Exemplo n.º 1
             alertMessage($alertmessage, $LANG_GF02['msg182'], $promptform);
         } else {
             $poster = DB_getItem($_TABLES['gf_topic'], "name", "id='{$fortopicid}'");
             $postdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat(DB_getItem($_TABLES['gf_topic'], "date", "id='{$fortopicid}'"));
             $promptform .= '<div style="padding-top:10px;">' . $LANG_GF03['splitheading'] . '<br>';
             $promptform .= '<input type="radio" name="splittype" value="remaining" CHECKED>' . $LANG_GF03['splitopt1'] . '<br>';
             $promptform .= '<input type="radio" name="splittype" value="single">' . $LANG_GF03['splitopt2'] . '</div>';
             $promptform .= '</div><div style="padding:20 0 5 20px;">';
             $promptform .= '<input type="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="' . $LANG_GF03['movetopic'] . '">';
             $promptform .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="' . $LANG_GF01['CANCEL'] . '"></div>';
             $promptform .= '</FORM></div>';
             $alertmessage = sprintf($LANG_GF03['splittopicmsg'], $topictitle, $poster, $postdate[0]);
             alertMessage($alertmessage, $LANG_GF02['msg182'], $promptform);
 } elseif ($modfunction == 'banip' and forum_modPermission($forum, $_USER['uid'], 'mod_ban') and $fortopicid != 0) {
     $iptobansql = DB_query("SELECT ip FROM {$_TABLES['gf_topic']} WHERE id='{$fortopicid}'");
     $forumpostipnum = DB_fetchArray($iptobansql);
     if ($forumpostipnum['ip'] == '') {
     $alertmessage = '<p>' . $LANG_GF02['msg68'] . '</p><p>';
     $alertmessage .= sprintf($LANG_GF02['msg69'], $forumpostipnum['ip']) . '</p>';
     $promptform = '<p><FORM ACTION="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/moderation.php" METHOD="POST">';
     $promptform .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="hostip" VALUE="' . $forumpostipnum['ip'] . '">';
     $promptform .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="confirmbanip" VALUE="1">';
     $promptform .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="forum" VALUE="' . $forum . '">';
     $promptform .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="fortopicid" VALUE="' . $fortopicid . '">';
     $promptform .= '<CENTER><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="' . $LANG_GF01['CONFIRM'] . '">';
     $promptform .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="' . $LANG_GF01['CANCEL'] . '">';
Exemplo n.º 2
function forum_getmodFunctions($showtopic)
    global $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_GF03, $LANG_GF01, $page;
    $retval = '';
    $options = '';
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) {
        $options .= '<OPTION VALUE="editpost">' . $LANG_GF03['edit'];
        if ($showtopic['locked'] == 1) {
            $options .= '<OPTION VALUE="lockedpost">' . $LANG_GF03['lockedpost'];
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_delete')) {
        $options .= '<OPTION VALUE="deletepost">' . $LANG_GF03['delete'];
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_ban')) {
        $options .= '<OPTION VALUE="banip">' . $LANG_GF03['ban'];
    if ($showtopic['pid'] == 0) {
        if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_move')) {
            $options .= '<OPTION VALUE="movetopic">' . $LANG_GF03['move'];
    } elseif (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_move')) {
        $options .= '<OPTION VALUE="movetopic">' . $LANG_GF03['split'];
    if ($options != '') {
        $retval .= '<FORM ACTION="moderation.php" METHOD="POST" style="margin:0px;"><SELECT NAME="modfunction">';
        $retval .= $options;
        if ($showtopic['pid'] == 0) {
            $msgpid = $showtopic['id'];
            $top = "yes";
        } else {
            $msgpid = $showtopic['pid'];
            $top = "no";
        $retval .= '</SELECT><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="fortopicid" VALUE="' . $showtopic['id'] . '">';
        $retval .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="forum" VALUE="' . $showtopic['forum'] . '">';
        $retval .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="msgpid" VALUE="' . $msgpid . '">';
        $retval .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="top" VALUE="' . $top . '">';
        $retval .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="page" VALUE="' . $page . '">';
        $retval .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="' . $LANG_GF01['GO'] . '!">';
        $retval .= '</FORM>';
    return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 3
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,   |
// | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.           |
// |                                                                           |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
