empty($forum) and message(1, '板块不存在'); $upfile = param('upfile', '', FALSE); empty($upfile) and message(-1, 'upfile 数据为空'); $json = xn_json_decode($upfile); empty($json) and message(-1, '数据有问题: json 为空'); $name = $json['name']; $width = $json['width']; $height = $json['height']; $data = base64_decode($json['data']); $size = strlen($data); $filename = "{$fid}.png"; $path = $conf['upload_path'] . 'forum/'; $url = $conf['upload_url'] . 'forum/' . $filename; !IN_SAE and !is_dir($path) and (mkdir($path, 0777, TRUE) or message(-2, '目录创建失败')); file_put_contents($path . $filename, $data) or message(-1, '写入文件失败'); forum_update($fid, array('icon' => $time)); message(0, $url); } elseif ($action == 'getname') { $uids = param(2); $arr = explode(',', $uids); $names = array(); $err = ''; foreach ($arr as $_uid) { $_uid = intval($_uid); if (empty($_uid)) { continue; } $_user = user_read($_uid); if (empty($_user)) { $err .= "{$_uid} 不存在; "; continue;
$t_owner = ""; $t_owner_uid = 0; } if (isset($_POST['t_access']) && is_numeric($_POST['t_access'])) { $t_access = $_POST['t_access']; } else { $error_msg_array[] = gettext("You must supply a forum access level"); $valid = false; } if (isset($_POST['t_default']) && $_POST['t_default'] == 'Y') { $t_default = 1; } else { $t_default = 0; } if ($valid) { if (forum_update($fid, $t_name, $t_owner_uid, $t_access)) { if ($forum_data['DEFAULT_FORUM'] == 1 && $t_default == 0) { forum_update_default(0); } else { if ($t_default == 1) { forum_update_default($fid); } } header_redirect("admin_forums.php?webtag={$webtag}&fid={$fid}&page={$page}&edited=true"); exit; } else { $error_msg_array[] = sprintf(gettext("Failed to update forum: '%s'"), $forum_data['WEBTAG']); $valid = false; } } } else {