Exemplo n.º 1
 case 'createfolder':
     $filter->cleanData('int', array('catparent' => $_POST['catparent'], 'catinherit' => $_POST['catinherit']));
     $filter->cleanData('text', array('catname' => $_POST['catname'], 'catdesc' => $_POST['catdesc']));
     $_CLEAN = $filter->getDbData();
     $catpid = $_CLEAN['int']['catparent'];
     $catname = $_CLEAN['text']['catname'];
     $catdesc = $_CLEAN['text']['catdesc'];
     $catinherit = $_CLEAN['int']['catinherit'];
     if (empty($catname)) {
         $data['errmsg'] = 'Empty Folder Name';
         $data['retcode'] = 500;
     } elseif (fm_getPermission($catpid, 'admin')) {
         $test = PLG_itemPreSave('nexfile_folder_create', $_CLEAN);
         if (empty($test)) {
             $catresult = fm_createCategory($catpid, $catname, $catdesc);
             if ($catresult['0'] > 0) {
                 $newcid = $catresult['0'];
                 if ($autonotify == 1) {
                     // Version 3.0 -- not presently being used
                     DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nxfile_categories']} set auto_create_notifications='1' WHERE cid='{$newcid}'");
                 PLG_itemSaved($newcid, 'nexfile_folder_create');
                 fm_updateAuditLog("New Category: {$newcid} created");
                 $data['retcode'] = 200;
                 $data['cid'] = $newcid;
                 if ($catpid == 0) {
                     $data['displaycid'] = $newcid;
                 } else {
                     $data['displaycid'] = $catpid;
Exemplo n.º 2
* Plugin postinstall
* We're inserting our default data here since it depends on other stuff that
* has to happen first ...
* @return   boolean     true = proceed with install, false = an error occured
function plugin_postinstall_nexproject($pi_name)
    global $_DB_dbms, $_CONF, $_DB_table_prefix, $_TABLES;
    require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/nexproject/nexproject.php';
    // fix nexproject block group ownership
    $blockAdminGroup = DB_getItem($_TABLES['groups'], 'grp_id', "grp_name = 'Block Admin'");
    if ($blockAdminGroup > 0) {
        // set the block's permissions
        $A = array();
        SEC_setDefaultPermissions($A, $_CONF['default_permissions_block']);
        // ... and make it the last block on the right side
        $result = DB_query("SELECT MAX(blockorder) FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE onleft = 0");
        list($order) = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $order += 10;
        DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET group_id = {$blockAdminGroup}, blockorder = {$order}, perm_owner = {$A['perm_owner']}, perm_group = {$A['perm_group']}, perm_members = {$A['perm_members']}, perm_anon = {$A['perm_anon']} WHERE (type = 'phpblock') AND (phpblockfn = 'phpblock_nexproject')");
    $nexfile = true;
    if (!function_exists("fm_createCategory")) {
        //COM_errorLog ('The nexFile plugin is not installed.  Please install it before continuing', 1);
        //echo COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins.php?msg=2&plugin='.$pi_name);
        $nexfile = false;
    $forum = true;
    if (!function_exists("forum_addForum")) {
        //COM_errorLog ('The forum plugin is not installed.  Please install it before continuing', 1);
        //echo COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins.php?msg=4&plugin='.$pi_name);
        $forum = false;
    //And now, install the lookup lists and add nxprj config values to house the nexlist items
    $sql = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlist']} (plugin, category, name, description, listfields, edit_perms, view_perms, active)\r\n    values (    'all','nexPro',    'Locations',    'List of locations', 1, 1, 2, 1);";
    $res = DB_query($sql);
    $locID = DB_insertId();
    $sql = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlist']} (plugin, category, name, description, listfields, edit_perms, view_perms, active)\r\n    values ('all','nexPro','Departments','List of Departments', 1, 1, 2, 1);";
    $res = DB_query($sql);
    $deptID = DB_insertId();
    $sql = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlist']} (plugin, category, name, description, listfields, edit_perms, view_perms, active)\r\n    values ('all','nexPro', 'Categories','List of Categories', 1, 1, 2, 1);";
    $res = DB_query($sql);
    $catID = DB_insertId();
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nexlist']} (plugin, category, name, description, listfields, edit_perms, view_perms, active)\r\n    VALUES ('all', 'nexPro', 'Objectives', 'List of Project Objectives', 1, 1, 2, 1);";
    $res = DB_query($sql);
    $objID = DB_insertId();
    /* create lookuplist Fields for list definitions */
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistfields']} (lid, fieldname) values('{$locID}','Location' )";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistfields']} (lid, fieldname) values('{$deptID}','Department' )";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistfields']} (lid, fieldname) values('{$catID}','Department' )";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistfields']} (lid, fieldname) values('{$objID}','Objective' )";
    /* create lookuplist list records for each definition */
