public function __construct($new, $unit) { $absolute = formatNumber($new / $unit); $relative = formatNumber($absolute - 1); $hundred = formatNumber($absolute * 100); if ($absolute > 1) { $nominal = 'positive'; } else { if ($absolute = 1) { $nominal = 'status-quo'; } else { $nominal = 'negative'; } } }
function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2, $system = 'IEC') { if ($system === 'IEC') { $base = 1024; $units = array('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB'); } elseif ($system === 'SI') { $base = 1000; $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); } $bytes = max(intval($bytes), 0); $pow = $bytes === 0 ? 0 : floor(log($bytes) / log($base)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); $bytes /= pow($base, $pow); return formatNumber($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow]; }
function formatNumber($v, $noOfDec = 2, $pad = null) { $num = sprintf("%.{$noOfDec}f", (double) $v); return $num; // this to be fixed latter if ($num >= 100000) { $num = $num / 100000; $num = formatNumber($num); $num = $num . "Lakh"; } else { if ($num >= 1000) { $num = $num / 1000; $num = formatNumber($num); $num = $num . "<b> K </b>"; } } }
function parseContacts($filename) { $contacts = array(); $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); $contactsString = trim($contents); $contactsArray = explode("\n", $contactsString); $newArray = []; fclose($handle); foreach ($contactsArray as $value) { $personInfoArray = explode("|", $value); $personInfoArray[1] = formatNumber($personInfoArray[1]); //next line is saying you are pushing info(associative array) into newArray. $newArray[] = ['name' => $personInfoArray[0], 'number' => $personInfoArray[1]]; } // array literal notation is this []. // todo - read file and parse contacts return $newArray; }
function sort_my_array($arr) { foreach ($arr as $key => $row) { $nome[$key] = $row[0]; $cnpj[$key] = $row[1]; $usuario[$key] = $row[2]; $auxVlr = formatNumber($row[3]); $valor[$key] = (double) $auxVlr; $email[$key] = $row[4]; } if (isset($_GET['ordena'])) { switch ($_GET['ordena']) { case 'nomeA-emailD-valorD': array_multisort($nome, SORT_ASC, $email, SORT_DESC, $valor, SORT_DESC, $arr); break; case 'nomeD-emailD-valorD': array_multisort($nome, SORT_DESC, $email, SORT_DESC, $valor, SORT_DESC, $arr); break; case 'usuarioA-nomeA-valorD': array_multisort($usuario, SORT_ASC, $nome, SORT_ASC, $valor, SORT_DESC, $arr); break; case 'usuarioD-nomeA-valorD': array_multisort($usuario, SORT_DESC, $nome, SORT_ASC, $valor, SORT_DESC, $arr); break; case 'emailD-nomeD-valorA': array_multisort($email, SORT_DESC, $nome, SORT_DESC, $valor, SORT_ASC, $arr); break; case 'emailA-nomeD-valorA': array_multisort($email, SORT_ASC, $nome, SORT_DESC, $valor, SORT_ASC, $arr); break; case 'valorD-nomeA-emailA': array_multisort($valor, SORT_DESC, $nome, SORT_ASC, $email, SORT_ASC, $arr); break; case 'valorA-nomeA-emailA': array_multisort($valor, SORT_ASC, $nome, SORT_ASC, $email, SORT_ASC, $arr); break; default: # code... break; } } return $arr; }
function contactInfo($db, $call) { $contacts = ''; $q3 = "SELECT ares_contact_type, contact, validity, A.type " . "FROM ares_contact_info A, ares_contact_type B " . "WHERE A.type = B.type AND'" . $call . "'"; //echo "<p>" . $q3 . ",/p>\n"; $r3 = getResult($q3, $db); while ($row3 = getRow($r3, $db)) { $xx = $row3[1]; if ($row3[3] < 4) { $xx = formatNumber($row3[1]); } if ($row3[2] == 1) { $contacts = $contacts . $row3[0] . ": <b>" . $xx . "</b><br>"; } else { $contacts = $contacts . $row3[0] . ": " . $xx . "<br>"; } } echo $contacts; }
function parseContacts($filename) { $filename = 'contacts.txt'; $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); //$keys = array('name','number'); $trimContent = trim($contents); $contacts = array(); $formatArray = []; $contactsArray = explode("\n", $trimContent); //$contacts=explode('|',$contents); fclose($handle); foreach ($contactsArray as $value) { $personInfoArray = explode('|', $value); $personInfoArray[1] = formatNumber($personInfoArray[1]); $formatArray[] = ['name' => $personInfoArray[0], 'number' => $personInfoArray[1]]; } // todo - read file and parse contacts return $formatArray; }
//get current values $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $TYPES[$_POST['type']]['pluralName'] . ' WHERE ' . $TYPES[$_POST['type']]['idName'] . ' = :id'); $sth->execute([':id' => $_POST['id']]); $item = $sth->fetch(); $return['html'] = '<h1>Edit ' . $_POST['type'] . '</h1>'; foreach ($TYPES[$_POST['type']]['formData'] as $key => $section) { $return['html'] .= '<section><h2>' . $key . '</h2><div class="sectionData">'; foreach ($section as $column) { $return['html'] .= '<ul>'; foreach ($column as $field) { $formalName = $TYPES[$_POST['type']]['fields'][$field]['formalName']; $attributes = $TYPES[$_POST['type']]['fields'][$field]['verifyData']; if ($attributes[1] == 'int' || $attributes[1] == 'dec') { $item[$field] = formatNumber($item[$field]); } if ($attributes[1] == 'int' || $attributes[1] == 'str' || $attributes[1] == 'dec' || $attributes[1] == 'email') { $return['html'] .= '<li><label for="' . $field . '">' . $formalName . '</label>'; $return['html'] .= '<input type="text" name="' . $field . '" autocomplete="off" value="' . $item[$field] . '"></li>'; } elseif ($attributes[1] == 'id' || $attributes[1] == 'opt') { $empty = $attributes[0] == 0 || $field == 'managerID' && $item[$field] == 0 ? true : false; //allow empty field if it's not required, or if the item is the top employee $return['html'] .= '<li><label for="' . $field . '">' . $formalName . '</label><select name="' . $field . '">'; $return['html'] .= $attributes[1] == 'id' ? generateTypeOptions($attributes[2], $empty, $item[$field]) : generateFieldOptions($_POST['type'], $field, $empty, $item[$field]); $return['html'] .= '</select></li>'; } elseif ($attributes[1] == 'disp') { $return['html'] .= '<li> </li>'; } elseif ($attributes[1] == 'date') { $return['html'] .= '<li><label for="' . $field . '">' . $formalName . '</label>'; $return['html'] .= '<input type="text" class="dateInput" name="' . $field . '" autocomplete="off" value="' . formatDate($item[$field]) . '"></li>';
function getBudgetItemsByBudgetId($budgetId, $isGBK = false) { global $mysql; $res = array(); $arr = $mysql->DBGetAsMap(" select * from `budget_item` where `budgetId` = '?' and `isDeleted` = 'false' ORDER BY LEFT( itemCode, 2 ) ASC , ( SUBSTRING( itemCode, 2 ) ) *1 DESC ", $budgetId); $count = 0; $smallCount = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $directFee = 0; $isFirstSmallCount = true; $NOPQRSItems = array(); foreach ($arr as $val) { $itemCode = $val['itemCode']; $itemUnit = $val['itemUnit']; $itemAmount = $val['itemAmount'] == "" || $val['itemAmount'] == null ? 