function input_remove() { if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { require_once CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/top_header.php"; form_confirm(_("Are You Sure?"), _("Are you sure you want to delete the input item") . " <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_template_item_input where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>? NOTE: Deleting this input will <strong>not</strong> affect graphs that use this template.", "graph_templates.php?action=edit&id=" . $_GET["graph_template_id"], "graph_templates_inputs.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&graph_template_id=" . $_GET["graph_template_id"]); require_once CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { api_graph_template_item_input_remove($_GET["id"]); } }
function gprint_presets_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include_once "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the GPRINT preset <strong>'" . htmlspecialchars(db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_templates_gprint where id=" . $_GET["id"])) . "'</strong>? This could affect every graph that uses this preset, make sure you know what you are doing first!", htmlspecialchars("gprint_presets.php"), htmlspecialchars("gprint_presets.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"])); exit; } if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { db_execute("delete from graph_templates_gprint where id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function host_remove() { if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { require_once CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/top_header.php"; form_confirm(_("Are You Sure?"), _("Are you sure you want to delete the host <strong>'") . db_fetch_cell("select description from host where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "devices.php", "devices.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); require_once CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { api_device_remove($_GET["id"]); } }
function mactrack_site_remove() { global $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ get_filter_request_var('site_id'); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option('remove_verification') == 'on' && !isset_request_var('confirm')) { top_header(); form_confirm(__('Are You Sure?'), __("Are you sure you want to delete the site <strong>'%s'</strong>?", db_fetch_cell('SELECT description FROM host WHERE id=' . get_request_var('device_id'))), 'mactrack_sites.php', 'mactrack_sites.php?action=remove&site_id=' . get_request_var('site_id')); bottom_footer(); exit; } if (read_config_option('remove_verification') == '' || isset_request_var('confirm')) { api_mactrack_site_remove(get_request_var('site_id')); } }
function host_remove() { global $config; if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the host <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select description from host where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "host.php", "host.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { api_device_remove($_GET["id"]); } }
function data_query_remove() { if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the Data Query <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "data_queries.php", "data_queries.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { $snmp_query_graph = db_fetch_assoc("select id from snmp_query_graph where snmp_query_id=" . $_GET["id"]); if (sizeof($snmp_query_graph) > 0) { foreach ($snmp_query_graph as $item) { db_execute("delete from snmp_query_graph_rrd where snmp_query_graph_id=" . $item["id"]); } } db_execute("delete from snmp_query where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from snmp_query_graph where snmp_query_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from host_template_snmp_query where snmp_query_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from host_snmp_query where snmp_query_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from host_snmp_cache where snmp_query_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function user_remove() { if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the user <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select username from user_auth where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "user_admin.php", "user_admin.php?action=user_remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { db_execute("delete from user_auth where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from user_auth_realm where user_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from user_auth_perms where user_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from settings_graphs where user_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function item_remove() { if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { $graph_tree_item = db_fetch_row("select title,local_graph_id,host_id from graph_tree_items where id=" . $_GET["id"]); if (!empty($graph_tree_item["local_graph_id"])) { $text = "Are you sure you want to delete the graph item <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select title_cache from graph where id=" . $graph_tree_item["local_graph_id"]) . "'</strong>?"; } elseif ($graph_tree_item["title"] != "") { $text = "Are you sure you want to delete the header item <strong>'" . $graph_tree_item["title"] . "'</strong>?"; } elseif (!empty($graph_tree_item["host_id"])) { $text = "Are you sure you want to delete the host item <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select CONCAT_WS('',description,' (',hostname,')') as hostname from host where id=" . $graph_tree_item["host_id"]) . "'</strong>?"; } require_once CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", $text, "graph_trees.php?action=edit&id=" . $_GET["tree_id"], "graph_trees.php?action=item_remove&id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&tree_id=" . $_GET["tree_id"]); require_once CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { delete_branch($_GET["id"]); } header("Location: graph_trees.php?action=edit&id=" . $_GET["tree_id"]); exit; }
