function CloseFtp() { global $g_ftpLink; if ($g_ftpLink) { @ftp_quit($g_ftpLink); } }
/** * FTP File to Location */ function ftp_file($source_file, $dest_file, $mimetype, $disable_error_mode = false) { global $config, $lang, $error, $error_msg; $conn_id = attach_init_ftp(); // Binary or Ascii ? $mode = FTP_BINARY; if (preg_match("/text/i", $mimetype) || preg_match("/html/i", $mimetype)) { $mode = FTP_ASCII; } $res = @ftp_put($conn_id, $dest_file, $source_file, $mode); if (!$res && !$disable_error_mode) { $error = true; if (!empty($error_msg)) { $error_msg .= '<br />'; } $error_msg = sprintf($lang['Ftp_error_upload'], $config['ftp_path']) . '<br />'; @ftp_quit($conn_id); return false; } if (!$res) { return false; } @ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0644 ' . $dest_file); @ftp_quit($conn_id); return true; }
function disconnect() { if ($this->socket) { @ftp_quit($this->socket); $this->FtpAccess(); } }
function enviaImagen($fRutaImagen, $fDirServ, $fNombreImagen) { $host = ''; $usuario = ''; $pass = '******'; $errorFtp = 'no'; $dirServ = 'html/images/Lara/' . $fDirServ; $conexion = @ftp_connect($host); if ($conexion) { if (@ftp_login($conexion, $usuario, $pass)) { if (!@ftp_chdir($conexion, $dirServ)) { if (!@ftp_mkdir($conexion, $dirServ)) { $errorFtp = 'si'; } } } else { $errorFtp = 'si'; } } else { $errorFtp = 'si'; } if ($errorFtp = 'no') { @ftp_chdir($conexion, $dirServ); if (@(!ftp_put($conexion, $fNombreImagen, $fRutaImagen, FTP_BINARY))) { $errorFtp = 'si'; } } @ftp_quit($conexion); return $errorFtp == 'no'; }
/** * Closes the session */ public function close() { $success = @ftp_quit($this->handle); if( !$success ) throw new cFTP_Exception("Could not disconnect", 2); }
public function __destruct () { if($this->stream!==null) { ftp_quit($this->stream); } $this->stream = null; }
/** * Find out if a set of login credentials are valid. * * @param string $userId The userId to check. * @param array $credentials An array of login credentials. For FTP, * this must contain a password entry. * * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception */ protected function _authenticate($userId, $credentials) { $ftp = @ftp_connect($this->_params['hostspec'], $this->_params['port']); $res = $ftp && @ftp_login($ftp, $userId, $credentials['password']); @ftp_quit($ftp); if ($res) { throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_BADLOGIN); } }
function ObtenerRuta() { //Obriene ruta del directorio del Servidor FTP (Comando PWD) $id_ftp = ConectarFTP(); //Obtiene un manejador y se conecta al Servidor FTP $Directorio = ftp_pwd($id_ftp); //Devuelve ruta ftp_quit($id_ftp); //Cierra la conexion FTP return $Directorio; //Devuelve la ruta a la función }
static function GetFTPServer() { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $server = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } else { return ''; } $conn_id = @ftp_connect($server, 21, 6); if ($conn_id) { @ftp_quit($conn_id); return $server; } return ''; }
function sion_ftp_put($fileOri) { // ------------------------------------------------------ // Esta funcion se encarga de poner un ARCHIVO en FTP. // ------------------------------------------------------ $ftp_server = ""; $ftp_user_name = "ope"; $ftp_user_pass = "******"; $path_parts = pathinfo($fileOri); $fileX = $path_parts['basename']; //$dirRem = $dirRem."/"; $id_ftp = ftp_connect($ftp_server, 21); ftp_login($id_ftp, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass); ftp_pasv($id_ftp, false); ftp_chdir($id_ftp, "from"); if (ftp_put($id_ftp, $fileX, $fileOri, FTP_BINARY)) { echo "<hr>OK Cargado : {$fileOri}<hr>"; } else { echo "<hr>No subio : {$fileOri}<hr>"; } ftp_quit($id_ftp); }
/** * Check if Attachment exist */ function attachment_exists($filename) { global $upload_dir, $config; $filename = basename($filename); if (!intval($config['allow_ftp_upload'])) { if (!@file_exists(@amod_realpath($upload_dir . '/' . $filename))) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { $found = false; $conn_id = attach_init_ftp(); $file_listing = array(); $file_listing = @ftp_rawlist($conn_id, $filename); for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($file_listing); $i < $size; $i++) { if (ereg("([-d])[rwxst-]{9}.* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9]) ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) (.+)", $file_listing[$i], $regs)) { if ($regs[1] == 'd') { $dirinfo[0] = 1; // Directory == 1 } $dirinfo[1] = $regs[2]; // Size $dirinfo[2] = $regs[3]; // Date $dirinfo[3] = $regs[4]; // Filename $dirinfo[4] = $regs[5]; // Time } if ($dirinfo[0] != 1 && $dirinfo[4] == $filename) { $found = true; } } @ftp_quit($conn_id); return $found; } }
