Exemplo n.º 1
 function dispJson()
     print 'command is :' . $this->cmd . '<br>';
     #		ob_clean(); #clean up the output buffer
     $json_string = file_get_contents($this->cmd);
     $obj = format_json($json_string, 1, 1);
        $nct_id = '';
    if (isset($_GET['population'])) {
        $population = $_GET['population'];
    } else {
        $population = '';
    $Query = "SELECT * FROM results_baseline WHERE id = '" . $id . "'";
    $Database = mysql_query($Query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
    if ($Database && mysql_num_rows($Database)) {
        $query = "UPDATE results_baseline SET";
        if (isset($id)) {
            $query .= "id='" . mysql_real_escape_string($id) . "'";
        if (isset($rslts_baseline_id)) {
            $query .= "rslts_baseline_id='" . mysql_real_escape_string($rslts_baseline_id) . "'";
        if (isset($nct_id)) {
            $query .= "nct_id='" . mysql_real_escape_string($nct_id) . "'";
        if (isset($population)) {
            $query .= "population='" . mysql_real_escape_string($population) . "'";
        $query .= " WHERE id = '" . $id . "'";
        mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
        $ReturnObject = array();
        $ReturnObject['message'] = "Results_baseline Updated!";
    $app->response()->header("Content-Type", "application/json");
    echo stripslashes(format_json(json_encode($ReturnObject)));
        $road_map_id = $Database['road_map_id'];
        $title = $Database['title'];
        $image = $Database['image'];
        $header = $Database['header'];
        $footer = $Database['footer'];
        $KeysQuery = "SELECT * from keys k";
        $KeysQuery .= " WHERE road_map_id = " . $road_map_id;
        $KeysQuery .= " ORDER BY name ASC";
        $KeysResults = mysql_query($KeysQuery) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
        $road_map_id = prepareIdOut($road_map_id, $host);
        $F = array();
        $F['road_map_id'] = $road_map_id;
        $F['title'] = $title;
        $F['image'] = $image;
        $F['header'] = $header;
        $F['footer'] = $footer;
        // Keys
        $F['keys'] = array();
        while ($Keys = mysql_fetch_assoc($KeysResults)) {
            $name = $Keys['name'];
            $description = $Keys['description'];
            $K = array();
            $K['name'] = $name;
            $K['description'] = $description;
            array_push($F['keys'], $K);
        $ReturnObject = $F;
    $app->response()->header("Content-Type", "application/json");
    echo format_json(json_encode($ReturnObject));
Exemplo n.º 4
# Script: group.php
# Takes a group id and displays the contained documents.
# HS 2011-06-15
require_once 'config.inc.php';
require_once 'functions.inc.php';
require_once 'Mendeley.php';
$mendeley = new Mendeley(API_KEY);
if (isset($_GET['gid']) && $_GET['gid'] != "") {
    $gid = $_GET['gid'];
    is_mendeley_group_id($gid) or die('invalid gid');
    if (isset($_GET['format']) && $_GET['format'] == "raw") {
        $json = $mendeley->fetch_docs_in_group($gid);
    } else {
        $uuids = $mendeley->get_uuids_in_group($gid);
        if (count($uuids) == 0) {
            echo 'No documents found';
        } else {
            echo '<h3>Documents in group ' . $gid . '</h3>';
            foreach ($uuids as $uuid) {
                $paper = $mendeley->get_document($uuid);
                echo '<P>';
                echo '</P>';
require_once 'test-util.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/ca-main.php';
echo '<div class="apitest">';
echo '<h1>users_processes_notes_index</h1>';
$ca = new CityApi();
$ca->debug = true;
$ca->json = true;
echo "<h2>Test:</h2>";
$userid = 238801;
$processid = 12343;
$results = $ca->users_processes_notes_index($userid, $processid, array('page' => 1));
echo "<h2>results:</h2>{$results}";
echo '<h2>Formatted JSON results: </h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo format_json($results);
echo '</pre>';
echo '<h2>HTTP Response Info</h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '</div>';


$results = $ca->users_index(array('page' => '1'));
$total_pages = $results['total_pages'];
$total_entries = $results['total_entries'];
$per_page = $results['per_page'];
echo "<h2>Got {$total_pages} pages, {$total_entries} users, {$per_page} per page</h2>";
echo '<h2>Formatted JSON results: </h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo format_json(json_encode($results));
echo '</pre>';
// get remaining pages
for ($page = 2; $page <= $total_pages; $page++) {
    $results = $ca->users_index(array('page' => $page));
    echo "<h2>Page {$page}:</h2>";
    echo '<h2>Formatted JSON results: </h2>';
    echo '<pre>';
    echo format_json(json_encode($results));
    echo '</pre>';
$ca->debug = true;
//$ca->json = true;
//$results = $ca->users_index(array('page'=>'1'));
$results = $ca->users_index();
echo "<h2>results:</h2>$results";
echo '<h2>Formatted JSON results: </h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo format_json($results);
echo '</pre>';

