function save() { include load('include.lang'); if (!$this->is_allow()) { return $this->_($L['upload_not_allow']); } $this->set_savepath($this->savepath); $this->set_savename($this->savename); if (file_copy($this->file, DT_ROOT . '/' . $this->saveto)) { if (!@getimagesize(DT_ROOT . '/' . $this->saveto)) { file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $this->saveto); return $this->_($L['upload_bad']); } if ($this->maxsize > 0 && filesize(DT_ROOT . '/' . $this->saveto) > $this->maxsize) { file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $this->saveto); return $this->_($L['upload_size_limit'] . ' (' . intval($this->maxsize / 1024) . 'Kb)'); } $this->image = 1; return true; } else { return $this->_($L['upload_failed']); } }
function cache_clear($str, $type = '', $dir = '') { $dir = $dir ? DT_CACHE . '/' . $dir . '/' : DT_CACHE . '/'; $files = glob($dir . '*'); if (is_array($files)) { if ($type == 'dir') { foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { dir_delete($file); } else { if (file_ext($file) == $str) { file_del($file); } } } } else { foreach ($files as $file) { if (!is_dir($file) && strpos(basename($file), $str) !== false) { file_del($file); } } } } }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); if (!$MOD['sitemaps']) { file_del(DT_ROOT . '/sitemaps.xml'); return false; } $today = timetodate($DT_TIME, 3); $mods = explode(',', $MOD['sitemaps_module']); $nums = intval($MOD['sitemaps_items'] / count($mods)); $data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; $data .= '<urlset xmlns="">'; $data .= '<url>'; $data .= '<loc>' . DT_PATH . '</loc>'; $data .= '<lastmod>' . $today . '</lastmod>'; $data .= '<changefreq>always</changefreq>'; $data .= '<priority>1.0</priority>'; $data .= '<data><display></display></data>'; $data .= '</url>'; $item = ''; foreach ($mods as $mid) { if (isset($MODULE[$mid]) && !$MODULE[$mid]['islink'] && !$MODULE[$mid]['domain']) { if ($mid == 4 && $CFG['com_domain']) { continue; } $url = $MODULE[$mid]['linkurl']; $data .= '<url>'; $data .= '<loc>' . $url . '</loc>'; $data .= '<lastmod>' . $today . '</lastmod>'; $data .= '<changefreq>hourly</changefreq>'; $data .= '<priority>0.9</priority>';
$ext = substr($word, -3); $file = ''; $type = 'text'; if ($str == 'http' && in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'amr', 'mp3', 'mp4'))) { if (strpos($word, DT_PATH) === 0) { $file = str_replace(DT_PATH, DT_ROOT . '/', $word); } else { if ($DT['remote_url'] && strpos($word, $DT['remote_url']) === 0) { $file = DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . date('YmdHis', $DT_TIME) . mt_rand(10, 99) . $_userid . '.' . $ext; file_copy($word, $file); } } if (strpos($file, '/file/') !== false && strpos($file, '..') === false && is_file($file)) { $arr = $wx->http_upload($file); if ($arr[0]) { file_del($file); $word = $arr[0]; //Media_ID $type = $arr[1]; } else { dalert('上传失败 - ' . $arr[1], '', 'window.parent.chat_show();'); } } } $arr = $wx->send($openid, $type, $word); if ($arr['errcode'] != 0) { if ($arr['errcode'] == 45015) { dalert('回复时间超过限制[须48小时内回复]', '', 'window.parent.chat_hide(1);'); } dalert('发送失败 - ' . $arr['errmsg'] . '(errcode:' . $arr['errcode'] . ')', '', 'window.parent.chat_show();'); }
if ($typeid == 4) { if (in_array(strtolower(file_ext($flash_src)), array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'))) { $typeid = 3; $image_src = $flash_src; } } } } ob_start(); include template($template, $module); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); file_put($filename, '<!--' . $totime . '-->' . $data); if ($typeid > 1) { $data = 'document.write(\'' . dwrite($data) . '\');'; file_put(DT_ROOT . '/file/script/A' . $p['pid'] . '.js', $data); } } else { file_del($filename); if ($typeid > 1) { if ($p['code']) { file_put(DT_ROOT . '/file/script/A' . $p['pid'] . '.js', $p['code']); } else { file_del(DT_ROOT . '/file/script/A' . $p['pid'] . '.js'); } } } } } } return true;