function listPfiles($datasrc, $filter = "") { $con = ftp_connect($datasrc->host) or die("Couldn't connect to {$datasrc->host}"); if (!ftp_login($con, $datasrc->user, $datasrc->pwd)) { trigger_error("ftp login to {$datasrc->host} failed."); $pfileTree = 0; } else { $rawFiles = ftp_rawlist($con, $datasrc->dataDir); foreach ($rawFiles as $raw) { //echo $raw; ereg("([-d])([rwxst-]{9}).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]* [0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2}) (.+)", $raw, $regs); $files[] = array("is_dir" => $regs[1] == "d" ? true : false, "mod" => $regs[2], "size" => $regs[3], "time" => $regs[4], "name" => $regs[5], "raw" => $regs[0]); } // Find all P-files foreach ($files as $f) { if (ereg("^P.*\\.7\$", basename($f["name"]))) { $pfiles[] = basename($f["name"]); } } if (count($pfiles) > 0) { // Now find the tree of files associated with each P-file foreach ($pfiles as $pfileNum => $pfile) { foreach ($files as $f) { if (ereg(".*" . $pfile . ".*", basename($f["name"]))) { $pfileTree[$pfile]->name[] = $f["name"]; $pfileTree[$pfile]->size[] = $f["size"]; $pfileTree[$pfile]->time[] = $f["time"]; } } } } else { $pfileTree = 0; } } ftp_quit($con); return $pfileTree; }
function SendViaFTP($i, $source_file, $conn_msg = 1) { global $config, $out, $lang; flush(); if ($conn_msg == 1) { $out .= '<span class="success">' . $lang['L_FILESENDFTP'] . "(" . $config['ftp_server'][$i] . " - " . $config['ftp_user'][$i] . ")</span><br>"; } // Herstellen der Basis-Verbindung if ($config['ftp_useSSL'][$i] == 0) { $conn_id = @ftp_connect($config['ftp_server'][$i], $config['ftp_port'][$i], $config['ftp_timeout'][$i]); } else { $conn_id = @ftp_ssl_connect($config['ftp_server'][$i], $config['ftp_port'][$i], $config['ftp_timeout'][$i]); } // Einloggen mit Benutzername und Kennwort $login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, $config['ftp_user'][$i], $config['ftp_pass'][$i]); if ($config['ftp_mode'][$i] == 1) { ftp_pasv($conn_id, true); } // Verbindung überprüfen if (!$conn_id || !$login_result) { $out .= '<span class="error">' . $lang['L_FTPCONNERROR'] . $config['ftp_server'][$i] . $lang['L_FTPCONNERROR1'] . $config['ftp_user'][$i] . $lang['L_FTPCONNERROR2'] . '</span><br>'; } else { if ($conn_msg == 1) { $out .= '<span class="success">' . $lang['L_FTPCONNECTED1'] . $config['ftp_server'][$i] . $lang['L_FTPCONNERROR1'] . $config['ftp_user'][$i] . '</span><br>'; } } // Upload der Datei $dest = $config['ftp_dir'][$i] . $source_file; $source = $config['paths']['backup'] . $source_file; $upload = @ftp_put($conn_id, $dest, $source, FTP_BINARY); // Upload-Status überprüfen if (!$upload) { $out .= '<span class="error">' . $lang['L_FTPCONNERROR3'] . "<br>({$source} -> {$dest})</span><br>"; } else { $out .= '<span class="success">' . $lang['L_FILE'] . ' <a href="' . $config['paths']['backup'] . $source_file . '" class="smallblack">' . $source_file . '</a>' . $lang['L_FTPCONNECTED2'] . $config['ftp_server'][$i] . $lang['L_FTPCONNECTED3'] . '</span><br>'; WriteLog("'{$source_file}' sent via FTP."); } // Schließen des FTP-Streams @ftp_quit($conn_id); }
/** * close FTP connection * * @return boolean */ function ftpClose() { if (!$this->ftp) { return false; } if (@ftp_quit($this->ftp)) { $this->addMsg("Closed connection to {$this->host}:{$this->port}"); $this->ftp = null; return true; } $this->addMsg("Could not close connection to {$this->host}:{$this->port}", 'error'); return false; }
function getProtocol($datasrc, $category, $protocol) { // Try to prevent rogue users from getting any random file from the server. // This should prevent 'category=../../../' style hacks. $category = basename($category); $protocol = basename($protocol); $con = ftp_connect($datasrc->host) or die("Couldn't connect to {$datasrc->host}"); if (!ftp_login($con, $datasrc->user, $datasrc->pwd)) { trigger_error("ftp login to {$datasrc->host} failed."); } else { $temp = tmpfile(); $getFile = $datasrc->protocolDir . "/" . $category . "/" . $protocol; $stat = ftp_fget($con, $temp, $getFile, FTP_ASCII); rewind($temp); $protStr = fread($temp, 1000000); fclose($temp); } ftp_quit($con); // PARSE PROTOCOL FILE // For debugging: //echo "<pre>$protStr</pre>"; // First, remove the many useless 'GLOBAL' lines $protStr = preg_replace("/global .