Exemplo n.º 1
 * Used in generating the filenames; this builds most of the placeholder values (the date-oriented ones)
 * to which the form and export-specific placeholders are added.
 * @return array the placeholder array
function exp_get_export_filename_placeholder_hash()
    $offset = ft_get_current_timezone_offset();
    $date_str = ft_get_date($offset, ft_get_current_datetime(), "Y|y|F|M|m|n|d|D|j|g|h|H|i|s|U|a|G|i");
    list($Y, $y, $F, $M, $m, $n, $d, $D, $j, $g, $h, $H, $i, $s, $U, $a, $G, $i) = explode("|", $date_str);
    $placeholders = array("datetime" => "{$Y}-{$m}-{$d}.{$H}-{$i}-{$s}", "date" => "{$Y}-{$m}-{$d}", "time" => "{$H}-{$i}-{$s}", "Y" => $Y, "y" => $y, "F" => $F, "M" => $M, "m" => $m, "G" => $G, "i" => $i, "n" => $n, "d" => $d, "D" => $D, "j" => $j, "g" => $g, "h" => $h, "H" => $H, "s" => $s, "U" => $U, "a" => $a);
    return $placeholders;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Updates an individual form submission. Called by both clients and administrator.
 * @param array $infohash This parameter should be a hash (e.g. $_POST or $_GET) containing the
 *             various fields from the update submission page. The contents of it change for each
 *             form and form View, of course.
 * @return array Returns array with indexes:<br/>
 *               [0]: true/false (success / failure)<br/>
 *               [1]: message string<br/>
function ft_update_submission($form_id, $submission_id, $infohash)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_multi_val_delimiter, $LANG;
    $success = true;
    $message = $LANG["notify_form_submission_updated"];
    $infohash = ft_sanitize($infohash);
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("start", compact("form_id", "submission_id", "infohash"), array("infohash")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    $field_ids = array();
    if (!empty($infohash["field_ids"])) {
        $field_ids = explode(",", $infohash["field_ids"]);
    // perform any server-side validation
    $errors = ft_validate_submission($form_id, $infohash["editable_field_ids"], $infohash);
    // if there are any problems, return right away
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        $success = false;
        array_walk($errors, create_function('&$el', '$el = "&bull;&nbsp; " . $el;'));
        $message = implode("<br />", $errors);
        return array($success, $message);
    $form_fields = ft_get_form_fields($form_id);
    $field_types_processing_info = ft_get_field_type_processing_info();
    // this gets all settings for the fields, taking into account whatever has been overridden
    $field_settings = ft_get_form_field_field_type_settings($field_ids, $form_fields);
    $db_column_names = array();
    $now = ft_get_current_datetime();
    $query = array();
    $query[] = "last_modified_date = '{$now}'";
    $file_fields = array();
    foreach ($form_fields as $row) {
        $field_id = $row["field_id"];
        // if the field ID isn't in the page's tab, ignore it
        if (!in_array($field_id, $field_ids)) {
        // if the field ID isn't editable, the person's being BAD and trying to hack a field value. Ignore it.
        if (!in_array($field_id, $infohash["editable_field_ids"])) {
        // if this is a FILE field that doesn't have any overridden PHP processing code, just store the info
        // about the field. Presumably, the module / field type has registered the appropriate hooks for
        // processing the file. Without it, the module wouldn't work. We pass that field + file into to the hook.
