function change_pass() { mail(get_mail($_SESSION['mno']), "Password Succesfully Change - from", "Your previous Password {$_GET['lastPass']} and Succesfully change to {$_GET['Npass']} ", "Dear " . firstname($_SESSION['mno']) . ","); update1('fs_member_accounts', 'pass', $_GET['Npass'], array('mno', $_SESSION['mno'])); }
<div id="leftCol"> <form method="post" action="<?php relativePath(); ?> deregister.php"> <h4>Delete Account</h4> <label for="password_login">Enter password to confirm</label> <input class="u-full-width" id="password_login" type="password" name="password_deregister"> <input class="button-primary u-pull-right" value="Delete" id="deleteAccButton" type="submit"> </form> </div> <div id="rightCol" class="u-pull-right"> <h4><?php firstname(); ?> <?php lastname(); ?> </h4> <p>You are user # <?php userid(); ?> </p> <a href="<?php relativePath(); ?> logout.php"> <input class="button-primary u-pull-right" value="Logout" type="button"> </a>
function chang_email() { mail($_GET['lastMail'], "New Email Succesfully Change - from", "Your previous email {$_GET['lastMail']} and Succesfully change to {$_GET['Nmail']} ", "Dear " . firstname($_SESSION['mno']) . ","); update1('fs_member_accounts', 'email', $_GET['Nmail'], array('mno', $_SESSION['mno'])); }