Exemplo n.º 1
 function getOptionsSupported()
     global $personalities;
     require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/image_effects.php';
     $note = '<p class="notebox">' . gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> This option is valid only if the Zenpage plugin is enabled or the Separate gallery index option is checked. Of course the <em>menu_manager</em> plugin must also be enabled.') . '</p>';
     if (!extensionEnabled('print_album_menu') && (($m = getOption('effervescence_menu')) == 'effervescence' || $m == 'zenpage' || $m == 'garland')) {
         $note .= '<p class="notebox">' . sprintf(gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> The <em>%s</em> custom menu makes use of the <em>print_album_menu</em> plugin.'), $m) . '</p>';
     $options = array(gettext('Separate gallery index') => array('key' => 'gallery_index', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 1, 'desc' => gettext('Check to move the gallery index from the home page to gallery.php.') . '<p class="notebox">' . gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> this is assumed if the zenpage plugin is enabled.') . '</p>'), gettext('Theme logo') => array('key' => 'Theme_logo', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'multilingual' => 1, 'order' => 8, 'desc' => gettext('The text for the theme logo')), gettext('Watermark head image') => array('key' => 'Watermark_head_image', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 11, 'desc' => gettext('Check to place a watermark on the heading image. (Image watermarking must be set.)')), gettext('Daily image') => array('key' => 'effervescence_daily_album_image', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 3, 'desc' => gettext('If checked the heading image will change daily rather than on each page load.')), gettext('Allow search') => array('key' => 'Allow_search', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 3.5, 'desc' => gettext('Check to enable search form.')), gettext('Slideshow') => array('key' => 'Slideshow', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 6, 'desc' => gettext('Check to enable slideshow for the <em>Smoothgallery</em> personality.')), gettext('Graphic logo') => array('key' => 'Graphic_logo', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CUSTOM, 'order' => 4, 'desc' => sprintf(gettext('Select a logo (PNG files in the <em>%s/images</em> folder) or leave empty for text logo.'), UPLOAD_FOLDER)), gettext('Theme personality') => array('key' => 'effervescence_personality', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'selections' => $personalities, 'order' => 9, 'desc' => gettext('Select the theme personality')), gettext('Theme colors') => array('key' => 'Theme_colors', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CUSTOM, 'order' => 7, 'desc' => gettext('Select the colors of the theme')), gettext('Custom menu') => array('key' => 'effervescence_menu', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CUSTOM, 'order' => 2, 'desc' => gettext('Set this to the <em>menu_manager</em> menu you wish to use.') . $note));
     if (getOption('effervescence_personality') == 'Image_gallery') {
         $options[gettext('Image gallery transition')] = array('key' => 'effervescence_transition', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'selections' => array(gettext('None') => '', gettext('Fade') => 'fade', gettext('Shrink/grow') => 'resize', gettext('Horizontal') => 'slide-hori', gettext('Vertical') => 'slide-vert'), 'order' => 10, 'desc' => gettext('Transition effect for Image gallery'));
         $options[gettext('Image gallery caption')] = array('key' => 'effervescence_caption_location', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_RADIO, 'buttons' => array(gettext('On image') => 'image', gettext('Separate') => 'separate', gettext('Omit') => 'none'), 'order' => 10.5, 'desc' => gettext('Location for Image gallery picture caption'));
     $effects = new image_effects();
     $effectOptions = $effects->getOptionsSupported();
     $effect = array_shift($effectOptions);
     while ($effect && !array_key_exists('selections', $effect)) {
         $effect = array_shift($effectOptions);
     if ($effect && array_key_exists('selections', $effect)) {
         $options[gettext('Index Image')] = array('key' => 'effervescence_daily_album_image_effect', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'selections' => $effect['selections'], 'null_selection' => gettext('none'), 'order' => 5, 'desc' => gettext('Apply this effect to the index page image.'));
         if (!extensionEnabled('image_effects')) {
             $options[gettext('Index Image')]['disabled'] = true;
             $options[gettext('Index Image')]['desc'] .= '<p class="notebox">' . gettext('This option requires the <em>image_effects</em> plugin to be enabled.') . '</p>';
     return $options;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * supported options
 function getOptionsSupported()
     global $_zp_CMS;
     $options = array(gettext('Consumer key') => array('key' => 'tweet_news_consumer', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'order' => 2, 'desc' => gettext('This <code>tweet_news</code> app for this site needs a <em>consumer key</em>, a <em>consumer key secret</em>, an <em>access token</em>, and an <em>access token secret</em>.') . '<p class="notebox">' . gettext('Get these from <a href="http://dev.twitter.com/">Twitter developers</a>') . '</p>'), gettext('Secret') => array('key' => 'tweet_news_consumer_secret', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'order' => 3, 'desc' => gettext('The <em>secret</em> associated with your <em>consumer key</em>.')), gettext('Access token') => array('key' => 'tweet_news_oauth_token', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'order' => 4, 'desc' => gettext('The application <em>oauth_token</em> token.')), gettext('Access token secret') => array('key' => 'tweet_news_oauth_token_secret', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'order' => 5, 'desc' => gettext('The application <em>oauth_token</em> secret.')), gettext('Protected objects') => array('key' => 'tweet_news_protected', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 7, 'desc' => gettext('If checked, protected items will be tweeted. <strong>Note:</strong> followers will need the password to visit the tweeted link.')));
