function update_fields_with_file_data($stream)
     $url = $this->get_protocol() . '://' . $stream->get_media_url($this->manager->get_value('id'));
     $this->manager->set_value('url', $url);
     $this->manager->set_value('reason_managed_media', 1);
     $bytes = $stream->get_media_size_bytes($this->manager->get_value('id'));
     if (!empty($bytes)) {
         $this->manager->set_value('media_size_in_bytes', $bytes);
         $this->manager->set_value('media_size', format_bytes_as_human_readable($bytes));
     if (!empty($this->checksum)) {
         $this->manager->set_value('media_md5_sum', $this->checksum);
     $duration = $stream->get_media_duration($this->manager->get_value('id'));
     if (!empty($duration)) {
         $human_readable_duration = $this->get_human_readable_duration($duration);
         if (!empty($human_readable_duration)) {
             $this->manager->set_value('media_duration', $human_readable_duration);
Exemplo n.º 2
 function _get_current_file_display($current)
     if (!$current || $this->too_big) {
         return '';
     if ($current->path && $current->uri) {
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($current->path);
         $disk_size = format_bytes_as_human_readable($current->size);
         $dimensions = "{$width}×{$height}";
         $uri = htmlspecialchars($current->uri) . '?_nocache=' . time();
         $img_style = ' style="width: ' . $width . 'px; ' . 'height: ' . $height . 'px;"';
         $div_style = '';
     } else {
         $uri = $img_style = $dimensions = $disk_size = '';
         $div_style = ' style="display: none;"';
     $image_size = '<span class="dimensions">' . $dimensions . '</span> ' . '(<span class="filesize">' . $disk_size . '</span>)';
     return '<div class="uploaded_file uploaded_image"' . $div_style . '>' . '<span class="smallText">Uploaded image:</span><br />' . '<img src="' . $uri . '"' . $img_style . ' class="representation" />' . '<br /><span class="size">' . $image_size . '</span></div>';
  * The upload element is added to the form.
 function _add_file_upload_element()
     if ($this->manager->manages_media && $this->manager->get_value('transcoding_status') != 'converting') {
         $authenticator = array("reason_username_has_access_to_site", $this->manager->get_value("site_id"));
         $params = array('authenticator' => $authenticator, 'acceptable_extensions' => $this->recognized_extensions, 'max_file_size' => $this->_get_actual_max_upload_size(), 'head_items' => &$this->manager->head_items);
         $this->manager->add_element('upload_file', 'ReasonUpload', $params);
         $this->manager->set_comments('upload_file', form_comment('If the file is on your computer, browse to it here.') . form_comment('File must have one of the following extensions: .' . implode(', .', $this->recognized_extensions)) . form_comment('<div class="maxUploadSizeNotice">Maximum file size for uploading is ' . format_bytes_as_human_readable($this->_get_actual_max_upload_size()) . '. </div>'));
         $this->manager->add_comments('upload_url', form_comment('Or, you can place the media in any web-accessible location and paste its web address in here. <em>Tip: try pasting the address into another tab first, to make sure you have the address right!</em>'));
         if ($this->manager->get_value('transcoding_status') == 'ready') {
             $this->manager->set_display_name('upload_file', 'Upload Replacement File');
 * Our scheme for processing audio files is much simpler than videos. We simply receive a notification
 * from Zencoder containing data about our desired output formats and create media files with it.