$fields[$k]['name'] = $edit ? $_fields[$k]['name'] : ''; $fields[$k]['value'] = $edit ? $_fields[$k]['value'] : ''; } include tpl('data_config'); } break; case 'download': if ($name) { file_down(DT_ROOT . '/file/data/' . $name . '.php'); } msg(); break; case 'delete': if ($name) { file_del(DT_ROOT . '/file/data/' . $name . '.php'); file_del(DT_ROOT . '/file/data/' . $name . '.inc.php'); } dmsg('删除成功', '?file=' . $file); break; case 'view': $data = array(); @(include DT_ROOT . '/file/data/' . $name . '.php'); $data = dstripslashes($data); extract($data); if ($database == 'mysql') { if ($db_host && $db_user && $db_name) { $sc = new db_mysql(); $sc->connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $CFG['db_expires'], $CFG['db_charset'], $CFG['pconnect']); } else { $sc =& $db; }
$moduleid = 1; $module = 'destoon'; tohtml('index'); $msgs = array('保存系统配置.................成功', '数据库连接....................成功', '创建数据库....................成功', '创建数据表....................成功', '插入初始数据.................成功', '设置管理员....................成功', '安装系统模型.................成功', '更新系统缓存.................成功', '更新模块缓存.................成功', '更新模板缓存.................成功', '生成网站密钥.................成功', '生成网站首页.................成功', '锁定安装程序.................就绪'); $percent = '80%'; include IN_ROOT . '/step_' . $step . '.tpl.php'; break; case '6': //安装成功 $percent = '100%'; include IN_ROOT . '/step_' . $step . '.tpl.php'; $DT_TIME = time(); file_put(DT_CACHE . '/install.lock', $DT_TIME); $index = file_get(DT_ROOT . '/index.html'); if (strpos($index, 'install/') !== false) { file_del(DT_ROOT . '/index.html'); } file_put(DT_ROOT . '/install/index.php', '<script type="text/javascript">window.location="../?success="+Math.random();</script>'); break; case 'db_test': if (!mysql_connect($tdb_host, $tdb_user, $tdb_pass)) { exit('<script>alert("无法连接到数据库服务器,请检查配置");</script>'); } if (!mysql_select_db($tdb_name)) { if (!mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE {$tdb_name}")) { exit('<script>alert("指定的数据库不存在\\n\\n系统尝试创建失败,请通过其他方式建立数据库");</script>'); } mysql_select_db($tdb_name); } $tables = array(); $query = mysql_list_tables($tdb_name);
$ftp = new dftp($DT['ftp_host'], $DT['ftp_user'], $DT['ftp_pass'], $DT['ftp_port'], $DT['ftp_path'], $DT['ftp_pasv'], $DT['ftp_ssl']); if ($ftp->connected) { $exp = explode("file/upload/", $saveto); $remote = $exp[1]; if ($ftp->dftp_put($do->saveto, $remote)) { $saveto = $DT['remote_url'] . $remote; $DT['ftp_save'] or file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto); if (strpos($do->saveto, '.thumb.') !== false) { $local = str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '', $do->saveto); $remote = str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '', $exp[1]); $ftp->dftp_put($local, $remote); $DT['ftp_save'] or file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $local); $local = str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '.middle.' . $do->ext, $do->saveto); $remote = str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '.middle.' . $do->ext, $exp[1]); $ftp->dftp_put($local, $remote); $DT['ftp_save'] or file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $local); } } } } $fid = isset($fid) ? $fid : ''; if (isset($old) && $old && in_array($from, array('thumb', 'photo'))) { delete_upload($old, $_userid); } $_saveto = $swfupload ? str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '', $saveto) : $saveto; $_SESSION['uploads'][] = $_saveto; if ($DT['uploadlog']) { $db->query("INSERT INTO {$upload_table} (item,fileurl,filesize,fileext,upfrom,width,height,moduleid,username,ip,addtime,itemid) VALUES ('" . md5($saveto) . "','{$saveto}','{$do->file_size}','{$do->ext}','{$from}','{$img_w}','{$img_h}','{$moduleid}','{$_username}','{$DT_IP}','{$do->uptime}','{$itemid}')"); } if ($MG['uploadcredit'] > 0) { require DT_ROOT . '/include/module.func.php';