     $list = array('<em>' . gettext('Albums') . '</em>' => 'tweet_news_albums', '<em>' . gettext('Images') . '</em>' => 'tweet_news_images');
     if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
         $list['<em>' . gettext('News') . '</em>'] = 'tweet_news_news';
         $list['<em>' . gettext('Pages') . '</em>'] = 'tweet_news_pages';
     } else {
         setOption('tweet_news_news', 0);
         setOption('tweet_news_pages', 0);
     $options[gettext('Tweet')] = array('key' => 'tweet_news_items', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX_ARRAY, 'order' => 6, 'checkboxes' => $list, 'desc' => gettext('If a <em>type</em> is checked, a Tweet will be made when an object of that <em>type</em> is published.'));
     if (getOption('multi_lingual')) {
         $options[gettext('Tweet Language')] = array('key' => 'tweet_language', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'order' => 5.5, 'selections' => generateLanguageList(), 'desc' => gettext('Select the language for the Tweet message.'));
     if (getOption('tweet_news_news') && is_object($_zp_CMS)) {
         $catlist = getSerializedArray(getOption('tweet_news_categories'));
         $news_categories = $_zp_CMS->getAllCategories(false);
         $catlist = array(gettext('*not categorized*') => 'tweet_news_categories_none');
         foreach ($news_categories as $category) {
             $option = 'tweet_news_categories_' . $category['titlelink'];
             $catlist[$category['title']] = $option;
             setOptionDefault($option, NULL);
         $options[gettext('News categories')] = array('key' => 'tweet_news_categories', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX_UL, 'order' => 6.5, 'checkboxes' => $catlist, 'desc' => gettext('Only those <em>news categories</em> checked will be Tweeted. <strong>Note:</strong> <em>*not categorized*</em> means those news articles which have no category assigned.'));
     return $options;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function __construct()
     $me = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
     setThemeOptionDefault('zenpage_zp_index_news', false);
     setThemeOptionDefault('Allow_search', true);
     setThemeOptionDefault('Use_thickbox', true);
     setThemeOptionDefault('zenpage_homepage', 'none');
     setThemeOptionDefault('zenpage_contactpage', true);
     setThemeOptionDefault('zenpage_custommenu', false);
     setThemeOptionDefault('albums_per_page', 6);
     setThemeOptionDefault('albums_per_row', 2);
     setThemeOptionDefault('images_per_page', 20);
     setThemeOptionDefault('images_per_row', 5);
     setThemeOption('image_size', 580, NULL, 'zenpage');
     setThemeOption('image_use_side', 'longest', NULL, 'zenpage');
     setThemeOption('thumb_size', 95, NULL, 'zenpage');
     setThemeOptionDefault('thumb_crop_width', 95);
     setThemeOptionDefault('thumb_crop_height', 95);
     setThemeOptionDefault('thumb_crop', 1);
     setThemeOptionDefault('thumb_transition', 1);
     if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
         setThemeOption('custom_index_page', 'gallery', NULL, 'zenpage', false);
     } else {
         setThemeOption('custom_index_page', '', NULL, 'zenpage', false);
     if (class_exists('cacheManager')) {
         cacheManager::addThemeCacheSize($me, NULL, 580, 580, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NULL, true);
         cacheManager::addThemeCacheSize($me, 95, NULL, NULL, getThemeOption('thumb_crop_width'), getThemeOption('thumb_crop_height'), NULL, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL);
     if (function_exists('createMenuIfNotExists')) {
         $menuitems = array(array('type' => 'menulabel', 'title' => gettext('News Articles'), 'link' => '', 'show' => 1, 'nesting' => 0), array('type' => 'menufunction', 'title' => gettext('All news'), 'link' => 'printAllNewsCategories("All news",TRUE,"","menu-active",false,false,false,"list",false,getOption("menu_manager_truncate_string"));', 'show' => 1, 'include_li' => 0, 'nesting' => 1), array('type' => 'menulabel', 'title' => gettext('Gallery'), 'link' => '', 'show' => 1, 'nesting' => 0), array('type' => 'custompage', 'title' => gettext('Gallery index'), 'link' => 'gallery', 'show' => 1, 'nesting' => 1), array('type' => 'menufunction', 'title' => gettext('All Albums'), 'link' => 'printAlbumMenuList("list",NULL,"","menu-active","submenu","menu-active","",false,false,false,false,getOption("menu_manager_truncate_string"));', 'show' => 1, 'include_li' => 0, 'nesting' => 1), array('type' => 'menulabel', 'title' => gettext('Pages'), 'link' => '', 'show' => 1, 'nesting' => 0), array('type' => 'menufunction', 'title' => gettext('All pages'), 'link' => 'printPageMenu("list","","menu-active","submenu","menu-active","",0,false,getOption("menu_manager_truncate_string"));', 'show' => 1, 'include_li' => 0, 'nesting' => 1));
         createMenuIfNotExists($menuitems, 'zenpage');
Exemplo n.º 4
 static function getOptionsSupported()
     $list = array(gettext('Gallery') => 'defaultCodeblocks_object_gallery', gettext('Album') => 'defaultCodeblocks_object_albums', gettext('Image') => 'defaultCodeblocks_object_images');
     if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
         $list = array_merge($list, array(gettext('News category') => 'defaultCodeblocks_object_news_categories', gettext('News') => 'defaultCodeblocks_object_news', gettext('Page') => 'defaultCodeblocks_object_pages'));