 * @param $media_work entity
 * @param $notification object
 * @param $mime_type_map array
 * @param $netid string
function process_audio($media_work, $notification, $mime_type_map, $netid)
    echo 'Processing Audio...' . "\n";
    $output = current($notification->job->outputs);
    $label = $output->label;
    $label_parts = explode('_', $label);
    $format = reset($label_parts);
    $id = end($label_parts);
    // get Reason media file for this output file
    $es = new entity_selector();
    $es->add_relation(' = "' . addslashes($id) . '"');
    $media_file = current(array_merge($es->run_one(), $es->run_one('', 'Pending')));
    $duration = get_human_readable_duration(intval($output->duration_in_ms));
    if ($media_file) {
        echo 'Processing media file ' . $media_file->id();
        $url = $output->url;
        $name = basename($url);
        $url = str_replace($name, urlencode($name), $url);
        $values = array('av_type' => 'Audio', 'media_format' => 'HTML5', 'media_size_in_bytes' => $output->file_size_in_bytes, 'media_size' => format_bytes_as_human_readable(intval($output->file_size_in_bytes)), 'media_quality' => $output->audio_bitrate_in_kbps . ' kbps', 'mime_type' => $mime_type_map[$format], 'media_duration' => get_human_readable_duration(intval($output->duration_in_ms)), 'url' => $url);
        ZencoderShim::get_storage_class()->update_audio_media_file_in_notification_receiver($values, $format, $media_work, $media_file);
    } else {
        echo 'Media File with id' . $id . ' could not be stored.' . "\n";
        trigger_error('Media File with id ' . $id . ' could not be stored.');
Exemplo n.º 5
 //    display the page
 echo $page;
 // if we're using a cache, make sure to store the new result
 // also, record stats about misses here
 $page_gen_time = round(1000 * (get_microtime() - $s));
 if ($use_cache and !$cache_hit) {
     $cache->store(get_current_url(), $page);
 if (is_developer() && !$requested_api) {
     $str = $page_gen_time . ' ms | ' . format_bytes_as_human_readable(memory_get_peak_usage(true)) . ' | ';
     if ($use_cache) {
         $str .= 'caching is ON: ';
         if ($cache_hit) {
             $str .= 'hit';
         } else {
             $str .= 'miss';
     } else {
         $str .= 'caching is OFF: ' . implode(', ', $no_cache_reasons);
     echo "\n" . '<div id="reasonDeveloper" style="background-color:#ddd;color:#555;font-size:0.75em;padding:1px 1em;">';
     echo '<p>' . $str . '</p>';
     if (isset($t) && method_exists($t, 'display_developer_section')) {
Exemplo n.º 6
 function foot()
     echo '</td></tr></table>' . "\n";
     echo '</div>' . "\n";
         echo '<div id="reasonDeveloper" style="background-color:#ddd;color:#555;font-size:0.75em;padding:1px 1em;">';
         $time = round((microtime(true) - $this->start_time) * 1000, 2);
         printf('<p>%s ms | %s</p>', $time, format_bytes_as_human_readable(memory_get_peak_usage(true)));
         echo '</div>';
     echo '</body>' . "\n";
     echo '</html>' . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Creates a media file whose url is a file that doesn't need to go through Zencoder because
 * it's either an mp3 or ogg. 
 * @param $filepath string
 * @param $media_work entity
 = 	 * @param $user_id int
 public static function create_audio_source_file($filepath, $media_work, $user_id)
     $filename = basename($filepath);
     $extension = end(explode('.', $filename));
     if ($extension == 'mp3') {
         $mime_type = 'audio/mpeg';
     } else {
         $mime_type = 'audio/ogg';
     $needs_deleting = false;
     if (strpos($filepath, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($filepath, 'https://') !== 0) {
         $base_path = str_replace($filename, '', $filepath);
         $filepath = $base_path . $filename;
         $filesize = filesize($filepath);
     $media_file_id = reason_create_entity($media_work->get_owner()->id(), id_of('av_file'), $user_id, $media_work->get_value('name') . ' ' . $extension, array('av_type' => 'Audio', 'flavor_id' => 'original'));
     create_relationship($media_work->id(), $media_file_id, relationship_id_of('av_to_av_file'));
     $web_url = self::get_storage_class()->store_media($media_file_id, $filepath, '', $media_work, 'original');
     $values = array('media_format' => 'HTML5', 'url' => $web_url, 'download_url' => $web_url, 'mime_type' => $mime_type, 'media_size_in_bytes' => $filesize, 'media_size' => format_bytes_as_human_readable($filesize), 'media_quality' => self::_get_bitrate($filepath) . ' kbps', 'media_duration' => self::_get_duration($filepath));
     reason_update_entity($media_file_id, $media_work->get_owner()->id(), $values, false);
 function run()
         die("This module can't be run in Reason Maintenance Mode.");
     //if ($this->media_work->get_value('transcoding_status') != 'ready') die('This media work must have a transcoding status of \'ready\' to use this module.');
     if (!array_key_exists('run', $this->admin_page->request) || !$this->admin_page->request['run']) {
         echo '<p>Attempt to re-download the media files from Zencoder. This will only work if the job was submitted less than 24 hours ago.</p>' . "\n";
         $url = carl_make_link(array('run' => '1'));
         echo '<p><a href="' . $url . '">Re-Download Files</a></p>' . "\n";
         if ($this->media_work->get_value('av_type') == 'Audio') {
             echo '<p>Re-encode the audio file with Zencoder.</p>' . "\n";
             $url = carl_make_link(array('run' => '2'));
             echo '<p><a href="' . $url . '">Re-Encode Audio</a></p>' . "\n";
     } else {
         if ($this->admin_page->request['run'] == 1) {