0 : $val['itemAmount']; $discount = $val['discount']; $budgetId = $val['budgetId']; $itemName = $isGBK ? str2GBK($val['itemName']) : $val['itemName']; $itemUnit = $isGBK ? str2GBK($val['itemUnit']) : $val['itemUnit']; //这几项需要单独计算 if (in_array($itemCode, array('N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S'))) { $NOPQRSItems[$itemCode] = $val; continue; } // itemCode 长度为1时认为是大项 if (strlen($itemCode) == 1) { if ($isFirstSmallCount) { //第一个大项出现时不输出小计 $isFirstSmallCount = false; } else { //增加一行小计 $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => 'NULL' . $count, 'itemName' => $isGBK ? str2GBK('小计') : '小计', 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'mainMaterialTotalPrice' => $smallCount[0], 'auxiliaryMaterialTotalPrice' => $smallCount[1], 'manpowerTotalPrice' => $smallCount[2], 'machineryTotalPrice' => $smallCount[3], 'manpowerTotalCost' => $smallCount[4], 'mainMaterialTotalCost' => $smallCount[5]); $directFee += $smallCount[0]; $directFee += $smallCount[1]; $directFee += $smallCount[2]; $directFee += $smallCount[3]; $smallCount = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } //输出大项 $res[$count++] = array('itemName' => $itemName, 'basicItemId' => $val['basicItemId'], 'itemCode' => $val['itemCode'], 'budgetId' => $val['budgetId'], 'budgetItemId' => $val['budgetItemId'], 'isEditable' => true); continue; } //正常输出项 $res[$count] = $val; $res[$count]['itemName'] = $itemName; $res[$count]['itemAmount'] = $itemAmount; $res[$count]['itemUnit'] = $itemUnit; $res[$count]['mainMaterialPrice'] = $val['mainMaterialPrice'] * $discount / 100; $res[$count]['auxiliaryMaterialPrice'] = $val['auxiliaryMaterialPrice'] * $discount / 100; $res[$count]['manpowerPrice'] = $val['manpowerPrice'] * $discount / 100; $res[$count]['machineryPrice'] = $val['machineryPrice'] * $discount / 100; $res[$count]['orgMainMaterialPrice'] = "原价:" . $val['mainMaterialPrice'] . " " . ($discount == 100 ? "" : $discount / 10 . "折"); $res[$count]['orgAuxiliaryMaterialPrice'] = "原价:" . $val['auxiliaryMaterialPrice'] . " " . ($discount == 100 ? "" : $discount / 10 . "折"); $res[$count]['orgManpowerPrice'] = "原价:" . $val['manpowerPrice'] . " " . ($discount == 100 ? "" : $discount / 10 . "折"); $res[$count]['orgMachineryPrice'] = "原价:" . $val['machineryPrice'] . " " . ($discount == 100 ? "" : $discount / 10 . "折"); //损耗=(主材单价+辅料单价)*0.05,按折扣后的价格 $loss = ($res[$count]['mainMaterialPrice'] + $res[$count]['auxiliaryMaterialPrice']) * 0.05; if ($val['lossPercent'] != $loss) { $val['lossPercent'] = $loss; editItem($val); } $res[$count]['lossPercent'] = $loss; //主材总价=(主菜单价+损耗)* 数量,按折扣后的价格 $mainMaterialTotalPrice = $itemAmount * ($res[$count]['mainMaterialPrice'] + $loss); $res[$count]['mainMaterialTotalPrice'] = $mainMaterialTotalPrice; $res[$count]['auxiliaryMaterialTotalPrice'] = $itemAmount * $res[$count]['auxiliaryMaterialPrice']; $res[$count]['manpowerTotalPrice'] = $itemAmount * $res[$count]['manpowerPrice']; $res[$count]['machineryTotalPrice'] = $itemAmount * $res[$count]['machineryPrice']; $res[$count]['remark'] = $val['remark'] == 'NULL' ? '' : ($isGBK ? str2GBK($val['remark']) : addslashes(nl2br(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $val['remark'])))); $res[$count]['isEditable'] = true; /** 2.辅材总价=辅材单价*数量 3.人工总价=人工单价*数量 4.机械总价=机械单价*数量 6.小计=各类小项总价之和 7.合计=所有小巷综合 **/ $smallCount[0] += $res[$count]['mainMaterialTotalPrice']; $smallCount[1] += $res[$count]['auxiliaryMaterialTotalPrice']; $smallCount[2] += $res[$count]['manpowerTotalPrice']; $smallCount[3] += $res[$count]['machineryTotalPrice']; $smallCount[4] += $res[$count]['manpowerCost']; $smallCount[5] += $res[$count]['mainMaterialCost']; foreach ($res[$count] as $key => $val) { if ($val === "" || $val === null) { //去除空值,减少网络数据量 unset($res[$count][$key]); } } $count++; } //如果 isFirstSmallCount 还是初始化的状态true说明没有一行小计,false的时候,说明至少有一个大项输出了。 if (!$isFirstSmallCount) { //最后一行小计 $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => 'NULL' . $count, 'itemName' => $isGBK ? str2GBK('小计') : '小计', 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'mainMaterialTotalPrice' => $smallCount[0], 'auxiliaryMaterialTotalPrice' => $smallCount[1], 'manpowerTotalPrice' => $smallCount[2], 'machineryTotalPrice' => $smallCount[3], 'manpowerTotalCost' => $smallCount[4], 'mainMaterialTotalCost' => $smallCount[5], 'isEditable' => false); $directFee += $smallCount[0]; $directFee += $smallCount[1]; $directFee += $smallCount[2]; $directFee += $smallCount[3]; $smallCount = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } //增加一行空行 $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => 'NULL' . $count, 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'isEditable' => false); //计算其他项 $totalFee = $directFee; //N 工程直接费 $itemUnit = '元'; $itemName = '工程直接费'; $itemCode = 'N'; $item = $NOPQRSItems[$itemCode]; $budgetItemId = $item['budgetItemId']; $fee = $directFee; $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => $budgetItemId, 'itemName' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemName) : $itemName, 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'itemCode' => $itemCode, 'itemUnit' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemUnit) : $itemUnit, 'mainMaterialTotalPrice' => $fee, 'isEditable' => false); if ($fee != $item['mainMaterialPrice']) { $item['mainMaterialPrice'] = $fee; $arr = editItem($item); // update } // O 设计费 $itemUnit = '元'; $itemName = '设计费3%'; $itemCode = 'O'; $item = $NOPQRSItems[$itemCode]; $itemAmount = $item['itemAmount']; $budgetItemId = $item['budgetItemId']; $fee = $directFee * $itemAmount; $totalFee += $fee; $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => $budgetItemId, 'itemName' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemName) : $itemName, 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'itemCode' => $itemCode, 'itemUnit' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemUnit) : $itemUnit, 'itemAmount' => $itemAmount, 'mainMaterialTotalPrice' => $fee, 'isEditable' => false); if ($fee != $item['mainMaterialPrice']) { $item['mainMaterialPrice'] = $fee; $arr = editItem($item); // update } // P 效果图 $itemUnit = '张'; $itemName = '效果图'; $itemCode = 'P'; $item = $NOPQRSItems[$itemCode]; $itemAmount = $item['itemAmount']; $budgetItemId = $item['budgetItemId']; $fee = 500 * $itemAmount; $totalFee += $fee; $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => $budgetItemId, 'itemName' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemName) : $itemName, 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'itemCode' => $itemCode, 'itemUnit' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemUnit) : $itemUnit, 'itemAmount' => $itemAmount, 'mainMaterialTotalPrice' => $fee, 'isEditable' => false); // Q 5%管理费 $itemUnit = '元'; $itemName = '5%管理费'; $itemCode = 'Q'; $item = $NOPQRSItems[$itemCode]; $itemAmount = $item['itemAmount']; $budgetItemId = $item['budgetItemId']; $fee = $directFee * $itemAmount; $totalFee += $fee; $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => $budgetItemId, 'itemName' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemName) : $itemName, 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'itemCode' => $itemCode, 'itemUnit' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemUnit) : $itemUnit, 'itemAmount' => $itemAmount, 'mainMaterialTotalPrice' => $fee, 'isEditable' => false); if ($fee != $item['mainMaterialPrice']) { $item['mainMaterialPrice'] = $fee; $arr = editItem($item); // update } // R 税金 $itemUnit = '元'; $itemName = '税金'; $itemCode = 'R'; $item = $NOPQRSItems[$itemCode]; $itemAmount = $item['itemAmount']; $budgetItemId = $item['budgetItemId']; $fee = $directFee * $itemAmount; $totalFee += $fee; $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => $budgetItemId, 'itemName' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemName) : $itemName, 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'itemCode' => $itemCode, 'itemUnit' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemUnit) : $itemUnit, 'itemAmount' => $itemAmount, 'mainMaterialTotalPrice' => $fee, 'isEditable' => false); if ($fee != $item['mainMaterialPrice']) { $item['mainMaterialPrice'] = $fee; $arr = editItem($item); // update } // S 工程总造价 $itemUnit = '元'; $itemName = '工程总造价'; $itemCode = 'S'; $item = $NOPQRSItems[$itemCode]; $budgetItemId = $item['budgetItemId']; $itemAmount = ''; $fee = $totalFee; $res[$count++] = array('budgetItemId' => $budgetItemId, 'itemName' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemName) : $itemName, 'budgetId' => $budgetId, 'itemCode' => $itemCode, 'itemUnit' => $isGBK ? str2GBK($itemUnit) : $itemUnit, 'itemAmount' => $itemAmount, 'mainMaterialTotalPrice' => $fee, 'isEditable' => false); if ($fee != $item['mainMaterialPrice']) { $item['mainMaterialPrice'] = $fee; $arr = editItem($item); // update } foreach ($res as $count => $bItem) { //保留小数点后两位,不足补0 foreach ($bItem as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, array('itemAmount', 'mainMaterialTotalPrice', 'auxiliaryMaterialTotalPrice', 'manpowerTotalPrice', 'mainMaterialTotalCost', 'lossPercent', 'manpowerTotalCost', 'machineryTotalPrice', 'mainMaterialPrice', 'auxiliaryMaterialPrice', 'machineryPrice', 'manpowerPrice'))) { continue; } $res[$count][$key] = formatNumber($val); } } return $res; }