     $options = array(gettext('Objects') => array('key' => 'defaultCodeblocks_objects', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX_UL, 'order' => 0, 'checkboxes' => $list, 'desc' => gettext('Default codeblocks will be applied for the checked objects.')), gettext('Codeblocks') => array('key' => 'defaultCodeblocks_blocks', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CUSTOM, 'order' => 2, 'desc' => gettext('Codeblocks to be inserted when the one for the object is empty.')));
     return $options;
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function getOptionsSupported()
     setOptionDefault('ldap_id_offset', 100000);
     $ldapOptions = array(gettext('LDAP domain') => array('key' => 'ldap_domain', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'order' => 1, 'desc' => gettext('Domain name of the LDAP server')), gettext('LDAP base dn') => array('key' => 'ldap_basedn', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'order' => 1.1, 'desc' => gettext('Base DN strings for the LDAP searches.')), gettext('ID offset for LDAP usersids') => array('key' => 'ldap_id_offset', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_NUMBER, 'order' => 1.4, 'desc' => gettext('This number is added to the LDAP <em>userid</em> to insure that there is no overlap to ZenPhoto20 <em>userids</em>.')), gettext('LDAP reader user') => array('key' => 'ldap_reader_user', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'order' => 1.2, 'desc' => gettext('User name for LDAP searches. If empty the searches will be anonymous.')), gettext('LDAP reader password') => array('key' => 'ldap_reader_pass', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_PASSWORD, 'order' => 1.3, 'desc' => gettext('User password for LDAP searches.')));
     if (extensionEnabled('user_groups')) {
         $ldapOptions[gettext('LDAP Group map')] = array('key' => 'ldap_group_map_custom', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CUSTOM, 'order' => 1.5, 'desc' => gettext('Mapping of LDAP groups to ZenPhoto20 groups') . '<p class="notebox">' . gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> if the LDAP group is empty no mapping will take place.') . '</p>');
         if (!extensionEnabled('LDAP_auth')) {
             $ldapOptions['note'] = array('key' => 'LDAP_auth_note', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_NOTE, 'order' => 0, 'desc' => '<p class="notebox">' . gettext('The LDAP Group map cannot be managed with the plugin disabled') . '</p>');
     return $ldapOptions;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Reports the supported options
  * @return array
 function getOptionsSupported()
     global $_zp_captcha;
     require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/tinymce.php';
     $checkboxes = array(gettext('Albums') => 'comment_form_albums', gettext('Images') => 'comment_form_images');
     if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
         $checkboxes = array_merge($checkboxes, array(gettext('Pages') => 'comment_form_pages', gettext('News') => 'comment_form_articles'));
     $configarray = gettinymceConfigFiles('comment');
     $options = array(gettext('Enable comment notification') => array('key' => 'email_new_comments', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 0, 'desc' => gettext('Email the Admin when new comments are posted')), gettext('Name field') => array('key' => 'comment_name_required', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_RADIO, 'order' => 0.1, 'buttons' => array(gettext('Omit') => 0, gettext('Show') => 1, gettext('Require') => 'required'), 'desc' => gettext('If the <em>Name</em> field is required, the poster must provide a name.')), gettext('Email field') => array('key' => 'comment_email_required', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_RADIO, 'order' => 0.2, 'buttons' => array(gettext('Omit') => 0, gettext('Show') => 1, gettext('Require') => 'required'), 'desc' => gettext('If the <em>Email</em> field is required, the poster must provide an email address.')), gettext('Website field') => array('key' => 'comment_web_required', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_RADIO, 'order' => 0.3, 'buttons' => array(gettext('Omit') => 0, gettext('Show') => 1, gettext('Require') => 'required'), 'desc' => gettext('If the <em>Website</em> field is required, the poster must provide a website.')), gettext('Captcha field') => array('key' => 'Use_Captcha', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_RADIO, 'order' => 0.4, 'buttons' => array(gettext('Omit') => 0, gettext('For guests') => 2, gettext('Require') => 1), 'desc' => $_zp_captcha->name ? gettext('If <em>Captcha</em> is required, the form will include a Captcha verification.') : '<span class="notebox">' . gettext('No captcha handler is enabled.') . '</span>'), gettext('Address fields') => array('key' => 'comment_form_addresses', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_RADIO, 'order' => 7, 'buttons' => array(gettext('Omit') => 0, gettext('Show') => 1, gettext('Require') => 'required'), 'desc' => gettext('If <em>Address fields</em> are shown or required, the form will include positions for address information. If required, the poster must supply data in each address field.')), gettext('Allow comments on') => array('key' => 'comment_form_allowed', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX_ARRAY, 'order' => 0.9, 'checkboxes' => $checkboxes, 'desc' => gettext('Comment forms will be presented on the checked pages.')), gettext('Toggled comment block') => array('key' => 'comment_form_toggle', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 2, 'desc' => gettext('If checked, existing comments will be initially hidden. Clicking on the provided button will show them.')), gettext('Show author URL') => array('key' => 'comment_form_showURL', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 7, 'desc' => gettext('To discourage SPAM, uncheck this box and the author URL will not be revealed.')), gettext('Only members can comment') => array('key' => 'comment_form_members_only', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 