mysql_select_db($conf['dbase']) or die(mysql_error()); $results = array(); $res = mysql_query("select id,deleted,firstname,lastname from mdl_user where id>25 and deleted=0 order by lastname,firstname"); // from some group!! while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $usersubmissions = osv_row($row['id'], $row['lastname'], $row['firstname'], $results[$row['id']]); $result[$row['id']] = $usersubmissions; } return array('text' => $result, 'results' => $results); } /*if (!$_REQUEST['from']) { $_REQUEST['from']='2009.01.01'; } if (!$_REQUEST['to']) { $_REQUEST['to']='2011.01.01'; }*/ ?> <body> <!--p>Выберите расчетный период</p--> <form action='db.php'> <!--input type='text' id='s-from' name='from' value='<!?print $_REQUEST['from']?>'></input--> <!--input type='text' id='s-to' name='to' value='<!?print $_REQUEST['to']?>'></input--> <!--input type='submit'></input--> <!--p><strong>Оборотно-сальдовая ведомость</strong></p--> </form> <?php print format_table(osv()); ?> </body> </html>
echo vvv_dash_error('Error: That theme already exists!'); } else { $cmd = 'wp scaffold child-theme ' . $child . ' --theme_name="' . $_POST['theme_name'] . '" --parent_theme=' . $_POST['item'] . ' --path=' . $host_path . ' --debug'; $new_theme = shell_exec($cmd); if ($new_theme) { $purge_status = $cache->purge('-themes'); echo vvv_dash_notice($purge_status . ' files were purged from cache!'); echo vvv_dash_notice($new_theme); } else { echo vvv_dash_error('<strong>Error:</strong> Something went wrong!'); } } } $host_info = $vvv_dash->set_host_info($_GET['host']); $themes = $vvv_dash->get_themes_data($host_info['host'], $host_info['path']); echo format_table($themes, $_GET['host'], 'themes'); } } if ($debug_log_path && file_exists($debug_log_path) && !empty($debug_log_lines)) { if (isset($_GET['host'])) { ?> <h4>Debug Log for <span class="red"><?php echo $_GET['host']; ?> </span> <?php echo $close; ?> </h4><?php ?> <div class="wp-debug-log">
$view = array(); $last = null; foreach ($results as $token) { if ($last && (!$token->isMember && $last->isMember || in_array($token->type, array(T_INTERFACE, T_CLASS)))) { $view[] = array('', '', '', '', ''); } $last = $token; $view[] = array($token->line, $token->isMember ? $token->access : '', strtolower(str_replace('T_', '', token_name($token->type))), $token->name, docblock_excerpt($token->docblock)); } return $view; } function format_table($map) { $out = array(); $column_widths = array_fill(0, count($map[0]), 0); foreach ($map as $row) { foreach ($row as $num => $col) { $column_widths[$num] = max($column_widths[$num], strlen($col)); } } foreach ($map as $row) { $line = ''; foreach ($row as $num => $col) { $line .= str_pad($col, $column_widths[$num] + 2); } $out[] = trim($line); } return implode("\n", $out); } print format_table(list_to_table(transform_tokens_to_list(token_get_all_improved(file_get_contents(isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : 'php://stdin'))))) . "\n";