        if ($field_types_processing_info[$row["field_type_id"]]["is_file_field"] == "yes") {
            $file_data = array("field_id" => $field_id, "field_info" => $row, "data" => $infohash, "code" => $field_types_processing_info[$row["field_type_id"]]["php_processing"], "settings" => $field_settings[$field_id]);
            if (empty($field_types_processing_info[$row["field_type_id"]]["php_processing"])) {
                $file_fields[] = $file_data;
            } else {
                $value = ft_process_form_field($file_data);
                $query[] = $row["col_name"] . " = '{$value}'";
        if ($row["field_name"] == "core__submission_date" || $row["col_name"] == "core__last_modified") {
            if (!isset($infohash[$row["field_name"]]) || empty($infohash[$row["field_name"]])) {
        // see if this field type has any special PHP processing to do
        if (!empty($field_types_processing_info[$row["field_type_id"]]["php_processing"])) {
            $data = array("field_info" => $row, "data" => $infohash, "code" => $field_types_processing_info[$row["field_type_id"]]["php_processing"], "settings" => $field_settings[$field_id], "account_info" => isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]) ? $_SESSION["ft"]["account"] : array());
            $value = ft_process_form_field($data);
            $query[] = $row["col_name"] . " = '{$value}'";
        } else {
            if (isset($infohash[$row["field_name"]])) {
                if (is_array($infohash[$row["field_name"]])) {
                    $query[] = $row["col_name"] . " = '" . implode("{$g_multi_val_delimiter}", $infohash[$row["field_name"]]) . "'";
                } else {
                    $query[] = $row["col_name"] . " = '" . $infohash[$row["field_name"]] . "'";
            } else {
                $query[] = $row["col_name"] . " = ''";
    $set_query = join(",\n", $query);
    $query = "\n    UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}form_{$form_id}\n    SET    {$set_query}\n    WHERE  submission_id = {$submission_id}\n           ";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // if there was a problem updating the submission, don't even bother calling the file upload hook. Just exit right away
    if (!$result) {
        return array(false, $LANG["notify_submission_not_updated"]);
    // now process any file fields
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("manage_files", compact("form_id", "submission_id", "file_fields"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    // send any emails
    ft_send_emails("on_edit", $form_id, $submission_id);
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("form_id", "submission_id", "infohash"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    return array($success, $message);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * This function sets up the main form values in preparation for a test submission by the actual
 * form. It is called from step 2 of the form creation page for totally new forms - forms that don't
 * have an
 * @param array $info this parameter should be a hash (e.g. $_POST or $_GET) containing the
 *             various fields from the step 1 add form page.
 * @return array Returns array with indexes:<br/>
 *               [0]: true/false (success / failure)<br/>
 *               [1]: message string<br/>
 *               [2]: new form ID (success only)
function ft_setup_form($info)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_debug, $LANG;
    $success = true;
    $message = "";
    $info = ft_sanitize($info);
    // check required $info fields. This changes depending on the form type (external / internal). Validation
    // for the internal forms is handled separately [inelegant!]
    $rules = array();
    if ($info["form_type"] == "external") {
        $rules[] = "required,form_name,{$LANG["validation_no_form_name"]}";
        $rules[] = "required,access_type,{$LANG["validation_no_access_type"]}";
    $errors = validate_fields($info, $rules);
    // if there are errors, piece together an error message string and return it
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        $success = false;
        array_walk($errors, create_function('&$el', '$el = "&bull;&nbsp; " . $el;'));
        $message = join("<br />", $errors);
        return array($success, $message, "");
    // extract values
    $form_type = $info["form_type"];
    $access_type = $info["access_type"];
    $submission_type = isset($info["submission_type"]) ? "'{$info["submission_type"]}'" : "NULL";
    $user_ids = isset($info["selected_client_ids"]) ? $info["selected_client_ids"] : array();
    $form_name = trim($info["form_name"]);
    $is_multi_page_form = isset($info["is_multi_page_form"]) ? $info["is_multi_page_form"] : "no";
    $redirect_url = isset($info["redirect_url"]) ? trim($info["redirect_url"]) : "";
    $phrase_edit_submission = ft_sanitize($LANG["phrase_edit_submission"]);
    if ($is_multi_page_form == "yes") {
        $form_url = $info["multi_page_urls"][0];
    } else {
        // this won't be defined for Internal forms
        $form_url = isset($info["form_url"]) ? $info["form_url"] : "";
    $now = ft_get_current_datetime();
    $query = "\n    INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}forms (form_type, access_type, submission_type, date_created, is_active, is_complete,\n      is_multi_page_form, form_name, form_url, redirect_url, edit_submission_page_label)\n    VALUES ('{$form_type}', '{$access_type}', {$submission_type}, '{$now}', 'no', 'no', '{$is_multi_page_form}', '{$form_name}',\n      '{$form_url}', '{$redirect_url}', '{$phrase_edit_submission}')\n          ";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or ft_handle_error("Failed query in <b>" . __FUNCTION__ . "</b>, line " . __LINE__ . ": <i>{$query}</i>", mysql_error());
    $new_form_id = mysql_insert_id();
    // now store which clients are assigned to this form [remove any old ones first]
    foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
        $query = mysql_query("\n      INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}client_forms (account_id, form_id)\n      VALUES  ({$user_id}, {$new_form_id})\n    ");
    // if this is a multi-page form, add the list of pages in the form
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}multi_page_form_urls WHERE form_id = {$new_form_id}");
    if ($is_multi_page_form == "yes") {
        $page_num = 1;
        foreach ($info["multi_page_urls"] as $url) {
            if (empty($url)) {
            mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}multi_page_form_urls (form_id, form_url, page_num) VALUES ({$new_form_id}, '{$url}', {$page_num})");
    return array($success, $message, $new_form_id);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Updates the last logged in date for an account.