function formatNumber_money($value) { return formatNumber($value, 'intmoney'); }
<th>Count</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php reset($count); $whole_size = $statistics->getSize(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($count) - 1; $i++) { $key = key($count); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $key; ?> </td> <td><?php echo formatSizeNumber($whole_size[$key]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo formatNumber($count[$key]); ?> </td> </tr> <?php next($count); } ?> </tbody> </table>
echo "<h1>User " . $user . "</h1>"; echo "<hr/>"; global $sz_range_fields; global $sz_range_name; // summary table $tab = array(array()); $i = 0; foreach ($user_info as $g => $vals) { if ($vals[COUNT] > 0) { $avg = round($vals[SIZE] / $vals[COUNT], 0); } else { $avg = 0; } $tab[$i][] = "{$user}/{$g}"; $tab[$i][] = formatSizeNumber($vals[SIZE]); $tab[$i][] = formatNumber($vals[COUNT]); $tab[$i][] = formatSizeNumber($avg); $i++; } $header = "<thead> <tr>"; $header = $header . "<th>User/Group</th>"; $header = $header . "<th>Volume</th>"; $header = $header . "<th>File count</th>"; $header = $header . "<th>Avg Size</th>"; $header = $header . "</tr> </thead>"; generateMergedTable($tab, $header); // profile table $sz_ranges = array(); $tab = array(array()); $header = "<thead> <tr>"; foreach ($sz_range_name as $range) {
echo anchor('invoices/view/' . $row->id, $row->invoice_number); ?> </td> <td><?php echo anchor('invoices/view/' . $row->id, $display_date); ?> </td> <td class="cName"><?php echo anchor('invoices/view/' . $row->id, $row->name); ?> <span class="short_description"><?php echo $short_description[$row->id]; ?> </span></td> <td><?php echo anchor('invoices/view/' . $row->id, formatNumber($row->subtotal, TRUE)); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($row->amount_paid == $row->subtotal) { // paid invoices echo anchor('invoices/view/' . $row->id, $this->lang->line('invoice_closed'), array('title' => 'invoice status')); } elseif ($row->amount_paid > $row->subtotal) { // invoices with credit. echo anchor('invoices/view/' . $row->id, $this->lang->line('invoice_with_credit'), array('title' => 'invoice status')); } elseif (mysql_to_unix($row->dateIssued) >= strtotime('-' . $this->settings_model->get_setting('days_payment_due') . ' days')) { // owing less then the overdue days amount echo anchor('invoices/view/' . $row->id, $this->lang->line('invoice_open'), array('title' => 'invoice status')); } else { // owing more then the overdue days amount
$count = $statistics->getCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($top_size) - 1; $i++) { $group = key($top_size); ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo "<a href='" . str_replace(" ", "%20", $group) . "_group_popup.php'rel='#volume'>" . $group . "</a>"; ?> </td> <td><?php echo formatSizeNumber($top_size[$group]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo formatNumber($count[$group]); ?> </td> </tr> <?php next($top_size); } ?> </tbody> </table> <!-- POPUP --> <div class="apple_overlay" id="volume"> <div class="contentWrap"></div> </div>
/** * Computer total cost of a ticket * * @param $actiontime float : ticket actiontime * @param $cost_time float : ticket time cost * @param $cost_fixed float : ticket fixed cost * @param $cost_material float : ticket material cost * @param $edit boolean : used for edit of computation ? * * @return total cost formatted string **/ static function trackingTotalCost($actiontime, $cost_time, $cost_fixed, $cost_material, $edit = true) { return formatNumber($actiontime * $cost_time / HOUR_TIMESTAMP + $cost_fixed + $cost_material, $edit); }
Redirect("Menu.php"); exit; } $sDate = FilterInput($_GET['date'], 'char', 10); // JPGraph seems to be fixed.. no longer needed // setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C'); // Include JPGraph library and the pie chart drawing modules LoadLib_JPGraph(pie, pie3d); $sSQL = "SELECT fun_Name as Fund, SUM(dna_Amount) as Total\n\tFROM donations_don\n\tLEFT JOIN donationamounts_dna ON donations_don.don_ID = donationamounts_dna.dna_don_ID\n\tLEFT JOIN donationfund_fun ON donationamounts_dna.dna_fun_ID = donationfund_fun.fun_ID\n\tWHERE don_Date = '{$sDate}'\n\tGROUP BY fun_ID ORDER BY fun_Name ASC"; $result = RunQuery($sSQL); $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { extract($row); $funds[$i] = $Fund; $totals[$i] = $Total; $funds[$i] = $funds[$i] . " (" . formatNumber($Total, 'money') . ")"; $i++; } // Start Graphing ----------------------------> // Create the graph. $graph = new PieGraph(550, 200); $graph->SetShadow(); // Set A title for the plot $graph->title->Set(gettext("Total by Fund for") . " {$sDate}"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD, 16); $graph->title->SetColor("darkblue"); $graph->legend->Pos(0.02, 0.15); // Create the bar plot $p1 = new PiePlot3d($totals); $p1->SetTheme("sand"); $p1->SetCenter(0.285);
function toNumber($n, $d) { $toNumber = formatNumber($n, $d, -1); return @$toNumber; }
/** Get groups assigned to tickets between 2 dates * BASED ON SPIP DISPLAY GRAPH : * @param $type string : "month" or "year" * @param $entrees array : array containing data to displayed * @param $titre string : title * @param $unit string : unit * @param $showtotal boolean : also show total values ? * @return array contains the distinct groups assigned to a tickets */ static function graphBy($entrees, $titre = "", $unit = "", $showtotal = 1, $type = "month") { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI, $LANG; $total = ""; if ($showtotal == 1) { $total = array_sum($entrees); } echo "<p class='center'>"; echo "<font face='verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='2'>"; echo "<strong>{$titre} - {$total} {$unit}</strong></font>"; echo "<div class='center'>"; if (count($entrees) > 0) { $max = max($entrees); $maxgraph = substr(ceil(substr($max, 0, 2) / 10) . "000000000000", 0, strlen($max)); if ($maxgraph < 10) { $maxgraph = 10; } if (1.1 * $maxgraph < $max) { $maxgraph .= "0"; } if (0.8 * $maxgraph > $max) { $maxgraph = 0.8 * $maxgraph; } $rapport = 200 / $maxgraph; $largeur = floor(420 / count($entrees)); if ($largeur < 1) { $largeur = 1; } if ($largeur > 50) { $largeur = 50; } } echo "<table class='tab_glpi'><tr>"; echo "<td style='background-image:url(" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/fond-stats.gif)' >"; echo "<table><tr><td bgcolor='black'>"; echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/noir.png' width='1' height='200' alt=''></td>"; // Presentation graphique $n = 0; $decal = 0; $tab_moyenne = ""; $total_loc = 0; while (list($key, $value) = each($entrees)) { $n++; if ($decal == 30) { $decal = 0; } $decal++; $tab_moyenne[$decal] = $value; $total_loc = $total_loc + $value; reset($tab_moyenne); $moyenne = 0; while (list(, $val_tab) = each($tab_moyenne)) { $moyenne += $val_tab; } $moyenne = $moyenne / count($tab_moyenne); $hauteur_moyenne = round($moyenne * $rapport); $hauteur = round($value * $rapport); echo "<td class='bottom' width=" . $largeur . ">"; if ($hauteur >= 0) { if ($hauteur_moyenne > $hauteur) { $difference = $hauteur_moyenne - $hauteur - 1; echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/moyenne.png' width=" . $largeur . " height='1' >"; echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/rien.gif' width=" . $largeur . " height=" . $difference . " >"; echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/noir.png' width=" . $largeur . " height='1' >"; if (strstr($key, "-01")) { // janvier en couleur foncee echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/fondgraph1.png' width=" . $largeur . " height=" . $hauteur . " >"; } else { echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/fondgraph2.png' width=" . $largeur . " height=" . $hauteur . " >"; } } else { if ($hauteur_moyenne < $hauteur) { $difference = $hauteur - $hauteur_moyenne - 1; echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/noir.png' width=" . $largeur . " height='1'>"; if (strstr($key, "-01")) { // janvier en couleur foncee $couleur = "1"; $couleur2 = "2"; } else { $couleur = "2"; $couleur2 = "1"; } echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/fondgraph{$couleur}.png' width=" . $largeur . " height=" . $difference . ">"; echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/moyenne.png' width=" . $largeur . " height='1'>"; echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/fondgraph{$couleur}.png' width=" . $largeur . " height=" . $hauteur_moyenne . ">"; } else { echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/noir.png' width=" . $largeur . " height='1'>"; if (strstr($key, "-01")) { // janvier en couleur foncee echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$val_tab}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/fondgraph1.png' width=" . $largeur . " height=" . $hauteur . ">"; } else { echo "<img alt=\"{$key}: {$value}\" title=\"{$key}: {$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/fondgraph2.png' width=" . $largeur . " height=" . $hauteur . ">"; } } } } echo "<img alt=\"{$value}\" title=\"{$value}\" src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/rien.gif' width=" . $largeur . " height='1'>"; echo "</td>\n"; } echo "<td bgcolor='black'>"; echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/noir.png' width='1' height='1' alt=''></td></tr>"; if ($largeur > 10) { echo "<tr><td></td>"; foreach ($entrees as $key => $val) { if ($type == "month") { $splitter = explode("-", $key); echo "<td class='center'>" . utf8_substr($LANG['calendarM'][$splitter[1] - 1], 0, 3) . "</td>"; } else { if ($type == "year") { echo "<td class='center'>" . substr($key, 2, 2) . "</td>"; } } } echo "</tr>"; } if ($maxgraph <= 10) { $r = 2; } else { if ($maxgraph <= 100) { $r = 1; } else { $r = 0; } } echo "</table>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td style='background-image:url(" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/fond-stats.gif)' class='bottom'>"; echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/rien.gif' style='background-color:black;' " . "width='3' height='1' alt=''></td>"; echo "<td><img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/rien.gif' width='5' height='1' alt=''></td>"; echo "<td class='top'>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td height='15' class='top'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1' class ='b'>" . formatNumber($maxgraph, false, $r) . "</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' class='middle'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1' color='#999999'>" . formatNumber(7 * ($maxgraph / 8), false, $r) . "</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' class='middle'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1'>" . formatNumber(3 * ($maxgraph / 4), false, $r); echo "</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' class='middle'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1' color='#999999'>" . formatNumber(5 * ($maxgraph / 8), false, $r) . "</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' class='middle'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1' class ='b'>" . formatNumber($maxgraph / 2, false, $r) . "</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' class='middle'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1' color='#999999'>" . formatNumber(3 * ($maxgraph / 8), false, $r) . "</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' class='middle'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1'>" . formatNumber($maxgraph / 4, false, $r); echo "</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' class='middle'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1' color='#999999'>" . formatNumber(1 * ($maxgraph / 8), false, $r) . "</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='10' class='bottom'>"; echo "<font face='arial,helvetica,sans-serif' size='1' class='b'>0</font></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</div>"; }
/** Restore a mysql dump * * @param $DB DB object * @param $dumpFile dump file * @param $duree max delay before refresh **/ function restoreMySqlDump($DB, $dumpFile, $duree) { global $DB, $TPSCOUR, $offset, $cpt, $LANG; // $dumpFile, fichier source // $duree=timeout pour changement de page (-1 = aucun) // Desactivation pour empecher les addslashes au niveau de la creation des tables // En plus, au niveau du dump on considere qu'on est bon // set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if (!file_exists($dumpFile)) { echo $LANG['document'][38] . " : {$dumpFile}<br>"; return false; } $fileHandle = fopen($dumpFile, "rb"); if (!$fileHandle) { echo $LANG['document'][45] . " : {$dumpFile}<br>"; return false; } if ($offset != 0) { if (fseek($fileHandle, $offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { //erreur echo $LANG['backup'][22] . " " . formatNumber($offset, false, 0) . "<br>"; return false; } glpi_flush(); } $formattedQuery = ""; while (!feof($fileHandle)) { current_time(); if ($duree > 0 && $TPSCOUR >= $duree) { //on atteint la fin du temps imparti return true; } // specify read length to be able to read long lines $buffer = fgets($fileHandle, 102400); // do not strip comments due to problems when # in begin of a data line $formattedQuery .= $buffer; if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { $formattedQuery = stripslashes($formattedQuery); } if (substr(rtrim($formattedQuery), -1) == ";") { // Do not use the $DB->query if ($DB->query($formattedQuery)) { //if no success continue to concatenate $offset = ftell($fileHandle); $formattedQuery = ""; $cpt++; } } } if ($DB->error) { echo "<hr>" . $LANG['backup'][23] . " [{$formattedQuery}]<br>" . $DB->error() . "<hr>"; } fclose($fileHandle); $offset = -1; return true; }
function getHoursAvailable($userid, $type = 1, $start = '2015-01-01', $end = '2015-12-31') { $accrued = getHoursAccrued($userid, $type, $start, $end); //debugMessage($accrued); $taken = getHoursTaken($userid, $type, $start, $end); //debugMessage($taken); $available = $accrued - $taken; // debugMessage($available); return $available < 0 ? 0 : formatNumber($available); }
$occ = ""; } $protec = ""; if ($a->armorKinetic == 0 && $a->armorEnergy == 0) { $protec = "see memo"; //No protec, see memeo } else { $protec = "Kin: " . formatNumber($a->armorKinetic) . " Ene: " . formatNumber($a->armorEnergy); $protectionKinetic += $a->armorKinetic; $protectionEnergy += $a->armorEnergy; } echo formatResult($occ . $a->name . ($a->gearType == EPGear::$IMPLANT_GEAR ? " (Implant)" : "")) . $tab . $protec . $tab . setBookLink($a->name, $p) . $carriageReturn; } # total protection if ($protectionKinetic > 0 || $protectionEnergy > 0) { echo formatResult("") . $tab . "Kin: " . formatNumber($protectionKinetic) . " Ene: " . formatNumber($protectionEnergy) . $carriageReturn; } echo $line . $carriageReturn; //GEARS echo formatTitle("Gears") . $carriageReturn . $carriageReturn; $gears = filterGeneralOnly($morphGear); foreach ($gears as $g) { if ($g->occurence > 1) { $occ = "(" . $g->occurence . ") "; } else { $occ = ""; } echo formatResult($occ . " " . $g->name) . $tab . setBookLink($g->name, $p) . $carriageReturn; } echo $line . $carriageReturn; //IMPLANTS