$tmp = array(); foreach (explode('&', $par) as $v) { $t = explode('=', $v); $tmp[$t[0]] = $t[1]; } $tmp['pic'] = '@' . $pic; $par = $tmp; } } $cur = curl_init('' . ($pic ? 'add_pic_t ' : 'add_t')); curl_setopt($cur, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($cur, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $par); curl_setopt($cur, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($cur, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($cur, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($cur, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if ($headers) { curl_setopt($cur, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } $rec = curl_exec($cur); curl_close($cur); if ($pic && strpos($pic, 'file/temp') !== false) { file_del($pic); } #log_write($rec, 'qq', 1); if (strpos($rec, '<msg>ok</msg>') === false) { //fail } else { //success } }
$itemids = is_array($itemid) ? implode(',', $itemid) : $itemid; $db->query("DELETE FROM {$DT_PRE}banip WHERE itemid IN ({$itemids})"); dmsg('删除成功', '?file=' . $file); break; case 'clear': $db->query("DELETE FROM {$DT_PRE}banip WHERE totime>0 and totime<{$DT_TIME}"); dmsg('清空成功', '?file=' . $file); break; case 'unban': $ip or msg('IP不能为空'); if (is_array($ip)) { foreach ($ip as $v) { file_del(DT_CACHE . '/ban/' . $v . '.php'); } } else { file_del(DT_CACHE . '/ban/' . $ip . '.php'); } dmsg('删除成功', '?file=' . $file . '&action=ban'); break; case 'ban': $ips = glob(DT_CACHE . '/ban/*.php'); $lists = array(); if ($ips) { foreach ($ips as $k => $v) { $lists[$k]['ip'] = basename($v, '.php'); $lists[$k]['addtime'] = timetodate(filemtime($v), 5); } } include tpl('banip_ban'); break; default:
$w2 = $s2[0]; $h2 = $s2[1]; $s3 = getimagesize($img[3]); $w3 = $s3[0]; $h3 = $s3[1]; if ($s1 && $s2 && $s3 && $w1 == 128 && $h1 == 128 && $w2 == 48 && $h2 == 48 && $w3 == 20 && $h3 == 20) { $md5 = md5($user['username']); $dir = DT_ROOT . '/file/avatar/' . substr($md5, 0, 2) . '/' . substr($md5, 2, 2) . '/_' . $user['username']; $img[4] = $dir . '.jpg'; $img[5] = $dir . 'x48.jpg'; $img[6] = $dir . 'x20.jpg'; file_put($img[4], base64_decode($pic1)); file_put($img[5], base64_decode($pic2)); file_put($img[6], base64_decode($pic3)); if ($DT['ftp_remote'] && $DT['remote_url']) { require DT_ROOT . '/include/ftp.class.php'; $ftp = new dftp($DT['ftp_host'], $DT['ftp_user'], $DT['ftp_pass'], $DT['ftp_port'], $DT['ftp_path'], $DT['ftp_pasv'], $DT['ftp_ssl']); if ($ftp->connected) { foreach ($img as $i) { $t = explode("/file/", $i); $ftp->dftp_put('file/' . $t[1], $t[1]); } } } echo '{"status":1}'; } else { file_del($img[1]); file_del($img[2]); file_del($img[3]); exit('{"status":3}'); }
} dmsg('备份文件恢复失败'); break; case 'download': if (!$fileid) { msg('文件名不能为空'); } $file_ext = $bakid ? '.' . $bakid . '.bak' : '.css'; file_down($skin_root . $fileid . $file_ext); break; case 'delete': if (!$fileid) { msg('文件名不能为空'); } $file_ext = $bakid ? '.' . $bakid . '.bak' : '.css'; file_del($skin_root . $fileid . $file_ext); dmsg('文件删除成功', $this_forward); break; default: $files = $skins = $baks = array(); $files = glob($skin_root . '*.*'); if (!$files) { msg('风格文件不存在,请先创建', "?file={$file}&action=add"); } foreach ($files as $k => $v) { $filename = str_replace($skin_root, '', $v); if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-z_-]+\\.css\$/", $filename)) { $fileid = str_replace('.css', '', $filename); $skins[$fileid]['fileid'] = $fileid; $skins[$fileid]['filename'] = $filename; $skins[$fileid]['filesize'] = round(filesize($v) / 1024, 2);
