Exemplo n.º 1
  * Command for current user to purchase a quantity of a specific item
  * @param quantity int The quantity of the item to purchase
  * @param item string The identity of the item to purchase
  * @return Array
 public function buy()
     $in_quantity = in('quantity');
     $in_item = in('item');
     $gold = get_gold($this->sessionData['char_id']);
     $current_item_cost = 0;
     $no_funny_business = false;
     // Pull the item info from the database
     $item_costs = $this->itemForSaleCosts();
     $item = getItemByID(item_id_from_display_name($in_item));
     $quantity = whichever(positive_int($in_quantity), 1);
     $item_text = null;
     if ($item instanceof Item) {
         $item_text = $quantity > 1 ? $item->getPluralName() : $item->getName();
         $purchaseOrder = new PurchaseOrder();
         // Determine the quantity from input or as a fallback, default of 1.
         $purchaseOrder->quantity = $quantity;
         $purchaseOrder->item = $item;
         $potential_cost = isset($item_costs[$purchaseOrder->item->identity()]['item_cost']) ? $item_costs[$purchaseOrder->item->identity()]['item_cost'] : null;
         $current_item_cost = first_value($potential_cost, 0);
         $current_item_cost = $current_item_cost * $purchaseOrder->quantity;
         if (!$this->sessionData['char_id'] || !$purchaseOrder->item || $purchaseOrder->quantity < 1) {
             $no_funny_business = true;
         } else {
             if ($gold >= $current_item_cost) {
                 // Has enough gold.
                 try {
                     add_item($this->sessionData['char_id'], $purchaseOrder->item->identity(), $purchaseOrder->quantity);
                     subtract_gold($this->sessionData['char_id'], $current_item_cost);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $invalid_item = $e->getMessage();
                     error_log('Invalid Item attempted :' . $invalid_item);
                     $no_funny_business = true;
     } else {
         $no_funny_business = true;
     $parts = array('current_item_cost' => $current_item_cost, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'item_text' => $item_text, 'no_funny_business' => $no_funny_business, 'view_part' => 'buy');
     return $this->render($parts);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Display the main admin area
  * Includes player viewing, account duplicates checking, npc balacing
  * @return ViewSpec|RedirectResponse
 public function index()
     $result = $this->requireAdmin($this->self);
     if ($result instanceof RedirectResponse) {
         return $result;
     $viewChar = null;
     // View a target non-self character
     $charName = in('char_name');
     if (is_string($charName) && trim($charName)) {
         $viewChar = get_char_id($charName);
     // If a request is made to view a character's info, show it.
     $viewChar = first_value($viewChar, in('view'));
     $dupes = AdminViews::duped_ips();
     $stats = AdminViews::high_rollers();
     $npcs = NpcFactory::allNonTrivialNpcs();
     $trivialNpcs = NpcFactory::allTrivialNpcs();
     $charInfos = null;
     $charInventory = null;
     $firstMessage = null;
     $firstChar = null;
     $firstAccount = null;
     $firstDescription = null;
     if ($viewChar) {
         $ids = explode(',', $viewChar);
         $firstChar = new Player(reset($ids));
         $firstAccount = AccountFactory::findByChar($firstChar);
         $charInfos = AdminViews::split_char_infos($viewChar);
         $charInventory = AdminViews::char_inventory($viewChar);
         $firstMessage = $firstChar->message();
         $firstDescription = $firstChar->description();
     $parts = ['stats' => $stats, 'first_char' => $firstChar, 'first_description' => $firstDescription, 'first_message' => $firstMessage, 'first_account' => $firstAccount, 'char_infos' => $charInfos, 'dupes' => $dupes, 'char_inventory' => $charInventory, 'char_name' => $charName, 'npcs' => $npcs, 'trivial_npcs' => $trivialNpcs];
     return ['title' => 'Admin Actions', 'template' => 'ninjamaster.tpl', 'parts' => $parts, 'options' => null];
Exemplo n.º 3

use NinjaWars\core\control\ApiController;
// How to call:  http://nw.local/api.php?type=char_search&jsoncallback=alert&term=tchalvak&limit=10
// http://nw.local/api.php?type=facebook_login_sync&jsoncallback=alert
// Can actually just use a script source for this, e.g.:
// <script src="/api.php?type=char_search&jsoncallback=alert&term=tchalvak&limit=10"></script>