 * @param $account_id
function ft_update_last_logged_in($account_id)
    global $g_table_prefix;
    $account_id = ft_sanitize($account_id);
    if (!is_numeric($account_id)) {
    $now = ft_get_current_datetime();
    @mysql_query("\r\n    UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}accounts\r\n    SET    last_logged_in = '{$now}'\r\n    WHERE  account_id = {$account_id}\r\n  ");
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Processes a form submission, either for a single page of a multi-page form or the entire form itself. If the
 * "submit_button_name key exists in $params (i.e. if the user just submitted the form), it updates the database for
 * the submission ID.
 * Assumption: the ft_api_init_form_page function has been called on the page prior to calling this function.
 * @param array $params
 *     Required keys:
 *        "submit_button": the "name" attribute value of the form submit button
 *        "form_data": the contents of $_POST (or $_GET, if "method" setting is set to "GET" ... )
 *        "file_data": the contents of $_FILES (only needed if your form contained file fields)
 *     Optional keys:
 *        "next_page": the URL (relative or absolute) of which page to redirect to (e.g. the next page
 *               in the form or the "thankyou" page).
 *        "finalize": this tells the function to finalize the submission. This prevents it being subsequently
 *               editable via this function and makes the submission appear in the Form Tools UI.
 *        "no_sessions_url": for multi-page forms it's a good idea to pass along this value. It should be the URL
 *               of a page (usually the FIRST page in the form sequence) where the user will be redirected to if
 *               they didn't start the form from the first page. It ensures the form submission gets created &
 *               submitted properly.
 *        "may_update_finalized_submissions": true / false (true by default)
 *        "namespace": if you specified a custom namespace for ft_api_init_form_page, for where the form values will
 *               be stored temporarily in sessions, you need to pass that same value to this function - otherwise
 *               it won't be able to retrieve the form and submission ID
 *        "send_emails": (boolean). By default, Form Tools will trigger any emails that have been attached to the
 *               "on submission" event ONLY when the submission is finalized (finalize=true). This setting provides
 *               you with direct control over when the emails get sent. If not specified, will use the default
 *               behaviour.
 * @return mixed ordinarily, this function will just redirect the user to whatever URL is specified in the
 *        "next_page" key. But if that value isn't set, it returns an array:
 *               [0] success / false
 *               [1] if failure, the API Error Code, otherwise blank
function ft_api_process_form($params)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_multi_val_delimiter, $LANG, $g_api_debug, $g_api_recaptcha_private_key, $g_api_recaptcha_error;
    // the form data parameter must ALWAYS be defined
    if (!isset($params["form_data"])) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 306, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 306);
    // special case: if "form_tools_delete_image_field__[fieldname]" exists, the user is just deleting an image
    // already uploaded through the form using the HTML generated by the ft_api_display_image_field function.
    // In this case, we process the page normally - even though the form data wasn't submitted & the page may
    // contain nothing in $form_data
    $is_deleting_file = false;
    $file_field_to_delete = "";
    $namespace = isset($params["namespace"]) ? $params["namespace"] : "form_tools_form";
    $form_id = isset($_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_form_id"]) ? $_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_form_id"] : "";
    $submission_id = isset($_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_submission_id"]) ? $_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_submission_id"] : "";
    while (list($key, $value) = each($params["form_data"])) {
        if (preg_match("/form_tools_delete_image_field__(.*)\$/", $key, $matches)) {
            $file_field_to_delete = $matches[1];
            $is_deleting_file = true;
            $field_id = ft_get_form_field_id_by_field_name($file_field_to_delete, $form_id);
            ft_delete_file_submission($form_id, $submission_id, $field_id, true);
    // check the submission exists
    if (is_numeric($form_id) && is_numeric($submission_id) && !ft_check_submission_exists($form_id, $submission_id)) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 305, "error_type" => "user", "debugging" => "{$LANG["phrase_submission_id"]}: {$submission_id}");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 305);
    // extract the submission ID and form ID from sessions
    $form_data = $params["form_data"];
    $form_id = isset($_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_form_id"]) ? $_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_form_id"] : "";
    $submission_id = isset($_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_submission_id"]) ? $_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_submission_id"] : "";
    $has_captcha = isset($form_data["recaptcha_response_field"]) ? true : false;
    $no_sessions_url = isset($params["no_sessions_url"]) ? $params["no_sessions_url"] : false;
    if (!isset($_GET["ft_sessions_url_override"]) && (empty($form_id) || empty($submission_id))) {
        if (!empty($no_sessions_url)) {
            header("location: {$no_sessions_url}");
        } else {
            if ($g_api_debug) {
                $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 300, "error_type" => "user");
                ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
            } else {
                return array(false, 300);
    // if the user is neither deleting a file or making a regular form submission, it means they've just
    // arrived at the page. Cool! Do nothing!