4, 'desc' => gettext('If checked, only logged in users will be allowed to post comments.')), gettext('Allow private postings') => array('key' => 'comment_form_private', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 6, 'desc' => gettext('If checked, posters may mark their comments as private (not for publishing).')), gettext('Allow anonymous posting') => array('key' => 'comment_form_anon', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 5, 'desc' => gettext('If checked, posters may exclude their personal information from the published post.')), gettext('Include RSS link') => array('key' => 'comment_form_rss', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 8, 'desc' => gettext('If checked, an RSS link will be included at the bottom of the comment section.')), gettext('Comments per page') => array('key' => 'comment_form_comments_per_page', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_NUMBER, 'order' => 9, 'desc' => gettext('The comments that should show per page on the admin tab and when using the jQuery pagination')), gettext('Comment editor configuration') => array('key' => 'tinymce_comments', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'order' => 1, 'selections' => $configarray, 'null_selection' => gettext('Disabled'), 'desc' => gettext('Configuration file for TinyMCE when used for comments. Set to <code>Disabled</code> to disable visual editing.')), gettext('Admin comment editor configuration') => array('key' => 'tinymce_admin_comments', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'order' => 1.1, 'selections' => $configarray, 'null_selection' => gettext('Disabled'), 'desc' => gettext('Configuration file for TinyMCE when used for the <em>edit comments</em> tab.')), gettext('Pagination') => array('key' => 'comment_form_pagination', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'order' => 3, 'desc' => gettext('Uncheck to disable the jQuery pagination of comments. Enabled by default.')));
     return $options;
Exemplo n.º 7
 function handleOption($option, $currentValue)
     switch ($option) {
         case 'garland_menu':
             $menusets = array($currentValue => $currentValue);
             echo '<select id="garland_menuset" name="garland_menu"';
             if (function_exists('printCustomMenu') && extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
                 $result = query_full_array("SELECT DISTINCT menuset FROM " . prefix('menu') . " ORDER BY menuset");
                 foreach ($result as $set) {
                     $menusets[$set['menuset']] = $set['menuset'];
             } else {
                 echo ' disabled="disabled"';
             echo ">\n";
             echo '<option value="" style="background-color:LightGray">' . gettext('*standard menu') . '</option>';
             generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), $menusets, false, false);
             echo "</select>\n";
Exemplo n.º 8
  * This method establishes the current set of database fields. It will add the
  * fields to the database if they are not already present. Fields from previous
  * constructor calls that are no longer in the list will be removed from the
  * database (along with any data associated with them.)
  * @param array $newfields
 function constructor($me, $newfields)
     $previous = getSerializedArray(getOption(get_class($this) . '_addedFields'));
     $current = $fields = array();
     if (extensionEnabled($me)) {
         //need to update the database tables.
         foreach ($newfields as $newfield) {
             $current[$newfield['table']][$newfield['name']] = true;
             switch (strtolower($newfield['type'])) {
                     $dbType = strtoupper($newfield['type']);
                 case 'int':
                 case 'varchar':
                     $dbType = strtoupper($newfield['type']) . '(' . min(255, $newfield['size']) . ')';
             $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . prefix($newfield['table']) . ' ADD COLUMN `' . $newfield['name'] . '` ' . $dbType;
             if (query($sql, false) && in_array($newfield['table'], array('albums', 'images', 'news', 'news_categories', 'pages'))) {
                 $fields[] = strtolower($newfield['name']);
         setOption(get_class($this) . '_addedFields', serialize($current));
     } else {
         purgeOption(get_class($this) . '_addedFields');
     $set_fields = array_flip(explode(',', getOption('search_fields')));
     foreach ($previous as $table => $orpahed) {
         //drop fields no longer defined
         foreach ($orpahed as $field => $v) {
             $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . prefix($table) . ' DROP `' . $field . '`';
             query($sql, false);
     $set_fields = array_unique(array_merge($fields, array_flip($set_fields)));
     setOption('search_fields', implode(',', $set_fields));
Exemplo n.º 9
function my_checkPageValidity($request, $gallery_page, $page)
    switch ($gallery_page) {
        case 'gallery.php':
            $gallery_page = 'index.php';
            //	same as an album gallery index
        case 'index.php':
            if (!extensionEnabled('zenpage') || getOption('zbase_indexlayout') != 'news') {
                // only one index page if zenpage plugin is enabled & displaying
            if ($page != 1) {
                return false;
        case 'news.php':
        case 'album.php':
        case 'search.php':
    return checkPageValidity($request, $gallery_page, $page);
Exemplo n.º 10
 function getOptionsSupported()
     global $personalities;
     if (!extensionEnabled('print_album_menu') && (($m = getOption('garland_menu')) == 'garland' || $m == 'zenpage' || $m == 'garland')) {
         $note = '<p class="notebox">' . sprintf(gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> The <em>%s</em> custom menu makes use of the <em>print_album_menu</em> plugin.'), $m) . '</p>';
     } else {
         $note = '';