require_once "../lib-common.php";
// Path to your lib-common.php
require_once $_CONF['path_html'] . 'forum/include/gf_format.php';
$deleteid = COM_applyFilter($_GET['id'], true);
$topic = COM_applyFilter($_GET['topic'], true);
$query = DB_query("SELECT uid,forum,date FROM {$_TABLES['gf_topic']} WHERE id={$topic}");
$edittopic = DB_fetchArray($query, false);
$editAllowed = false;
if (forum_modPermission($edittopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) {
    $editAllowed = true;
} elseif ($edittopic['uid'] > 1 and $edittopic['uid'] == $_USER['uid']) {
    // User is trying to edit their topic post - this is allowed
    if ($edittopic['date'] > 0) {
        if ($CONF_FORUM['allowed_editwindow'] > 0) {
            // Check if edit timeframe is still valid
            $t2 = $CONF_FORUM['allowed_editwindow'];
            $time = time();
            if (time() - $t2 < $edittopic['date']) {
                $editAllowed = true;
        } else {
            $editAllowed = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
 $topiclisting->set_var('cat_name', $category['cat_name']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('category_id', $category['id']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('forum_name', $category['forum_name']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('forum_id', $forum);
 $topiclisting->set_var('imgset', $CONF_FORUM['imgset']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_TOPIC', $LANG_GF01['TOPICSUBJECT']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_STARTEDBY', $LANG_GF01['STARTEDBY']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_REPLIES', $LANG_GF01['REPLIES']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_VIEWS', $LANG_GF01['VIEWS']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_LASTPOST', $LANG_GF01['LASTPOST']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_AUTHOR', $LANG_GF01['AUTHOR']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_MSG05', $LANG_GF01['LASTPOST']);
 $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_newforumposts', $LANG_GF02['msg113']);
 if ($category['is_readonly'] == 0 or forum_modPermission($forum, $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) {
     $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_newtopic', $LANG_GF01['NEWTOPIC']);
     $topiclisting->set_var('newtopiclinktext', $LANG_GF09['newtopic']);
     $topiclisting->set_var('newtopiclinkimg', gf_getImage('post_newtopic'));
     $topiclisting->set_var('newtopiclink', "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/createtopic.php?method=newtopic&amp;forum={$forum}");
     $topiclisting->parse('newtopic_link', 'newtopic_link');
 } else {
     $topiclisting->set_var('LANG_newtopic', '');
     $topiclisting->set_var('newtopiclink', '#');
 $displaypostpages = $LANG_GF01['PAGES'] . ':';
 // FIXME: is this used anywhere?
 while ($record = DB_fetchArray($topicResults, false)) {
     if ($record['replies'] + 1 <= $CONF_FORUM['show_posts_perpage']) {
         $displaypageslink = "";
         $gotomsg = "";
Exemplo n.º 5
function forum_getmodFunctions($showtopic)
    global $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_GF03, $LANG_GF01, $page;
    $retval = '';
    $options = '';
    if (COM_isAnonUser()) {
        return $retval;
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) {
        $options .= '<option value="editpost">' . $LANG_GF03['edit'] . '</option>';
        if ($showtopic['locked'] == 1) {
            $options .= '<option value="lockedpost">' . $LANG_GF03['lockedpost'] . '</option>';
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_delete')) {
        $options .= '<option value="deletepost">' . $LANG_GF03['delete'] . '</option>';
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_ban')) {
        $options .= '<option value="banippost">' . $LANG_GF03['banippost'] . '</option>';
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_ban')) {
        if (function_exists('BAN_for_plugins_check_access') and BAN_for_plugins_check_access()) {
            $iptobansql = DB_query("SELECT ip FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} WHERE id='{$showtopic['id']}'");
            $forumpostipnum = DB_fetchArray($iptobansql);
            $ip_address = $forumpostipnum['ip'];
            if ($ip_address != '') {
                if (BAN_for_plugins_ban_found($ip_address)) {
                    $options .= '<option value="banip">' . $LANG_GF03['banipremove'] . '</option>';
                } else {
                    $options .= '<option value="banip">' . $LANG_GF03['banip'] . '</option>';
    if ($showtopic['pid'] == 0) {
        if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_move')) {
            $options .= '<option value="movetopic">' . $LANG_GF03['move'] . '</option>';
    } elseif (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_move')) {