*\n/", "", $protStr); // Extract the protocol description fields preg_match("/set PROTNAME \"(.*)\"/", $protStr, $matches); $p["name"] = $matches[1]; preg_match("/set REVNO \"(.*)\"/", $protStr, $matches); $p["revno"] = $matches[1]; preg_match("/set SCANNUM \"(.*)\"/", $protStr, $matches); $p["scanNum"] = $matches[1]; preg_match("/set SERIESNUM \"(.*)\"/", $protStr, $matches); $p["seriesNum"] = $matches[1]; // Now, parse each series $ser = explode('proc ', $protStr); array_shift($ser); foreach ($ser as $seriesNum => $seriesStr) { $tmp = explode('set ', $seriesStr); array_shift($tmp); foreach ($tmp as $paramNum => $paramStr) { preg_match("/(.*) \"(.*)\"/", $paramStr, $matches); $p['series'][$seriesNum + 1][strtolower(trim($matches[1]))] = $matches[2]; //echo "$seriesNum $matches[1] $p[$seriesNum+1][$matches[1]]"; } } return $p; }
function ftp_closeconnection($conn_id) { // -------------- // This function closes an ftp connection // -------------- ftp_quit($conn_id); }
page_common_form($s_hidden_fields, $lang['Download_config']); } page_footer(); exit; } else { // Write out a temp file... $tmpfname = @tempnam('/tmp', 'cfg'); @unlink($tmpfname); // unlink for safety on php4.0.3+ $fp = @fopen($tmpfname, 'w'); @fwrite($fp, stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['config_data'])); @fclose($fp); // Now ftp it across. @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp_dir); $res = ftp_put($conn_id, 'config.' . $phpEx, $tmpfname, FTP_ASCII); @ftp_quit($conn_id); unlink($tmpfname); if ($upgrade == 1) { require 'upgrade.' . $phpEx; exit; } // Ok we are basically done with the install process let's go on // and let the user configure their board now. We are going to do // this by calling the admin_board.php from the normal board admin // section. $s_hidden_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="username" value="' . $admin_name . '" />'; $s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="password" value="' . $admin_pass1 . '" />'; $s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="../admin/index.' . $phpEx . '" />'; $s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="submit" value="' . $lang['Login'] . '" />'; page_header($lang['Inst_Step_2']); page_common_form($s_hidden_fields, $lang['Finish_Install']);
if ($ftpserver = @parse_url($phpAds_config['type_web_ftp'])) { $type_web_ftp_password = $ftpserver['pass']; } } if (isset($type_web_ftp_host) && ($ftpsock = @ftp_connect($type_web_ftp_host))) { if (@ftp_login($ftpsock, $type_web_ftp_user, $type_web_ftp_password)) { if (empty($type_web_ftp_path) || @ftp_chdir($ftpsock, $type_web_ftp_path)) { $type_web_ftp = 'ftp://' . urlencode($type_web_ftp_user) . ':' . urlencode($type_web_ftp_password) . '@' . $type_web_ftp_host . '/' . urlencode($type_web_ftp_path); phpAds_SettingsWriteAdd('type_web_ftp', $type_web_ftp); } else { $errormessage[2][] = $strTypeFTPErrorDir; } } else { $errormessage[2][] = $strTypeFTPErrorConnect; } @ftp_quit($ftpsock); } else { $errormessage[2][] = $strTypeFTPErrorHost; } } } phpAds_SettingsWriteAdd('type_html_auto', isset($type_html_auto)); phpAds_SettingsWriteAdd('type_html_php', isset($type_html_php)); if (!count($errormessage)) { if (phpAds_SettingsWriteFlush()) { header("Location: settings-admin.php"); exit; } } } /*********************************************************/
private function sendTrouthFTP($host, $user, $password, $folder_local, $file_name, $folder_remout) { // Соединение с удаленным FTP-сервером print "Соединение с сервером {$host}<br>"; $connect = ftp_connect($host); if (!$connect) { echo "Ошибка соединения"; exit; } else { echo "Соединение установлено<br><br>"; } // Регистрация на FTP-сервере print "Регистрация на FTP-сервере<br>Логин {$user}<br>Пароль {$password}<br>"; $result = ftp_login($connect, $user, $password); if (!$result) { echo "Не залогинились"; exit; } else { echo "Залогинились<br><br>"; } ftp_pasv($connect, true); // $new_dir = "home/i/itwebnetru/rusneon/public_html"; // сохраняем имя текущего рабочего каталога print $current_dir = ftp_pwd($connect); // $folder_remout = "/rusneon/public_html/"; // $folder_remout = $current_dir; // Копируем файл // $folder_local = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"; // $file_name = "200812111155_1ddbf8a5.tar.gz"; $rrr = ftp_put($connect, $folder_local . $file_name, $folder_remout . $file_name, FTP_BINARY); print "Копирование файла {$file_name}<br>"; if (!$rrr) { echo "Завершилось неудачей ((("; } else { echo "Удачно скопировано )))"; } // Закрываем соединение ftp_quit($connect); }