/** * Return the name from the category and sub category values * * @return String the displayed name of the activity from the category and subcategory values */ function getActivtyNameForDisplay() { $theamount = formatNumber($this->getAmount()); if ($this->getCategory() == "Annual") { return $this->getName() . " (" . $theamount . " - Annual)"; } elseif ($this->getCategory() == "Per Month") { return $this->getName() . " (" . $theamount . "/Month)"; } elseif ($this->getCategory() == "Per Employee Per Month") { return $this->getName() . " (" . $theamount . "/Month)"; } elseif ($this->getCategory() == "Per Employee Earning Percentage") { if ($this->getSubCategory() == "Max Social") { return $this->getName() . " (" . $theamount . "% of Gross -- Less or Equal to )" . MAX_SOCIAL_SECURITY; } else { return $this->getName() . " (" . $theamount . "% of Gross)"; } } elseif ($this->getCategory() == "Per Employee") { return $this->getName() . " (" . $theamount . "/per employee)"; } elseif ($this->getCategory() == "One Off") { return $this->getName() . " (" . $theamount . " - One Off)"; } return $this->getName(); }
/** Display an infocom report * * @param $itemtype item type * @param $begin begin date * @param $end end date **/ function display_infocoms_report($itemtype, $begin, $end) { global $DB, $valeurtot, $valeurnettetot, $valeurnettegraphtot, $valeurgraphtot, $LANG, $CFG_GLPI; $itemtable = getTableForItemType($itemtype); $query = "SELECT `glpi_infocoms`.*,\n `{$itemtable}`.`name` AS name,\n `{$itemtable}`.`ticket_tco`,\n `glpi_entities`.`completename` AS entname,\n `glpi_entities`.`id` AS entID\n FROM `glpi_infocoms`\n INNER JOIN `{$itemtable}` ON (`{$itemtable}`.`id` = `glpi_infocoms`.`items_id`\n AND `glpi_infocoms`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}')\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`{$itemtable}`.`entities_id` = `glpi_entities`.`id`)\n WHERE `{$itemtable}`.`is_template` = '0' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", $itemtable); if (!empty($begin)) { $query .= " AND (`glpi_infocoms`.`buy_date` >= '{$begin}'\n OR `glpi_infocoms`.`use_date` >= '{$begin}') "; } if (!empty($end)) { $query .= " AND (`glpi_infocoms`.`buy_date` <= '{$end}'\n OR `glpi_infocoms`.`use_date` <= '{$end}') "; } $query .= " ORDER BY entname ASC, `buy_date`, `use_date`"; $display_entity = isMultiEntitiesMode(); $result = $DB->query($query); if ($DB->numrows($result) > 0) { $item = new $itemtype(); echo "<h2>" . $item->getTypeName() . "</h2>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre'><tr><th>" . $LANG['common'][16] . "</th>"; if ($display_entity) { echo "<th>" . $LANG['entity'][0] . "</th>"; } echo "<th>" . $LANG['financial'][21] . "</th><th>" . $LANG['financial'][92] . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . $LANG['financial'][91] . "</th><th>" . $LANG['financial'][14] . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . $LANG['financial'][76] . "</th><th>" . $LANG['financial'][80] . "</th></tr>"; $valeursoustot = 0; $valeurnettesoustot = 0; $valeurnettegraph = array(); $valeurgraph = array(); while ($line = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { if (isset($line["is_global"]) && $line["is_global"]) { $line["value"] *= Computer_Item::countForItem($itemtype, $line["items_id"]); } if ($line["value"] > 0) { $valeursoustot += $line["value"]; } $valeurnette = Infocom::Amort($line["sink_type"], $line["value"], $line["sink_time"], $line["sink_coeff"], $line["buy_date"], $line["use_date"], $CFG_GLPI["date_tax"], "n"); $tmp = Infocom::Amort($line["sink_type"], $line["value"], $line["sink_time"], $line["sink_coeff"], $line["buy_date"], $line["use_date"], $CFG_GLPI["date_tax"], "all"); if (is_array($tmp) && count($tmp) > 0) { foreach ($tmp["annee"] as $key => $val) { if ($tmp["vcnetfin"][$key] > 0) { if (!isset($valeurnettegraph[$val])) { $valeurnettegraph[$val] = 0; } $valeurnettegraph[$val] += $tmp["vcnetdeb"][$key]; } } } if (!empty($line["buy_date"])) { $year = substr($line["buy_date"], 0, 4); if ($line["value"] > 0) { if (!isset($valeurgraph[$year])) { $valeurgraph[$year] = 0; } $valeurgraph[$year] += $line["value"]; } } $valeurnettesoustot += str_replace(" ", "", $valeurnette); echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>" . $line["name"] . "</td>"; if ($display_entity) { if ($line['entID'] == 0) { echo "<td>" . $LANG['entity'][2] . "</td>"; } else { echo "<td>" . $line['entname'] . "</td>"; } } echo "<td class='right'>" . formatNumber($line["value"]) . "</td><td class='right'>" . formatNumber($valeurnette) . "</td><td class='right'>" . Infocom::showTco($line["ticket_tco"], $line["value"]) . "</td><td>" . convDate($line["buy_date"]) . "</td><td>" . convDate($line["use_date"]) . "</td><td>" . getWarrantyExpir($line["buy_date"], $line["warranty_duration"]) . "</td></tr>"; } $valeurtot += $valeursoustot; $valeurnettetot += $valeurnettesoustot; echo "<tr><td colspan='6' class='center'><h3>" . $LANG['common'][33] . " : " . $LANG['financial'][21] . "=" . formatNumber($valeursoustot) . " - " . $LANG['financial'][81] . "=" . formatNumber($valeurnettesoustot) . "</h3></td></tr>"; if (count($valeurnettegraph) > 0) { echo "<tr><td colspan='5' class='center'>"; ksort($valeurnettegraph); $valeurnettegraphdisplay = array_map('round', $valeurnettegraph); foreach ($valeurnettegraph as $key => $val) { if (!isset($valeurnettegraphtot[$key])) { $valeurnettegraphtot[$key] = 0; } $valeurnettegraphtot[$key] += $valeurnettegraph[$key]; } Stat::showGraph(array($LANG['financial'][81] => $valeurnettegraphdisplay), array('title' => $LANG['financial'][81], 'width' => 400)); echo "</td></tr>"; } if (count($valeurgraph) > 0) { echo "<tr><td colspan='5' class='center'>"; ksort($valeurgraph); $valeurgraphdisplay = array_map('round', $valeurgraph); foreach ($valeurgraph as $key => $val) { if (!isset($valeurgraphtot[$key])) { $valeurgraphtot[$key] = 0; } $valeurgraphtot[$key] += $valeurgraph[$key]; } Stat::showGraph(array($LANG['financial'][21] => $valeurgraphdisplay), array('title' => $LANG['financial'][21], 'width' => 400)); echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; return true; } return false; }
} return false; } $types = array('Cartridge', 'Consumable', 'SoftwareLicense'); $i = 0; echo "<table width='90%'><tr><td class='center top'>"; while (count($types) > 0) { $type = array_shift($types); if (display_infocoms_report($type, $_POST["date1"], $_POST["date2"])) { echo "</td>"; $i++; if ($i % 2 == 0) { echo "</tr><tr>"; } echo "<td class='center top'>"; } } if ($i % 2 == 0) { echo " </td><td> "; } echo " </td></tr></table>"; echo "<div class='center'><h3>" . $LANG['common'][33] . " : " . $LANG['financial'][21] . " = " . formatNumber($valeurtot) . " - " . $LANG['financial'][81] . " = " . formatNumber($valeurnettetot) . "</h3></div>\n"; if (count($valeurnettegraphtot) > 0) { $valeurnettegraphtotdisplay = array_map('round', $valeurnettegraphtot); Stat::showGraph(array($LANG['financial'][81] => $valeurnettegraphtotdisplay), array('title' => $LANG['financial'][81])); } if (count($valeurgraphtot) > 0) { $valeurgraphtotdisplay = array_map('round', $valeurgraphtot); Stat::showGraph(array($LANG['financial'][21] => $valeurgraphtotdisplay), array('title' => $LANG['financial'][21])); } commonFooter();