function delete_upload($file, $userid) { global $CFG, $DT, $DT_TIME, $ftp, $db; if (!defined('DT_ADMIN') && (!$userid || $userid != match_userid($file))) { return false; } $fileurl = $file; if (strpos($file, 'file/upload') === false) { //Remote if ($DT['ftp_remote'] && $DT['remote_url']) { if (strpos($file, $DT['remote_url']) !== false) { if (!is_object($ftp)) { require_once DT_ROOT . '/include/ftp.class.php'; $ftp = new dftp($DT['ftp_host'], $DT['ftp_user'], $DT['ftp_pass'], $DT['ftp_port'], $DT['ftp_path'], $DT['ftp_pasv'], $DT['ftp_ssl']); } $file = str_replace($DT['remote_url'], '', $file); $ftp->dftp_delete($file); if (strpos($file, '.thumb.') !== false) { $ext = file_ext($file); $F = str_replace('.thumb.' . $ext, '', $file); $ftp->dftp_delete($F); $F = str_replace('.thumb.' . $ext, '.middle.' . $ext, $file); $ftp->dftp_delete($F); } } } } else { $exp = explode("file/upload/", $file); $file = DT_ROOT . '/file/upload/' . $exp[1]; if (is_file($file) && strpos($exp[1], '..') === false) { file_del($file); if (strpos($file, '.thumb.') !== false) { $ext = file_ext($file); file_del(str_replace('.thumb.' . $ext, '', $file)); file_del(str_replace('.thumb.' . $ext, '.middle.' . $ext, $file)); } } } if ($DT['uploadlog']) { $db->query("DELETE FROM {$db->pre}upload_" . $userid % 10 . " WHERE item='" . md5($fileurl) . "'"); } }
<?php /* [Destoon B2B System] Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Destoon.COM This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license.txt */ defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); $menus = array(array('木马扫描', '?file=scan'), array('文件校验', '?file=' . $file)); $sys = array('admin', 'api', 'include', 'javascript', 'lang', 'module', 'template', 'wap'); $fbs = array('file', 'cache'); switch ($action) { case 'delete': preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}[\\-]{1}[0-9]{2}[\\-]{1}[0-9]{2}[\\s]{1}[0-9]{2}[\\.]{1}[0-9]{2}\$/", $mirror) or msg('请选择镜像文件'); file_del(DT_ROOT . '/file/md5/' . $mirror . '.php'); dmsg('删除成功', '?file=' . $file); break; case 'add': $filedir or $filedir = $sys; $fileext or $fileext = 'php|js|htm'; $files = array(); foreach (glob(DT_ROOT . '/*.*') as $f) { if (preg_match("/(config\\.inc\\.php|version\\.inc\\.php)\$/i", $f)) { continue; } if (preg_match("/\\.({$fileext})\$/i", $f)) { $files[] = $f; } } foreach ($filedir as $d) { $files = array_merge($files, get_file(DT_ROOT . '/' . $d, $fileext)); }
case 'template_name': $fileid or exit('0'); $name or exit('0'); $name = convert($name, 'UTF-8', DT_CHARSET); template_name($fileid, $name); exit('1'); break; case 'download': $fileid or msg(); $file_ext = $bakid ? '.' . $bakid . '.bak' : '.htm'; file_down($template_root . '/' . $fileid . $file_ext); break; case 'delete': $fileid or msg(); $file_ext = $bakid ? '.' . $bakid . '.bak' : '.htm'; file_del($template_root . '/' . $fileid . $file_ext); if (!$bakid) { template_name(); } dmsg('删除成功', $this_forward); break; case 'cache': cache_clear('php', 'dir', 'tpl'); dmsg('更新成功', $this_forward); break; default: $dirs = $files = $templates = $baks = array(); if (substr($template_root, -1) != '/') { $template_root .= '/'; } $files = glob($template_root . '*');
function delete($aid) { if (is_array($aid)) { foreach ($aid as $v) { $this->delete($v); } } else { $this->aid = $aid; $a = $this->get_one(); $filename = ad_name($a); file_del(DT_CACHE . '/htm/' . $filename); $userid = get_user($a['username']); if ($a['image_src']) { delete_upload($a['image_src'], $userid); } if ($a['flash_src']) { delete_upload($a['flash_src'], $userid); } $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table} WHERE aid={$aid}"); $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table_place} SET ads=ads-1 WHERE pid={$a['pid']}"); } }
