Exemplo n.º 1
function showfiles($f, $class = "fileslist", $wantdel = 1, $divtitle = '')
    // f: array with data from "files" table (from fetchall)
    global $dateparam, $scriptname, $action, $id, $uploaddirwww, $dbh;
    $flnk = "";
    for ($lnk = "", $c = 0; $c < count($f); $c++) {
        $fname = $f[$c]['fname'];
        $ftitle = $f[$c]['title'];
        $fid = $f[$c]['id'];
        $ftype = $f[$c]['type'];
        $fdate = empty($f[$c]['date']) ? "" : date($dateparam, $f[$c]['date']);
        $ftypestr = ftype2str($ftype, $dbh);
        if (strlen($ftitle)) {
            $t = "<br>Title:{$ftitle}";
        } else {
            $t = "";
        $flnk .= "<div title='{$divtitle}' class='{$class}' >";
        if ($wantdel) {
            $flnk .= "<a title='Remove association. If file is orphaned (nothing links to it), it gets deleted.' " . "href='javascript:delconfirm2(\"[{$fid}] {$fname}\",\"{$scriptname}?action={$action}&amp;id={$id}&amp;delfid={$fid}\");'>" . "<img src='images/delete.png'></a> ";
        $flnk .= "<a target=_blank title='Edit File {$fid}' href='{$scriptname}?action=editfile&amp;id={$fid}'><img  src='images/edit.png'></a>" . " <a target=_blank title='Download {$fname}' href='" . $uploaddirwww . $fname . "'><img src='images/down.png'></a>" . "<br>Type:<b>{$ftypestr}</b>" . "<br>Date:<b>{$fdate}</b>" . "<br>Title:{$ftitle}\n" . "</div>\n ";
    return $flnk;
Exemplo n.º 2
function upload($file_id, $folder = "", $ftype, $title, $date, $id, $assoctable = "", $colname = "", $uploader = "")
    global $dbh, $uploadErrors;
    if ($_FILES[$file_id]["error"] > 0) {
        $result = $uploadErrors[$_FILES[$file_id]["error"]];
        return array('', $result);
    if (!$_FILES[$file_id]['name']) {
        return array('', 'No file specified');
    if (!$_FILES[$file_id]['size']) {
        return array('', 'File is zero length');
    if (!is_numeric($ftype)) {
        return array('', "No type specified ({$ftype})");
    if (!strlen($title)) {
        return array('', 'No title specified');
    if (!strlen($date)) {
        return array('', 'No date specified');
    if (!strlen($assoctable)) {
        return array('', 'No table specified');
    if (!strlen($colname)) {
        return array('', 'No colname specified');
    if (!strlen($folder)) {
        return array('', 'No folder specified');
    $ftypestr = ftype2str($ftype, $dbh);
    $path_parts = pathinfo($_FILES[$file_id]["name"]);
    $fileext = $path_parts['extension'];
    $unique = substr(uniqid(), -4, 4);
    $filefn = "{$ftypestr}-" . validfn($title) . "-{$unique}.{$fileext}";
    $filefn = strtolower($filefn);
    $uploadfile = $folder . $filefn;
    $result = '';
    //Move the file from the stored location to the new location
    if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file_id]['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
        $result = "Cannot upload the file '" . $_FILES[$file_id]['name'] . "'";
        if (!file_exists($folder)) {
            $result .= " : Folder doesn't exist.";
        } elseif (!is_writable($folder)) {
            $result .= " : Folder not writable.";
        } elseif (!is_writable($uploadfile)) {
            $result .= " : File not writable.";
        $filefn = '';
        return array($filefn, $result);
    //else file was written
    //chmod($uploadfile,0777);//Make it universally writable.
    //add file to files table
    $datesec = ymd2sec($date);
    $sql = "INSERT into files (type,title,date,fname,uploader,uploaddate) VALUES ({$ftype},'{$title}','{$datesec}','{$filefn}','{$uploader}','" . time() . "')";
    db_exec($dbh, $sql);
    $lastid = $dbh->lastInsertId();
    //make association
    $sql = "INSERT into {$assoctable} ({$colname},fileid) VALUES ({$id},{$lastid})";
    db_exec($dbh, $sql);
    return array($filefn, $result);
Exemplo n.º 3

  <div id="tab1" class="tab_content">
  <table class=tbl1 border=0>
$d = strlen($date) ? date($dateparam, $date) : "";
//Associated files
$f = invid2files($id, $dbh);
//create file links
for ($lnk = "", $c = 0; $c < count($f); $c++) {
    $fname = $f[$c]['fname'];
    $ftitle = $f[$c]['title'];
    $fid = $f[$c]['id'];
    $ftype = $f[$c]['type'];
    $ftypestr = ftype2str($ftype, $dbh);
    $fdate = empty($f[$c]['date']) ? "" : date($dateparam, $f[$c]['date']);
    if (strlen($ftitle)) {
        $t = "<br>" . t("Title") . ":{$ftitle}";
    } else {
        $t = "";
    $flnk .= "<div class='fileslist' >" . "<a title='Remove association. If file is orphaned (nothing links to it), it gets deleted.' " . " href='javascript:delconfirm2(\"[{$fid}] {$fname}\", \"{$scriptname}?action={$action}&amp;id={$id}&amp;delfid={$fid}\");'>" . "<img src='images/delete.png'></a> " . "<a target=_blank title='Edit File' href='{$scriptname}?action=editfile&amp;id={$fid}'><img  src='images/edit.png'></a>" . " <a target=_blank title='Download {$fname}' href='" . $uploaddirwww . $fname . "'><img src='images/down.png'></a>" . "<br>" . t("Type") . ":<b>{$ftypestr}</b>" . "<br>" . t("Date") . ":<b>{$fdate}</b>" . "<br>" . t("Title") . ":{$ftitle}\n" . "</div>\n ";

  <td class="tdtop">
      <table class="tbl2" width='100%'>
      <tr><td colspan=2><h3><?php 
te("Invoice Properties");
Exemplo n.º 4
         $id = $lastid;
         echo "<br><b>No file uploaded.</b><br>";
 } else {
     $sql = "UPDATE locations set name='{$name}', floor='{$floor}' " . " WHERE id={$id}";
     db_exec($dbh, $sql);
     if (strlen($_FILES['file']['name']) > 2) {
         //update file
         $sql = "SELECT * from locations where id={$id}";
         $sth = db_execute($dbh, $sql);
         $rf = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         $oldfname = $rf['floorplanfn'];
         $path_parts = pathinfo($_FILES['file']["name"]);
         $fileext = $path_parts['extension'];
         $ftypestr = ftype2str($_POST['type'], $dbh);
         $unique = substr(uniqid(), -4, 4);
         $filefn = strtolower("floorplan-" . validfn($name) . "-{$unique}.{$fileext}");
         $uploadfile = $uploaddir . $filefn;
         $result = '';
         //Move the file from the stored location to the new location
         if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
             $result = "Cannot upload the file '" . $_FILES['file']['name'] . "'";
             if (!file_exists($uploaddir)) {
                 $result .= " : Folder doesn't exist.";
             } elseif (!is_writable($uploaddir)) {
                 $result .= " : Folder not writable.";
             } elseif (!is_writable($uploadfile)) {
                 $result .= " : File not writable.";
             $filefn = '';