     $options = array(gettext('Theme personality') => array('key' => 'garland_personality', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'selections' => $personalities, 'desc' => gettext('Select the theme personality')), gettext('Allow search') => array('key' => 'Allow_search', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'desc' => gettext('Set to enable search form.')), gettext('Allow cloud') => array('key' => 'Allow_cloud', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'desc' => gettext('Set to enable tag cloud for album page.')), gettext('Custom menu') => array('key' => 'garland_menu', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CUSTOM, 'desc' => gettext('Set this to the <em>menu_manager</em> menu you wish to use.') . $note));
     if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
         global $_zp_zenpage;
         $pages = $_zp_zenpage->getPages(false);
         $list = array();
         foreach ($pages as $page) {
             $list[getBare($page['title'])] = $page['titlelink'];
         $options[gettext('Custom Homepage')] = array('key' => 'garland_customHome', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'selections' => $list, 'null_selection' => gettext('none'), 'desc' => gettext('Select the <em>pages</em> titlelink for the home page. Only unpublished pages are offered for selection.'));
     if (getOption('garland_personality') == 'image_gallery') {
         $options[gettext('Image gallery transition')] = array('key' => 'garland_transition', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR, 'selections' => array(gettext('None') => '', gettext('Fade') => 'fade', gettext('Shrink/grow') => 'resize', gettext('Horizontal') => 'slide-hori', gettext('Vertical') => 'slide-vert'), 'order' => 10, 'desc' => gettext('Transition effect for Image gallery'));
         $options[gettext('Image gallery caption')] = array('key' => 'garland_caption_location', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_RADIO, 'buttons' => array(gettext('On image') => 'image', gettext('Separate') => 'separate', gettext('Omit') => 'none'), 'order' => 10.5, 'desc' => gettext('Location for Image gallery picture caption'));
     return $options;
Exemplo n.º 11
 function __construct()
     global $_userAddressFields;
     $firstTime = extensionEnabled('userAddressFields') && is_null(getOption('userAddressFields_addedFields'));
     parent::constructor('userAddressFields', self::fields());
     if ($firstTime) {
         //	migrate the custom data user data
         $result = query('SELECT * FROM ' . prefix('administrators') . ' WHERE `valid`!=0');
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $custom = getSerializedArray($row['custom_data']);
                 if (!empty($custom)) {
                     $sql = 'UPDATE ' . prefix('administrators') . ' SET ';
                     foreach ($custom as $field => $val) {
                         $sql .= '`' . $field . '`=' . db_quote($val) . ',';
                     $sql .= '`custom_data`=NULL WHERE `id`=' . $row['id'];
Exemplo n.º 12
 * If you are using more than one player on a page you need to pass a 3rd parameter with for example an unique number:<br>
 * [MEDIAPLAYER album1 video1.mp4 <var>1</var>]<br>
 * [MEDIAPLAYER album2 video2.mp4 <var>2</var>]
 * <b>NOTE:</b> This player does not support external albums!
 * @author Malte Müller (acrylian)
 * @package plugins
 * @subpackage media
$plugin_is_filter = defaultExtension(5 | CLASS_PLUGIN);
$plugin_description = gettext("This plugin handles <code>flv</code>, <code>fla</code>, <code>mp3</code>, <code>mp4</code>, <code>m4v</code>, and <code>m4a</code> multi-media files.");
gettext("Please see <a href='http://jplayer.org'>jplayer.org</a> for more info about the player and its license.");
$plugin_author = "Malte Müller (acrylian)";
$plugin_disable = zpFunctions::pluginDisable(array(array(!extensionEnabled('class-video'), gettext('This plugin requires the <em>class-video</em> plugin')), array(!extensionEnabled('jplayer') && class_exists('Video') && Video::multimediaExtension() != 'pseudoPlayer', sprintf(gettext('jPlayer not enabled, %s is already instantiated.'), class_exists('Video') ? Video::multimediaExtension() : false)), array(getOption('album_folder_class') === 'external', gettext('This player does not support <em>External Albums</em>.'))));
$option_interface = 'jplayer_options';
if ($plugin_disable) {
    enableExtension('jplayer', 0);
} else {
    Gallery::addImageHandler('flv', 'Video');
    Gallery::addImageHandler('fla', 'Video');
    Gallery::addImageHandler('mp3', 'Video');
    Gallery::addImageHandler('mp4', 'Video');
    Gallery::addImageHandler('m4v', 'Video');
    Gallery::addImageHandler('m4a', 'Video');
    zp_register_filter('content_macro', 'jPlayer::macro');
class jplayer_options
    public $name = 'jPlayer';
Exemplo n.º 13
$plugins = array_keys($plugins);
echo gettext('Plugin setup:') . '<br />';
foreach ($plugins as $extension) {
			<img src="<?php 
    echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/setup/setup_pluginOptions.php?plugin=' . $extension;
" title="<?php 
    echo $extension;
" alt="<?php 
    echo $extension;
" height="16px" width="16px" />

if (extensionEnabled('auto_backup')) {
    //Run the backup since for sure things have changed.
    require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/auto_backup.php';
Exemplo n.º 14
    static function is_valid($image, $valid_types)
        if (is_object($image)) {
            $image = $image->filename;
        $ext = getSuffix($image);
        if (in_array($ext, $valid_types)) {
            return $ext;
        return false;
if ($plugin_disable) {
    enableExtension('slideshow', 0);
if (extensionEnabled('slideshow')) {
    $slideshow_instance = 0;
     * Prints a link to call the slideshow (not shown if there are no images in the album)
     * To be used on album.php and image.php
     * A CSS id names 'slideshowlink' is attached to the link so it can be directly styled.