        $options .= '<option value="movetopic">' . $LANG_GF03['split'] . '</option>';
    if ($options != '') {
        $retval .= '<select name="modfunction">';
        $retval .= $options;
        if ($showtopic['pid'] == 0) {
            $msgpid = $showtopic['id'];
            $top = "yes";
        } else {
            $msgpid = $showtopic['pid'];
            $top = "no";
        $retval .= '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $retval .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $LANG_GF01['GO'] . '!"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="fortopicid" value="' . $showtopic['id'] . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="forum" value="' . $showtopic['forum'] . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="msgpid" value="' . $msgpid . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="top" value="' . $top . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $page . '"' . XHTML . '>';
    return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 6
function forum_getmodFunctions($showtopic)
    global $_USER, $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_GF03, $LANG_GF01, $page;
    $retval = '';
    $options = '';
    if (COM_isAnonUser()) {
        return $retval;
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) {
        $options .= '<option value="editpost">' . $LANG_GF03['edit'] . '</option>';
        if ($showtopic['locked'] == 1) {
            $options .= '<option value="lockedpost">' . $LANG_GF03['lockedpost'] . '</option>';
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_delete')) {
        $options .= '<option value="deletepost">' . $LANG_GF03['delete'] . '</option>';
    if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_ban')) {
        $options .= '<option value="banip">' . $LANG_GF03['ban'] . '</option>';
    if ($showtopic['pid'] == 0) {
        if (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_move')) {
            $options .= '<option value="movetopic">' . $LANG_GF03['move'] . '</option>';
    } elseif (forum_modPermission($showtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_move')) {
        $options .= '<option value="movetopic">' . $LANG_GF03['split'] . '</option>';
    if ($options != '') {
        $retval .= '<form action="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/moderation.php" method="post" style="margin:0px;"><div><select name="modfunction">';
        $retval .= $options;
        if ($showtopic['pid'] == 0) {
            $msgpid = $showtopic['id'];
            $top = "yes";
        } else {
            $msgpid = $showtopic['pid'];
            $top = "no";
        $retval .= '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $retval .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $LANG_GF01['GO'] . '!"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="fortopicid" value="' . $showtopic['id'] . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="forum" value="' . $showtopic['forum'] . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="msgpid" value="' . $msgpid . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="top" value="' . $top . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $page . '"' . XHTML . '>';
        $retval .= '</div></form>';
    return $retval;
Exemplo n.º 7
while ($topicRec = DB_fetchArray($result)) {
    //$intervalTime = $mytimer->stopTimer();
    //COM_errorLog("Topic Display Time: $intervalTime");
    if ($CONF_FORUM['show_anonymous_posts'] == 0 and $topicRec['uid'] == 1) {
        $display .= '<div class="pluginAlert" style="padding:10px;margin:10px;">' . $LANG_GF02['msg300'] . '</div>';
        //Do nothing - but this way I don't always have to do this check
    } else {
        $display .= showtopic($topicRec, $mode, $onetwo, $page);
        $onetwo = $onetwo == 1 ? 2 : 1;
if ($mode != 'preview') {
    $topic_footer = COM_newTemplate($CONF_FORUM['path_layout'] . 'forum/layout');
    $topic_footer->set_file(array('topicfooter' => 'topicfooter.thtml', 'new' => 'links/newtopic.thtml', 'reply' => 'links/replytopic.thtml'));
    if ($viewtopic['is_readonly'] == 0 or forum_modPermission($viewtopic['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) {
        $newtopiclink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/createtopic.php?method=newtopic&amp;forum={$forum}";
        $newtopiclinktext = $LANG_GF09['newtopic'];
        $topic_footer->set_var('layout_url', $CONF_FORUM['layout_url']);
        $topicDisplayTime = $mytimer->stopTimer();
        $topic_footer->set_var('page_generated_time', sprintf($LANG_GF02['msg179'], $topicDisplayTime));
        $topic_footer->set_var('newtopiclink', $newtopiclink);
        $topic_footer->set_var('newtopiclinkimg', gf_getImage('post_newtopic'));
        $topic_footer->set_var('newtopiclinktext', $newtopiclinktext);
        $topic_footer->set_var('LANG_newtopic', $LANG_GF01['NEWTOPIC']);