function cdef_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the CDEF <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from cdef where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "cdef.php", "cdef.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include "./include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { db_execute("delete from cdef where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from cdef_items where cdef_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function rra_remove() { if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include_once("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the round robin archive <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from rra where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "rra.php", "rra.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { db_execute("delete from rra where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from rra_cf where rra_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function cdef_remove() { if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the CDEF <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from cdef where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "cdef.php", "cdef.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { db_execute("delete from cdef where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from cdef_items where cdef_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function host_remove() { global $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ /* modify for multi user start */ if (!check_host($_GET["id"])) { access_denied(); } /* modify for multi user end */ if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the host <strong>'" . htmlspecialchars(db_fetch_cell("select description from host where id=" . $_GET["id"])) . "'</strong>?", htmlspecialchars("host.php"), htmlspecialchars("host.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"])); include "./include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { api_device_remove($_GET["id"]); } }
function mactrack_utilities_recreate_aggregated_data() { global $config, $colors; if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete and recreate all the Aggregated Port to MAC to IP results from the system?", "mactrack_utilities.php", "mactrack_utilities.php?action=mactrack_utilities_recreate_aggregated_data"); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { $old_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mac_track_aggregated_ports"); db_execute("TRUNCATE TABLE mac_track_aggregated_ports"); db_execute("INSERT INTO mac_track_aggregated_ports (site_id, device_id, hostname, device_name, vlan_id, vlan_name, mac_address, vendor_mac, ip_address, dns_hostname, port_number, port_name, date_last, first_scan_date, count_rec, authorized) SELECT site_id, device_id, hostname, device_name, vlan_id, vlan_name, mac_address, vendor_mac, ip_address, dns_hostname, port_number, port_name, max(scan_date), min(scan_date), count(*), authorized FROM mac_track_ports GROUP BY site_id,device_id, mac_address, port_number, ip_address, vlan_id, authorized"); $new_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mac_track_aggregated_ports"); include("./include/top_header.php"); mactrack_utilities(); html_start_box("<strong>Device Tracking Database Results</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); ?> <td> The following number of records have been removed from the aggergated table: <?php print $old_rows;?>. And <?php print $new_rows;?> number of record will be added. </td> <?php html_end_box(); } }
function mactrack_site_remove() { global $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("site_id")); /* ==================================================== */ if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the site <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select description from host where id=" . $_GET["device_id"]) . "'</strong>?", "mactrack_sites.php", "mactrack_sites.php?action=remove&site_id=" . $_GET["site_id"]); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { api_mactrack_site_remove($_GET["site_id"]); } }
function mactrack_device_remove() { global $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ get_filter_request_var('device_id'); get_filter_request_var('type_id'); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option('remove_verification') == 'on' && !isset_request_var('confirm')) { top_header(); form_confirm(__('Are You Sure?'), __('Are you sure you want to delete the host %s', db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT device_name FROM host WHERE id = ?', array(get_request_var('device_id')))), 'mactrack_devices.php', 'mactrack_devices.php?action=remove&id=' . get_request_var('device_id')); bottom_footer(); exit; } if (read_config_option('remove_verification') == '' || isset_request_var('confirm')) { api_mactrack_device_remove(get_request_var('device_id')); } }
function site_remove() { global $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ $devices = db_fetch_cell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM device WHERE site_id='" . $_REQUEST["site_id"] . "'"); if ($devices == 0) { if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == CHECKED) && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm(__("Are You Sure?"), __("Are you sure you want to delete the site") . " <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select description from device where id=" . get_request_var("device_id")) . "'</strong>?", "sites.php", "sites.php?action=remove&id=" . get_request_var("id")); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { api_site_remove(get_request_var("id")); } }else{ display_custom_error_message(__("You can not delete this site while there are devices associated with it.")); } }
function mactrack_snmp_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ get_filter_request_var('id'); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option('deletion_verification') == 'on' && !isset_request_var('confirm')) { general_header(); form_confirm(__('Are You Sure?'), __('Are you sure you want to delete the SNMP Option Set(s) %s?', db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM mactrack WHERE id = ?', array(get_request_var('id')))), 'mactrack_snmp.php', 'mactrack_snmp.php?action=remove&id=' . get_request_var('id')); bottom_footer(); exit; } if (read_config_option('deletion_verification') == '' || isset_request_var('confirm')) { db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM mac_track_snmp_items WHERE snmp_id = ?', array(get_request_var('id'))); db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM mac_track_snmp WHERE id = ?', array(get_request_var('id'))); } }