$table[$z][3]['text'] = $lineinfo['rounded_size']; } elseif ($lineinfo['folder'] == TRUE and $lineinfo['name'] != "." and $lineinfo['name'] != "..") { $linkurl = rawurlencode($lineinfo['name']); $table[$z][0]['text'] = '<img src="design/' . $auth['design'] . '/images/downloads_folder.gif" border="0">'; $table[$z][0]['link'] = 'index.php?mod=downloads&action=show&go_dir=' . $linkurl; $table[$z][1]['text'] = "<a href=\"index.php?mod=downloads&action=show&go_dir=" . $linkurl . "\" class=\"menu\" >" . $lineinfo['name'] . "</a>"; $table[$z][1]['link'] = 'index.php?mod=downloads&action=show&go_dir=' . $linkurl; $table[$z][2]['text'] = "Ordner"; $table[$z][3]['text'] = " "; } unset($lineinfo); $z++; } } else { $func->information(t('Kein Inhalt vorhanden')); } $dsp->NewContent(t('Downloads'), t('Hier kannst du zum Download bereitgestellte Dateien downloaden. Ordner sind durch ein Ordner-Symbol gekennzeichnet und können per Klick auf dieses oder den Namen geöffnet werden. Bei öffnen eines Unterverzeichnisses wird das aktuelle Verzeichnis am oberen Rand angezeigt. Ebenfalls angezeigt wird ein Symbol mit dem du zum nächst höhergelegenen Verzeichnis gelangst')); if (count($_SESSION['downloads_dir']) > "0") { $dsp->AddSingleRow('<a href="index.php?mod=downloads&action=show&go_dir=up"><img src="design/' . $auth['design'] . '/images/downloads_goup.gif" border="0"></a> ' . $dir . '/'); } $dsp->AddTableRow($table); $dsp->AddContent(); $quit = ftp_quit($connect); $debugFTP[] = "FTP> Quit connection " . $connect . HTML_NEWLINE; } else { $func->error(t('Konnte Verbindung zum Downloadserver "%1" auf Port %2 nicht herstellen', $server, $port)); } if (isset($debug) and $cfg['sys_showdebug_ftp'] == "1") { $debug->addvar('FTP', $debugFTP); } }
/** * Alias to ftp_quit() */ function ftp_close(&$control) { return ftp_quit($control); }
function file_ftp_disconnect($p_conn_id) { ftp_quit($p_conn_id); }
function line($head, $textok, $info, $running, $notonload, $command) { $host = ""; $timeout = "1"; global $i, $TEXT; $curdir = getcwd(); list($partwampp, $directorwampp) = spliti('\\\\security', $curdir); $htaccess = ".htaccess"; $configinc = ""; $notrun = 0; $status = 0; $notload = 0; $newstatus = "nok"; global $htxampp; global $phpmyadminconf; $htxampp = $partwampp . "\\htdocs\\xampp\\" . $htaccess; $phpmyadminconf = $partwampp . "\\phpmyadmin\\" . $configinc; if ($command == "phpmyadmin") { if (file_exists($phpmyadminconf)) { $datei = fopen($phpmyadminconf, 'r'); $status = 1; while (!feof($datei)) { $zeile = fgets($datei, 255); @(list($left, $right) = split('=', $zeile)); if (preg_match("/'auth_type'/i", $left)) { if (preg_match("/'http'/i", $right)) { $newstatus = "ok"; } elseif (preg_match("/'cookie'/i", $right)) { $newstatus = "ok"; } if ($newstatus == "ok") { $status = 0; } else { $status = 1; } } } fclose($datei); } else { $notrun = 1; } } if ($command == "mysqlroot") { if (($handle = @fsockopen($host, 3306, $errno, $errstr, $timeout)) == true) { @fclose($handle); if (@mysql_connect($host, "root", "")) { $status = 1; } else { $status = 0; } } else { $notrun = 1; } } if ($command == "xampp") { if (file_exists($htxampp)) { $status = 0; } else { $status = 1; } } if ($command == "php") { if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { $status = 0; } else { $status = 1; } } if ($command == "ftp") { if (($handle = @fsockopen($host, 21, $errno, $errstr, $timeout)) == true) { @fclose($handle); $conn_id = ftp_connect(""); $login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, "newuser", "wampp"); if (!$conn_id || !