function smarty_function_view_fields($params, &$smarty)
    global $LANG;
    if (empty($params["name_id"])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'name_id' parameter. This is used to give the select field a name and id value.");
    if (empty($params["form_id"])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'form_id' parameter.");
    if (empty($params["view_id"])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'view_id' parameter.");
    $default_value = isset($params["default"]) ? $params["default"] : "";
    $onchange = isset($params["onchange"]) ? $params["onchange"] : "";
    $style = isset($params["style"]) ? $params["style"] : "";
    $blank_option = isset($params["blank_option"]) ? $params["blank_option"] : "";
    $view_id = $params["view_id"];
    $form_id = $params["form_id"];
    $attributes = array("id" => $params["name_id"], "name" => $params["name_id"], "onchange" => $onchange, "style" => $style);
    $attribute_str = "";
    while (list($key, $value) = each($attributes)) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
            $attribute_str .= " {$key}=\"{$value}\"";
    $view_fields = ft_get_view_fields($view_id);
    $rows = array();
    if (!empty($blank_option)) {
        $rows[] = "<option value=\"\">{$blank_option}</option>";
    foreach ($view_fields as $field_info) {
        $field_title = $field_info["field_title"];
        $field_id = $field_info["field_id"];
        $selected = $default_value == $field_id ? "selected" : "";
        $rows[] = "<option value=\"{$field_id}\" {$selected}>{$field_title}</option>";
    $dd = "<select {$attribute_str}>" . join("\n", $rows) . "</select>";
    return $dd;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Retrieves everything about a form submission. It contains a lot of meta-information about the field,
 * from the form_fields and view_tabs. If the optional view_id parameter is included, only the fields
 * in the View are returned (AND all system fields, if they're not included).
 * @param integer $form_id the unique form ID
 * @param integer $submission_id the unique submission ID
 * @param integer $view_id an optional view ID parameter
 * @return array Returns an array of hashes. Each index is a separate form field and its value is
 *           a hash of information about it, such as value, field type, field size, etc.
function ft_get_submission($form_id, $submission_id, $view_id = "")
    global $g_table_prefix;
    $return_arr = array();
    $form_fields = ft_get_form_fields($form_id);
    $submission = ft_get_submission_info($form_id, $submission_id);
    $view_fields = !empty($view_id) ? ft_get_view_fields($view_id) : array();
    if (empty($submission)) {
        return array();
    $view_field_ids = array();
    foreach ($view_fields as $view_field) {
        $view_field_ids[] = $view_field["field_id"];
    // for each field, combine the meta form info (like field size, type, data type etc) from $form_fields
    // with the info about the submission itself. Also, if there's a View specified, filter out any fields
    // that aren't used in the View
    foreach ($form_fields as $field_info) {
        $field_id = $field_info["field_id"];
        // if we're looking at this submission through a View,
        if (!empty($view_id) && !in_array($field_id, $view_field_ids)) {
        // if the submission contains contents for this field, add it
        if (array_key_exists($field_info['col_name'], $submission)) {
            $field_info["content"] = $submission[$field_info['col_name']];
        // if a view ID is specified, return the view-specific field info as well
        if (!empty($view_id)) {
            $field_view_info = ft_get_view_field($view_id, $field_id);
            if (!empty($field_view_info)) {
                foreach ($field_view_info as $key => $value) {
                    $field_info[$key] = $value;
        $return_arr[] = $field_info;
    // finally, if a View is specified, ensure that the order in which the submission fields are returned
    // is determined by the View. [NOT efficient!]
    if (!empty($view_id)) {
        $ordered_return_arr = array();
        foreach ($view_fields as $view_field_info) {
            $field_id = $view_field_info["field_id"];
            foreach ($return_arr as $field_info) {
                if ($field_info["field_id"] == $field_id) {
                    $ordered_return_arr[] = $field_info;
        $return_arr = $ordered_return_arr;
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("form_id", "submission_id", "view_id", "return_arr"), array("return_arr")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    return $return_arr;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * This handy function figures out the various components of an email and returns them in a hash:
 *      from, reply_to, to, cc, bcc, subject, html_content and text_content
 * This is used both when sending the emails but also for testing. This should be the only place that
 * email content is actually constructed. All other email functions should be using it, regardless of
 * what mechanism actually sends the email.
 * @param integer $form_id
 * @param mixed $submission_id for non-test emails, this is included. For testing, it may be blank.
