function test() { $row = array("name" => "Airport", "city" => "City", "country" => "Country", "iata" => "AAA", "icao" => "BBBB"); $this->assertEqual(format_airport($row), "City-Airport (AAA), Country"); $row = array("name" => "City Intl", "city" => "City", "country" => "Country", "iata" => "AAA", "icao" => "BBBB"); $this->assertEqual(format_airport($row), "City Intl (AAA), Country"); $row = array("name" => "Hong-kong Intl", "city" => "Hong Kong", "country" => "Country", "iata" => "AAA", "icao" => "BBBB"); $this->assertEqual(format_airport($row), "Hong-kong Intl (AAA), Country"); $row = array("name" => "Obscure Regional", "city" => "Inaka", "country" => "Country", "iata" => "", "icao" => "BBBB"); $this->assertEqual(format_airport($row), "Inaka-Obscure Regional (BBBB), Country"); $row = array("name" => "Really Long Airport Name", "city" => "Really Long City Name", "country" => "Country", "iata" => "AAA", "icao" => "BBBB"); $this->assertEqual(format_airport($row), "Really Long City Name-Really Lon. (AAA), Country"); }
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_NUM)) { $max = $row[0]; } $response = array("status" => 1, "offset" => $offset, "max" => $max); // Fetch airport data $sql .= " ORDER BY name LIMIT 10 OFFSET " . $offset; $result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die(json_encode(array("status" => 0, "message" => 'Operation ' . $param . ' failed: ' . $sql))); while ($rows[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { } array_pop($rows); foreach ($rows as &$row) { if ($dbname == "airports_dafif" || $dbname == "airports_oa") { $row["country"] = $row["code"]; } if ($row["uid"] || $uid == $OF_ADMIN_UID) { if ($row["uid"] == $uid || $uid == $OF_ADMIN_UID) { $row["ap_uid"] = "own"; // editable } else { $row["ap_uid"] = "user"; // added by another user } } else { $row["ap_uid"] = null; // in DB } $row["ap_name"] = format_airport($row); unset($row["uid"]); } $response['airports'] = $rows; print json_encode($response);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM airports WHERE apid IN (SELECT DISTINCT src_apid\n\t FROM routes) ORDER BY iata"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $iata = $row['iata']; if (ctype_alnum($iata)) { $label = format_airport($row); print "<a href='/airport/{$iata}'>{$label}</a>, "; } } print "<h2>Airport route maps (by ICAO code)</h2>"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM airports WHERE apid IN (SELECT DISTINCT src_apid\n\t FROM routes) ORDER BY iata"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $icao = $row['icao']; if (ctype_alnum($icao)) { $label = format_airport($row); print "<a href='/airport/{$icao}'>{$label}</a>, "; } } ?> </div> </div> <div id="sideBar"> <?php include "../sidebar.html"; include "ad-sidebar.html"; ?> </div> </div> <!-- end sidebarwrapper -->
// <latitude>40.71417</latitude> // <longitude>-74.00639</longitude> // </location> // <offset>-5</offset> // <suffix>R</suffix> // <localtime>4 Dec 2005 12:06:56</localtime> // <isotime>2005-12-04 12:06:56 -0500</isotime> // <utctime>2005-12-04 17:06:56</utctime> // <dst>False</dst> // </timezone> $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "openflights"); mysql_select_db("flightdb2", $db); $sql = "select * from airports where timezone is null"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die('Database error: ' . $sql . ', error ' . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $name = format_airport($row); $lon = $row["x"]; $lat = $row["y"]; $apid = $row["apid"]; $html = file_get_html("{$lat}/{$lon}"); $tz = $html->find('offset', 0)->plaintext; $dst = $html->find('dst', 0)->plaintext; $count++; print "{$count}: {$name} ({$lon}, {$lat}): Timezone {$tz}, DST {$dst}"; switch ($dst) { case "True": $dstcode = "E"; // European break; case "False": $dstcode = "N";
