $errMess = $e->getMessage();
    $errStack = $e->getTraceAsString();
    $errType = $e->getCode();
    gc_err_logging($errMess, $errStack, 'WET4 Theme Activation', $errType);
    //echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
            $userGUID = $row['guid_two'];
            if (elgg_get_user_validation_status($userGUID)) {
                $job = get_user($userGUID)->job;
                $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '<div class="col-xs-6 text-center">';
                $htmloutput .= '<a href="' . $site_url . 'profile/' . get_user($row['guid_two'])->username . '" class="">';
                $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '<img src="' . get_user($row['guid_two'])->getIcon('small') . '" class="avatar-profile-page img-responsive center-block img-circle " alt="' . elgg_echo('sf:alttext') . ' ' . get_user($row['guid_two'])->getDisplayName() . '">';
                $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '<h4 class="h4 mrgn-tp-sm mrgn-bttm-0"><span class="text-primary">' . get_user($row['guid_two'])->getDisplayName() . '</span></h4></a>';
                $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '<p class="small mrgn-tp-0">' . $job . '</p>';
                $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '<a href="' . elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url("action/friends/add?friend={$userGUID}") . '" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm mrgn-tp-sm">' . elgg_echo('friend:add') . '</a>';
                $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '</div>';
                if ($count == 1 || $count == 3) {
                    $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '</div>';
                // $htmloutput=$htmloutput. $row['guid_two'].'-';
        $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '</div></div>';
        $htmloutput = $htmloutput . '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
        echo $htmloutput;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $errMess = $e->getMessage();
    $errStack = $e->getTraceAsString();
    $errType = $e->getCode();
    gc_err_logging($errMess, $errStack, 'Suggested Friends Widget', $errType);
    echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'><h3>Oops!</h3>" . elgg_echo('ps:psErr') . "</div>";