 * @param integer $email_id
 * @return array
function ft_get_email_components($form_id, $submission_id = "", $email_id, $is_test = false, $test_settings = array())
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_root_dir, $LANG, $g_default_theme;
    $email_template = ft_get_email_template($email_id);
    // if the administrator limited the email content to fields in a particular View, pass those fields to the
    // template - NOT all of the form fields (which is the default)
    $fields_for_email_template = array();
    if (!empty($email_template["limit_email_content_to_fields_in_view"])) {
        $view_fields = ft_get_view_fields($email_template["limit_email_content_to_fields_in_view"]);
        // here, $view_fields just contains the info from the view_fields table. We need the info from the form_fields
        // table instead - since it contains presentation information likely to be needed in the email templates
        $fields_for_email_template = array();
        foreach ($view_fields as $view_field_info) {
            $fields_for_email_template[] = ft_get_form_field($view_field_info["field_id"], array("include_field_type_info" => true));
    } else {
        $fields_for_email_template = ft_get_form_fields($form_id, array("include_field_type_info" => true));
    // this returns a hash with three keys: html_content, text_content and submission_id
    $templates = _ft_get_email_template_content($form_id, $submission_id, $email_template, $is_test, $test_settings);
    $submission_id = $templates["submission_id"];
    // unfortunately we need this, even though it was just called in _ft_get_email_template_content()
    $submission_info = ft_get_submission($form_id, $submission_id);
    // retrieve the placeholders and their substitutes
    $submission_placeholders = ft_get_submission_placeholders($form_id, $submission_id);
    $admin_info = ft_get_admin_info();
    $file_info = array();
    $updated_fields_for_email_template = array();
    foreach ($fields_for_email_template as $field_info) {
        if ($field_info["is_file_field"] == "yes") {
            $field_id = $field_info["field_id"];
            $field_settings = ft_get_field_settings($field_id);
            $field_info["folder_url"] = $field_settings["folder_url"];
            $field_info["folder_path"] = $field_settings["folder_path"];
            $filename = $field_info["field_name"];
            $field_info["answer"] = $submission_placeholders["FILENAME_{$filename}"];
        $updated_fields_for_email_template[] = $field_info;
    $fields_for_email_template = $updated_fields_for_email_template;
    $updated_fields_for_email_template = array();
    foreach ($fields_for_email_template as $field_info) {
        while (list($placeholder, $value) = each($submission_placeholders)) {
            if ($placeholder != "ANSWER_{$field_info["field_name"]}") {
            $field_info["answer"] = $value;
        $updated_fields_for_email_template[] = $field_info;
    $fields_for_email_template = $updated_fields_for_email_template;
    $return_info = array();
    $return_info["email_id"] = $email_id;
    $return_info["attachments"] = array();
    $smarty = new Smarty();
    $smarty->template_dir = "{$g_root_dir}/global/smarty/";
    $smarty->compile_dir = "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$g_default_theme}/cache/";
    $smarty->assign("LANG", $LANG);
    $smarty->assign("fields", $fields_for_email_template);
    if (!empty($templates["text"])) {
        list($templates["text"], $attachments) = _ft_extract_email_attachment_info($templates["text"], $form_id, $submission_placeholders);
        foreach ($attachments as $attachment_info) {
            if (!in_array($attachment_info, $return_info["attachments"])) {
                $return_info["attachments"][] = $attachment_info;
        $smarty->assign("eval_str", $templates["text"]);
        while (list($key, $value) = each($submission_placeholders)) {
            $smarty->assign($key, $value);
        $return_info["text_content"] = $smarty->fetch("eval.tpl");
    if (!empty($templates["html"])) {
        list($templates["html"], $attachments) = _ft_extract_email_attachment_info($templates["html"], $form_id, $submission_placeholders);
        foreach ($attachments as $attachment_info) {
            if (!in_array($attachment_info, $return_info["attachments"])) {
                $return_info["attachments"][] = $attachment_info;
        $smarty->assign("eval_str", $templates["html"]);
        while (list($key, $value) = each($submission_placeholders)) {
            // convert any newlines chars to page breaks for any answer fields. Hmm...
            if (strpos($key, "ANSWER_") === 0) {
                $value = nl2br($value);
            $smarty->assign($key, $value);
        $return_info["html_content"] = $smarty->fetch("eval.tpl");
    // compile the "to" / "from" / "reply-to" recipient list, based on this form submission. Virtually
    // everything is already stored in $email_template["recipients"], but needs to be extracted.