case 'update': $t = $avatar ? 1 : 0; $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET avatar={$t} WHERE userid={$_userid}"); dheader('avatar.php?itemid=' . $DT_TIME); break; case 'delete': if ($avatar) { $img = array(); $img[1] = useravatar($_userid, 'large', 0, 2); $img[2] = useravatar($_userid, '', 0, 2); $img[3] = useravatar($_userid, 'small', 0, 2); $img[4] = useravatar($_username, 'large', 1, 2); $img[5] = useravatar($_username, '', 1, 2); $img[6] = useravatar($_username, 'small', 1, 2); foreach ($img as $i) { file_del($i); } if ($DT['ftp_remote'] && $DT['remote_url']) { require DT_ROOT . '/include/ftp.class.php'; $ftp = new dftp($DT['ftp_host'], $DT['ftp_user'], $DT['ftp_pass'], $DT['ftp_port'], $DT['ftp_path'], $DT['ftp_pasv'], $DT['ftp_ssl']); if ($ftp->connected) { foreach ($img as $i) { $t = explode("/file/", $i); $ftp->dftp_delete($t[1]); } } } } $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET avatar=0 WHERE userid={$_userid}"); dmsg($L['avatar_delete'], 'avatar.php?itemid=' . $DT_TIME); break;
dir_delete($dir); msg('成功添加<strong> ' . $i . ' </strong>张图片', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&action=item&itemid=' . $itemid); break; case 'zip': $itemid or msg(); $_FILES['uploadfile']['size'] or msg('请选择zip文件'); require DT_ROOT . '/include/upload.class.php'; $name = date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(10, 99) . $_userid; $upload = new upload($_FILES, 'file/temp/', $name . '.zip', 'zip'); $upload->adduserid = false; if ($upload->save()) { dir_create(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name); require DT_ROOT . '/admin/unzip.class.php'; $zip = new unzip(); $zip->extract_zip(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name . '.zip', DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name); file_del(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name . '.zip'); if (glob(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name . '/*.*')) { msg('上传并解压缩成功,正在读取..', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&action=dir&name=' . $name . '&itemid=' . $itemid); } else { msg('解压缩失败,请检查目录权限'); } } else { msg($upload->errmsg); } break; default: $lists = $do->get_list('status=3' . $condition, $dorder[$order]); $menuid = 1; include tpl('index', $module); break; }
function cache_clear_sql($dir, $all = false) { global $DT_TIME; if ($dir) { $globs = glob(DT_CACHE . '/sql/' . $dir . '/*.php'); if ($globs) { foreach ($globs as $v) { if ($all) { file_del($v); } else { $exptime = intval(substr(file_get($v), 8, 18)); if ($exptime && $DT_TIME > $exptime) { file_del($v); } } } } } else { cache_clear('php', 'dir', 'sql'); } }
/** * function _upload 文件上传 * $width 最大宽度 */ private function _upload($width = 400) { // 更改公共配置文件 $this->upload->upload_path = $this->upload_path; // 路径 $this->upload->encrypt_name = 1; // 是否重命名 $this->upload->xss_clean = TRUE; // 是否做xss过滤 // 初始化$file_name $file_name = array(); // 通过遍历判断是否有附件上传 foreach ($_FILES as $k => $v) { // 若有附件上传 if ($v['error'] == 0) { // 图片类型 if (strpos($k, 'p') === 0) { $this->upload->allowed_types = array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'); $this->upload->max_size = 2000; // 若上传成功 if ($this->upload->do_upload($k)) { // 记录上传成功的文件名 $file_name[$k] = $this->upload->file_name; // 若需要压缩 if ($this->upload->image_width > $width) { $height = $this->upload->image_height * $width / $this->upload->image_width; $this->_resize($this->upload, $width, $height); } } else { // 1、删除之前上传成功的文件 if (!empty($file_name)) { file_del($file_name); } // 2、提示错误 jump($this->upload->display_errors('', '')); exit; } } else { $this->upload->allowed_types = array('txt', 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'hlp', 'chm', 'rar', 'zip', 'pdf', '7z'); $this->upload->max_size = 5000; // 若上传成功 if ($this->upload->do_upload($k)) { $file_name[$k] = $this->upload->file_name; } else { // 1、删除之前上传成功的文件 if (!empty($file_name)) { file_del($file_name); } // 2、提示错误 jump($this->upload->display_errors('', '')); exit; } } } } return $file_name; }