    if (!$is_deleting_file && !isset($params["form_data"][$params["submit_button"]])) {
    $submit_button_name = $params["submit_button"];
    $next_page = isset($params["next_page"]) ? $params["next_page"] : "";
    $file_data = isset($params["file_data"]) ? $params["file_data"] : array();
    $finalize = isset($params["finalize"]) ? $params["finalize"] : false;
    $namespace = isset($params["namespace"]) ? $params["namespace"] : "form_tools_form";
    $may_update_finalized_submissions = isset($params["may_update_finalized_submissions"]) ? $params["may_update_finalized_submissions"] : true;
    // if we're in test mode, we don't do anything with the database - just store the fields in
    // sessions to emulate
    if ($form_id == "test" || $submission_id == "test") {
        while (list($field_name, $value) = each($form_data)) {
            $_SESSION[$namespace][$field_name] = $value;
    } else {
        if (isset($_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_initialize_form"])) {
            // only process the form if this submission is being set to be finalized
            if ($finalize) {
                // if the user is just putting through a test submission and we've reached the finalization step,
                // overwrite $form_data with ALL the
                $all_form_data = array_merge($_SESSION[$namespace], $form_data);
            while (list($field_name, $value) = each($form_data)) {
                $_SESSION[$namespace][$field_name] = $value;
        } else {
            // check the form ID is valid
            if (!ft_check_form_exists($form_id)) {
                if ($g_api_debug) {
                    $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 301, "error_type" => "user");
                    ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
                } else {
                    return array(false, 301);
            // check the submission ID isn't finalized
            if (!$may_update_finalized_submissions && ft_check_submission_finalized($form_id, $submission_id)) {
                if ($g_api_debug) {
                    $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 302, "error_type" => "user", "debugging" => "{$LANG["phrase_submission_id"]}: {$submission_id}");
                    ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
                } else {
                    return array(false, 302);
            $form_info = ft_get_form($form_id);
            // check to see if this form has been disabled
            if ($form_info["is_active"] == "no") {
                if (isset($form_data["form_tools_inactive_form_redirect_url"])) {
                    header("location: {$form_data["form_tools_inactive_form_redirect_url"]}");
                if ($g_api_debug) {
                    $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 303, "error_type" => "user");
                    ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
                } else {
                    return array(false, 303);
            // now we sanitize the data (i.e. get it ready for the DB query)
            $form_data = ft_sanitize($form_data);
            extract(ft_process_hook_calls("start", compact("form_info", "form_id", "form_data"), array("form_data")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
            // get a list of the custom form fields (i.e. non-system) for this form
            $form_fields = ft_get_form_fields($form_id, array("include_field_type_info" => true));
            $custom_form_fields = array();
            $file_fields = array();
            foreach ($form_fields as $field_info) {
                $field_id = $field_info["field_id"];
                $is_system_field = $field_info["is_system_field"];
                $field_name = $field_info["field_name"];
                // ignore system fields
                if ($is_system_field == "yes") {
                if ($field_info["is_file_field"] == "no") {
                    $custom_form_fields[$field_name] = array("field_id" => $field_id, "col_name" => $field_info["col_name"], "field_title" => $field_info["field_title"], "include_on_redirect" => $field_info["include_on_redirect"], "field_type_id" => $field_info["field_type_id"], "is_date_field" => $field_info["is_date_field"]);
                } else {
                    $file_fields[] = array("field_id" => $field_id, "field_info" => $field_info);
            // now examine the contents of the POST/GET submission and get a list of those fields
            // which we're going to update
            $valid_form_fields = array();
            while (list($form_field, $value) = each($form_data)) {