             $zencoder = new Services_Zencoder(ZENCODER_FULL_ACCESS_KEY);
             $values = array('transcoding_status' => 'finalizing');
             reason_update_entity($this->media_work->id(), $this->media_work->get_owner()->id(), $values, false);
             $mime_type_map = array('mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'ogg' => 'audio/ogg', 'webm' => 'video/webm', 'mp4' => 'video/mp4');
             $outputs = $zencoder->jobs->details($this->media_work->get_value('entry_id'))->outputs;
             if ($this->media_work->get_value('av_type') == 'Video') {
                 foreach ($outputs as $label => $obj) {
                     if (!$label) {
                     $label_parts = explode('_', $label);
                     $format = reset($label_parts);
                     $id = end($label_parts);
                     $es = new entity_selector();
                     $es->add_relation(' = "' . addslashes($id) . '"');
                     $media_file = current(array_merge($es->run_one(), $es->run_one('', 'Pending')));
                     $duration = $this->get_human_readable_duration(intval($obj->duration_in_ms));
                     if (ZencoderShim::get_storage_class()->output_url_has_expired($obj->url)) {
                         echo '<p>The url for Media File ' . $media_file->id() . ' has expired. Unable to re-download.</p>';
                     if ($media_file) {
                         echo '<p>Processing media file ' . $media_file->id() . '</p>' . "\n";
                         $values = array('new' => 0, 'av_type' => 'Video', 'media_format' => 'HTML5', 'media_size_in_bytes' => $obj->file_size_bytes, 'media_size' => format_bytes_as_human_readable(intval($obj->file_size_bytes)), 'media_quality' => $obj->audio_bitrate_in_kbps . ' kbps', 'mime_type' => $mime_type_map[$format], 'media_duration' => $this->get_human_readable_duration(intval($obj->duration_in_ms)), 'width' => $obj->width, 'height' => $obj->height, 'media_is_progressively_downloadable' => true, 'url' => $obj->url);
                         ZencoderShim::get_storage_class()->update_video_media_file_in_notification_receiver($values, $format, $this->media_work, $media_file);
                     } else {
                         trigger_error('No Media File with id ' . $id . ' was found.');
                 $this->finish_processing($this->media_work, $this->user->get_value('name'), $duration);
             } else {
                 foreach ($outputs as $label => $obj) {
                     $label_parts = explode('_', $label);
                     $format = reset($label_parts);
                     $id = end($label_parts);
                     $es = new entity_selector();
                     $es->add_relation(' = "' . addslashes($id) . '"');
                     $media_file = current(array_merge($es->run_one(), $es->run_one('', 'Pending')));
                     $duration = $this->get_human_readable_duration(intval($obj->duration_in_ms));
                     if (ZencoderShim::get_storage_class()->output_url_has_expired($obj->url)) {
                         echo '<p>The url for Media File ' . $media_file->id() . ' has expired. Unable to re-download.</p>';
                     if ($media_file) {
                         echo '<p>Processing media file ' . $media_file->id() . '</p>' . "\n";
                         $values = array('av_type' => 'Audio', 'media_format' => 'HTML5', 'media_size_in_bytes' => $obj->file_size_bytes, 'media_size' => format_bytes_as_human_readable(intval($obj->file_size_bytes)), 'media_quality' => $obj->audio_bitrate_in_kbps . ' kbps', 'mime_type' => $mime_type_map[$format], 'media_duration' => $this->get_human_readable_duration(intval($obj->duration_in_ms)), 'url' => $obj->url);
                         ZencoderShim::get_storage_class()->update_audio_media_file_in_notification_receiver($values, $format, $this->media_work, $media_file);
                     } else {
                         echo '<p>Media File with id' . $id . ' could not be stored.</p>' . "\n";
                         trigger_error('Media File with id ' . $id . ' could not be stored.');
                 $this->finish_processing($this->media_work, $this->user->get_value('name'), $duration);
         } elseif ($this->admin_page->request['run'] == 2) {
             // submit new job to Zencoder using original file
             $shim = new ZencoderShim();
             if (strpos($this->media_work->get_value('tmp_file_name'), 'http') === 0) {
                 $job = $shim->upload_audio($this->media_work->get_value('tmp_file_name'), $this->media_work, $this->user->get_value('name'), true, true);
             } else {
                 $path = $shim->get_storage_class()->get_path('', '', $this->media_work, 'original');
                 $job = $shim->upload_audio($path, $this->media_work, $this->user->get_value('name'), false, true);
             if (!$job) {
                 echo '<p>There was an error during the upload process. Audio files could not be re-encoded.</p>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '<p>Audio files have begun encoding with Zencoder.</p>' . "\n";
                 reason_update_entity($this->media_work->get_value('id'), $this->media_work->get_owner()->get_value('id'), array('transcoding_status' => 'converting', 'entry_id' => $job->id), false);
             // update metadata of media work.  make sure the s3 stuff works.
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Called in the Zencoder notification receiver after the Reason entity has been created.
  * This hooks up the original mp3 or ogg file to a Reason entity, if needed.