$api = new ApiController();
$result = $api->nw_json(in('type'), first_value(in('jsoncallback'), in('callback')));
// This is needed to keep output code out of the controller
if ($result === json_encode(false)) {
    header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8');
echo $result;
 protected function do_get_tables_list()
     // **TODO**: read about 'sqlite_temp_master'
     $cmd = new SDBCommand("SELECT \"name\" FROM sqlite_master WHERE \"type\"='table'");
     $res = $cmd->get_all();
     $arr = array();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $name = first_value($row);
         if (strlen($this->prefix) && strpos($name, $this->prefix) === 0) {
             $name = substr($name, strlen($this->prefix));
         $arr[] = $name;
     return $arr;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function index()
     $target = $player = first_value(in('ninja'), in('player'), in('find'), in('target'));
     $target_id = first_value(in('target_id'), in('player_id'), get_char_id($target));
     // Find target_id if possible.
     $target_player_obj = Player::find($target_id);
     $viewed_name_for_title = null;
     if ($target_player_obj !== null) {
         $viewed_name_for_title = $target_player_obj->name();
     if ($target_player_obj === null) {
         $template = 'no-player.tpl';
         $parts = array();
     } else {
         $player_info = $target_player_obj->as_array();
         // Pull the info out of the object.
         if (!$player_info) {
             $template = 'no-player.tpl';
             $parts = array();
         } else {
             $viewing_player_obj = Player::find(self_char_id());
             $self = self_char_id() && self_char_id() == $player_info['player_id'];
             // Record whether this is a self-viewing.
             if ($viewing_player_obj !== null) {
                 $char_info = $viewing_player_obj->dataWithClan();
                 $char_id = $viewing_player_obj->id();
                 $username = $viewing_player_obj->name();
             } else {
                 $char_info = [];
             $player = $target = $player_info['uname'];
             // reset the target and target_id vars.
             $target_id = $player_info['player_id'];
             // Get the player's kills for this date.
             $kills_today = query_item('select sum(killpoints) from levelling_log where _player_id = :player_id and killsdate = CURRENT_DATE and killpoints > 0', array(':player_id' => $target_id));
             $viewers_clan = $viewing_player_obj !== null ? ClanFactory::clanOfMember($viewing_player_obj) : null;
             // Attack Legal section
             $params = array('required_turns' => 0, 'ignores_stealth' => true);
             // 0 for unstealth.
             $attack_error = 'You must become a ninja first.';
             $attack_allowed = false;
             if (null !== $viewing_player_obj) {
                 $AttackLegal = new AttackLegal($viewing_player_obj, $target_player_obj, $params);
                 $attack_allowed = $AttackLegal->check(false);
                 $attack_error = $AttackLegal->getError();
             $sel_rank_spot = "SELECT rank_id FROM rankings WHERE player_id = :char_id limit 1";
             $rank_spot = query_item($sel_rank_spot, array(':char_id' => $player_info['player_id']));
             // Display the player info.
             $status_list = get_status_list($player);
             $gurl = $gravatar_url = $target_player_obj->avatarUrl();
             if ($viewing_player_obj !== null && !$attack_error && !$self) {
                 // They're not dead or otherwise unattackable.
                 // Attack or Duel
                 $skillDAO = new SkillDAO();
                 $is_admin = false;
                 if ($viewing_player_obj) {
                     $is_admin = $viewing_player_obj->isAdmin();
                 if (!$is_admin) {
                     $combat_skills = $skillDAO->getSkillsByTypeAndClass($viewing_player_obj->_class_id, 'combat', $viewing_player_obj->level);
                     $targeted_skills = $skillDAO->getSkillsByTypeAndClass($viewing_player_obj->_class_id, 'targeted', $viewing_player_obj->level);
                 } else {
                     $combat_skills = $skillDAO->all('combat');
                     $targeted_skills = $skillDAO->all('targeted');
                 // Pull the items and some necessary data about them.