function deluser($table, $user, $name = true, $data = false, $moduleid = 0) { global $DT_PRE, $MODULE; if (!$user) { return; } $fields = $name ? 'username' : 'userid'; if ($data) { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}{$table} WHERE `{$fields}`='{$user}'"); while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($result)) { $itemid = $r['itemid']; $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$DT_PRE}{$table} WHERE itemid='{$itemid}'"); $table_data = strpos($table, '_') === false ? $table . '_data' : str_replace('_', '_data_', $table); $table_data = $DT_PRE . $table_data; if ($moduleid) { $table_data = content_table($moduleid, $itemid, is_file(DT_CACHE . '/' . $moduleid . '.part'), $table_data); } $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$table_data} WHERE itemid='{$itemid}'"); if ($MODULE[$moduleid]['module'] == 'sell') { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->db->pre}sell_search_{$moduleid} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); } if ($moduleid && $r['linkurl'] && strpos($r['linkurl'], '://') === false && strpos($r['linkurl'], '.php') === false && strpos($r['linkurl'], 'show-') === false) { $html = DT_ROOT . '/' . $MODULE[$moduleid]['moduledir'] . '/' . $r['linkurl']; if (is_file($html)) { file_del($html); } } } } else { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$DT_PRE}{$table} WHERE `{$fields}`='{$user}'"); } }
case 'download': $file_ext = file_ext($filename); if ($file_ext != 'sql') { msg('只能下载SQL文件'); } file_down($dir ? $D . $dir . '/' . $filename : $D . $filename); break; case 'delete': if (!is_array($filenames)) { $tmp = $filenames; $filenames = array(); $filenames[0] = $tmp; } foreach ($filenames as $filename) { if (file_ext($filename) == 'sql') { file_del($dir ? $D . $dir . '/' . $filename : $D . $filename); } else { if (is_dir($D . $filename)) { dir_delete($D . $filename); } } } dmsg('删除成功', $forward); break; case 'move': if ($submit) { $condition = str_replace('and', 'AND', trim($condition)); $condition = strpos($condition, 'AND') === false ? "itemid IN ({$condition})" : substr($condition, 3); $condition = stripslashes($condition); if ($type == 1) { $ftb = $DT_PRE . 'sell_5';
dir_delete($sub); $cd++; msg('已删除 ' . $cd . ' 个目录,' . $cf . ' 个文件' . progress(0, $cd, $tt), '?action=' . $action . '&dir=' . $dir . '&cd=' . $cd . '&cf=' . $cf . '&job=' . $job . '&tt=' . $tt, 0); } } else { dir_delete(DT_CACHE . '/' . $dir); msg('缓存更新成功'); } } else { msg('目录名错误'); } } else { $dir = $job . timetodate($DT_TIME, 'YmdHis'); if (rename(DT_CACHE . '/' . $job, DT_CACHE . '/' . $dir)) { dir_create(DT_CACHE . '/' . $job); file_del(DT_CACHE . '/' . $dir . '/index.html'); $dirs = glob(DT_CACHE . '/' . $dir . '/*'); $tt = count($dirs); msg('正在更新,此操作可能用时较长,请不要中断..', '?action=' . $action . '&dir=' . $dir . '&job=' . $job . '&tt=' . $tt); } else { msg('更新失败'); } } break; case 'html': cache_clear_tag(1); $db->expires = $CFG['db_expires'] = $CFG['tag_expires'] = 0; tohtml('index'); $filename = $CFG['com_dir'] ? DT_ROOT . '/' . $DT['index'] . '.' . $DT['file_ext'] : DT_CACHE . '/'; msg('首页更新成功 ' . (is_file($filename) ? dround(filesize($filename) / 1024) . 'Kb ' : '') . ' <a href="' . DT_PATH . '" target="_blank">点击查看</a>'); break;
$ftp = new dftp($DT['ftp_host'], $DT['ftp_user'], $DT['ftp_pass'], $DT['ftp_port'], $DT['ftp_path'], $DT['ftp_pasv'], $DT['ftp_ssl']); if ($ftp->connected) { $exp = explode("file/upload/", $saveto); $remote = $exp[1]; if ($ftp->dftp_put($do->saveto, $remote)) { $saveto = $DT['remote_url'] . $remote; file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto); if (strpos($do->saveto, '.thumb.') !