$login_result) { $status = 0; } else { $status = 1; ftp_quit($conn_id); } } else { $notrun = 1; } } if (extension_loaded("imap")) { if ($command == "pop") { if (($handle = @fsockopen($host, 110, $errno, $errstr, $timeout)) == true) { @fclose($handle); if ($mbox = @imap_open("{localhost/pop3:110}INBOX", "newuser", "wampp")) { $status = 1; imap_close($mbox); } else { $status = 0; } } else { $notrun = 1; } } } else { $notload = 1; } if ($i > 0) { echo "<tr valign='bottom'>"; echo "<td bgcolor='#ffffff' height='1' style='background-image:url(img/strichel.gif)' colspan='4'></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "<tr bgcolor='#ffffff' valign='middle'><td><img src='img/blank.gif' alt='' width='1' height='20'></td><td class='tabval'>"; if ($notload == 1) { echo $notonload; } if ($status == 0 && ($notrun == "" || $notrun < 1)) { echo $textok; } elseif ($notrun == 1) { echo $running; } else { echo $head; } echo "</td>"; if ($status == 0 && $notrun != 1) { echo "<td> <span class='green'> " . $TEXT['security-ok'] . " </span></td>"; } elseif ($status == 1) { echo "<td> <span class='red'> " . $TEXT['security-nok'] . " </span></td>"; } elseif ($notrun == 1) { echo "<td> <span class='yellow'> " . $TEXT['security-noidea'] . " </span></td>"; } else { echo "<td> <span class='yellow'> " . $TEXT['security-noidea'] . " </span></td>"; } echo "<td> </td></tr>"; if ($notrun == 1) { echo "<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'><td></td><td colspan='1' class='small'>{$running}<br><img src='img/blank.gif' alt='' width='10' height='10' border='0'></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; } elseif ($status) { echo "<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'><td></td><td colspan='1' class='small'>{$info}<br><img src='img/blank.gif' alt='' width='10' height='10' border='0'></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; } $i++; }
function get($filename = '', $save_as = '', $passive = TRUE) { # SET THE ERROR REPORTING LEVEL OFF! error_reporting(0); $conn = $this->return_connection(); if (!$conn) { return false; } @ftp_pasv($conn, $passive); $this->set_remote_dir(ftp_pwd($conn)); if (!ftp_get($conn, $save_as, $this->remote_dir . $filename, FTP_BINARY)) { @ftp_quit($this->conn); return false; } else { @ftp_quit($this->conn); return true; } }
/** * Close ftp session (CLOSE) * @access private */ function _close() { if (!$this->connection) { return false; } return @ftp_quit($this->connection); }
public function close() { @ftp_quit($this->link_id); }
function net2ftp_module_sendHttpHeaders() { // -------------- // This function sends HTTP headers // -------------- global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output; // ------------------------------------ // 1. Register the global variables // ------------------------------------ if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) { // Code for old file jupload applet (jupload version 0.86) // $file_counter = 0; // foreach($_FILES as $tagname=>$object) { // if ($object['name'] != "") { // $file_counter = $file_counter + 1; // $uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["name"] = $object['name']; // $uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["tmp_name"] = $object['tmp_name']; // $uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["size"] = $object['size']; // $uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["error"] = $object['error']; // // Look for special encoded jupload files // $contentType = $object['type']; // if (substr($contentType,0,7) == "jupload") { // $base64_encoded_path = substr($contentType,8); // $base64_decoded_path = base64_decode($base64_encoded_path); // $uploadedFilesArray["$file_counter"]["absolute_directory"] = $base64_decoded_path; // } // end if // } // end if // } // end foreach // Code for new file jupload applet (jupload version 5.0.8) $file_counter = 0; foreach ($_FILES as $tagname => $object) { if ($object['name'] != "") { $file_counter = $file_counter + 1; $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["name"] = $object['name']; $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["type"] = $object['type']; $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["tmp_name"] = $object['tmp_name']; $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["error"] = $object['error']; $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["size"] = $object['size']; $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["mime"] = validateEntry($_POST["mimetype" . $file_counter]); $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["relative_directory"] = validateDirectory($_POST["relpathinfo" . $file_counter]); $uploadedFilesArray["{$file_counter}"]["mtime"] = validateEntry($_POST["filemodificationdate" . $file_counter]); } // end if } // end foreach echo "Please wait, the files are being transferred to the FTP server...