                if (array_key_exists($form_field, $custom_form_fields)) {
                    $curr_form_field = $custom_form_fields[$form_field];
                    $cleaned_value = $value;
                    if (is_array($value)) {
                        if ($form_info["submission_strip_tags"] == "yes") {
                            for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
                                $value[$i] = strip_tags($value[$i]);
                        $cleaned_value = implode("{$g_multi_val_delimiter}", $value);
                    } else {
                        if ($form_info["submission_strip_tags"] == "yes") {
                            $cleaned_value = strip_tags($value);
                    $valid_form_fields[$curr_form_field["col_name"]] = "'{$cleaned_value}'";
            $now = ft_get_current_datetime();
            $ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            $is_finalized = $finalize ? "yes" : "no";
            $set_query = "";
            while (list($col_name, $value) = each($valid_form_fields)) {
                $set_query .= "{$col_name} = {$value},\n";
            // in this section, we update the database submission info & upload files. Note: we don't do ANYTHING
            // if the form_tools_ignore_submission key is set in the POST data
            if (!isset($form_data["form_tools_ignore_submission"])) {
                // construct our query. Note that we do TWO queries: one if there was no CAPTCHA sent with this
                // post (which automatically finalizes the result), and one if there WAS. For the latter, the submission
                // is finalized later
                if ($has_captcha && $finalize) {
                    $query = "\n          UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}form_{$form_id}\n          SET    {$set_query}\n                 last_modified_date = '{$now}',\n                 ip_address = '{$ip_address}'\n          WHERE  submission_id = {$submission_id}\n            ";
                } else {
                    // only update the is_finalized setting if $may_update_finalized_submissions === false
                    if (!$finalize && $may_update_finalized_submissions) {
                        $is_finalized_clause = "";
                    } else {
                        $is_finalized_clause = ", is_finalized = '{$is_finalized}'";
                    $query = "\n          UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}form_{$form_id}\n          SET    {$set_query}\n                 last_modified_date = '{$now}',\n                 ip_address = '{$ip_address}'\n                 {$is_finalized_clause}\n          WHERE  submission_id = {$submission_id}\n            ";
                // only process the query if the form_tools_ignore_submission key isn't defined
                if (!mysql_query($query)) {
                    if ($g_api_debug) {
                        $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 304, "error_type" => "system", "debugging" => "Failed query in <b>" . __FUNCTION__ . ", " . __FILE__ . "</b>, line " . __LINE__ . ": <i>" . nl2br($query) . "</i> " . mysql_error());
                        ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
                    } else {
                        return array(false, 304);
                // used for uploading files. The error handling is incomplete here, like previous versions. Although the hooks
                // are permitted to return values, they're not used
                extract(ft_process_hook_calls("manage_files", compact("form_id", "submission_id", "file_fields", "namespace"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
            // store all the info in sessions
            while (list($field_name, $value) = each($form_data)) {
                $_SESSION[$namespace][$field_name] = $value;
    // was there a reCAPTCHA response? If so, a recaptcha was just submitted, check it was entered correctly
    $passes_captcha = true;
    if ($has_captcha) {
        $passes_captcha = false;
        $recaptcha_challenge_field = $form_data["recaptcha_challenge_field"];
        $recaptcha_response_field = $form_data["recaptcha_response_field"];
        $folder = dirname(__FILE__);
        require_once "{$folder}/recaptchalib.php";
        $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($g_api_recaptcha_private_key, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $recaptcha_challenge_field, $recaptcha_response_field);
        if ($resp->is_valid) {
            $passes_captcha = true;
            // if the developer wanted the submission to be finalized at this step, do so - it wasn't earlier!