== false) { $local = str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '', $do->saveto); $remote = str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '', $exp[1]); $ftp->dftp_put($local, $remote); file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $local); $local = str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '.middle.' . $do->ext, $do->saveto); $remote = str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '.middle.' . $do->ext, $exp[1]); $ftp->dftp_put($local, $remote); file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $local); } } } } $fid = isset($fid) ? $fid : ''; if (isset($old) && $old && in_array($from, array('thumb', 'photo'))) { delete_upload($old, $_userid); } $_SESSION['uploads'][] = $swfupload ? str_replace('.thumb.' . $do->ext, '', $saveto) : $saveto; if ($DT['uploadlog']) { $db->query("INSERT INTO {$upload_table} (item,fileurl,filesize,fileext,upfrom,width,height,moduleid,username,ip,addtime,itemid) VALUES ('" . md5($saveto) . "','{$saveto}','{$do->file_size}','{$do->ext}','{$from}','{$img_w}','{$img_h}','{$moduleid}','{$_username}','{$DT_IP}','{$do->uptime}','{$itemid}')"); } if ($swfupload) { exit('FILEID:' . $saveto); }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); if (!$MOD['baidunews']) { file_del(DT_ROOT . '/baidunews.xml'); return false; } $news = array(); foreach ($MODULE as $m) { if ($m['module'] == 'article') { $news[] = $m; } } $mods_num = count($news); if ($mods_num < 1) { return false; } if ($MOD['baidunews_items'] > 100) { $MOD['baidunews_items'] = 100; } $news_num = intval($MOD['baidunews_items'] / $mods_num); if ($news_num < 1) { return false; } $data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . DT_CHARSET . '"?>'; $data .= '<document>'; $data .= '<webSite>' . DT_PATH . '</webSite>'; $data .= '<webMaster>' . $MOD['baidunews_email'] . '</webMaster>'; $data .= '<updatePeri>' . $MOD['baidunews_update'] . '</updatePeri>'; foreach ($news as $v) { $mid = $v['moduleid'];
$zip->extract_zip(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name . '.zip', DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name); file_del(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name . '.zip'); $F = get_file(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $name); if ($F) { $htm = ''; $max = 0; foreach ($F as $f) { $ext = file_ext($f); if (in_array($ext, array('htm', 'html'))) { $tmp = filesize($f); if ($tmp > $max) { $htm = str_replace(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/', '', $f); } $max = $tmp; } else { in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp')) or file_del($f); } } if ($htm) { dalert('', '', 'parent.Upsuccess("' . $htm . '");'); } else { dalert('系统未在压缩包内找到HTM文件'); } } else { dalert('解压缩失败,请检查目录权限'); } } else { dalert($upload->errmsg); } break; case 'read':
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); $filename = DT_CACHE . '/htm/company.htm'; if (!$MOD['index_html']) { if (is_file($filename)) { file_del($filename); } return false; } if ($DT['rewrite']) { defined('DT_REWRITE') or define('DT_REWRITE', true); $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] = 'index.php'; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = ''; } $GLOBALS['DT_URL'] = $DT_URL = 'index.php'; $seo_file = 'index'; include DT_ROOT . '/include/'; $destoon_task = "moduleid={$moduleid}&html=index"; if ($page == 1) { $head_canonical = $MOD['linkurl']; } if ($EXT['mobile_enable']) { $head_mobile = $EXT['mobile_url'] . mobileurl($moduleid, 0, 0, $page); } ob_start(); include template('index', $module); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); file_put($filename, $data); return true;
function rm($key) { is_md5($key) or $key = md5($this->pre . $key); return file_del(DT_CACHE . '/php/' . substr($key, 0, 2) . '/' . $key . '.php'); }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); $F = glob(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/*'); if ($F) { foreach ($F as $k => $v) { if (is_dir($v)) { dir_delete($v); } else { if (basename($v) == 'index.html') { continue; } file_del($v); } } }