                 $items = inventory_counts($char_id);
                 $valid_items = rco($items);
                 // row count
             // End of the there-was-no-attack-error section
             $set_bounty_section = '';
             $communication_section = '';
             $player_clan_section = '';
             $clan = ClanFactory::clanOfMember($player_info['player_id']);
             $same_clan = false;
             // Player clan and clan members
             if ($clan) {
                 $viewer_clan = $viewing_player_obj ? ClanFactory::clanOfMember($viewing_player_obj) : null;
                 $clan_id = $clan->getID();
                 $clan_name = $clan->getName();
                 if ($viewer_clan) {
                     $same_clan = $clan->getID() == $viewer_clan->getID();
                     $display_clan_options = $viewing_player_obj && !$self && $same_clan && $viewing_player_obj->isClanLeader();
                 } else {
                     $same_clan = $display_clan_options = false;
             // Send the info to the template.
             $template = 'player.tpl';
             $parts = get_certain_vars(get_defined_vars(), array('char_info', 'viewing_player_obj', 'target_player_obj', 'combat_skills', 'targeted_skills', 'player_info', 'self', 'rank_spot', 'kills_today', 'gravatar_url', 'status_list', 'clan', 'items'));
     return ['template' => $template, 'title' => 'Ninja' . ($viewed_name_for_title ? ": {$viewed_name_for_title}" : ' Profile'), 'parts' => $parts, 'options' => ['quickstat' => 'player']];
Exemplo n.º 6
     $npc_template = 'npc.oni.tpl';
     $combat_data = array('victory' => $oni_killed);
 } elseif (array_key_exists($victim, $npcs)) {
     /**** Abstracted NPCs *****/
     $npc_stats = $npcs[$victim];
     // Pull an npcs individual stats with generic fallbacks.
     /* ============= STANDARD NPCS ======================= */
     $npco = new Npc($npc_stats);
     // Construct the npc object.
     $display_name = first_value(@$npc_stats['name'], ucfirst($victim));
     $max_damage = $npco->max_damage();
     $percent_damage = null;
     // Percent damage does to the player's health.
     $status_effect = whichever(@$npc_stats['status'], null);
     $reward_item = first_value(@$npc_stats['item'], null);
     $base_gold = $npco->gold();
     $npc_gold = (int) @$npc_stats['gold'];
     $is_quick = $npco->speed() > $player->speed() ? true : false;
     // Beyond basic speed and they see you coming, so show that message.
     // If npc gold explicitly set to 0, then none will be given.
     $reward_gold = $npc_gold === 0 ? 0 : ($reward_item ? round($base_gold * 0.9) : $base_gold);
     // Hack a little off reward gold if items received.
     $bounty_mod = @$npc_stats['bounty'];
     $is_villager = $npco->has_trait('villager');
     // Give the villager message with the bounty.
     $is_weaker = $npco->strength() * 3 < $player->strength();
     // Npc much weaker?
     $is_stronger = $npco->strength() > $player->strength() * 2;
     // Npc More than twice as strong?
     //debug($is_villager, $npco->traits, $npco);die();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static function getPostOrGet($val)
     return first_value(static::getPost($val), static::get($val));
Exemplo n.º 8

require_once LIB_ROOT . 'control/lib_player_list.php';
require_once LIB_ROOT . 'control/lib_api.php';
// How to call:  http://nw.local/api.php?type=char_search&jsoncallback=alert&term=tchalvak&limit=10
// http://nw.local/api.php?type=facebook_login_sync&jsoncallback=alert
// Can actually just use a scrypt source for this, e.g.:
// <script src="/api.php?type=char_search&jsoncallback=alert&term=tchalvak&limit=10"></script>
// All the functions used by api.php are now in control/lib_api.php
// Json P headers
header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf8');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE');
$type = in('type');
$dirty_jsoncallback = first_value(in('jsoncallback'), in('callback'));
echo nw_json($type, $dirty_jsoncallback);
// Types are whitelisted, the callback is filtered
// Make sure to default to private, just as a security reminder.
