function output() { global $vars; if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "config/startup.html")) { $this->tpl['startup_html'] = file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . "config/startup.html"); } $this->tpl['wind_version'] = format_version($vars['info']['version']); $this->tpl['community_name'] = $vars['community']['name']; $this->tpl['community_short_name'] = $vars['community']['short_name']; return template($this->tpl, __FILE__); }
function output() { global $db, $php_start, $main, $vars; if ($this->hide) { return; } $this->tpl['php_time'] = getmicrotime() - $php_start; $this->tpl['mysql_time'] = $db->total_time; $this->tpl['wind_version'] = format_version($vars['info']['version']); if (isset($main->userdata->privileges['admin']) && $main->userdata->privileges['admin'] === TRUE && $vars['debug']['enabled'] == TRUE) { $this->tpl['debug_mysql'] = ROOT_PATH . "debug/mysql.php?" . get_query_string(); } return template($this->tpl, __FILE__); }
public function __construct() { $this->info = $this->info(); $slug = isset($this->info['slug']) ? trim($this->info['slug']) : FALSE; if (empty($slug)) { $this->info['slug'] = $this->slug(); } //version check $ver = get_app_version(true); $min_ver = $this->get_info('min_ver'); if (!empty($min_ver)) { $min_ver = format_version($min_ver, true); if ($ver < $min_ver) { //not required version, disallow! $plg = Plugin::factory()->get_by_slug($this->get_info('slug')); if ($plg->exists()) { $plg->active = FALSE; $plg->save(); } $ver = format_version($ver); $min_ver = format_version($min_ver); $lnk = site_url('administration/dashboard'); $plglnk = anchor($this->get_info('url'), $this->get_info('name')); show_error("Version mismatch for plugin {$plglnk}! " . "You are running version {$ver} and minimum required version is {$min_ver}. " . "Plugin is disabled, please <a href='{$lnk}'>click here</a>!"); } } }
# @projectManager David DuVal <*****@*****.**> # @package PHPLinkDirectory # ###################################################################### */ require_once 'init.php'; //Clear the entire cache $tpl->clear_all_cache(); //Clear all compiled template files $tpl->clear_compiled_tpl(); $url = get_url('', URL_CONTENT, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . request_uri()); $sv = parse_version($url['content']); $cv = parse_version(CURRENT_VERSION); //Version check if ($sv > $cv) { $version = _L('A new version (##VERSION##) is available.'); $version = str_replace('##VERSION##', format_version($sv), $version); $tpl->assign('update_available', 1); } else { $version = _L('Your installation is up to date, no updates are available for your version of ScriptMind::Links.'); $tpl->assign('update_available', 0); } //Security check $security_warnings = install_security_check(); if (!empty($security_warnings)) { $tpl->assign('security_warnings', $security_warnings); } unset($security_warnings); //Directory statistics $stats[0] = $db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` > '1'"); $stats[1] = $db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '1'"); $stats[2] = $db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '0'");
public function finish() { if (is_db_conf_empty()) { redirect('setup/help/database-config-missing'); } file_put_contents(FCPATH . "installed.txt", format_version(CS_SETUP_VERSION)); $this->templatemanager->assign('login_url', 'administration/dashboard'); $this->templatemanager->show_template("finish"); }