        $topic_footer->parse('newtopic_link', 'new');
        if ($viewtopic['locked'] != 1) {
            $replytopiclink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/createtopic.php?method=postreply&amp;forum={$forum}&amp;id={$replytopic_id}";
            $topic_footer->set_var('replytopiclink', $replytopiclink);
            $topic_footer->set_var('replytopiclinkimg', gf_getImage('post_reply'));
            $topic_footer->set_var('replytopiclinktext', $LANG_GF09['replytopic']);
Exemplo n.º 8
function FF_saveTopic($forumData, $postData, $action)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_FF_CONF, $_USER, $LANG03, $LANG_GF01, $LANG_GF02;
    $retval = '';
    $uploadErrors = '';
    $msg = '';
    $errorMessages = '';
    $email = '';
    $forumfiles = array();
    $okToSave = true;
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $date = $dt->toUnix();
    if (COM_isAnonUser()) {
        $uid = 1;
    } else {
        $uid = $_USER['uid'];
    // verify postmode is allowed
    if (strtolower($postData['postmode']) == 'html') {
        if ($_FF_CONF['allow_html'] || SEC_inGroup('Root') || SEC_hasRights('forum.html')) {
            $postData['postmode'] = 'html';
        } else {
            $postData['postmode'] = 'text';
    // is forum readonly?
    if ($forumData['is_readonly'] == 1) {
        // Check if this user has moderation rights now to allow a post to a locked topic
        if (!forum_modPermission($forumData['forum'], $uid, 'mod_edit')) {
    if ($action == 'saveedit') {
        // does the forum match the forum id of the posted data?
        if ($forumData['forum'] != 0 && $forumData['forum'] != $postData['forum']) {
        $editid = COM_applyFilter($postData['editid'], true);
        $forum = COM_applyFilter($postData['forum'], true);
        $editAllowed = false;
        if (forum_modPermission($forumData['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) {
            $editAllowed = true;
        } else {
            if ($_FF_CONF['allowed_editwindow'] > 0) {
                $t1 = DB_getItem($_TABLES['ff_topic'], 'date', "id=" . (int) $postData['id']);
                $t2 = $_FF_CONF['allowed_editwindow'];
                $time = time();
                if (time() - $t2 < $t1) {
                    $editAllowed = true;
            } else {
                $editAllowed = true;
        if ($postData['editpid'] < 1 && trim($postData['subject']) == '') {
            $retval .= FF_BlockMessage('', $LANG_GF02['msg18'], false);
            $okToSave = false;
        } elseif (!$editAllowed) {
            $link = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . (int) $postData['$id'];
            $retval .= _ff_alertMessage('', $LANG_GF02['msg189'], sprintf($LANG_GF02['msg187'], $link));
            $okToSave = false;
    } else {
        if (!COM_isAnonUser() && $_FF_CONF['use_sfs']) {
            $email = isset($_USER['email']) ? $_USER['email'] : '';
    if (isset($postData['name']) && $postData['name'] != '') {
        $name = _ff_preparefordb(@htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim(COM_checkWords(USER_sanitizeName($postData['name'])))), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()), 'text');
        $name = urldecode($name);
    } else {
        $okToSave = false;
        $errorMessages .= $LANG_GF02['invalid_name'] . '<br />';
    // speed limit check
    if (!SEC_hasRights('forum.edit')) {
        COM_clearSpeedlimit($_FF_CONF['post_speedlimit'], 'forum');
        $last = COM_checkSpeedlimit('forum');
        if ($last > 0) {
            $errorMessages .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['SPEEDLIMIT'], $last, $_FF_CONF['post_speedlimit']) . '<br/>';
            $okToSave = false;
    // standard edit checks
    if (strlen(trim($postData['name'])) < $_FF_CONF['min_username_length'] || strlen(trim($postData['subject'])) < $_FF_CONF['min_subject_length'] || strlen(trim($postData['comment'])) < $_FF_CONF['min_comment_length']) {
        $errorMessages .= $LANG_GF02['msg18'] . '<br/>';
        $okToSave = false;
    // CAPTCHA check
    if (function_exists('plugin_itemPreSave_captcha') && $okToSave == true) {
        if (!isset($postData['captcha'])) {
            $postData['captcha'] = '';
        $msg = plugin_itemPreSave_captcha('forum', $postData['captcha']);
        if ($msg != '') {
            $errorMessages .= $msg . '<br/>';
            $okToSave = false;
    // spamx check
    if ($_FF_CONF['use_spamx_filter'] == 1 && $okToSave == true) {
        // Check for SPAM
        $spamcheck = '<h1>' . $postData['subject'] . '</h1><p>' . $postData['comment'] . '</p>';
        $result = PLG_checkforSpam($spamcheck, $_CONF['spamx']);
        // Now check the result and redirect to index.php if spam action was taken
        if ($result > 0) {
            // then tell them to get lost ...