<br />\n"; flush(); // ------------------------------------ // 2. POST METHOD: Move files from the *webserver's* temporary directory to *net2ftp's* // temporary directory (move_uploaded_files). // ------------------------------------ if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && sizeof($uploadedFilesArray) > 0) { $moved_counter = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= sizeof($uploadedFilesArray); $j++) { $file_name = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["name"]; $file_tmp_name = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["tmp_name"]; $file_size = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["size"]; $file_error = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["error"]; $file_relative_directory = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["relative_directory"]; if ($file_name != "" && $file_tmp_name == "" || $file_size > $net2ftp_settings["max_filesize"]) { // The case ($file_name != "" && $file_tmp_name == "") occurs when the file is bigger than the directives set in php.ini // In that case, only $uploadedFilesArray["$j"]["name"] is filled in. echo "WARNING: File <b>{$file_name}</b> skipped: this file is too big.<br />\n"; @unlink($file_tmp_name); continue; } elseif (checkAuthorizedName($file_name) == false || checkAuthorizedName($file_relative_directory) == false) { echo "WARNING: File <b>{$file_relative_directory}</b> skipped: it contains a banned keyword.<br />\n"; $skipped = $skipped + 1; @unlink($file_tmp_name); continue; } // Create the temporary filename as follows: (from left to right) // - Use prefix "upload__", to be able to identify from where this temporary file comes from // - Create a random filename // - Add the original filename extension, to be able to identify the filetype // - Add suffix ".txt" to avoid that the file would be executed on the webserver $extension = get_filename_extension($file_name); if (substr($file_name, -6) == "tar.gz") { $extension = "tar.gz"; } $tempfilename = tempnam2($net2ftp_globals["application_tempdir"], "upload__", "." . $extension . ".txt"); if ($tempfilename == false) { // If you get this warning message, you've probably forgotten to chmod 777 the /temp directory echo "WARNING: File <b>{$file_name}</b> skipped: unable to create a temporary file on the webserver.<br />\n"; @unlink($file_tmp_name); continue; } // Move the uploaded file $move_uploaded_file_result = move_uploaded_file($uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]["tmp_name"], $tempfilename); if ($move_uploaded_file_result == false) { echo "WARNING: File <b>{$file_name}</b> skipped: unable to move the uploaded file to the webserver's temporary directory.<br />\n"; @unlink($file_tmp_name); @unlink($tempfilename); continue; } else { $moved_counter = $moved_counter + 1; $acceptedFilesArray["{$moved_counter}"] = $uploadedFilesArray["{$j}"]; // Copy all parameters for this file from the $uploadedFilesArray to the $acceptedFilesArray $acceptedFilesArray["{$moved_counter}"]["tmp_name"] = $tempfilename; // Overwrite the old temporary name by the new one } } // end for j flush(); } // end if elseif // ------------------------------------ // 3. Move the files from net2ftp's temporary directory to the FTP server. // ------------------------------------ if (sizeof($acceptedFilesArray) == 0 && sizeof($uploadedFilesArray) != 0) { echo "WARNING: No files were accepted (see messages above), so nothing will be transferred to the FTP server.<br />\n"; } elseif (sizeof($acceptedFilesArray) > 0) { // ------------------------------ // 3.1 Open connection // ------------------------------ // Open connection echo __("Connecting to the FTP server") . "<br />\n"; $conn_id = ftp_openconnection(); if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) { echo "ERROR: " . $net2ftp_result["errormessage"] . "<br />\n"; return false; } // ------------------------------ // For loop (loop over all the files) // ------------------------------ for ($k = 1; $k <= sizeof($acceptedFilesArray); $k++) { $file_name = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["name"]; $file_tmp_name = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["tmp_name"]; $file_size = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["size"]; $file_error = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["error"]; $file_relative_directory = $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["relative_directory"]; $ftpmode = ftpAsciiBinary($file_name); if ($ftpmode == FTP_ASCII) { $printftpmode = "FTP_ASCII"; } elseif ($ftpmode == FTP_BINARY) { $printftpmode = "FTP_BINARY"; } // ------------------------------ // 3.2 Within the for loop: create the subdirectory if needed // ------------------------------ // Replace Windows-style backslashes \ by Unix-style slashes / $file_relative_directory = str_replace("\\", "/", trim($file_relative_directory)); // Get the names of the subdirectories by splitting the string using slashes / $file_subdirectories = explode("/", $file_relative_directory); // $targetdirectory contains the successive directories to be created $targetdirectory = $net2ftp_globals["directory"]; // Loop over sizeof()-1 because the last part is the filename itself: for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($file_subdirectories) - 1; $m++) { // Create the targetdirectory string $targetdirectory = glueDirectories($targetdirectory, $file_subdirectories[$m]); // Check if the subdirectories exist if ($targetdirectory != "") { $result = @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $targetdirectory); if ($result == false) { $ftp_mkdir_result = ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $targetdirectory); if ($ftp_mkdir_result == false) { echo "WARNING: Unable to create the directory <b>{$targetdirectory}</b>. The script will try to continue...<br />\n"; continue; } echo "Directory {$targetdirectory} created.<br />\n"; } // end if flush(); } // end if } // end for m // Store the $targetdirectory in the $acceptedFilesArray if ($targetdirectory != "" && $targetdirectory != "/") { $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["targetdirectory"] = $targetdirectory; } // ------------------------------ // 3.3 Within the for loop: put local file to remote file // ------------------------------ ftp_putfile($conn_id, "", $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["tmp_name"], $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["targetdirectory"], $acceptedFilesArray["{$k}"]["name"], $ftpmode, "move"); if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) { echo "ERROR: File <b>{$file_name}</b> skipped. Message: " . $net2ftp_result["errormessage"] . "<br />\n"; setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", ""); continue; } else { echo "The file <b>{$file_name}</b> was transferred to the FTP server successfully. <br />\n"; } flush(); } // End for k // Note: the java applet is looking for the word "SUCCESS" to determine if the upload result is OK or not (see applet parameter stringUploadSuccess) // The applet doesn't seem to recognize the words "SUCCESS", "WARNING" or "ERROR" when they are issued by the code above echo "SUCCESS"; // ------------------------------ // 3.4 Close connection // ------------------------------ ftp_quit($conn_id); } // end if } // end if $screen == 2 }
public function SendCompany($id_company) { $result = 0; $file = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/arka/test.txt'; // send file $connect = ftp_connect($ftp_server); if ($connect) { $login_result = ftp_login($connect, $ftp_login, $ftp_password); if (ftp_put($connect, 'test.txt', $file, FTP_BINARY)) { $result = 1; } ftp_quit($connect); } else { // return error } return $result; }
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('name', macro_get_link('cwd', $fileinfo['name'])); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('del_link', macro_get_link('rmdir', lang('Delete'))); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('size', '- ' . lang('dir') . ' -'); } else { $file = $fileinfo['name']; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('del_link', macro_get_link('delete', lang('Delete'))); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('name', macro_get_link('get', $fileinfo['name'])); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('size', $fileinfo['size']); } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('rename_link', macro_get_link('rename', lang('Rename'))); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('bgclass', $bgclass[$i % 2]); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->fp('rowlist_dir', 'row', True); $i++; } } ftp_quit($ftp); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->pfp('out', 'main'); } else { updateSession(); $sessionUpdated = true; if (!$tried_default) { $pass = '******'; if (!empty($connInfo['password'])) { $pass = '******'; } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('error_message', lang('Failed to connect to %1 with user %2 and password %3', $connInfo['ftpserver'], $connInfo['username'], $pass), true); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->parse('out', 'bad_connect', false); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->p('out'); } newLogin($connInfo['ftpserver'], $connInfo['username'], ''); }