     * If the mode is set to "jQuery Colorbox" and the Colorbox plugin is enabled this link starts a Colorbox slideshow
     * from a hidden HTML list of all images in the album. On album.php it starts with the first always, on image.php with the current image.
     * @param string $linktext Text for the link
     * @param string $linkstyle Style of Text for the link
    function printSlideShowLink($linktext = NULL, $linkstyle = Null)
        global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_search, $slideshow_instance, $_zp_gallery_page;
Exemplo n.º 15
 function getOptionsSupported()
     $checkboxes = array(gettext('Albums') => 'multiple_layouts_albums', gettext('Images') => 'multiple_layouts_images');
     if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
         $checkboxes = array_merge($checkboxes, array(gettext('Pages') => 'multiple_layouts_pages', gettext('News') => 'multiple_layouts_news', gettext('News categories') => 'multiple_layouts_news_categories'));
     $options = array(gettext('Enable multiple layouts for') => array('key' => 'multiple_layouts_allowed', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX_ARRAY, 'checkboxes' => $checkboxes, 'desc' => ''));
     return $options;
Exemplo n.º 16
					<div class="span6 pull-left">
						<div id="copyright">
echo getMainSiteName();
if (getOption('zpB_show_archive')) {
    printCustomPageURL(gettext('Archive View'), 'archive', '', ' | ');
if (!zp_loggedin() && extensionEnabled('register_user')) {
    printRegisterURL(gettext('Register'), ' | ');
if (extensionEnabled('user_login-out')) {
    printUserLogin_out(' | ', '', 1);
								<script type="text/javascript">
									$('.passwordform').before('| <a href="#zpB_login_passwordform" data-toggle="modal" class="zpB_logonlink" title="<?php 
    echo gettext('Login');
    echo gettext('Login');
										show: true
Exemplo n.º 17

		<div id="copyright">
echo getMainSiteName();
if (getOption('show_archive')) {
    printCustomPageURL(gettext('Archive View'), 'archive', '', ' | ');
if (extensionEnabled('user_login-out')) {
    printUserLogin_out(' | ', '', 2);
if (!zp_loggedin() && extensionEnabled('register_user')) {
    printRegisterURL(gettext('Register'), ' | ');

		<div id="zpcredit">
if ($_zp_gallery_page == 'image.php' || $_zp_gallery_page == 'album.php' && getOption('use_galleriffic') && getNumImages() > 0 || $_zenpage_enabled && is_NewsArticle()) {
				<img id="icon-help" src="<?php 
    echo $_zp_themeroot;
/images/help.png" title="<?php 
    echo gettext('You can browse with the arrows keys of your keyboard');
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Update this object's values for width and height.
 function updateDimensions()
     global $_zp_multimedia_extension;
     $ext = getSuffix($this->filename);
     switch ($ext) {
         case '3gp':
             $h = extensionEnabled('class-video_3gp_h');
             $w = extensionEnabled('class-video_3gp_w');
         case 'mov':
             $h = extensionEnabled('class-video_mov_h');
             $w = extensionEnabled('class-video_mov_w');
             $h = $_zp_multimedia_extension->getHeight($this);
             $w = $_zp_multimedia_extension->getWidth($this);
     $this->set('width', $w);
     $this->set('height', $h);
Exemplo n.º 19
        if (getOption('show_tag')) {
				<div class="headline-tags"><?php 
            printTags('links', '', 'hor-list');

        if (extensionEnabled('comment_form')) {
            include 'inc_print_comment.php';

    } else {
        // news article loop

		<div class="pagination-news clearfix">
Exemplo n.º 20
 * <b>NOTE:</b> the implementation of these URIs requires that Zenphoto parse the URI, save the
 * language request to a cookie, then redirect to the "native" URI. This means that there is an extra
 * redirect for <b>EACH</b> page request!
 * If your site will support it, we suggest you use the dynamic_locales plugin <i>subdomain locales</i> option
 * instead for better performance.