            $errorMessages .= $LANG_GF02['spam_detected'];
            $okToSave = false;
    if ($_FF_CONF['use_sfs'] == 1 && COM_isAnonUser() && function_exists('plugin_itemPreSave_spamx')) {
        $spamCheckData = array('username' => $postData['name'], 'email' => $email, 'ip' => $REMOTE_ADDR);
        $msg = plugin_itemPreSave_spamx('forum', $spamCheckData);
        if ($msg) {
            $errorMessages .= $msg;
            $okToSave = false;
    if ($okToSave == false) {
        $retval .= _ff_alertMessage($errorMessages, $LANG_GF01['ERROR'], '&nbsp;');
        return array(false, $retval);
    if ($okToSave == true) {
        if (!isset($postData['postmode_switch'])) {
            $postData['postmode_switch'] = 0;
        $postmode = _ff_chkpostmode($postData['postmode'], $postData['postmode_switch']);
        // validate postmode
        if ($postmode == 'html' || $postmode == 'HTML') {
            if ($_FF_CONF['allow_html'] || SEC_inGroup('Root') || SEC_hasRights('forum.html')) {
                $postmode = 'html';
            } else {
                $postmode = 'text';
        $subject = _ff_preparefordb(strip_tags($postData['subject']), 'text');
        $comment = _ff_preparefordb($postData['comment'], $postmode);
        $mood = isset($postData['mood']) ? COM_applyFilter($postData['mood']) : '';
        $id = COM_applyFilter($postData['id'], true);
        $forum = COM_applyFilter($postData['forum'], true);
        $notify = isset($postData['notify']) ? COM_applyFilter($postData['notify']) : '';
        $status = 0;
        if (isset($postData['disable_bbcode']) && $postData['disable_bbcode'] == 1) {
            $status += DISABLE_BBCODE;
        if (isset($postData['disable_smilies']) && $postData['disable_smilies'] == 1) {
            $status += DISABLE_SMILIES;
        if (isset($postData['disable_urlparse']) && $postData['disable_urlparse'] == 1) {
            $status += DISABLE_URLPARSE;
        // If user has moderator edit rights only
        $locked = 0;
        $sticky = 0;
        if (isset($postData['modedit']) && $postData['modedit'] == 1) {
            if (isset($postData['locked_switch']) && $postData['locked_switch'] == 1) {
                $locked = 1;
            if (isset($postData['sticky_switch']) && $postData['sticky_switch'] == 1) {
                $sticky = 1;
        if ($action == 'savetopic') {
            $fields = "forum,name,email,date,lastupdated,subject,comment,postmode,ip,mood,uid,pid,sticky,locked,status";
            $sql = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} ({$fields}) ";
            $sql .= "VALUES (" . (int) $forum . "," . "'" . DB_escapeString($name) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($email) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($date) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($date) . "'," . "'" . $subject . "'," . "'" . $comment . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($postmode) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($REMOTE_ADDR) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($mood) . "'," . (int) $uid . "," . "0," . (int) $sticky . "," . (int) $locked . "," . (int) $status . ")";
            // Find the id of the last inserted topic
            list($lastid) = DB_fetchArray(DB_query("SELECT max(id) FROM {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} "));
            $savedPostID = $lastid;
            $topicPID = $lastid;
            /* Check for any uploaded files - during add of new topic */
            $uploadErrors = _ff_check4files($lastid);
            // Check and see if there are no [file] bbcode tags in content and reset the show_inline value
            // This is needed in case user had used the file bbcode tag and then removed it
            $imagerecs = '';
            $imagerecs = implode(',', $forumfiles);
            $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_attachments']} SET show_inline = 0 WHERE topic_id=" . (int) $lastid . " ";
            if ($imagerecs != '') {
                $sql .= "AND id NOT IN ({$imagerecs})";
            // Update forums record
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_forums']} SET post_count=post_count+1, topic_count=topic_count+1, last_post_rec=" . (int) $lastid . " WHERE forum_id=" . (int) $forum);
            if (DB_Count($_TABLES['ff_attachments'], 'topic_id', (int) $lastid)) {
                DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} SET attachments=1 WHERE id=" . (int) $lastid);
            DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['ff_log']} WHERE topic=" . (int) $topicPID . " and time > 0");
