Exemplo n.º 1

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: yochi
 * Date: 11/28/2015 AD
 * Time: 8:54 PM
$series_left_desktop = formatChartData($rs_left_desktop);
$series_right_desktop = formatChartData($rs_right_desktop);
$seriesOption_left_desktop[] = array('type' => "line", 'name' => 'Desktop Left', 'color' => '#f781f3', 'lineWidth' => 1, 'dashStyle' => "solid", 'tooltip' => array('valueDecimals' => 2), 'data' => $series_left_desktop);
$seriesOption_right_desktop[] = array('type' => "line", 'name' => 'Desktop Right', 'color' => '#585858', 'lineWidth' => 1, 'dashStyle' => "solid", 'tooltip' => array('valueDecimals' => 2), 'data' => $series_right_desktop);
if ($rightCtl == 'comp_year') {
    $xaxix_format = array('day' => '%d-%m-%Y', 'week' => '%d-%m-%Y', 'month' => '%m-%Y', 'year' => '%Y');
} else {
    $xaxix_format = array('millisecond' => '%b-%e');
$chart_bottom_desktop = array('title' => array('text' => 'Desktop devices.', 'x' => -20), 'subtitle' => array('text' => 'Report from: ' . $start_date . ' to ' . $end_date_rside, 'x' => -20), 'credits' => array('enabled' => false), 'xAxis' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'dateTimeLabelFormats' => $xaxix_format), 'plotOptions' => array('series' => array('marker' => array('enabled' => false))), 'yAxis' => array('title' => array('text' => 'Number of Views'), 'plotLines' => array(array('value' => 0, 'width' => 1, 'color' => '#808080'))), 'legend' => array('aligh' => 'center', 'verticalAlign' => 'top', 'layout' => 'vertical', 'x' => 0, 'y' => 100), 'tooltip' => array('valueSuffix' => ' view.'), 'legend' => array('layout' => 'horizontal', 'align' => 'center', 'verticalAlign' => 'bottom', 'borderWidth' => 0), 'series' => array($seriesOption_left_desktop[0], $seriesOption_right_desktop[0]));
$charts['bottom_desktop'] = $chart_bottom_desktop;
Exemplo n.º 2

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: yochi
 * Date: 11/28/2015 AD
 * Time: 8:54 PM
$series_left_tablet = formatChartData($rs_left_tablet);
$series_right_tablet = formatChartData($rs_right_tablet);
$seriesOption_tablet_left[] = array('type' => "line", 'name' => 'Tablet Left', 'color' => '#B8860B', 'lineWidth' => 1, 'dashStyle' => "solid", 'tooltip' => array('valueDecimals' => 2), 'data' => $series_left_tablet);
$seriesOption_tablet_right[] = array('type' => "line", 'name' => 'Tablet Right', 'color' => '#8B7B8B', 'lineWidth' => 1, 'dashStyle' => "solid", 'tooltip' => array('valueDecimals' => 2), 'data' => $series_right_tablet);
$chart_bottom_tablet = array('title' => array('text' => 'Tablet devices.', 'x' => -20), 'subtitle' => array('text' => 'Report from: ' . $start_date . ' to ' . $end_date_rside, 'x' => -20), 'credits' => array('enabled' => false), 'xAxis' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'dateTimeLabelFormats' => array('day' => '%d-%m-%Y', 'week' => '%d-%m-%Y', 'month' => '%m-%Y', 'year' => '%Y')), 'yAxis' => array('title' => array('text' => 'Number of Views'), 'plotLines' => array(array('value' => 0, 'width' => 1, 'color' => '#808080'))), 'legend' => array('aligh' => 'center', 'verticalAlign' => 'top', 'layout' => 'vertical', 'x' => 0, 'y' => 100), 'tooltip' => array('valueSuffix' => ' view.'), 'legend' => array('layout' => 'horizontal', 'align' => 'center', 'verticalAlign' => 'bottom', 'borderWidth' => 0), 'series' => array($seriesOption_tablet_left[0], $seriesOption_tablet_right[0]));
$charts['bottom_tablet'] = $chart_bottom_tablet;
Exemplo n.º 3

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: yochi
 * Date: 11/28/2015 AD
 * Time: 8:54 PM
$series_left_mobile = formatChartData($rs_left_mobile);
$series_right_mobile = formatChartData($rs_right_mobile);
$seriesOption_mobile_left[] = array('type' => "line", 'name' => 'Mobile Left', 'color' => '#0066CC', 'lineWidth' => 1, 'dashStyle' => "solid", 'tooltip' => array('valueDecimals' => 2), 'data' => $series_left_mobile);
$seriesOption_mobile_right[] = array('type' => "line", 'name' => 'Mobile Right', 'color' => '#6E8B3D', 'lineWidth' => 1, 'dashStyle' => "solid", 'tooltip' => array('valueDecimals' => 2), 'data' => $series_right_mobile);
$chart_bottom_mobile = array('title' => array('text' => 'Mobile devices.', 'x' => -20), 'subtitle' => array('text' => 'Report from: ' . $start_date . ' to ' . $end_date_rside, 'x' => -20), 'credits' => array('enabled' => false), 'xAxis' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'dateTimeLabelFormats' => array('day' => '%d-%m-%Y', 'week' => '%d-%m-%Y', 'month' => '%m-%Y', 'year' => '%Y')), 'yAxis' => array('title' => array('text' => 'Number of Views'), 'plotLines' => array(array('value' => 0, 'width' => 1, 'color' => '#808080'))), 'legend' => array('aligh' => 'center', 'verticalAlign' => 'top', 'layout' => 'vertical', 'x' => 0, 'y' => 100), 'tooltip' => array('valueSuffix' => ' view.'), 'legend' => array('layout' => 'horizontal', 'align' => 'center', 'verticalAlign' => 'bottom', 'borderWidth' => 0), 'series' => array($seriesOption_mobile_left[0], $seriesOption_mobile_right[0]));
$charts['bottom_mobile'] = $chart_bottom_mobile;