function send_file_to_browser($attachment, $upload_dir) { global $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $lang, $db, $attach_config; $filename = $upload_dir == '' ? $attachment['physical_filename'] : $upload_dir . '/' . $attachment['physical_filename']; $gotit = false; if (!intval($attach_config['allow_ftp_upload'])) { if (@(!file_exists(@amod_realpath($filename)))) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['Error_no_attachment'] . "<br /><br /><b>404 File Not Found:</b> The File <i>" . $filename . "</i> does not exist."); } else { $gotit = true; } } // // Determine the Browser the User is using, because of some nasty incompatibilities. // Most of the methods used in this function are from phpMyAdmin. :) // if (!empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $HTTP_USER_AGENT = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } else { if (!isset($HTTP_USER_AGENT)) { $HTTP_USER_AGENT = ''; } } if (ereg('Opera(/| )([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $log_version)) { $browser_version = $log_version[2]; $browser_agent = 'opera'; } else { if (ereg('MSIE ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $log_version)) { $browser_version = $log_version[1]; $browser_agent = 'ie'; } else { if (ereg('OmniWeb/([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $log_version)) { $browser_version = $log_version[1]; $browser_agent = 'omniweb'; } else { if (ereg('Netscape([0-9]{1})', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $log_version)) { $browser_version = $log_version[1]; $browser_agent = 'netscape'; } else { if (ereg('Mozilla/([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $log_version)) { $browser_version = $log_version[1]; $browser_agent = 'mozilla'; } else { if (ereg('Konqueror/([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $log_version)) { $browser_version = $log_version[1]; $browser_agent = 'konqueror'; } else { $browser_version = 0; $browser_agent = 'other'; } } } } } } // Correct the mime type - we force application/octetstream for all files, except images // Please do not change this, it is a security precaution if (!strstr($attachment['mimetype'], 'image')) { $attachment['mimetype'] = $browser_agent == 'ie' || $browser_agent == 'opera' ? 'application/octetstream' : 'application/octet-stream'; } // Now the tricky part... let's dance // @ob_end_clean(); // @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); header('Pragma: public'); // header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: none'); $real_filename = html_entity_decode(basename($attachment['real_filename'])); // Send out the Headers header('Content-Type: ' . $attachment['mimetype'] . '; name="' . $real_filename . '"'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $real_filename . '"'); unset($real_filename); // // Now send the File Contents to the Browser // if ($gotit) { $size = @filesize($filename); if ($size) { header("Content-length: {$size}"); } readfile($filename); } else { if (!$gotit && intval($attach_config['allow_ftp_upload'])) { $conn_id = attach_init_ftp(); $ini_val = @phpversion() >= '4.0.0' ? 'ini_get' : 'get_cfg_var'; $tmp_path = !@$ini_val('safe_mode') ? '/tmp' : $upload_dir; $tmp_filename = @tempnam($tmp_path, 't0000'); @unlink($tmp_filename); $mode = FTP_BINARY; if (preg_match("/text/i", $attachment['mimetype']) || preg_match("/html/i", $attachment['mimetype'])) { $mode = FTP_ASCII; } $result = @ftp_get($conn_id, $tmp_filename, $filename, $mode); if (!$result) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['Error_no_attachment'] . "<br /><br /><b>404 File Not Found:</b> The File <i>" . $filename . "</i> does not exist."); } @ftp_quit($conn_id); $size = @filesize($tmp_filename); if ($size) { header("Content-length: {$size}"); } readfile($tmp_filename); @unlink($tmp_filename); } else { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['Error_no_attachment'] . "<br /><br /><b>404 File Not Found:</b> The File <i>" . $filename . "</i> does not exist."); } } exit; }