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$locID}', 10, 'Toronto',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$locID}', 20, 'Hong Kong',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$locID}', 30, 'Brisbane',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$locID}', 40, 'Tokyo',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$locID}', 50, 'New York',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$locID}', 60, 'San Fransisco',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$locID}', 70, 'London',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$deptID}', 10, 'Sales',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$deptID}', 20, 'Information Technology',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$deptID}', 30, 'Marketing',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$deptID}', 40, 'Finance',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$deptID}', 50, 'Operations',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$deptID}', 60, 'Legal',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$deptID}', 70, 'Revenue',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$catID}', 10, 'Revenue',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$catID}', 20, 'Safety',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$catID}', 30, 'Environment',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$catID}', 40, 'Training',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$catID}', 50, 'Product Development',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$catID}', 60, 'Branding',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$catID}', 70, 'Investment',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) values ('{$catID}', 80, 'Capital Expenditure',1)";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) VALUES ('{$objID}', 90, 'Business Growth', 1);";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) VALUES ('{$objID}', 100, 'Product Development', 1);";
    $_PRJSQL[] = "insert into {$_TABLES['nexlistitems']} (lid, itemorder, value, active) VALUES ('{$objID}', 110, 'Objective 3', 1);";
    foreach ($_PRJSQL as $sql) {
        if (DB_error()) {
            $err = 1;
    $c = config::get_instance();
    $c->add('prj_list', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 1, NULL, 0, true, 'nexproject');
    $c->add('nexlist_locations', $locID, 'text', 0, 1, 0, 150, true, 'nexproject');
    $c->add('nexlist_departments', $deptID, 'text', 0, 1, 0, 160, true, 'nexproject');
    $c->add('nexlist_category', $catID, 'text', 0, 1, 0, 170, true, 'nexproject');
    $c->add('nexlist_objective', $objID, 'text', 0, 1, 0, 180, true, 'nexproject');
    //we are assuming that nexfile and the forum are installed here.  We cannot get this far if they werent!
    //the first thing we do is create a new nexFile category which will be used as the base category ID to dump files into for projects
    if ($nexfile) {
        $arr = fm_createCategory(0, 'nexProject Category', 'This base category is used by the nexProject plugin to create document repositories for each project.', true);
        //config parms for this
        $c->add('prj_file', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 2, NULL, 0, true, 'nexproject');
        $c->add('nexfile_parent', $arr[0], 'text', 0, 2, 0, 190, true, 'nexproject');
    } else {
        //config parms for this
        $c->add('prj_file', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 2, NULL, 0, true, 'nexproject');
        $c->add('nexfile_parent', 0, 'text', 0, 2, 0, 190, true, 'nexproject');
    //and now, we create a new forum category and dump that into the config database
    if ($forum) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['gf_categories']} (cat_order,cat_name,cat_dscp) values (0,'nexProject Category','This base category is used by the nexProject plugin to create forum repositories for each project.') ";
        $catid = DB_insertId();
        $c->add('prj_forum', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 3, NULL, 0, true, 'nexproject');
        $c->add('forum_parent', $catid, 'text', 0, 3, 0, 200, true, 'nexproject');
    } else {
        $c->add('prj_forum', NULL, 'fieldset', 0, 3, NULL, 0, true, 'nexproject');
        $c->add('forum_parent', 0, 'text', 0, 3, 0, 200, true, 'nexproject');
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
             $sql .= "'0',";
             $sql .= "'0'";
             $sql .= ")";
 if (is_array($_CLEAN['category'])) {
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($_CLEAN['category']); $i++) {
         DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['prj_category']} (pid, category_id) VALUES ({$lastid}, {$_CLEAN['category'][$i]})");
 if ($_CLEAN['document'] == 'Y') {
     $retchk = fm_createCategory($_PRJCONF['nexfile_parent'], $_CLEAN['name'], $_CLEAN['description'], true);
     $catid = $retchk[0];
     $retmsg = $retchk[1];
     DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} SET cid='{$catid}' WHERE pid='{$lastid}'");
     $logentry = "Project ID-{$lastid}, nexfile Folder created ID: {$catid}. Msg: {$retmsg}";
     $uid = $_USER['uid'];
     DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nxfile_access']} (catid,uid,view, upload, upload_direct, upload_ver, approval, admin) VALUES ('{$catid}','{$uid}','1','1','1','1','1','1')");
     if ($_POST['private'] == 'N') {
         DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nxfile_access']} (catid,grp_id, view, upload, upload_direct, upload_ver, approval, admin) VALUES ('{$catid}','2','1','0','0','0','0','0')");
 if ($_CLEAN['forum'] == 'Y') {
     $forumid = forum_addForum($_CLEAN['name'], $_PRJCONF['forum_parent'], $_CLEAN['description'], 0);
     DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} SET fid={$forumid} WHERE pid={$lastid}");
     $logentry = "Project ID-{$lastid}, FORUM created ID: {$forumid}";