  * @param $filepath string
  * @param $media_work entity
  * @param $num_outputs int
  * @param $shim obj
  * @param $netid string
 public static function post_process_audio($filepath, $media_work, $num_outputs, $shim, $netid)
     // We need to create a media file for the source mp3 or ogg file
     if ($num_outputs == 2) {
         $filename = end(explode('/', $filepath));
         $extension = end(explode('.', $filename));
         if ($extension == 'mp3') {
             $mime_type = 'audio/mpeg';
         } elseif ($extension == 'ogg') {
             $mime_type = 'audio/ogg';
         } else {
             trigger_error('Invalid extension: ' . $extension);
         $path = self::get_path(false, $filename, $media_work, 'original');
         $base_url = self::get_base_url();
         $client = self::_get_client();
         if (!$client) {
             trigger_error('Could not create S3 object.');
         $web_url = $base_url . $path;
         $obj_info_arr = $client->getObjectInfo(S3_BUCKET_NAME, $path);
         $filesize = $obj_info_arr['size'];
         $name = basename($web_url);
         $web_url = str_replace($name, urlencode($name), $web_url);
         $values = array('av_type' => 'Audio', 'flavor_id' => 'original', 'media_format' => 'HTML5', 'url' => $web_url, 'download_url' => $web_url, 'mime_type' => $mime_type, 'media_size_in_bytes' => $filesize, 'media_size' => format_bytes_as_human_readable($filesize), 'media_quality' => $shim->_get_bitrate($filepath) . ' kbps', 'media_duration' => $shim->_get_duration($filepath));
         $media_file_id = reason_create_entity($media_work->get_owner()->id(), id_of('av_file'), get_user_id($netid), $media_work->get_value('name') . ' ' . $extension, $values);
         create_relationship($media_work->id(), $media_file_id, relationship_id_of('av_to_av_file'));
 function update_entity_values($media_work, $data)
     $flavor_assets = $this->kaltura_shim->get_flavor_assets_for_entry($data['entry_id'], $data['puser_id']);
     $valid_flavors = $this->get_valid_flavors($media_work, $flavor_assets, $data);
     $owner = $media_work->get_owner();
     // Determine what the av_type field should be.  Is it a Video or Audio file?
     if ($data['media_type'] == KalturaMediaType::VIDEO) {
         $media_type = 'Video';
     } elseif ($data['media_type'] == KalturaMediaType::AUDIO) {
         $media_type = 'Audio';
     } else {
         trigger_error('invalid media type from Kaltura Server notification: ' . $data['media_type']);
     foreach ($valid_flavors as $asset) {
         $asset_id = $asset->id;
         $convert_asset_to_reason = true;
         if ($media_type == 'Audio' && count($flavor_assets) > 2 && $asset->flavorParamsId == 0) {
             $convert_asset_to_reason = false;
         } else {
             if ($media_type == 'Video' && $asset->flavorParamsId == 0) {
                 $convert_asset_to_reason = false;
         // don't create a Reason Media File for the source flavor of videos or a source flavor for a non-mp4 or non-ogg audio file
         if ($convert_asset_to_reason) {
             $format = $this->kaltura_shim->CONTAINER_TO_MIME_MAP[$asset->containerFormat];
             $values = array('url' => $data['data_url'] . '/flavor/' . $asset_id, 'download_url' => $this->kaltura_shim->get_flavor_download_url($asset_id), 'media_size_in_bytes' => $asset->size * 1024, 'media_size' => format_bytes_as_human_readable($asset->size * 1024), 'default_media_delivery_method' => 'progressive_download', 'media_format' => 'HTML5', 'width' => $asset->width, 'height' => $asset->height, 'media_is_progressively_downloadable' => true, 'media_is_streamed' => false, 'media_quality' => $asset->bitrate . ' kbps', 'flavor_id' => $asset_id, 'mime_type' => strtolower($media_type) . '/' . $format, 'media_duration' => $this->get_human_readable_duration($data['length_in_msecs']), 'av_type' => $media_type);
             $flavor_name = $media_work->get_value('name') . ' - ' . $format;
             if ($media_type == 'Video') {
                 $flavor_name .= ' (' . $asset->width . 'x' . $asset->height . ')';
             $flavor_entity_id = reason_create_entity($owner->id(), id_of('av_file'), get_user_id($data['puser_id']), $flavor_name, $values);
             $media_files[] = new entity($flavor_entity_id);
             create_relationship($media_work->id(), $flavor_entity_id, relationship_id_of('av_to_av_file'));
     if ($this->all_flavors_complete == true) {
         $media_work_values = array('transcoding_status' => 'ready', 'media_duration' => $this->get_human_readable_duration($data['length_in_msecs']));
         reason_update_entity($media_work->id(), $data['puser_id'], $media_work_values, false);
     } else {
         $media_work_values = array('transcoding_status' => 'converting');
         reason_update_entity($media_work->id(), $data['puser_id'], $media_work_values, false);