Exemplo n.º 9
function display_static_page($page, $pages, $vars = array(), $options = array())
    if (!isset($pages[$page])) {
        // Unlisted page requested.
        error_log('  Invalid page (' . $page . ') requested on page.php.');
        display_page('404.tpl', '404');
    } else {
        if (!is_array($pages[$page])) {
            $template = "page." . $page . ".tpl";
            $title = $page;
            // Display_page will prepend with 'Ninja Wars: '
        } else {
            $page_info = $pages[$page];
            $template = first_value(@$page_info['template'], "page." . $page . ".tpl");
            $title = $page_info['title'];
            $callback = @$page_info['callback'];
            // TODO: Merge the vars array instead of overwriting.
            if ($callback && function_exists($callback)) {
                $vars = array_merge($callback(), $vars);
                // Call the callback to return the vars.
        // 24 hour caching.
        display_page($template, $title, $vars, $options);
Exemplo n.º 10
$private = true;
$alive = true;
if ($error = init($private, $alive)) {
} else {
    $link_back = in('link_back');
    $selfTarget = in('selfTarget');
    $item_in = in('item');
    // Item identifier, either it's id or internal name
    $give = in('give');
    $target_id = in('target_id');
    $in_target = in('target');
    ///TODO clean up this travesty
    $target_id = $target_id ? (int) $target_id : self_char_id();
    $target = first_value($target_id, $in_target);
    $target_id = whichever($target_id, get_char_id($target));
    $give = in_array($give, array('on', 'Give'));
    $user_id = self_char_id();
    $player = new Player($user_id);
    $victim_alive = true;
    $using_item = true;
    $item_used = true;
    $stealthLost = false;
    $error = false;
    $suicide = false;
    $kill = false;
    $repeat = false;
    $ending_turns = null;
    $turns_change = null;
    $turns_to_take = null;
 protected function do_get_tables_list()
     $cmd = new SDBCommand("SHOW TABLES FROM @dbname");
     $cmd->set('dbname', conf('db.name'), SDB::TableName);
     $res = $this->get_all($cmd);
     $arr = array();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $name = first_value($row);
         if (strlen($this->prefix) && strpos($name, $this->prefix) === 0) {
             $name = substr($name, strlen($this->prefix));
         $arr[] = $name;
     return $arr;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Handle Standard Abstract Npcs
  * @param String $victim
  * @param Player $player
  * @param Array $npcs
  * @return array [$npc_template, $combat_data]
 private function attackAbstractNpc($victim, Player $player, $npcs)
     $npc_stats = $npcs[$victim];
     // Pull an npcs individual stats with generic fallbacks.
     $npco = new Npc($npc_stats);
     // Construct the npc object.
     $display_name = first_value(isset($npc_stats['name']) ? $npc_stats['name'] : null, ucfirst($victim));
     $status_effect = isset($npc_stats['status']) ? $npc_stats['status'] : null;
     // TODO: Calculate and display damage verbs
     $reward_item = isset($npc_stats['item']) && $npc_stats['item'] ? $npc_stats['item'] : null;
     $is_quick = (bool) ($npco->speed() > $player->speed());
     // Beyond basic speed and they see you coming, so show that message.
     $bounty_mod = isset($npc_stats['bounty']) ? $npc_stats['bounty'] : null;
     $is_weaker = $npco->strength() * 3 < $player->strength();
     // Npc much weaker?
     $is_stronger = $npco->strength() > $player->strength() * 3;
     // Npc More than twice as strong?
     $image = isset($npc_stats['img']) ? $npc_stats['img'] : null;
     // Assume defeat...