$user_count = $results['count'];
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
<h2>List Subjects for Galleries</h2>
<i>This example returns a list of subjects currently enrolled in a given gallery</i><br />
//* * * * include the wrapper class
include '../Kairos.php';
include 'assets/helper.php';
//* * * * sample api credentials (works for example)
$app_id = 'e2a8eaa7';
$api_key = '4092e4a45070bca728644e9285f084b4';
//* * * * create a new instance and authenticate
$Kairos = new Kairos($app_id, $api_key);
 In this example, we request a list of all galleries */
$gallery_id = "people";
$response = $Kairos->listSubjectsForGallery($gallery_id);
echo '<br /><b>Response:</b><br />';
echo '<div class="text-left" style="padding:10px;border:1px solid rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.08);background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.26);"><br />';
echo format_json($response, true);
echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 8
if ($action) {
    $account = trim(getgpc('name'));
    $password = trim(getgpc('password'));
    $confirm = getgpc('confirm');
    $avatar = getgpc('avatar');
    $gid = getnum('gid', 0);
    $state = getnum("state", 1);
    $gender = getnum('gender', 0);
    $email = getgpc('email');
    $phone = getgpc('phone');
    $blog = getgpc('blog');
    $qq = getgpc('qq');
    $birthday = getgpc('birthday');
    $extra = $_POST['extra'];
    $extra = format_json(fix_json($extra));
switch ($action) {
    case "add":
        $func = 'system-admin-add';
        System::check_func($func, FALSE);
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sys:admin` WHERE account='" . $account . "'";
        $row = System::$db->getOne($sql);
        if ($row) {
            $_G['project']['message'] = "已经存在同名用户!";
        } else {
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Generates the json output for an api request.
 * @param   array   $data
 * @return  string  The api result as json.
function gen_json($data)
    // Allow the use of this json on any domain.
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
    $data = tidy_array($data, null);
    $json = format_json(json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
    // JSONP callback function
    if (isset($_GET["callback"])) {
        header('Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8');
        $json = safe_callback($_GET["callback"]) . "(" . $json . ");";
    } else {
        header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
    return $json;
Exemplo n.º 10
require 'include/naver.admin.php';
$action = getgpc('action');
$jump = getgpc('jump');
$next = true;
$gid = getnum('id', 0);
$name = getgpc('name');
$state = getnum('state', 0);
$medal = getgpc("medal");
$description = getgpc('description');
if ($action) {
    $config = $_POST['config'];
    $config = format_json(fix_json($config));
    $module = $_POST['module'];
    $module = serialize($module);
    $widget = $_POST['widget'];
    $widget = serialize($widget);
switch ($action) {
    case "add":
        $func = 'system-group-add';
        System::check_func($func, FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 11
    echo "<p>You entered SOME_PASSWORD as your password.</p>";
    echo "<p>Welcome to WP API demo. Remember to put <b>'http://' or 'https://'</b> in front of your URL.</p>";
    // show the form
    // Using apache authorization information
    $args = array('headers' => array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($username . ':' . $password)));
    // Check submit form
    if (isset($_POST['submit_input'])) {
        $request_url = $_POST['url_request'];
        $wp_http = new WP_Http();
        $result = $wp_http->request($request_url, $args);
        echo "<hr>";
        echo "You requested: <b>{$request_url}</b> <br>";
        echo "Go to <a href='http://json.parser.online.fr' target='_blank'> JSON Parser Online</a> to simply format the JSON";
        // unset because we are done
function format_json($json, $html = false, $tabspaces = null)
    $tabcount = 0;
    $result = '';
    $inquote = false;
    $ignorenext = false;
    if ($html) {
        $tab = str_repeat("&nbsp;", $tabspaces == null ? 4 : $tabspaces);
        $newline = "<br/>";
    } else {
        $tab = $tabspaces == null ? "\t" : str_repeat(" ", $tabspaces);
Exemplo n.º 12

$route = '/';
$app->get($route, function ()  use ($app){

	$E = array();
	$E['Message'] = "Welcome!";

	$app->response()->header("Content-Type", "application/json");
	echo format_json(json_encode($E));


Exemplo n.º 13
 public static function examine_insert($perm, $appid, $func, $summary, $execute, $original = array())
     global $_G;
     global $_CACHE;
     if (array_key_exists($perm, $_G['group'])) {
         self::examine_execute($appid, $execute, $summary, $original);
     } else {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `sys:examine`(account,aid,appid,func,summary,original,execute,state,dateline,ip) values('" . $_G['manager']['account'] . "','" . $_G['manager']['id'] . "','" . $appid . "','" . $func . "','" . format_json(fix_json($summary)) . "','" . format_json(fix_json($original)) . "','" . addslashes($execute) . "',-1,'" . time() . "','" . GetIP() . "')";
         $gid = self::get_func_gid($perm);
         $uid = self::get_user_gid($gid);
         foreach ($_CACHE['system']['admin'] as $aid => $row) {
             if (in_array($aid, $uid) && $row['email']) {
                 self::sendmail('新审核请求……', $row['email'], '', $row['account'] . '<br />$content');