function input_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("graph_template_id")); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the input item <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_template_input where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>? NOTE: Deleting this item will NOT affect graphs that use this template.", htmlspecialchars("graph_templates.php?action=template_edit&id=" . $_GET["graph_template_id"]), htmlspecialchars("graph_templates_inputs.php?action=input_remove&id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&graph_template_id=" . $_GET["graph_template_id"])); include "./include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { db_execute("delete from graph_template_input where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from graph_template_input_defs where graph_template_input_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function field_remove() { global $registered_cacti_names; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request('id')); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request('data_input_id')); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option('deletion_verification') == 'on' && !isset($_REQUEST['confirm'])) { top_header(); form_confirm('Are You Sure?', "Are you sure you want to delete the field <strong>'" . htmlspecialchars(db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM data_input_fields WHERE id = ?', array(get_request_var_request('id'))), ENT_QUOTES) . "'</strong>?", htmlspecialchars('data_input.php?action=edit&id=' . $_REQUEST['data_input_id']), htmlspecialchars('data_input.php?action=field_remove&id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '&data_input_id=' . $_REQUEST['data_input_id'])); bottom_footer(); exit; } if (read_config_option('deletion_verification') == '' || isset($_REQUEST['confirm'])) { /* get information about the field we're going to delete so we can re-order the seqs */ $field = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT input_output,data_input_id FROM data_input_fields WHERE id = ?', array(get_request_var_request('id'))); db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM data_input_fields WHERE id = ?', array(get_request_var_request('id'))); db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM data_input_data WHERE data_input_field_id = ?', array(get_request_var_request('id'))); /* when a field is deleted; we need to re-order the field sequences */ if ($field['input_output'] == 'in' && preg_match_all('/<([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)>/', db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT input_string FROM data_input WHERE id = ?', array($field['data_input_id'])), $matches)) { $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { if (in_array($matches[1][$i], $registered_cacti_names) == false) { $j++; db_execute_prepared("UPDATE data_input_fields SET sequence = ? WHERE data_input_id = ? AND input_output = 'in' AND data_name = ?", array($j, $field['data_input_id'], $matches[1][$i])); } } } } }
function mactrack_utilities_recreate_aggregated_data() { global $config; if (read_config_option('remove_verification') == 'on' && !isset_request_var('confirm')) { top_header(); form_confirm(__('Are You Sure?'), __('Are you sure you want to delete and recreate all the Aggregated Port to MAC to IP results from the system?'), 'mactrack_utilities.php', 'mactrack_utilities.php?action=mactrack_utilities_recreate_aggregated_data'); bottom_footer(); exit; } if (read_config_option('remove_verification') == '' || isset_request_var('confirm')) { $old_rows = db_fetch_cell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mac_track_aggregated_ports'); db_execute('TRUNCATE TABLE mac_track_aggregated_ports'); db_execute('INSERT INTO mac_track_aggregated_ports (site_id, device_id, hostname, device_name, vlan_id, vlan_name, mac_address, vendor_mac, ip_address, dns_hostname, port_number, port_name, date_last, first_scan_date, count_rec, authorized) SELECT site_id, device_id, hostname, device_name, vlan_id, vlan_name, mac_address, vendor_mac, ip_address, dns_hostname, port_number, port_name, max(scan_date), min(scan_date), count(*), authorized FROM mac_track_ports GROUP BY site_id,device_id, mac_address, port_number, ip_address, vlan_id, authorized'); $new_rows = db_fetch_cell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mac_track_aggregated_ports'); top_header(); mactrack_utilities(); html_start_box('Device Tracking Database Results', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <td> The following number of records have been removed from the aggergated table: <?php print $old_rows; ?> . And <?php print $new_rows; ?> number of record will be added. </td> <?php html_end_box(); } }
function host_remove() { global $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the host <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select description from host where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "host.php", "host.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include "./include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { api_device_remove($_GET["id"]); } }
function field_remove() { global $registered_cacti_names; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("data_input_id")); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the field <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from data_input_fields where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "data_input.php?action=edit&id=" . $_GET["data_input_id"], "data_input.php?action=field_remove&id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&data_input_id=" . $_GET["data_input_id"]); include "./include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { /* get information about the field we're going to delete so we can re-order the seqs */ $field = db_fetch_row("select input_output,data_input_id from data_input_fields where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from data_input_fields where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from data_input_data where data_input_field_id=" . $_GET["id"]); /* when a field is deleted; we need to re-order the field sequences */ if ($field["input_output"] == "in" && preg_match_all("/<([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)>/", db_fetch_cell("select input_string from data_input where id=" . $field["data_input_id"]), $matches)) { $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { if (in_array($matches[1][$i], $registered_cacti_names) == false) { $j++; db_execute("update data_input_fields set sequence={$j} where data_input_id=" . $field["data_input_id"] . " and input_output='in' and data_name='" . $matches[1][$i] . "'"); } } } } }