     $victory = false;
     $received_gold = null;
     $received_display_items = null;
     $added_bounty = null;
     $is_rewarded = null;
     // Gets items or gold.
     $display_statuses = $display_statuses_classes = null;
     $image_path = null;
     // If the image exists, set the path to it for use on the page.
     if ($image && file_exists(SERVER_ROOT . 'www/images/characters/' . $image)) {
         $image_path = IMAGE_ROOT . 'characters/' . $image;
     // ******* FIGHT Logic ***********
     $npc_damage = $npco->damage();
     $survive_fight = $player->harm($npc_damage);
     $kill_npc = $npco->health() < $player->damage();
     if ($survive_fight > 0) {
         // The ninja survived, they get any gold the npc has.
         $received_gold = $this->calcReceivedGold($npco, (bool) $reward_item);
         $player->set_gold($player->gold() + $received_gold);
         $received_display_items = array();
         if ($kill_npc) {
             $victory = true;
             // Victory occurred, reward the poor sap.
             if ($npco->inventory()) {
                 foreach (array_keys($npco->inventory()) as $l_item) {
                     $item_info = item_info_from_identity($l_item);
                     $received_display_items[] = $item_info['item_display_name'];
                     add_item($player->id(), $item_info['item_internal_name'], 1);
             // Add bounty where applicable.
             if ((bool) $bounty_mod && $player->level > self::MIN_LEVEL_FOR_BOUNTY && $player->level <= self::MAX_LEVEL_FOR_BOUNTY) {
                 $added_bounty = floor($player->level / 3 * $bounty_mod);
                 $player->set_bounty($player->bounty() + $added_bounty);
         $is_rewarded = (bool) $received_gold || (bool) count($received_display_items);
         if (isset($npc_stats['status']) && null !== $npc_stats['status']) {
             // Get the statuses and status classes for display.
             $display_statuses = implode(', ', get_status_list());
             $display_statuses_classes = implode(' ', get_status_list());
             // TODO: Take healthy out of the list since it's redundant.
     return ['npc.abstract.tpl', ['victim' => $victim, 'display_name' => $display_name, 'attack_damage' => $npc_damage, 'status_effect' => $status_effect, 'display_statuses' => $display_statuses, 'display_statuses_classes' => $display_statuses_classes, 'received_gold' => $received_gold, 'received_display_items' => $received_display_items, 'is_rewarded' => $is_rewarded, 'victory' => $victory, 'survive_fight' => $survive_fight, 'kill_npc' => $kill_npc, 'image_path' => $image_path, 'npc_stats' => $npc_stats, 'is_quick' => $is_quick, 'added_bounty' => $added_bounty, 'is_villager' => $npco->has_trait('villager'), 'race' => $npco->race(), 'is_weaker' => $is_weaker, 'is_stronger' => $is_stronger]];
Exemplo n.º 13

require_once LIB_ROOT . 'control/lib_inventory.php';
$private = false;
$alive = false;
if ($error = init($private, $alive)) {
} else {
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/Skill.php";
    require_once DB_ROOT . "SkillDAO.class.php";
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/lib_clan.php";
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/lib_player.php";
    $target = $player = first_value(in('ninja'), in('player'), in('find'), in('target'));
    $target_id = first_value(in('target_id'), in('player_id'), get_char_id($target));
    // Find target_id if possible.
    $target_player_obj = new Player($target_id);
    $viewed_name_for_title = null;
    if ($target_player_obj && $target_player_obj->name()) {
        $viewed_name_for_title = $target_player_obj->name();
    $combat_toggles = get_setting('combat_toggles');
    // Pull the attack options toggled on and off.
    $last_item_used = get_setting("last_item_used");
    // Pull the last item id used, if any.
    $char_info = self_info();
    if (!$target_player_obj || !$target_player_obj->id() || !$target_player_obj->isActive()) {
        $template = 'no-player.tpl';
        $parts = array();
    } else {
        $player_info = $target_player_obj->as_array();
        // Pull the info out of the object.