        } else {
            if ($action == 'savereply') {
                $fields = "name,email,date,subject,comment,postmode,ip,mood,uid,pid,forum,status";
                $sql = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} ({$fields}) ";
                $sql .= "VALUES  (" . "'" . DB_escapeString($name) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($email) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($date) . "'," . "'{$subject}'," . "'{$comment}'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($postmode) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($REMOTE_ADDR) . "'," . "'" . DB_escapeString($mood) . "'," . (int) $uid . "," . (int) $id . "," . (int) $forum . "," . (int) $status . ")";
                // Find the id of the last inserted topic
                list($lastid) = DB_fetchArray(DB_query("SELECT max(id) FROM {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} "));
                $savedPostID = $lastid;
                $topicPID = $id;
                /* Check for any uploaded files  - during adding reply post */
                $uploadErrors = _ff_check4files($lastid);
                // Check and see if there are no [file] bbcode tags in content and reset the show_inline value
                // This is needed in case user had used the file bbcode tag and then removed it
                $imagerecs = '';
                $imagerecs = implode(',', $forumfiles);
                $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_attachments']} SET show_inline = 0 WHERE topic_id=" . (int) $lastid;
                if ($imagerecs != '') {
                    $sql .= " AND id NOT IN ({$imagerecs})";
                DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} SET replies=replies+1, lastupdated='" . DB_escapeString($date) . "',last_reply_rec=" . (int) $lastid . " WHERE id=" . (int) $id);
                DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_forums']} SET post_count=post_count+1, last_post_rec=" . (int) $lastid . " WHERE forum_id=" . (int) $forum);
                if (DB_Count($_TABLES['ff_attachments'], 'topic_id', (int) $lastid)) {
                    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} SET attachments=1 WHERE id=" . (int) $id);
                DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['ff_log']} WHERE topic=" . (int) $topicPID . " and time > 0");
            } elseif ($action == 'saveedit') {
                $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} SET " . "subject='{$subject}'," . "comment='{$comment}'," . "postmode='" . DB_escapeString($postmode) . "'," . "mood='" . DB_escapeString($mood) . "'," . "sticky=" . (int) $sticky . "," . "locked=" . (int) $locked . "," . "status=" . (int) $status . " " . "WHERE (id=" . (int) $editid . ")";
                /* Check for any uploaded files  - during save of edit */
                $uploadErrors = _ff_check4files($editid);
                // Check and see if there are no [file] bbcode tags in content and reset the show_inline value
                // This is needed in case user had used the file bbcode tag and then removed it
                $imagerecs = '';
                $imagerecs = implode(',', $forumfiles);
                $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_attachments']} SET show_inline = 0 WHERE topic_id=" . (int) $editid . " ";
                if ($imagerecs != '') {
                    $sql .= "AND id NOT IN ({$imagerecs})";
                $topicPID = DB_getITEM($_TABLES['ff_topic'], "pid", "id=" . (int) $editid);
                if ($topicPID == 0) {
                    $topicPID = $editid;
                $savedPostID = $editid;
                if ($postData['silentedit'] != 1) {
                    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} SET lastupdated='" . DB_escapeString($date) . "' WHERE id=" . (int) $topicPID);
                    //Remove any lastviewed records in the log so that the new updated topic indicator will appear
                    DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['ff_log']} WHERE topic=" . (int) $topicPID . " and time > 0");
                if (DB_Count($_TABLES['ff_attachments'], 'topic_id', (int) $editid)) {
                    DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} SET attachments=1 WHERE id=" . (int) $topicPID);
                $topicparent = $topicPID;
        PLG_itemSaved($savedPostID, 'forum');
        if (!COM_isAnonUser()) {
            //NOTIFY - Checkbox variable in form set to "on" when checked and they don't already have subscribed to forum or topic
