<?php include 'inc/auth.php'; include 'inc/api.php'; include 'inc/aes.php'; if (!$auth) { header("location: index.php"); } $key = fnDecrypt($_SESSION['key'], "39ebb8b644e3de68e4801eaf9ba"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Wallet</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/960.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/template.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/colour.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> <!--[if IE]><![if gte IE 6]><![endif]--> <script src="js/glow/1.7.7/core/core.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/glow/1.7.7/widgets/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="js/glow/1.7.7/widgets/widgets.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript"> glow.ready(function(){ new glow.widgets.Sortable( '#content .grid_5, #content .grid_6', { draggableOptions : { handle : 'h2' } } );
$chma_flag = 1; if (!$chma) { $chma_str = 'error_查無檢核碼!'; $chma_flag = 0; } if ($chma_flag && (!$ch_code || !$od_sob)) { $chma_str = 'error_必要參數不足!'; $chma_flag = 0; } //解出驗證檢核 if ($chma_flag) { $ch_code = str_replace('X12x38x', '=', $ch_code); //因為=會切斷get資料 $ch_code = str_replace('_', '+', $ch_code); $ch_code = str_replace(' ', '+', $ch_code); $ch_code = fnDecrypt($ch_code, $chma, $ap_IV); //解碼 $ch_codeRT = explode("***", $ch_code); $ch_time = time() - $ch_codeRT[0]; if ($ch_time > 20) { //20秒內有效 $chma_str = 'error_驗證檢核碼已經逾時!'; $chma_flag = 0; } } if ($chma_flag && $ch_codeRT[1] != $od_sob) { $chma_str = 'error_驗證檢核內容比對失敗!'; $chma_flag = 0; } if (!$chma_flag) { @setlog($set_type, $client, $chma_str, $uip, $t1);
} } $od_sob = time() . '***' . $od_sob; $od_sob = fnEncrypt($od_sob, $chma, $ap_IV); //壓碼 $od_sob = str_replace('+', '_', $od_sob); $od_sob = str_replace('=', 'X12x38x', $od_sob); //因為=會切斷get資料 //$od_sob = urlencode($od_sob); echo $od_sob; exit; //====================================================================== //下面是不運作的備註 echo '<br>'; $od_sob = str_replace(' ', '+', $od_sob); $od_sob = fnDecrypt($od_sob, $chma, $ap_IV); //解碼 echo $od_sob; exit; //============取值得範例 function GetCode_curl($url, $post) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result;
} else { if ($_GET['t'] == 4) { echo CheckEmailAddress($_GET['EmailAddress']); } else { if ($_GET['t'] == 5) { echo GetLatestFeed(json_decode($_GET['FeedBoard'], true)); //BY: added json_decode } else { if ($_GET['t'] == 6) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($addedTags); $i++) { echo $addedTags[$i] . " "; } echo DBSavePost(-1, $_GET['pinned'], $_GET['bName'], $_GET['title'], $_GET['content'], $_GET['UserID'], $_GET['addedTags'], $_GET['deletedTags']); } else { if ($_GET['t'] == 7) { echo EnableUser(fnDecrypt($_GET['c'])); } else { if ($_GET['t'] == 8) { if ($_GET['c'] == "signup") { FacebookSignUp($_GET['url']); } else { if ($_GET['c'] == "login") { FacebookLogin($_GET['url']); } } } else { if ($_GET['t'] == 9) { echo FacebookUrl($_GET['c'], $_GET['url']); // c = "login" or "signup" } else { if ($_GET['t'] == 'special') {
function authPxp($headersArray) { $_SESSION["_SESION"] = new CTSesion(); $_SESSION["_tipo_aute"] = 'REST'; $mensaje = ''; //listar usuario con Pxp-User del header $objParam = new CTParametro('', null, null, '../../sis_seguridad/control/Usuario/listarUsuario'); $objParam->addParametro('usuario', $headersArray['Pxp-User']); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../sis_seguridad/modelo/MODUsuario.php'; $objFunSeguridad = new MODUsuario($objParam); $res = $objFunSeguridad->listarUsuarioSeguridad($objParam); if ($res->datos['contrasena'] == '') { $mensaje = "El Usuario no esta registrado en el sistema"; } //obtener la contrasena del usuario en md5 $md5Pass = $res->datos['contrasena']; //creamos array de request $reqArray = array(); if (!extension_loaded('mcrypt')) { if ($mensaje == '') { $mensaje = 'El modulo mcrypt no esta instalado en el servidor. No es posible utilizar REST en este momento'; } } if ($headersArray['Pxp-User'] == $headersArray['Php-Auth-User']) { $auxArray = explode('$$', fnDecrypt($headersArray['Php-Auth-Pw'], $md5Pass)); $headers = false; } else { //desencriptar usuario y contrasena $auxArray = explode('$$', fnDecrypt($headersArray['Php-Auth-User'], $md5Pass)); $headers = true; } if (count($auxArray) == 2 && ($auxArray[1] == $headersArray['Pxp-User'] || $auxArray[1] == $md5Pass)) { $reqArray['usuario'] = $headersArray['Pxp-User']; $reqArray['contrasena'] = $md5Pass; $reqArray['_tipo'] = 'restAuten'; //autentificar usuario en sistema //arma $JSON $JSON = json_encode($reqArray); $objParam = new CTParametro($JSON, null, null, '../../sis_seguridad/control/Auten/verificarCredenciales'); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../sis_seguridad/control/ACTAuten.php'; //Instancia la clase dinamica para ejecutar la accion requerida eval('$cad = new ACTAuten($objParam);'); eval('$cad->verificarCredenciales();'); } else { if ($mensaje == '') { $mensaje = "Contrasena invalida para el usuario : " . $headersArray['Pxp-User']; } } if ($mensaje != '') { $men = new Mensaje(); $men->setMensaje('ERROR', 'pxp/lib/rest/index.php Linea: 131', $mensaje, 'Codigo de error: AUTEN', 'control', '', '', 'OTRO', ''); //rac 21092011 $men->imprimirRespuesta($men->generarJson(), '401'); exit; } }
function UpdatePassword($token) { $tokens = split("~", fnDecrypt($token)); $email = $tokens[0]; $timestamp = $tokens[1]; $currentTime = getTime(); echo $currentTime . " " . $timestamp . " " . ($currentTime - $timestamp); if ($currentTime - $timestamp > 86400) { $result['ResultCode'] = 1; $result['ResultMessage'] = "This link is expired."; $_SESSION['ForgotPasswordToken'] = 0; header('Location: ../forgot.php?q=expired'); } else { $_SESSION['ForgotPasswordToken'] = 1; $_SESSION['ForgottenEmail'] = $email; header('Location: ../forgot.php'); } }
exit; } } //取出原單號卡號 $str_cdno = "select AES_DECRYPT(f6no,'{$key_str_ch}') as f6no,AES_DECRYPT(c5no,'{$key_str_ch}') as c5no,AES_DECRYPT(lsno,'{$key_str_ch}') as lsno from o_cdno where sr='{$pay_sr}' limit 1 "; $res_cdno = mysql_query($str_cdno); $N_cdno = @mysql_fetch_array($res_cdno); $cardno = $N_cdno[f6no] . $N_cdno[c5no] . $N_cdno[lsno]; //取出原單號exdt & bgm $str_bgm = "select * from o_bgm where sr='{$pay_sr}' limit 1 "; $res_bgm = mysql_query($str_bgm); $Nbgm = @mysql_fetch_array($res_bgm); $Nbgm[exdt] = str_replace(' ', '+', $Nbgm[exdt]); $Nbgm[bgm] = str_replace(' ', '+', $Nbgm[bgm]); $expiry_date = fnDecrypt($Nbgm[exdt], $ap_KEY, $ap_IV); $bgm = fnDecrypt($Nbgm[bgm], $ap_KEY, $ap_IV); if (!$bgm || !$expiry_date || !$cardno) { echo 'error_查無該交易的歷史資料!'; exit; } //===========幕後送出授權 //新格式不管位數,以*分隔 "https://credit.allpay.com.tw/g_ssl.php?*$client*[卡號]*[卡片到期日]*[背3碼]*[金額]*[分期期數]*[國旅0/1]*[國旅城市代碼]*[起程日期]*[迄程日期]*[訂單號碼]*Zaq12wSxcde34Rfv"; $postA = $do_url . "/g_ssl.php?"; $post = "*" . $client . '*' . $cardno . '*'; //1, 2 [商店代號, 卡號] $post .= $expiry_date . '*'; //3 [卡號到期日] 4 數字 例: 200712 ==> 0712 $post .= $bgm . '*'; //4 [背3碼] 3 數字 卡片的背面末3碼 $post .= $amount . '*'; //5 [金額] 7 數字 不足靠右左補0, 以200為例:0000200
/** * 由 dotNET 發動的 MID 審核結果狀態更新。 * * @param string $sr <p> (Table[o_close].Column[sr]) * @param string $authsr <p> (Table[o_close].Column[authsr] * @param string $act <p> (3: 審核完成) * @param string $dt <p> fnEncrypt(sr=XXXX&authsr=XXXX&act=XXXX) */ set_time_limit(0); include 'g_common.inc'; $databaseLink = mylink(); $szReturnMessage = '1|OK'; try { $szEncryptData = $dt; $szOriginalData = fnDecrypt($dt, $ap_KEY, $ap_IV); parse_str($szOriginalData); $szMid = $mid; $szTid = $tid; $szSid = $sid; $szActionType = $act; $szBank = $bank; $isSuccess = !$succ ? false : true; $dtmTransDate = $hohsn; // 增加記錄 $arRecord = array("Title" => "dotNet 介面 銀行通知追縱 LOG (1) g_mid_dotNet_Feedback", "EncryptData" => $szEncryptData, "OriginalData" => $szOriginalData, "Result" => "Step 1 :更新審核完成前"); @write_log("g_mid_dotNet_Feedback", "Bank: " . $szBank, $arRecord); if (!$szMid || !$szActionType || !$szBank) { $szReturnMessage = '0|Arguments are not enough'; } else { $szSQL = "SELECT * FROM mid_{$szBank} WHERE Status IN ('2', '3') AND MID = '{$szMid}' ";