 * @author Stephen Billard (sbillard)
 * @package plugins
 * @subpackage seo
$plugin_is_filter = 5 | CLASS_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext("Allows setting language locale through the URI.");
$plugin_notice = gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> This plugin is not activated for <em>back&#8209;end</em> (administrative) URLs. However, once activated, the language is remembered, even for the <em>back&#8209;end</em>.');
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
$plugin_disable = !MOD_REWRITE ? gettext('<em>mod_rewrite</em> must be enabled for this plugin to function.') : getOption('dynamic_locale_subdomain') && extensionEnabled('dynamic-locale') ? gettext('This plugin is not compatible with the <code>dynamic locale</code> <em>Use subdomains</em> option') : false;
if ($plugin_disable) {
    enableExtension('seo_locale', 0);
} else {
    zp_register_filter('load_request', 'seo_locale::load_request');
    if (!defined('SEO_WEBPATH')) {
        define('SEO_WEBPATH', seo_locale::localePath());
        define('SEO_FULLWEBPATH', seo_locale::localePath(true));
class seo_locale
    static function load_request($allow)
        $uri = getRequestURI();
        $parts = explode('?', $uri);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Gets the feed item data in a comments feed
  * @param array $item Array of a comment
  * @return array
 protected function getitemComments($item)
     if ($item['anon']) {
         $author = "";
     } else {
         $author = " " . gettext("by") . " " . $item['name'];
     $commentpath = $imagetag = $title = '';
     switch ($item['type']) {
         case 'images':
             $title = get_language_string($item['title']);
             $obj = newImage(array('folder' => $item['folder'], 'filename' => $item['filename']));
             $link = $obj->getlink();
             $feeditem['pubdate'] = date("r", strtotime($item['date']));
             $category = get_language_string($item['albumtitle']);
             $website = $item['website'];
             $title = $category . ": " . $title;
             $commentpath = PROTOCOL . '://' . $this->host . $link . "#" . $item['id'];
         case 'albums':
             $obj = newAlbum($item['folder']);
             $link = rtrim($obj->getLink(), '/');
             $feeditem['pubdate'] = date("r", strtotime($item['date']));
             $title = get_language_string($item['albumtitle']);
             $website = $item['website'];
             $commentpath = PROTOCOL . '://' . $this->host . $link . "#" . $item['id'];
         case 'news':
         case 'pages':
             if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
                 $feeditem['pubdate'] = date("r", strtotime($item['date']));
                 $category = '';
                 $title = get_language_string($item['title']);
                 $titlelink = $item['titlelink'];
                 $website = $item['website'];
                 if ($item['type'] == 'news') {
                     $obj = newArticle($titlelink);
                 } else {
                     $obj = newPage($titlelink);
                 $commentpath = PROTOCOL . '://' . $this->host . html_encode($obj->getLink()) . "#" . $item['id'];
             } else {
                 $commentpath = '';
     $feeditem['title'] = getBare($title . $author);
     $feeditem['link'] = $commentpath;
     $feeditem['desc'] = $item['comment'];
     return $feeditem;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Creates a feed object from the URL parameters fetched only
 function __construct($options = NULL)
     global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_current_admin_obj, $_zp_loggedin;
     if (empty($options)) {
     $this->feedtype = $options['external'];
     $this->key = @$options['accesskey'];
     if ($this->key) {
         $result = query_single_row('SELECT * FROM ' . prefix('plugin_storage') . ' WHERE `type`="externalFeed" AND `data`=' . db_quote($this->key));
         if (!$result) {
             $this->key = NULL;
     if (!$this->key && $this->feedtype != 'site_closed') {
     // general feed setup
     $channeltitlemode = getOption('externalFeed_title');
     $this->host = html_encode($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
     //channeltitle general
     switch ($channeltitlemode) {
         case 'gallery':
             $this->channel_title = $_zp_gallery->getBareTitle($this->locale);
         case 'website':
             $this->channel_title = getBare($_zp_gallery->getWebsiteTitle($this->locale));
         case 'both':
             $website_title = $_zp_gallery->getWebsiteTitle($this->locale);
             $this->channel_title = $_zp_gallery->getBareTitle($this->locale);
             if (!empty($website_title)) {
                 $this->channel_title = $website_title . ' - ' . $this->channel_title;
     // individual feedtype setup
     switch ($this->feedtype) {
         case 'gallery':
             if (!getOption('externalFeed_album_image')) {
             $albumname = $this->getChannelTitleExtra();
             if ($this->albumfolder) {
                 $alb = newAlbum($this->albumfolder, true, true);
                 if ($alb->exists) {
                     $albumtitle = $alb->getTitle();
                     if ($this->mode == 'albums' || $this->collection) {
                         $albumname = ' - ' . html_encode($albumtitle) . $this->getChannelTitleExtra();
                 } else {
             } else {
                 $albumtitle = '';
             $albumname = $this->getChannelTitleExtra();
             $this->channel_title = html_encode($this->channel_title . ' ' . getBare($albumname));
             $this->imagesize = $this->getImageSize();
             require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/image_album_statistics.php';
         case 'news':
             //Zenpage News
             if (!getOption('externalFeed_articles')) {
             $titleappendix = gettext(' (Latest news)');
             switch ($this->sortorder) {
                 case 'popular':
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Most popular news)');
                 case 'mostrated':
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Most rated news)');
                 case 'toprated':
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Top rated news)');
                 case 'random':
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Random news)');
             $this->channel_title = html_encode($this->channel_title . $this->cattitle . $titleappendix);
             $this->imagesize = $this->getImageSize();
             $this->itemnumber = getOption("externalFeed_zenpage_items");
             // # of Items displayed on the feed
             require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/image_album_statistics.php';
             require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/zenpage/zenpage-template-functions.php';
         case 'pages':
             //Zenpage News
             if (!getOption('externalFeed_pages')) {
             switch ($this->sortorder) {
                 case 'popular':
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Most popular pages)');
                 case 'mostrated':
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Most rated pages)');
                 case 'toprated':
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Top rated pages)');
                 case 'random':
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Random pages)');
                     $titleappendix = gettext(' (Latest pages)');
             $this->channel_title = html_encode($this->channel_title . $titleappendix);
             require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/zenpage/zenpage-template-functions.php';
         case 'comments':
             if (!getOption('externalFeed_comments')) {
             if ($this->id) {
                 switch ($this->commentfeedtype) {
                     case 'album':
                         $table = 'albums';
                     case 'image':
                         $table = 'images';
                     case 'news':
                         $table = 'news';
                     case 'page':
                         $table = 'pages';
                 $this->itemobj = getItemByID($table, $this->id);
                 if ($this->itemobj) {
                     $title = ' - ' . $this->itemobj->getTitle();
                 } else {
             } else {
                 $this->itemobj = NULL;
                 $title = NULL;
             $this->channel_title = html_encode($this->channel_title . $title . gettext(' (latest comments)'));
             if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
                 require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/zenpage/zenpage-template-functions.php';
         case 'null':
             //we just want the class instantiated
     $this->feeditems = $this->getitems();
Exemplo n.º 23

 * This is a "simple" SPAM filter.