            $nid = -$topicPID;
            $currentForumNotifyRecID = (int) DB_getItem($_TABLES['subscriptions'], 'sub_id', "type='forum' AND category='" . DB_escapeString($forum) . "' AND id=0 AND uid=" . (int) $uid);
            $currentTopicNotifyRecID = (int) DB_getItem($_TABLES['subscriptions'], 'sub_id', "type='forum' AND category='" . DB_escapeString($forum) . "' AND id='" . DB_escapeString($topicPID) . "' AND uid=" . (int) $uid);
            $currentTopicUnNotifyRecID = (int) DB_getItem($_TABLES['subscriptions'], 'sub_id', "type='forum' AND category='" . DB_escapeString($forum) . "' AND id='" . DB_escapeString($nid) . "' AND uid=" . (int) $uid);
            $forum_name = DB_getItem($_TABLES['ff_forums'], 'forum_name', 'forum_id=' . (int) $forum);
            $topic_name = $subject;
            if ($notify == 'on' and ($currentForumNotifyRecID < 1 and $currentTopicNotifyRecID < 1)) {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['subscriptions']} (type,category,category_desc,id,id_desc,uid,date_added) ";
                $sql .= "VALUES ('forum','" . DB_escapeString($forum) . "','" . DB_escapeString($forum_name) . "','" . DB_escapeString($topicPID) . "','" . $subject . "'," . (int) $uid . ",now() )";
            } elseif ($notify == 'on' and $currentTopicUnNotifyRecID > 1) {
                // Had un-subcribed to topic and now wants to subscribe
                DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['subscriptions']} WHERE sub_id=" . (int) $currentTopicUnNotifyRecID);
            } elseif ($notify == '' and $currentTopicNotifyRecID > 1) {
                // Subscribed to topic - but does not want to be notified anymore
                DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['subscriptions']} WHERE type='forum' AND uid=" . (int) $uid . " AND category='" . DB_escapeString($forum) . "' and id = '" . DB_escapeString($topicPID) . "'");
            } elseif ($notify == '' and $currentForumNotifyRecID > 1) {
                // Subscribed to forum - but does not want to be notified about this topic
                DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['subscriptions']} WHERE type='forum' AND uid=" . (int) $uid . " AND category='" . DB_escapeString($forum) . "' and id = '" . DB_escapeString($topicPID) . "'");
                DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['subscriptions']} WHERE type='forum' AND uid=" . (int) $uid . " AND category='" . DB_escapeString($forum) . "' and id = '" . DB_escapeString($nid) . "'");
                DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['subscriptions']} (type,category,category_desc,id,id_desc,uid,date_added) VALUES ('forum','" . DB_escapeString($forum) . "','" . DB_escapeString($forum_name) . "','" . DB_escapeString($nid) . "','" . $subject . "'," . (int) $uid . ",now() )");
        if ($action != 'saveedit') {
            _ff_chknotifications($forum, $savedPostID, $uid);
        $link = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . $topicPID . '&topic=' . $savedPostID . '#' . $savedPostID;
        if ($uploadErrors != '') {
            $autorefresh = false;
        } else {
            $autorefresh = true;
        $retval .= FF_statusMessage($uploadErrors . $LANG_GF02['msg19'], $link, $LANG_GF02['msg19'], false, '', $autorefresh);
    } else {
        $retval .= _ff_alertMessage($LANG_GF02['msg18']);
    return array(true, $retval);
Exemplo n.º 9
 $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_method', '');
 $topicnavbar->set_var('page', $page);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_bhelp', $LANG_GF01['b_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_ihelp', $LANG_GF01['i_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_uhelp', $LANG_GF01['u_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_qhelp', $LANG_GF01['q_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_chelp', $LANG_GF01['c_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_lhelp', $LANG_GF01['l_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_ohelp', $LANG_GF01['o_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_phelp', $LANG_GF01['p_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_whelp', $LANG_GF01['w_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_ahelp', $LANG_GF01['a_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_shelp', $LANG_GF01['s_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_fhelp', $LANG_GF01['f_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_hhelp', $LANG_GF01['h_help']);
 if (!COM_isAnonUser() and forum_modPermission($forum, $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) {