function checkType($row,$key){ $level = ""; if(isset($this->arrayFieldLevel[$this->arrayField[$key]])){ for($i=0;$i<$row["level"];$i++){ $level .= $this->arrayFieldLevel[$this->arrayField[$key]]; } } switch($this->arrayType[$key]){ //kiểu tiền tệ VNĐ case "vnd": return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . '><span class="clickedit vnd" style="display:inline" id="' . $this->arrayField[$key] . ',' . $row[$this->field_id] . ',3">' . formatNumber($row[$this->arrayField[$key]]) . '</span></td>'; break; //kiểu tiền tệ USD case "usd": return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . '><span class="clickedit vnd" style="display:inline" id="' . $this->arrayField[$key] . ',' . $row[$this->field_id] . ',3">' . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '</span></td>'; break; //kiểu ngày tháng case "date": return '<td class="date" align="center" ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . '>' . date("d/m/Y",$row[$this->arrayField[$key]]) . '</td>'; break; //kiểu hình ảnh case "picture": if($row[$this->arrayField[$key]]!=''){ global $fs_filepath; return '<td width="30" align="center" style="padding:1px;" ><a rel="tooltip" title="<img src=\'' . $fs_filepath . "small/small_" . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '\' border=\'0\'>" href="#"><img src="' . $fs_filepath . "/small/small_" . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '" width=30 height="20" border="0"></a></td>'; }else{ return '<td width="30"> </td>'; } break; //kiểu mãng dùng cho combobox có thể edit case "array": $field = $this->arrayField[$key]; global $$field; $arrayList = $$field; $value = isset($arrayList[$row[$this->arrayField[$key]]]) ? $arrayList[$row[$this->arrayField[$key]]] : ''; return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . ' class="tooltip" title="' . translate_text("Click sửa đổi sau đó chọn save") . '"><span class="editable_select_' . $this->arrayField[$key] . '" style="display:inline" id="select_2" name="' . $this->arrayField[$key] . ',' . $row[$this->field_id] . ',0">' . str_replace("-","",$value) . '</span></td>'; break; //kiểu mãng chỉ hiển thị không edit được case "arraytext": $field = $this->arrayField[$key]; global $$field; $arrayList = $$field; $value = isset($arrayList[$row[$this->arrayField[$key]]]) ? $arrayList[$row[$this->arrayField[$key]]] : ''; return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . '>' . str_replace("-","",$value) . '</td>'; break; //kiểu copy bản ghi case "copy": return '<td width="10" align="center"><a class="edit" rel="tooltip" title="' . translate_text("Nhân bản thêm 1 bản ghi mới") . '" href="copy.php?record_id=' . $row[$this->field_id] . '&url=' . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '"><img src="' . $this->image_path . 'copy.gif" border="0"></a></td>'; break; //kiểu check box giá trị là 0 hoặc 1 case "checkbox": return '<td width="10" align="center"><a class="edit" onclick="update_check(this); return false" href="listing.php?field=' . $this->arrayField[$key] . '&checkbox=1&record_id=' . $row[$this->field_id] . '&url=' . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '"><img src="' . $this->image_path . 'check_' . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '.gif" border="0"></a></td>'; break; //kiểu hiển thị nút edit case "edit": return '<td width="10" align="center"><a class="edit" rel="tooltip" title="' . translate_text("Bạn muốn sửa đổi bản ghi") . '" href="edit.php?record_id=' . $row[$this->field_id] . '&url=' . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '"><img src="' . $this->image_path . 'edit.png" border="0"></a></td>'; break; //kểu hiện thị nút xóa case "delete": if($this->delete){ return '<td width="10" align="center"><a class="delete" href="#" onclick="if (confirm(\'' . str_replace("'","\'",translate_text("Bạn muốn xóa bản ghi?") . ': ' . $row[$this->field_name]) . '\')){ deleteone(' . $row[$this->field_id] . '); }"><img src="' . $this->image_path . 'delete.gif" border="0"></a></td>'; }else{ return ''; } break; case "view": return '<td width="10" align="center"><a class="view" rel="tooltip" title="' . translate_text("Bạn muốn xem bản ghi") . '" href="view.php?record_id=' . $row[$this->field_id] . '&url=' . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '"><img src="' . $this->image_path . 'view.gif" border="0"></a></td>'; break; //kểu hiện thị nút xem toàn bộ phá giá của doanh nghiệp case "view_phagia": return '<td width="80" align="center"><a class="edit" rel="tooltip" title="' . translate_text("Xem toàn bộ phá giá") . '" href="../phagia/listing.php?iBus=' . $row[$this->field_id] . '&url=' . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '"><img src="' . $this->image_path . 'view.gif" border="0"></a></td>'; break; //kiểu hiển thị text có sửa đổi case "string": return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . ' class="tooltip" title="' . translate_text("Click vào để sửa đổi sau đó enter để lưu lại") . '">' . $level . '<span class="clickedit" style="display:inline" id="' . $this->arrayField[$key] . ',' . $row[$this->field_id] . ',0">' . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '</span></td>'; break; //kiểu hiện thị text không sửa đổi case "text": return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . '>' . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '</td>'; break; //kiểu hiển thị số có sửa đổi case "number": return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . ' class="tooltip" title="' . translate_text("Click vào để sửa đổi sau đó enter để lưu lại") . '" align="center" width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">' . $level . '<span class="clickedit" style="display:inline" id="' . $this->arrayField[$key] . ',' . $row[$this->field_id] . ',0">' . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '</span></td>'; break; //kiểu hiển thị số ko sửa đổi case "numbernotedit": return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . ' align="center" width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">' . $level . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '</td>'; break; //kiểu hiện nút reset case "resetpass": return '<td width="10" align="center"><a href="#" onclick="if (confirm(\'' . str_replace("'","\'",translate_text("Bạn muốn reset lại password của user này không?") . ': ' . $row[$this->field_name]) . '\')){ resetpass(' . $row[$this->field_id] . '); }"><img src="' . $this->image_path . 'reset.gif" border="0"></a></td>'; break; //kểu hiện thị nút gui email case "sent_email": return '<td width="80" align="center"><a class="edit" href="#" rel="tooltip" title="' . translate_text("Gửi email thông báo tới thành viên") . '" onclick="sent_email(\'' . $row[$this->field_id] . '\')"><img src="' . $this->image_path . 'send.gif" border="0"></a></td>'; break; //dạng mặc định default: return '<td ' . $this->arrayAttribute[$key] . '>' . $row[$this->arrayField[$key]] . '</td>'; break; } }
/** * Print the HTML array of value consumed for a budget * *@return Nothing (display) **/ function showValuesByEntity() { global $DB, $LANG; $budgets_id = $this->fields['id']; if (!$this->can($budgets_id, 'r')) { return false; } // Type for which infocom are only template $ignore = array('CartridgeItem', 'ConsumableItem', 'Software'); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemtype`\n FROM `glpi_infocoms`\n WHERE `budgets_id` = '{$budgets_id}'\n AND `itemtype` NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $ignore) . "')" . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND", 'glpi_infocoms', "entities_id") . "\n GROUP BY `itemtype`"; $result = $DB->query($query); $total = 0; $entities_values = array(); $entitiestype_values = array(); $found_types = array(); if ($DB->numrows($result)) { while ($types = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { if (!class_exists($types['itemtype'])) { continue; } $item = new $types['itemtype'](); $found_types[$types['itemtype']] = $item->getTypeName(); $table = getTableForItemType($types['itemtype']); $query_infos = "SELECT SUM(`glpi_infocoms`.`value`) AS `sumvalue`,\n `{$table}`.`entities_id`\n FROM `{$table}`\n INNER JOIN `glpi_infocoms`\n ON (`glpi_infocoms`.`items_id` = `{$table}`.`id`\n AND `glpi_infocoms`.`itemtype` = '" . $types['itemtype'] . "')\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities`\n ON (`{$table}`.`entities_id` = `glpi_entities`.`id`)\n WHERE `glpi_infocoms`.`budgets_id` = '{$budgets_id}' " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND", $table, "entities_id"); if ($item->maybeTemplate()) { $query_infos .= " AND `{$table}`.`is_template` = '0' "; } $query_infos .= "GROUP BY `{$table}`.`entities_id`\n ORDER BY `glpi_entities`.