    // The notable exception is the FORM EMAIL FIELD information: that has to be constructed separately
    $return_info["to"] = array();
    $return_info["cc"] = array();
    $return_info["bcc"] = array();
    foreach ($email_template["recipients"] as $recipient_info) {
        $recipient_type_key = $recipient_info["recipient_type"];
        if ($recipient_info["recipient_type"] == "" || $recipient_info["recipient_type"] == "main") {
            $recipient_type_key = "to";
        if ($recipient_info["recipient_user_type"] == "form_email_field") {
            $header_info = _ft_get_form_email_field_headers($recipient_info["form_email_id"], $submission_info);
            $user_recipient = $header_info["recipient_line"];
            $user_first_name = $header_info["first_name"];
            $user_last_name = $header_info["last_name"];
            $user_email = $header_info["email"];
            $curr_recipient_info = array("recipient_line" => $user_recipient, "name" => "{$user_first_name} {$user_last_name}", "email" => $user_email);
        } else {
            $curr_recipient_info = array("recipient_line" => $recipient_info["final_recipient"], "name" => $recipient_info["final_name"], "email" => $recipient_info["final_email"]);
        if (!empty($curr_recipient_info["email"])) {
            $return_info[$recipient_type_key][] = $curr_recipient_info;
    $return_info["from"] = array();
    switch ($email_template["email_from"]) {
        case "admin":
            $return_info["from"] = array("recipient_line" => "{$admin_info["first_name"]} {$admin_info["last_name"]} &lt;{$admin_info["email"]}&gt;", "name" => "{$admin_info["first_name"]} {$admin_info["last_name"]}", "email" => $admin_info["email"]);
        case "client":
            $client_info = ft_get_account_info($email_template["email_from_account_id"]);
            $return_info["from"] = array("recipient_line" => "{$client_info["first_name"]} {$client_info["last_name"]} &lt;{$client_info["email"]}&gt;", "name" => "{$client_info["first_name"]} {$client_info["last_name"]}", "email" => $client_info["email"]);
        case "form_email_field":
            $header_info = _ft_get_form_email_field_headers($email_template["email_from_form_email_id"], $submission_info);
            $user_recipient = $header_info["recipient_line"];
            $user_first_name = $header_info["first_name"];
            $user_last_name = $header_info["last_name"];
            $user_email = $header_info["email"];
            $return_info["from"] = array("recipient_line" => $user_recipient, "name" => "{$user_first_name} {$user_last_name}", "email" => $user_email);
        case "custom":
            $return_info["from"] = array("recipient_line" => "{$email_template["custom_from_name"]} &lt;{$email_template["custom_from_email"]}&gt;", "name" => $email_template["custom_from_name"], "email" => $email_template["custom_from_email"]);
    $return_info["reply_to"] = array();
    switch ($email_template["email_reply_to"]) {
        case "admin":
            $return_info["reply_to"] = array("recipient_line" => "{$admin_info["first_name"]} {$admin_info["last_name"]} &lt;{$admin_info["email"]}&gt;", "name" => "{$admin_info["first_name"]} {$admin_info["last_name"]}", "email" => $admin_info["email"]);
        case "client":
            $client_info = ft_get_account_info($email_template["email_reply_to_account_id"]);
            $return_info["reply_to"] = array("recipient_line" => "{$client_info["first_name"]} {$client_info["last_name"]} &lt;{$client_info["email"]}&gt;", "name" => "{$client_info["first_name"]} {$client_info["last_name"]}", "email" => $client_info["email"]);
        case "form_email_field":
            $form_email_id = $email_template["email_reply_to_form_email_id"];
            $header_info = _ft_get_form_email_field_headers($form_email_id, $submission_info);
            $user_recipient = $header_info["recipient_line"];
            $user_first_name = $header_info["first_name"];
            $user_last_name = $header_info["last_name"];
            $user_email = $header_info["email"];
            $return_info["reply_to"] = array("recipient_line" => $user_recipient, "name" => "{$user_first_name} {$user_last_name}", "email" => $user_email);
        case "custom":
            $return_info["reply_to"] = array("recipient_line" => "{$email_template["custom_reply_to_name"]} &lt;{$email_template["custom_reply_to_email"]}&gt;", "name" => $email_template["custom_reply_to_name"], "email" => $email_template["custom_reply_to_email"]);
    $return_info["subject"] = ft_eval_smarty_string($email_template["subject"], $submission_placeholders);
    return array(true, $return_info);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Returns all the column names for a particular form. The optional $view_id field lets you return
 * only those columns that are associated with a particular View. The second optional setting
 * lets you only return custom form fields (everything excep submission ID, submission date,
 * last modified date, IP address and is_finalized)
 * N.B. Updated in 2.0.0 to query the form_fields table instead of the actual form table and extract
 * the form column names from that. This should be quicker & allows us to return the columns in the
 * appropriate list_order.