            if ($finalize) {
                mysql_query("\n          UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}form_{$form_id}\n          SET    is_finalized = 'yes'\n          WHERE  submission_id = {$submission_id}\n            ");
        } else {
            // register the recaptcha as a global, which can be picked up silently by ft_api_display_captcha to
            // let them know they entered it wrong
            $g_api_recaptcha_error = $resp->error;
    if ($passes_captcha && !empty($next_page) && !$is_deleting_file) {
        // if the user wasn't putting through a test submission or initializing the form, we can send safely
        // send emails at this juncture, but ONLY if it was just finalized OR if the send_emails parameter
        // allows for it
        if ($form_id != "test" && $submission_id != "test" && !isset($_SESSION[$namespace]["form_tools_initialize_form"]) && !isset($form_data["form_tools_ignore_submission"])) {
            // send any emails attached to the on_submission trigger
            if (isset($params["send_emails"]) && $params["send_emails"] === true) {
                ft_send_emails("on_submission", $form_id, $submission_id);
            } else {
                if ($is_finalized == "yes" && (!isset($params["send_emails"]) || $params["send_emails"] !== false)) {
                    ft_send_emails("on_submission", $form_id, $submission_id);
        header("location: {$next_page}");
    return array(true, "");
Exemplo n.º 6
 * This function processes the form submissions, after the form has been set up in the database.
function ft_process_form($form_data)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_multi_val_delimiter, $g_query_str_multi_val_separator, $g_root_dir, $LANG, $g_api_version, $g_api_recaptcha_private_key;
    // ensure the incoming values are escaped
    $form_data = ft_sanitize($form_data);
    $form_id = $form_data["form_tools_form_id"];
    $form_info = ft_get_form($form_id);
    // do we have a form for this id?
    if (!ft_check_form_exists($form_id)) {
        $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_invalid_form_id"]);
        ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("start", compact("form_info", "form_id", "form_data"), array("form_data")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    // check to see if this form has been completely set up
    if ($form_info["is_complete"] == "no") {
        $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_form_incomplete"]);
        ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
    // check to see if this form has been disabled
    if ($form_info["is_active"] == "no") {
        if (isset($form_data["form_tools_inactive_form_redirect_url"])) {
            header("location: {$form_data["form_tools_inactive_form_redirect_url"]}");
        $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_form_disabled"]);
        ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
    // do we have a form for this id?
    if (!ft_check_form_exists($form_id)) {
        $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_invalid_form_id"]);
        ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
    // was there a reCAPTCHA response? If so, a recaptcha was just submitted. This generally implies the
    // form page included the API, so check it was entered correctly. If not, return the user to the webpage
    if (isset($g_api_version) && isset($form_data["recaptcha_response_field"])) {
        $passes_captcha = false;
        $recaptcha_challenge_field = $form_data["recaptcha_challenge_field"];
        $recaptcha_response_field = $form_data["recaptcha_response_field"];
        $folder = dirname(__FILE__);
        require_once "{$folder}/global/api/recaptchalib.php";
        $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($g_api_recaptcha_private_key, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $recaptcha_challenge_field, $recaptcha_response_field);
        if ($resp->is_valid) {
            $passes_captcha = true;
        } else {
            // since we need to pass all the info back to the form page we do it by storing the data in sessions. Enable 'em.
            $_SESSION["form_tools_form_data"] = $form_data;
            $_SESSION["form_tools_form_data"]["api_recaptcha_error"] = $resp->error;
            // if there's a form_tools_form_url specified, redirect to that
            if (isset($form_data["form_tools_form_url"])) {
                header("location: {$form_data["form_tools_form_url"]}");
            } else {
                if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) {
                    header("location: {$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]}");
                } else {
                    $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_no_form_url_for_recaptcha"]);
                    ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
    // get a list of the custom form fields (i.e. non-system) for this form
    $form_fields = ft_get_form_fields($form_id, array("include_field_type_info" => true));
    $custom_form_fields = array();
    $file_fields = array();
    foreach ($form_fields as $field_info) {
        $field_id = $field_info["field_id"];
        $is_system_field = $field_info["is_system_field"];
        $field_name = $field_info["field_name"];
        // ignore system fields
        if ($is_system_field == "yes") {
        if ($field_info["is_file_field"] == "no") {
            $custom_form_fields[$field_name] = array("field_id" => $field_id, "col_name" => $field_info["col_name"], "field_title" => $field_info["field_title"], "include_on_redirect" => $field_info["include_on_redirect"], "field_type_id" => $field_info["field_type_id"], "is_date_field" => $field_info["is_date_field"]);
        } else {
            $file_fields[] = array("field_id" => $field_id, "field_info" => $field_info);
    // now examine the contents of the POST/GET submission and get a list of those fields
    // which we're going to update