} // List of all flights (unique by airport pair) $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT s.apid,s.x,s.y,d.apid,d.x,d.y,count(fid),distance AS times,IF(MIN(src_date)>NOW(), 'Y', 'N') AS future,f.mode FROM flights AS f, airports AS s, airports AS d WHERE f.src_apid=s.apid AND f.dst_apid=d.apid AND f.uid=" . $uid . " " . $filter . " GROUP BY s.apid,d.apid"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die('Error;Database error ' . $sql . ', ' . mysql_error()); $first = true; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $map .= "\t"; } $map .= sprintf("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s", $row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4], $row[5], $row[6], $row[7], $row[8], $row[9]); } $map .= "\n"; // List of all airports $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT a.apid,x,y,name,iata,icao,city,country,timezone,dst,count(name) AS visits,IF(MIN(src_date)>NOW(), 'Y', 'N') AS future FROM flights AS f, airports AS a WHERE (f.src_apid=a.apid OR f.dst_apid=a.apid) AND f.uid=" . $uid . $filter . " GROUP BY CONCAT(name,city) ORDER BY visits ASC"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die('Error;Database error ' . $sql . ', ' . mysql_error()); $first = true; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $map .= "\t"; } $map .= sprintf("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s", format_apdata($row), $row["name"], $row["city"], $row["country"], $row["visits"], format_airport($row), $row["future"]); } print $map . "\n"; // When running for the first time, load up possible filter settings for this user if ($init == "true") { loadFilter($db, $uid, $trid, $logged_in); }
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db); $first = true; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $count = $row["visits"]; if ($first) { $maxFlights = $count; $first = false; } $colorIndex = floor($count / $maxFlights * sizeof($airportColors)) + 1; if ($count <= 2 || $colorIndex < 0) { $colorIndex = 0; } // More than two flights: at least 2nd smallest if ($count > 2) { $colorIndex = max(1, $colorIndex); } // Max out at top color if ($colorIndex >= sizeof($airportColors)) { $colorIndex = sizeof($airportColors) - 1; } print "<Placemark>\n"; print " <name>" . format_apcode($row) . "</name>\n"; printf(" <description>\n <![CDATA[\n<b>%s</b><br><i>Elevation</i>: %s ft<br><i>Flights</i>: %s\n]]>\n </description>\n", format_airport($row), $row["elevation"], $count); print " <Point>\n"; printf(" <coordinates>%s,%s,%s</coordinates>\n", $row["x"], $row["y"], $row["elevation"]); print " </Point>\n"; print " <styleUrl>#" . $airportColors[$colorIndex] . "-pushpin</styleUrl>\n"; print "</Placemark>\n"; } print "</Folder>\n"; readfile("../kml/footer.kml");
function resolve_airport($iata_code) { global $dbh; if (empty($iata_code)) { return null; } try { $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM airports WHERE iata=?"); $sth->execute(array($iata_code)); if ($sth->rowCount()) { $result = $sth->fetch(); return array("id" => $result["apid"], "name" => htmlentities(format_airport($result))); } else { return null; } } catch (PDOException $e) { die(_("Database error.")); } }
$sql = sprintf("%s OR name LIKE '%s%%') ORDER BY city,name LIMIT %s", $sql, $query, $limit); } else { $sql = sprintf("%s) ORDER BY city,name LIMIT %s", $sql, $limit); } break; } if ($limit > 1) { print "<ul class='autocomplete'>"; } $rs = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { if ($limit > 1) { printf("<li class='autocomplete' origin='%s' id='%s'>%s</li>\n", $ap, format_apdata($row), format_airport($row)); } else { printf("%s;%s", format_apdata($row), format_airport($row)); exit; // match found, do not fall thru to airlines } } } } if (!$query || $multi) { // Autocompletion for airlines // 2 chars: match on IATA or name (major airlines only) // 3 chars: match on ICAO or name (major airlines only) // >3 chars: match on name (any airline) $airlines = array("qs", "airline", "airline1", "airline2", "airline3", "airline4"); foreach ($airlines as $al) { if ($_POST[$al]) { $query = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$al]);