 * @param integer $form_id the unique form ID
 * @param integer $view_id (optional) if supplied, returns only those columns that appear in a
 *     particular View
 * @param boolean $omit_system_fields
 * @return array A hash of form: [DB column name] => [column display name]. If the database
 *     column doesn't have a display name (like with submission_id) the value is set to the same
 *     as the key.
function ft_get_form_column_names($form_id, $view_id = "", $omit_system_fields = false)
    global $g_table_prefix;
    $result = mysql_query("\n    SELECT col_name, field_title, is_system_field\n    FROM {$g_table_prefix}form_fields\n    WHERE form_id = {$form_id}\n    ORDER BY list_order\n      ");
    $view_col_names = array();
    if (!empty($view_id)) {
        $view_fields = ft_get_view_fields($view_id);
        foreach ($view_fields as $field_info) {
            $view_col_names[] = $field_info["col_name"];
    $col_names = array();
    while ($col_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if ($col_info["is_system_field"] == "yes" && $omit_system_fields) {
        if (!empty($view_id) && !in_array($col_info["col_name"], $view_col_names)) {
        $col_names[$col_info["col_name"]] = $col_info["field_title"];
    return $col_names;
function smarty_function_form_view_fields_dropdown($params, &$smarty)
    global $LANG;
    if (empty($params["name_id"])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'name_id' parameter. This is used to give the select field a name and id value.");
    if (empty($params["form_id"])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'form_id' parameter.");
    if (empty($params["view_id"])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'view_id' parameter.");
    if (empty($params["field_types"])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'field_types' parameter.");
    $default_value = isset($params["default"]) ? $params["default"] : "";
    $onchange = isset($params["onchange"]) ? $params["onchange"] : "";
    $style = isset($params["style"]) ? $params["style"] : "";
    $blank_option_value = isset($params["blank_option_value"]) ? $params["blank_option_value"] : "";
    $blank_option_text = isset($params["blank_option_text"]) ? $params["blank_option_text"] : "";
    $view_id = $params["view_id"];
    $form_id = $params["form_id"];
    $field_types = $params["field_types"];
    $attributes = array("id" => $params["name_id"], "name" => $params["name_id"], "onchange" => $onchange, "style" => $style);
    $attribute_str = "";
    while (list($key, $value) = each($attributes)) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
            $attribute_str .= " {$key}=\"{$value}\"";
    $view_fields = ft_get_view_fields($view_id);
    $rows = array();
    // find out which field type IDs are date fields
    $date_field_type_ids = array();
    foreach ($field_types as $field_type_info) {
        if ($field_type_info["is_date_field"] == "yes") {
            $date_field_type_ids[] = $field_type_info["field_type_id"];
    if (!empty($blank_option_value) && !empty($blank_option_text)) {
        $rows[] = "<option value=\"{$blank_option_value}\">{$blank_option_text}</option>";
    foreach ($view_fields as $field_info) {
        if ($field_info["is_searchable"] != "yes") {
        $col_name = $field_info["col_name"];
        $field_title = $field_info["field_title"];
        $is_date_field = in_array($field_info["field_type_id"], $date_field_type_ids) ? true : false;
        $suffix = "";
        if ($is_date_field) {
            $suffix = "|date";
            $selected = $default_value == "{$col_name}|date" ? "selected" : "";
        } else {
            $selected = $default_value == $col_name ? "selected" : "";
        $rows[] = "<option value=\"{$col_name}{$suffix}\" {$selected}>{$field_title}</option>";
    $dd = "<select {$attribute_str}>" . join("\n", $rows) . "</select>";
    return $dd;
 * This is the main server-side validation function, called whenever updating a submission. The current version (Core 2.1.9)
 * only performs a subset of the total validation rules; namely, those non-custom ones that
 * @param array $editable_field_ids - this contains ALL editable field IDs in the form
 * @param array $request
 * @return array an array of errors, or an empty array if no errors
function ft_validate_submission($form_id, $editable_field_ids, $request)
    if (empty($editable_field_ids)) {
        return array();
    // get the validation rules for the current page. The use of $request["field_ids"] is a fix for bug #339; this should be handled
    // a lot better. The calling page (edit_submission.php amongst other) should be figuring out what fields are editable on that particular
    // page and passing THAT info as $editable_field_ids
    $editable_field_ids_on_tab = explode(",", $request["field_ids"]);
    // return all validation rules for items on tab, including those marked as editable == "no"
    $rules = ft_get_php_field_validation_rules($editable_field_ids_on_tab);
    // gets all form fields in this View
    $form_fields = ft_get_view_fields($request["view_id"]);