<?php include 'allpay_com.php'; include 'allpay_fn.php'; $CookieTOO_Sys = 'allpay.com.tw'; //========================================================== if ($_GET['d'] == 'c') { setcookie("gw_allpay_t", '', "0", "/", $CookieTOO_Sys); echo 'Cookie已清除'; exit; } //========================================================== //$sValue = "Field=EWpS7g178XZos9C63HeHg9nk1hohAmtslhyhWUzVddNGMfdwHzPZcSR7v8w65JHFguoilkqJYotb/SAgp4RNXA=="; //$sValue.= "&Data=+0BJXQ3pD9fvKQEm+/kgGTV2OXI+ZZCCGlWSCHbGSX+qjcSdEBndlH+aJxzo5LAAUMOnA/UPluAqL69cDG/STE7U/8Znv1ZhALA7xLXtfaoLyAlhQ/gT0I1+BAmHBcQ9X97eORX07YBkXW+DkMSOddDO7oYhjJ6yGJCqNpPTmi+X1szbJ99LYWmRBn1UNwbQUwY/uVYfwIKvJOxJrcuhjw=="; //setcookie("gw_allpay_t",$sValue,"0","/",$CookieTOO_Sys); //echo $_COOKIE['gw_allpay_t']."<br>\n"; //echo '<br>'; parse_str($_COOKIE['gw_allpay_p']); //$aaa = '1ZiNtaMLJC9ofyQLn+VoSD2lKieIhrxkJdZLzLiYfWSw/ALDN/yK7v384x5n4BtciqbqJQAKVp0G6/HB6T+kDMlJnpuu4L2lvCiBz6HJKFbcZlVBJp7AsT7VOoSkDbqH'; $Field = str_replace(' ', '+', $Field); $Data = str_replace(' ', '+', $Data); echo $Field . "<br>\n"; echo fnDecrypt($Field, $ck_KEY, $ck_IV) . "<br>\n"; echo '<br>'; echo $Data . "<br>\n"; echo UrlDecode(fnDecrypt($Data, $ck_KEY, $ck_IV)) . "<br>\n"; ?> <a href="000_allpay_cookie.php?d=c">清除cookie</a>
$cook = $_COOKIE["gauth"]; echo "gauth cookie: " . $cook; echo "<br />"; // echo "gauth cookie after base64decode: ".base64_decode($_COOKIE["gauth"]); // echo "<br />"; //$cook = base64_decode($_COOKIE["gauth"]); $cook = fnDecrypt($cook, $key); echo $cook; echo "<hr />"; echo "is it an array" . (is_array($cook) ? "true" : "false"); echo "<hr />"; $cook = json_decode($cook); var_dump($cook); echo "<hr />"; echo "is it an array" . (is_array($cook) ? "true" : "false"); echo "<hr />"; $msg = "my little secret"; $new_value = fnEncrypt($msg, $key); echo $new_value; echo "<br />"; echo fnDecrypt($new_value, $key); echo "<br />"; /* * Outputs: * * $ php crypt.php * ?8@??DX<;]I:"??0???@FԦc??m?ܠ??B'?ȫĵ?7}?????cJC?7??? * vi4XRU7Y93ogVMXuunUtmlYIqxlUHpLFa44Nuah8RJc= * my little secret * */
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <?php include 'inc/auth.php'; include 'inc/api.php'; include 'inc/aes.php'; if (!$auth) { header("location: index.php"); } $key = fnDecrypt($_SESSION['key'], "39ebb8b644e3de68e4801eaf9baf4bf24a1ffd25bb02dc0082b25d80f2676d29"); ?> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>transactions</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/960.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/fluid.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/template.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/colour.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> </head> <body> <h1 id="head">Wallet</h1> <ul id="navigation"> <li><a href="wallet.php">Wallet</a></li> <li><span class="active">Transactions</span></li> <li><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></li> </ul> <div id="content" class="container_16 clearfix"> <div class="grid_16">
mysql_select_db("cloud", $con) or die('could not connect with database'); $id = $_POST['file']; $sql = "select * from cloudpart0 where trans_id = \"{$id}\" "; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); $results = mysql_fetch_array($result); $content = $results['encfilecontent']; $username = $_SESSION['password']; $name = $results['filename']; $type = $results['type']; $size = $results['size']; $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die('could not open database'); mysql_select_db("key_escrow", $con) or die('could not connect with database'); $sql = "select * from keys_db where trans_id = \"{$id}\" "; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); $results = mysql_fetch_array($result); $datakey = $results['datakey']; $len = $results['len']; $file = fnDecrypt($content, $username); $file = fnDecrypt($file, $datakey); $file = substr($file, 0, $len + 1); $later = microtime(); $res = $later - $earlier; $my_file = 'retrievetimes.txt'; $handle = fopen($my_file, 'a') or die('Cannot open file: ' . $my_file); $data = "\nTime taken " . $res . " seconds,filesize " . $size . " KB"; fwrite($handle, $data); fclose($handle); header("Content-length: " . $size . ""); header("Content-type: " . $type . ""); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"'); echo $file;