function data_query_item_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("snmp_query_id")); /* ==================================================== */ if ((read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the Data Query Graph <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query_graph where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "data_queries.php?action=edit&id=" . $_GET["snmp_query_id"], "data_queries.php?action=item_remove&id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&snmp_query_id=" . $_GET["snmp_query_id"]); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { db_execute("delete from snmp_query_graph where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from snmp_query_graph_rrd where snmp_query_graph_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from snmp_query_graph_rrd_sv where snmp_query_graph_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from snmp_query_graph_sv where snmp_query_graph_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function data_query_item_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request('id')); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request('snmp_query_id')); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option('deletion_verification') == 'on' && !isset($_REQUEST['confirm'])) { top_header(); form_confirm('Are You Sure?', "Are you sure you want to delete the Data Query Graph <strong>'" . htmlspecialchars(db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM snmp_query_graph WHERE id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id'])), ENT_QUOTES) . "'</strong>?", htmlspecialchars('data_queries.php?action=edit&id=' . $_REQUEST['snmp_query_id']), htmlspecialchars('data_queries.php?action=item_remove&id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '&snmp_query_id=' . $_REQUEST['snmp_query_id'])); bottom_footer(); exit; } if (read_config_option('deletion_verification') == '' || isset($_REQUEST['confirm'])) { db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM snmp_query_graph WHERE id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id'])); db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM snmp_query_graph_rrd WHERE snmp_query_graph_id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id'])); db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM snmp_query_graph_rrd_sv WHERE snmp_query_graph_id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id'])); db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM snmp_query_graph_sv WHERE snmp_query_graph_id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id'])); } }
function input_remove() { if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the input item <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_template_input where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>? NOTE: Deleting this item will NOT affect graphs that use this template.", "graph_templates.php?action=template_edit&id=" . $_GET["graph_template_id"], "graph_templates_inputs.php?action=input_remove&id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&graph_template_id=" . $_GET["graph_template_id"]); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { db_execute("delete from graph_template_input where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from graph_template_input_defs where graph_template_input_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function tree_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the tree <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_tree where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "tree.php", "tree.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include "./include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { db_execute("delete from graph_tree where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from graph_tree_items where graph_tree_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } /* clear graph tree cache on save - affects current user only, other users should see changes in <5 minutes */ if (isset($_SESSION['dhtml_tree'])) { unset($_SESSION['dhtml_tree']); } }
function tree_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on") && (!isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { include("./include/top_header.php"); form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the tree <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_tree where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "tree.php", "tree.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include("./include/bottom_footer.php"); exit; } if ((read_config_option("remove_verification") == "") || (isset($_GET["confirm"]))) { db_execute("delete from graph_tree where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from graph_tree_items where graph_tree_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function user_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the user <strong>'" . db_fetch_cell("select username from user_auth where id=" . $_GET["id"]) . "'</strong>?", "user_admin.php", "user_admin.php?action=user_remove&id=" . $_GET["id"]); include "./include/bottom_footer.php"; exit; } if (read_config_option("remove_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { db_execute("delete from user_auth where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from user_auth_realm where user_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from user_auth_perms where user_id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from settings_graphs where user_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }
function host_remove() { global $config; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request('id')); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option('deletion_verification') == 'on' && !isset($_REQUEST['confirm'])) { top_header(); form_confirm('Are You Sure?', "Are you sure you want to delete the host <strong>'" . htmlspecialchars(db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT description FROM host WHERE id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id']))) . "'</strong>?", htmlspecialchars('host.php'), htmlspecialchars('host.php?action=remove&id=' . $_REQUEST['id'])); bottom_footer(); exit; } if (read_config_option('deletion_verification') == '' || isset($_REQUEST['confirm'])) { api_device_remove($_REQUEST['id']); } }
function rra_remove() { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id")); /* ==================================================== */ if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "on" && !isset($_GET["confirm"])) { include_once "./include/top_header.php"; form_confirm("Are You Sure?", "Are you sure you want to delete the round robin archive <strong>'" . htmlspecialchars(db_fetch_cell("select name from rra where id=" . $_GET["id"])) . "'</strong>?", htmlspecialchars("rra.php"), htmlspecialchars("rra.php?action=remove&id=" . $_GET["id"])); exit; } if (read_config_option("deletion_verification") == "" || isset($_GET["confirm"])) { db_execute("delete from rra where id=" . $_GET["id"]); db_execute("delete from rra_cf where rra_id=" . $_GET["id"]); } }