    $valid_form_fields = array();
    while (list($form_field, $value) = each($form_data)) {
        // if this field is included, store the value for adding to DB
        if (array_key_exists($form_field, $custom_form_fields)) {
            $curr_form_field = $custom_form_fields[$form_field];
            $cleaned_value = $value;
            if (is_array($value)) {
                if ($form_info["submission_strip_tags"] == "yes") {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
                        $value[$i] = strip_tags($value[$i]);
                $cleaned_value = implode("{$g_multi_val_delimiter}", $value);
            } else {
                if ($form_info["submission_strip_tags"] == "yes") {
                    $cleaned_value = strip_tags($value);
            $valid_form_fields[$curr_form_field["col_name"]] = "'{$cleaned_value}'";
    $now = ft_get_current_datetime();
    $ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    $col_names = array_keys($valid_form_fields);
    $col_names_str = join(", ", $col_names);
    if (!empty($col_names_str)) {
        $col_names_str .= ", ";
    $col_values = array_values($valid_form_fields);
    $col_values_str = join(", ", $col_values);
    if (!empty($col_values_str)) {
        $col_values_str .= ", ";
    // build our query
    $query = "\r\n    INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}form_{$form_id} ({$col_names_str} submission_date, last_modified_date, ip_address, is_finalized)\r\n    VALUES ({$col_values_str} '{$now}', '{$now}', '{$ip_address}', 'yes')\r\n           ";
    // add the submission to the database (if form_tools_ignore_submission key isn't set by either the form or a module)
    $submission_id = "";
    if (!isset($form_data["form_tools_ignore_submission"])) {
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        if (!$result) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 304, "error_type" => "system", "debugging" => "Failed query in <b>" . __FUNCTION__ . ", " . __FILE__ . "</b>, line " . __LINE__ . ": <i>" . nl2br($query) . "</i>", mysql_error());
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        $submission_id = mysql_insert_id();
        extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("form_id", "submission_id"), array()), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    $redirect_query_params = array();
    // build the redirect query parameter array
    foreach ($form_fields as $field_info) {
        if ($field_info["include_on_redirect"] == "no" || $field_info["is_file_field"] == "yes") {
        switch ($field_info["col_name"]) {
            case "submission_id":
                $redirect_query_params[] = "submission_id={$submission_id}";
            case "submission_date":
                $settings = ft_get_settings();
                $submission_date_formatted = ft_get_date($settings["default_timezone_offset"], $now, $settings["default_date_format"]);
                $redirect_query_params[] = "submission_date=" . rawurlencode($submission_date_formatted);
            case "last_modified_date":
                $settings = ft_get_settings();
                $submission_date_formatted = ft_get_date($settings["default_timezone_offset"], $now, $settings["default_date_format"]);
                $redirect_query_params[] = "last_modified_date=" . rawurlencode($submission_date_formatted);
            case "ip_address":
                $redirect_query_params[] = "ip_address={$ip_address}";
                $field_name = $field_info["field_name"];
                // if $value is an array, convert it to a string, separated by $g_query_str_multi_val_separator
                if (isset($form_data[$field_name])) {
                    if (is_array($form_data[$field_name])) {
                        $value_str = join($g_query_str_multi_val_separator, $form_data[$field_name]);
                        $redirect_query_params[] = "{$field_name}=" . rawurlencode($value_str);
                    } else {
                        $redirect_query_params[] = "{$field_name}=" . rawurlencode($form_data[$field_name]);
    // only upload files & send emails if we're not ignoring the submission
    if (!isset($form_data["form_tools_ignore_submission"])) {
        // now process any file fields. This is placed after the redirect query param code block above to allow whatever file upload
        // module to append the filename to the query string, if needed
        extract(ft_process_hook_calls("manage_files", compact("form_id", "submission_id", "file_fields", "redirect_query_params"), array("success", "message", "redirect_query_params")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
        // send any emails
        ft_send_emails("on_submission", $form_id, $submission_id);
    // if the redirect URL has been specified either in the database or as part of the form
    // submission, redirect the user [form submission form_tools_redirect_url value overrides
    // database value]
    if (!empty($form_info["redirect_url"]) || !empty($form_data["form_tools_redirect_url"])) {
        // build redirect query string
        $redirect_url = isset($form_data["form_tools_redirect_url"]) && !empty($form_data["form_tools_redirect_url"]) ? $form_data["form_tools_redirect_url"] : $form_info["redirect_url"];
        $query_str = "";
        if (!empty($redirect_query_params)) {
            $query_str = join("&", $redirect_query_params);
        if (!empty($query_str)) {
            // only include the ? if it's not already there
            if (strpos($redirect_url, "?")) {
                $redirect_url .= "&" . $query_str;
            } else {
                $redirect_url .= "?" . $query_str;
        header("Location: " . $redirect_url);
    // the user should never get here! This means that the no redirect URL has been specified
    $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_no_redirect_url"]);
    ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * This function is called from the main Modules page. It upgrades an individual
 * module.