     $editmoderator = TRUE;
     $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_modedit', '1');
 } else {
     $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_modedit', '0');
     $editmoderator = FALSE;
 if ($method == 'newtopic') {
     $postmessage = $LANG_GF02['PostTopic'];
     $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_method', 'newtopic');
     $editpid = 0;
 } elseif ($method == 'postreply') {
     $postmessage = $LANG_GF02['PostReply'];
     $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_method', 'postreply');
     if ($preview != 'Preview') {
         $subject = $LANG_GF01['RE'] . $subject;
Exemplo n.º 10
            $move_to_topic = isset($_POST['mergetopic']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['mergetopic'], true) : 0;
            $splittype = '';
            $move_to_forum = DB_getItem($_TABLES['ff_topic'], 'forum', 'id=' . (int) $move_to_topic);
            if ($move_to_forum == '') {
            if (!forum_modPermission($move_to_forum, $_USER['uid'], 'mod_move')) {
            if ($splittype != 'single' && $splittype != 'remaining') {
                $splittype = '';
            $pageBody .= moderator_mergePost($topic_id, $topic_parent_id, $forum_id, $move_to_forum, $move_to_topic, $splittype);
        case 'confirmbanip':
            if (!forum_modPermission($forum_id, $_USER['uid'], 'mod_ban')) {
            if ($topic_id == 0) {
            $hostip = isset($_POST['hostip']) ? COM_applyFilter($_POST['hostip']) : '';
            $pageBody .= moderator_banIP($topic_id, $topic_parent_id, $forum_id, $hostip);
            $pageBody .= alertMessage($LANG_GF02['msg71'], '', '', true);
// Display Common headers
$display = FF_siteHeader();
Exemplo n.º 11
 $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_method', '');
 $topicnavbar->set_var('page', $page);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_bhelp', $LANG_GF01['b_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_ihelp', $LANG_GF01['i_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_uhelp', $LANG_GF01['u_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_qhelp', $LANG_GF01['q_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_chelp', $LANG_GF01['c_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_lhelp', $LANG_GF01['l_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_ohelp', $LANG_GF01['o_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_phelp', $LANG_GF01['p_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_whelp', $LANG_GF01['w_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_ahelp', $LANG_GF01['a_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_shelp', $LANG_GF01['s_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_fhelp', $LANG_GF01['f_help']);
 $topicnavbar->set_var('LANG_hhelp', $LANG_GF01['h_help']);
 if (!COM_isAnonUser() and forum_modPermission($forum, $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit') or SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
     $editmoderator = TRUE;
     $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_modedit', '1');
 } else {
     $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_modedit', '0');
     $editmoderator = FALSE;
 if ($method == 'newtopic') {
     $postmessage = $LANG_GF02['PostTopic'];
     $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_method', 'newtopic');
     $editpid = 0;
 } elseif ($method == 'postreply') {
     $postmessage = $LANG_GF02['PostReply'];
     $topicnavbar->set_var('hidden_method', 'postreply');
     if ($preview != 'Preview') {
         $subject = $LANG_GF01['RE'] . $subject;
Exemplo n.º 12
if (!in_array('forum', $_PLUGINS)) {
$deleteid = COM_applyFilter($_GET['id'], true);
$topic = COM_applyFilter($_GET['topic'], true);
$query = DB_query("SELECT uid,forum,date FROM {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} WHERE id=" . (int) $topic);
$edittopic = DB_fetchArray($query, false);
$editAllowed = false;
if (COM_isAnonUser()) {
    $uid = 1;
} else {
    $uid = $_USER['uid'];
if (forum_modPermission($edittopic['forum'], $uid, 'mod_edit')) {
    $editAllowed = true;
} elseif ($edittopic['uid'] > 1 and $edittopic['uid'] == $uid) {
    // User is trying to edit their topic post - this is allowed
    if ($edittopic['date'] > 0) {
        if ($_FF_CONF['allowed_editwindow'] > 0) {
            // Check if edit timeframe is still valid
            $t2 = $_FF_CONF['allowed_editwindow'];
            $time = time();
            if (time() - $t2 < $edittopic['date']) {
                $editAllowed = true;
        } else {
            $editAllowed = true;