        echo $c_username;
        if (!empty($arrUser) && (array_search($c_idComment, $optionable_comments) == $arrUser['idUser'] || $arrUser['idUser'] == $p_userId)) {
            $edit_img_src = rurl() . '/post/edit-icon.png';
            $delete_img_src = rurl() . '/post/delete-icon.png';
            $submitEdit_style = "background: url('{$edit_img_src}') no-repeat;";
            $submitDelete_style = "background: url('{$delete_img_src}') no-repeat;";
									<span class="comm_options">
										<form action="<?php 
            echo rurl() . '/post/' . $p_idPost . '/' . friendly_str($p_title);
" method="post">
											<input name="the_key" type="hidden" style="display: none;"value="<?php 
            echo $c_idComment;
" />
											<input name="submitDelComm" style="<?php 
            echo $submitDelete_style;
" type="submit" value="&nbsp;" title="Delete this comment" onclick="return confirm('Freedom of speech is more sacred than any faith... \n Please, confirm you want to delete the comment.');" />
											<input name="submitEditComm" style="<?php 
            echo $submitEdit_style;
" type="submit" value="&nbsp;" title="Edit this comment" onclick="return confirm('Freedom of speech is more sacred than any faith... \n Put an explanation about the reason of this edition. \n And confirm you want to edit the comment.');" />
Exemplo n.º 2
if (empty($arrPublished)) {
    echo '<p>No published post yet</p>';
} else {
				<table style="width: 100%;">
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($arrPublished as $p) {
        $title = $p['title'];
        $link = rurl() . '/post/' . $p['idPost'] . '/' . friendly_str($p['title']);
        $date = $p['date_pub'];
        $comms = $p['n_comm'] . ' comments';
        $extract = cut_string($p['summary'], 25);
					<tr <?php 
        if ($i % 2 == 0) {
            echo 'class="i"';
 style="padding: 0;">
						<td style="width: 6em;"><?php 
        echo $date;
						<td style="padding-right: 1em;">
Exemplo n.º 3
            echo '</h3>';
            echo '<span class="location">' . $u_location . ' (' . $u_country . ')</span><br />';
            echo '<span class="label">' . $u_type . ' since ' . $u_date_created . '</span>';
            echo '<br /><span><a class="more" href="' . rurl() . '/user/' . $u_username . '/" title="Visit ' . friendly_str($u_username) . '\'s profile">-more info-</a></span>';
            echo '</div>';
    if (!empty($arr_search_comments)) {
        echo '<h2 style="clear: both;">Comments</h2>';
    foreach ($arr_search_comments as $c) {
        extract(strip_slashes_arr($c), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'c');
        $c_pic = get_user_pic($c_userId, 32);
        $c_title = '<a href="' . rurl() . '/post/' . $c_postId . '/' . friendly_str($c_title) . '">' . $c_title . '</a>';
        $c_content = cut_string($c_content, 60);
        $c_content = '<a class="acomm" href="' . rurl() . '/post/' . $c_postId . '/' . friendly_str($c_title) . '#comm_' . $c_idComment . '">' . $c_content . '</a>';
        $c_date = date("M j/Y", strtotime($c_date));
        echo '<div class="comment_found">';
        echo '<p><img src="' . $c_pic . '" alt="' . $c_username . '" title="' . $c_username . '"/>';
        echo '<a class="fancy" href="' . rurl() . '/user/show_userinfo.php?id=' . $c_userId . '">' . $c_username . '</a>, on ' . $c_title . ': ';
        echo '<em>' . $c_content . '</em>';
        echo '<span style="color: #505050; font-size: 0.8em;">&nbsp;&nbsp;(' . $c_date . ')</span>';
        echo '</p></div>';
					<!-- PAGINATION -->
if ($page != 0) {
     $newHeight = $height;
 // If user didn't selected a thing we use the same values as the resized one for the cropp.
 if ($newWidth == 0 || $newHeight == 0) {
     $t = getimagesize($dirTmpUser . '/' . $imgs . '.jpg');
     $newWidth = $t[0];
     $newHeight = $t[1];
     $width = $t[0];
     $height = $t[1];
     $x1 = 0;
     $y1 = 0;
 // NAME ...
 // will have random chars (avoid browser cache)
 list($num, $tmp) = explode(" ", microtime());
 $name = friendly_str($_POST["name"] . '-' . substr($num, 2, 5));
 // Create the image for cropping from the resized one stored at temp
 $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($dirTmpUser . '/' . $imgs . '.jpg');
 // Create a blank image to draw the resize / crop over
 $newImg = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);
 // Do the resize and crop on demand
 imagecopyresampled($newImg, $img, 0, 0, $x1, $y1, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height);
 // Store the new image ready to use at post
 $foto = "../data/images/posts/{$dirImgs}/{$imgs}-{$name}.jpg";
 if (!file_exists($foto)) {
     imagejpeg($newImg, $foto);
 } else {
     $error['overwrite'] = 'There is an image with the same name';
 // Clean some