function ft_upgrade_module($module_id)
    global $LANG, $g_root_url, $g_root_dir, $g_table_prefix;
    $module_info = ft_get_module($module_id);
    $module_folder = $module_info["module_folder"];
    $module_name = $module_info["module_name"];
    $old_module_version_date = $module_info["module_date"];
    $current_db_version = $module_info["version"];
    $info = ft_get_module_info_file_contents($module_folder);
    $new_version = $info["version"];
    if ($current_db_version == $new_version) {
        return array(false, "");
    // if the module has its own upgrade function, call it. In Oct 2011, a BIG problem was identified
    // in the way modules were being updated. For backward compatibility, the new upgrade function
    // must be named [module folder]__update (not ...__upgrade). if the __update function is defined,
    // it will be called instead of the older __upgrade one.
    @(include_once "{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}/library.php");
    // NEW "update" function
    $update_function_name = "{$module_folder}__update";
    if (function_exists($update_function_name)) {
        list($success, $message) = $update_function_name($module_info, $info);
        if (!$success) {
            return array($success, $message);
    } else {
        // OLD "upgrade" function
        $upgrade_function_name = "{$module_folder}__upgrade";
        if (function_exists($upgrade_function_name)) {
            $upgrade_function_name($current_db_version, $new_version);
    // now, update the main module record
    $info = ft_sanitize($info);
    // we're assuming the module developer hasn't removed any of the required fields...
    // now check the language file contains the two required fields: module_name and module_description
    $lang_file = "{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}/lang/{$info["origin_language"]}.php";
    $lang_info = _ft_get_module_lang_file_contents($lang_file);
    $lang_info = ft_sanitize($lang_info);
    // check the required language file fields
    if (!isset($lang_info["module_name"]) || empty($lang_info["module_name"]) || (!isset($lang_info["module_description"]) || empty($lang_info["module_description"]))) {
    $author = $info["author"];
    $author_email = $info["author_email"];
    $author_link = $info["author_link"];
    $module_version = $info["version"];
    $module_date = $info["date"];
    $origin_language = $info["origin_language"];
    $nav = $info["nav"];
    $module_name = $lang_info["module_name"];
    $module_description = $lang_info["module_description"];
    // convert the date into a MySQL datetime
    list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $module_date);
    $timestamp = mktime(null, null, null, $month, $day, $year);
    $module_datetime = ft_get_current_datetime($timestamp);
    @mysql_query("\n    UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}modules\n    SET    origin_language = '{$origin_language}',\n           module_name = '{$module_name}',\n           version = '{$module_version}',\n           author = '{$author}',\n           author_email = '{$author_email}',\n           author_link = '{$author_link}',\n           description = '{$module_description}',\n           module_date = '{$module_datetime}'\n    WHERE  module_id = {$module_id}\n      ") or die(mysql_error());
    // remove and update the navigation links for this module
    @mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}module_menu_items WHERE module_id = {$module_id}");
    $order = 1;
    while (list($lang_file_key, $info) = each($nav)) {
        $url = $info[0];
        $is_submenu = $info[1] ? "yes" : "no";
        if (empty($lang_file_key) || empty($url)) {
        $display_text = isset($lang_info[$lang_file_key]) ? $lang_info[$lang_file_key] : $LANG[$lang_file_key];
        mysql_query("\n      INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}module_menu_items (module_id, display_text, url, is_submenu, list_order)\n      VALUES ({$module_id}, '{$display_text}', '{$url}', '{$is_submenu}', {$order})\n        ") or die(mysql_error());
    // And we're done! inform the user that it's been upgraded
    $placeholders = array("module" => $module_name, "version" => $new_version, "link" => "{$g_root_url}/modules/{$module_folder}");
    $message = ft_eval_smarty_string($LANG["notify_module_updated"], $placeholders);
    return array(true, $message);