    // reorganize $form_fields to be a hash of field_id => array(form_name => "", field_tield => "")
    $field_info = array();
    foreach ($form_fields as $curr_field_info) {
        $field_info[$curr_field_info["field_id"]] = array("field_name" => $curr_field_info["field_name"], "field_title" => $curr_field_info["field_title"], "is_editable" => $curr_field_info["is_editable"]);
    // construct the RSV-friendly validation
    $validation = array();
    foreach ($rules as $rule_info) {
        $rule = $rule_info["rsv_rule"];
        $field_id = $rule_info["field_id"];
        $field_name = $field_info[$field_id]["field_name"];
        $field_title = $field_info[$field_id]["field_title"];
        $error_message = $rule_info["error_message"];
        // if this field is marked as non-editable, ignore it. We don't need to validate it
        if ($field_info[$field_id]["is_editable"] == "no") {
        $placeholders = array("field" => $field_title, "field_name" => $field_name);
        $error_message = ft_eval_smarty_string($error_message, $placeholders);
        $validation[] = "{$rule},{$field_name},{$error_message}";
    $errors = array();
    if (!empty($validation)) {
        $form_vals = ft_sanitize($request);
        $errors = validate_fields($form_vals, $validation);
    return $errors;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Returns all Views for a form, grouped appropriately. This function introduces a new way of handling
 * loads of optional params (should have implemented this a long time ago!). The second $custom_params
 * @param integer $form_id
 * @param array a hash with any of the following keys:
 *                       account_id => if this is specified, the results will only return View groups
 *                                     that have Views that a client account has access to
 *                       omit_empty_groups => (default: false)
 *                       omit_hidden_views => (default: false)
 *                       include_client => (default: false). If yes, returns assorted client information
 *                             for those that are mapped to the View
 * @param boolean $omit_empty_groups
function ft_get_grouped_views($form_id, $custom_params = array())
    global $g_table_prefix;
    // figure out what settings
    $params = array("account_id" => isset($custom_params["account_id"]) ? $custom_params["account_id"] : "", "omit_empty_groups" => isset($custom_params["omit_empty_groups"]) ? $custom_params["omit_empty_groups"] : true, "omit_hidden_views" => isset($custom_params["omit_hidden_views"]) ? $custom_params["omit_hidden_views"] : false, "include_clients" => isset($custom_params["include_clients"]) ? $custom_params["include_clients"] : false);
    $group_query = mysql_query("\r\n    SELECT group_id, group_name\r\n    FROM   {$g_table_prefix}list_groups lg\r\n    WHERE  group_type = 'form_{$form_id}_view_group'\r\n    ORDER BY lg.list_order\r\n  ");
    $info = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($group_query)) {
        $group_id = $row["group_id"];
        $hidden_views_clause = $params["omit_hidden_views"] ? " AND v.access_type != 'hidden'" : "";
        if (empty($params["account_id"])) {
            $view_query = mysql_query("\r\n        SELECT *\r\n        FROM   {$g_table_prefix}views v\r\n        WHERE  v.group_id = {$group_id}\r\n               {$hidden_views_clause}\r\n        ORDER BY v.view_order\r\n      ");
        } else {
            $view_query = mysql_query("\r\n        SELECT v.*\r\n        FROM   {$g_table_prefix}views v\r\n        WHERE  v.form_id = {$form_id} AND\r\n               v.group_id = {$group_id} AND\r\n               (v.access_type = 'public' OR v.view_id IN (\r\n                  SELECT cv.view_id\r\n                  FROM   {$g_table_prefix}client_views cv\r\n                  WHERE  account_id = {$params["account_id"]}\r\n               )) AND\r\n               v.view_id NOT IN (\r\n                  SELECT view_id\r\n                  FROM   {$g_table_prefix}public_view_omit_list\r\n                  WHERE  account_id = {$params["account_id"]}\r\n               )\r\n               {$hidden_views_clause}\r\n        ORDER BY v.view_order\r\n          ");
        $views = array();
        while ($view_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($view_query)) {
            $view_id = $view_info["view_id"];
            if ($params["include_clients"]) {
                $view_info["client_info"] = ft_get_view_clients($view_id);
                $view_info["client_omit_list"] = ft_get_public_view_omit_list($view_id);
            $view_info["columns"] = ft_get_view_columns($view_id);
            $view_info["fields"] = ft_get_view_fields($view_id);
            $view_info["tabs"] = ft_get_view_tabs($view_id, true);
            $view_info["filters"] = ft_get_view_filters($view_id, "all");
            $views[] = $view_info;
        if (count($views) > 0 || !$params["omit_empty_groups"]) {
            $curr_group = array("group" => $row, "views" => $views);
            $info[] = $curr_group;
    return $info;