`completename` ASC"; if ($result_infos = $DB->query($query_infos)) { //Store, for each entity, the budget spent while ($values = $DB->fetch_array($result_infos)) { if (!isset($entities_values[$values['entities_id']])) { $entities_values[$values['entities_id']] = 0; } if (!isset($entitiestype_values[$values['entities_id']][$types['itemtype']])) { $entitiestype_values[$values['entities_id']][$types['itemtype']] = 0; } $entities_values[$values['entities_id']] += $values['sumvalue']; $entitiestype_values[$values['entities_id']][$types['itemtype']] += $values['sumvalue']; } } } $budget = new Budget(); $budget->getFromDB($budgets_id); $colspan = count($found_types) + 2; echo "<div class='spaced'><table class='tab_cadre'>"; echo "<tr><th colspan='{$colspan}'>" . $LANG['financial'][108] . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr><th>" . $LANG['entity'][0] . "</th>"; if (count($found_types)) { foreach ($found_types as $type => $typename) { echo "<th>{$typename}</th>"; } } echo "<th>" . $LANG['common'][33] . "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; foreach ($entities_values as $entity => $value) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td class='b'>" . Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $entity) . "</td>"; if (count($found_types)) { foreach ($found_types as $type => $typename) { echo "<td class='right'>"; $typevalue = 0; if (isset($entitiestype_values[$entity][$type])) { $typevalue = $entitiestype_values[$entity][$type]; } echo formatNumber($typevalue); echo "</td>"; } } echo "<td class='right b'>" . formatNumber($value) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $total += $value; } echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th colspan='{$colspan}'><br></th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td class='right' colspan='" . ($colspan - 1) . "'>" . $LANG['financial'][108] . "</td>"; echo "<td class='right b'>" . formatNumber($total) . "</td></tr>"; if ($_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] == $budget->fields['entities_id']) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td class='right' colspan='" . ($colspan - 1) . "'>" . $LANG['financial'][109] . "</td>"; echo "<td class='right b'>" . formatNumber($budget->fields['value'] - $total) . "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table></div>"; } }
public function generatePDF($id, $pdfID) { global $dbh; global $SETTINGS; $filename = 'Default'; $html = ''; if ($pdfID == 1) { //TODO: make this look a bit nicer //TODO: padding doesn't work in tables in tcpdf, another option might be dompdf ( $filename = 'Invoice'; $html = '<body style="font-size:1em;"> <div style="width:640px; margin:0 auto;"> <span style="font-weight:bold; font-size:1.5em;">' . $SETTINGS['companyName'] . '</span> <div style="border-bottom: 2px solid #E5E5E5; margin:5px 0;"> </div><br> Thank you for your order. Your invoice is below.<br><br>'; //get order info $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date FROM orders WHERE orderID = :orderID'); $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id]); $row = $sth->fetch(); $html .= '<b>Order ID:</b> ' . $id . '<br> <b>Order Date:</b> ' . formatDate($row['date']) . '<br><br> <table style="width:100%;"> <thead> <tr style="font-weight:bold;"> <th style="width:40%;">Item</th> <th style="text-align:center; width:20%;">Quantity</th> <th style="text-align:center; width:20%;">Unit Price</th> <th style="text-align:right; width:20%;">Item Total</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; //get line items $lineItemTable = self::getLineItemTable($id); foreach ($lineItemTable[0] as $line) { if ($line['type'] == 'service' || $line['type'] == 'product') { $recurringStr = !is_null($line['recurring']) ? ' (occurs monthly on day ' . $line['recurring'][0] . ' from ' . formatDate($line['recurring'][1]) . ' to ' . formatDate($line['recurring'][2]) . ')' : ''; $dateStr = isset($line['date']) ? formatDate($line['date']) . ': ' : ''; $html .= '<tr><td style="width:40%;">' . $dateStr . $line['name'] . $recurringStr . '</td>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:center; width:20%;">' . formatNumber($line['quantity']) . '</td>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:center; width:20%;">' . formatCurrency($line['unitPrice']) . '</td>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:right; width:20%;">' . formatCurrency($line['lineAmount']) . '</td></tr>'; } elseif ($line['type'] == 'discount') { $unitPrice = $line['discountType'] == 'C' ? formatCurrency(-$line['discountAmount']) : $line['discountAmount'] . '%'; $html .= '<tr><td>Discount: ' . $line['name'] . '</td><td></td>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:center;">' . $unitPrice . '</td>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:right;">' . formatCurrency(-$line['lineAmount']) . '</td></tr>'; } } $html .= '</tbody> </table>'; //find amount paid $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT SUM(paymentAmount) FROM orderPayments WHERE orderID = :orderID'); $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id]); $row = $sth->fetch(); $paidAmount = $row['SUM(paymentAmount)']; //print totals $html .= '<table style="width:100%; text-align:right;"><tbody>'; $html .= '<tr><td>Total:</td><td>' . formatCurrency($lineItemTable[1]) . '</td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr><td>Amount Paid:</td><td>' . formatCurrency($paidAmount, true) . '</td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr style="font-weight: bold;"><td>Amount Due:</td><td>' . formatCurrency($lineItemTable[1] - $paidAmount, true) . '</td></tr>'; $html .= '</tbody></table> </div> </body> '; } return [$filename, $html]; }
/** * Show Infocom form for an item (not a standard showForm) * * @param $item CommonDBTM object * @param $withtemplate integer: template or basic item **/ static function showForItem(CommonDBTM $item, $withtemplate = '') { global $CFG_GLPI, $LANG; // Show Infocom or blank form if (!haveRight("infocom", "r")) { return false; } if (!$item) { echo "<div class='spaced'>" . $LANG['financial'][85] . "</div>"; } else { $date_tax = $CFG_GLPI["date_tax"]; $dev_ID = $item->getField('id'); $ic = new self(); $option = ""; if ($withtemplate == 2) { $option = " readonly "; } if (!strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "infocoms-show") && in_array($item->getType(), array('CartridgeItem', 'ConsumableItem', 'Software'))) { echo "<div class='firstbloc center'>" . $LANG['financial'][84] . "</div>"; } if (!$ic->getFromDBforDevice($item->getType(), $dev_ID)) { $input = array('itemtype' => $item->getType(), 'items_id' => $dev_ID, 'entities_id' => $item->getEntityID()); if ($ic->can(-1, "w", $input) && $withtemplate != 2) { echo "<div class='spaced b'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr class='tab_bg_1'><th>"; echo $item->getTypeName() . " - " . $item->getName() . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>"; echo "<a href='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/infocom.form.php?itemtype=" . $item->getType() . "&items_id={$dev_ID}&add=add'>" . $LANG['financial'][68]; echo "</a></td></tr></table></div>"; } } else { // getFromDBforDevice $canedit = $ic->can($ic->fields['id'], "w") && $withtemplate != 2; if ($canedit) { echo "<form name='form_ic' method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/infocom.form.php'>"; } echo "<div class='spaced'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre" . (!strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "infocoms-show") ? "_fixe" : "") . "'>"; echo "<tr><th colspan='4'>" . $LANG['financial'][3] . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][26] . " :</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($withtemplate == 2) { echo Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_suppliers", $ic->fields["suppliers_id"]); } else { Dropdown::show('Supplier', array('value' => $ic->fields["suppliers_id"], 'entity' => $item->getEntityID())); } echo "</td>"; if (haveRight("budget", "r")) { echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][87] . " :</td><td >"; Dropdown::show('Budget', array('value' => $ic->fields["budgets_id"], 'entity' => $item->getEntityID(), 'comments' => 1)); } else { echo "<td colspan='2'>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; // Can edit calendar ? $editcalendar = $withtemplate != 2; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][18] . " :</td>"; echo "<td >"; autocompletionTextField($ic, "order_number", array('option' => $option)); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][28] . " :</td><td>"; showDateFormItem("order_date", $ic->fields["order_date"], true, $editcalendar); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][20] . "* :</td>"; echo "<td>"; $objectName = autoName($ic->fields["immo_number"], "immo_number", $withtemplate == 2, 'Infocom', $item->getEntityID()); autocompletionTextField($ic, "immo_number", array('value' => $objectName, 'option' => $option)); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][14] . " :</td><td>"; showDateFormItem("buy_date", $ic->fields["buy_date"], true, $editcalendar); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][82] . " :</td>"; echo "<td>"; autocompletionTextField($ic, "bill", array('option' => $option)); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][27] . " :</td><td>"; showDateFormItem("delivery_date", $ic->fields["delivery_date"], true, $editcalendar); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][19] . " :</td><td>"; autocompletionTextField($ic, "delivery_number", array('option' => $option)); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][76] . " :</td><td>"; showDateFormItem("use_date", $ic->fields["use_date"], true, $editcalendar); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][21] . " :</td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='value' {$option} value='" . formatNumber($ic->fields["value"], true) . "' size='14'></td>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][114] . " :</td><td>"; showDateFormItem("inventory_date", $ic->fields["inventory_date"], true, $editcalendar); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][78] . " :</td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' {$option} name='warranty_value' value='" . formatNumber($ic->fields["warranty_value"], true) . "' size='14'></td>"; echo "<td rowspan='5'>" . $LANG['common'][25] . " :</td>"; echo "<td rowspan='5' class='middle'>"; echo "<textarea cols='45' rows='9' name='comment' >" . $ic->fields["comment"]; echo "</textarea></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][81] . " :</td><td>"; echo formatNumber(self::Amort($ic->fields["sink_type"], $ic->fields["value"], $ic->fields["sink_time"], $ic->fields["sink_coeff"], $ic->fields["warranty_date"], $ic->fields["use_date"], $date_tax, "n")); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][22] . " :</td><td >"; if ($withtemplate == 2) { echo self::getAmortTypeName($ic->fields["sink_type"]); } else { self::dropdownAmortType("sink_type", $ic->fields["sink_type"]); } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][23] . " :</td><td>"; if ($withtemplate == 2) { echo $ic->fields["sink_time"]; } else { Dropdown::showInteger("sink_time", $ic->fields["sink_time"], 0, 15); } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][77] . " :</td>"; echo "<td>"; autocompletionTextField($ic, "sink_coeff", array('size' => 14, 'option' => $option)); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; if (!in_array($item->getType(), array('Cartridge', 'CartridgeItem', 'Consumable', 'ConsumableItem', 'Software', 'SoftwareLicense'))) { echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][89] . " :</td><td>"; echo self::showTco($item->getField('ticket_tco'), $ic->fields["value"]); } else { echo "<td colspan='2'>"; } echo "</td>"; if (!in_array($item->getType(), array('Cartridge', 'CartridgeItem', 'Consumable', 'ConsumableItem', 'Software', 'SoftwareLicense'))) { echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][90] . " :</td><td>"; echo self::showTco($item->getField('ticket_tco'), $ic->fields["value"], $ic->fields["warranty_date"]); } else { echo "<td colspan='2'>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><th colspan='4'>" . $LANG['financial'][7] . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][29] . " :</td><td>"; showDateFormItem("warranty_date", $ic->fields["warranty_date"], true, $editcalendar); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][15] . " :</td><td>"; if ($withtemplate == 2) { // -1 = life if ($ic->fields["warranty_duration"] == -1) { echo $LANG['financial'][2]; } else { echo $ic->fields["warranty_duration"]; } } else { Dropdown::showInteger("warranty_duration", $ic->fields["warranty_duration"], 0, 120, 1, array(-1 => $LANG['financial'][2])); } if ($ic->fields["warranty_duration"] >= 0) { echo " " . $LANG['financial'][57]; } echo "<span class='small_space'>" . $LANG['financial'][88] . "</span> "; echo getWarrantyExpir($ic->fields["warranty_date"], $ic->fields["warranty_duration"]); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $LANG['financial'][16] . " :</td>"; echo "<td >"; autocompletionTextField($ic, "warranty_info", array('option' => $option)); echo "</td>"; if ($CFG_GLPI['use_mailing']) { echo "<td>" . $LANG['setup'][247] . " :</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo self::dropdownAlert("alert", $ic->fields["alert"]); Alert::displayLastAlert('Infocom', $ic->fields['id']); echo "</td>"; } else { echo "</td><td colspan='2'>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; if ($canedit) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td class='tab_bg_2 center' colspan='2'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='" . $ic->fields['id'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='update' value=\"" . $LANG['buttons'][7] . "\"\n class='submit'>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td class='tab_bg_2 center' colspan='2'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='delete' value=\"" . $LANG['buttons'][6] . "\"\n class='submit'>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table></div></form>"; } else { echo "</table></div>"; } } } }
function formatMoney($amount) { $aconfig = Zend_Registry::get("config"); if (isEmptyString($amount)) { return ''; } return formatNumber($amount) . " <span class='pagedescription'>(" . $aconfig->country->currencydecimalplaces . ")</span>"; }
$collations = Sql::pSelectMapped('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%collation%"'); foreach ($collations as $ch_name => $val) { echo $ch_name . ' = ' . $val . '<br/>'; } echo '<br/>'; // show MySQL query cache settings $data = Sql::pSelectMapped('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%query_cache%"'); if ($data['have_query_cache'] == 'YES') { echo '<h2>Query cache settings</h2>'; echo 'Type: ' . $data['query_cache_type'] . '<br/>'; //valid values: ON, OFF or DEMAND echo 'Size: ' . formatDataSize($data['query_cache_size']) . ' (total size)<br/>'; echo 'Limit: ' . formatDataSize($data['query_cache_limit']) . ' (per query)<br/>'; echo 'Min result unit: ' . formatDataSize($data['query_cache_min_res_unit']) . '<br/>'; echo 'Wlock invalidate: ' . $data['query_cache_wlock_invalidate'] . '<br/><br/>'; // current query cache status $data = Sql::pSelectMapped('SHOW STATUS LIKE "%Qcache%"'); echo '<h2>Query cache status</h2>'; echo 'Hits: ' . formatNumber($data['Qcache_hits']) . '<br/>'; echo 'Inserts: ' . formatNumber($data['Qcache_inserts']) . '<br/>'; echo 'Queries in cache: ' . formatNumber($data['Qcache_queries_in_cache']) . '<br/>'; echo 'Total blocks: ' . formatNumber($data['Qcache_total_blocks']) . '<br/>'; echo '<br/>'; echo 'Not cached: ' . formatNumber($data['Qcache_not_cached']) . '<br/>'; echo 'Free memory: ' . formatDataSize($data['Qcache_free_memory']) . '<br/>'; echo '<br/>'; echo 'Free blocks: ' . formatNumber($data['Qcache_free_blocks']) . '<br/>'; echo 'Lowmem prunes: ' . formatNumber($data['Qcache_lowmem_prunes']); } else { echo '<h2>MySQL query cache is disabled</h2>'; }