 * It uses a word black list and checks for excessive URLs
 * @author Stephen Billard (sbillard)
 * @package plugins
 * @subpackage admin
$plugin_is_filter = 5 | CLASS_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext("Simple SPAM filter.");
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
$plugin_disable = isset($_zp_spamFilter) && !extensionEnabled('simpleSpam') ? sprintf(gettext('Only one SPAM handler plugin may be enabled. <a href="#%1$s"><code>%1$s</code></a> is already enabled.'), $_zp_spamFilter->name) : '';
$option_interface = 'zpSimpleSpam';
if ($plugin_disable) {
    enableExtension('simpleSpam', 0);
} else {
    $_zp_spamFilter = new zpSimpleSpam();
 * This implements the standard SpamFilter class for the Simple spam filter.
class zpSimpleSpam
    var $name = 'simpleSpam';
    var $wordsToDieOn = array('cialis', 'ebony', 'nude', 'p**n', 'porno', 'pussy', 'upskirt', 'ringtones', 'phentermine', 'viagra', 'levitra');
    /* the word black list */
    var $patternsToDieOn = array('\\[url=.*\\]');
Exemplo n.º 24
 * 			<dd>extracontent</dd> <dd>tags</dd> <dd>codeblock</dd>
 * 	</dl>
 * You should copy this script to the user plugin folder if you wish to customize which fields are provided.
 * @author Stephen Billard (sbillard)
 * @package plugins
 * @subpackage admin
 * @category package
 * Copyright 2014 by Stephen L Billard for use in {@link https://github.com/ZenPhoto20/ZenPhoto20 ZenPhoto20}
$plugin_is_filter = defaultExtension(1 | CLASS_PLUGIN);
//	we want this done last so the codeblocks go at the end
$plugin_description = gettext('Handles the "optional" object fields');
$plugin_notice = extensionEnabled('optionalObjectFields') ? '' : gettext('<strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: This plugin enables the "tags" database fields. If disabled the admin <em>tags</em> tab will not be present. Click on the <em>More information</em> icon for details.');
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/common/fieldExtender.php';
class optionalObjectFields extends fieldExtender
    static function fields()
         * For definition of this array see fieldExtender.php in the extensions/common folder
        return array(array('table' => 'albums', 'name' => 'owner', 'desc' => gettext('Owner'), 'type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 64, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::owner', 'default' => 'NULL', 'bulkAction' => array(gettext('Change owner') => array('name' => 'changeowner', 'action' => 'mass_owner_data'))), array('table' => 'albums', 'name' => 'date', 'desc' => gettext('Date'), 'type' => 'datetime', 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::date'), array('table' => 'albums', 'name' => 'location', 'desc' => gettext('Location'), 'type' => 'text', 'searchDefault' => 1, 'edit' => 'multilingual'), array('table' => 'albums', 'name' => 'tags', 'desc' => gettext('Tags'), 'type' => NULL, 'searchDefault' => 1, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::tags', 'bulkAction' => array(gettext('Add tags') => array('name' => 'addtags', 'action' => 'mass_tags_data'), gettext('Clear tags') => 'cleartags', gettext('Add tags to images') => array('name' => 'alltags', 'action' => 'mass_tags_data'), gettext('Clear tags of images') => 'clearalltags')), array('table' => 'albums', 'name' => 'codeblock', 'desc' => gettext('Codeblocks'), 'type' => 'text', 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::codeblocks'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'owner', 'desc' => gettext('Owner'), 'type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 64, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::owner', 'default' => 'NULL', 'bulkAction' => array(gettext('Change owner') => array('name' => 'changeowner', 'action' => 'mass_owner_data'))), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'album_thumb', 'desc' => gettext('Set as thumbnail for'), 'type' => NULL, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::thumb'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'date', 'desc' => gettext('Date'), 'type' => 'datetime', 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::date'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'watermark', 'desc' => gettext('Image watermark'), 'type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 255, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::watermark', 'default' => NULL), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'watermark_use', 'desc' => NULL, 'type' => 'int', 'size' => 1, 'edit' => NULL, 'attribute' => 'UNSIGNED', 'default' => 7), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'location', 'desc' => gettext('Location'), 'type' => 'text', 'searchDefault' => 1, 'edit' => 'multilingual'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'city', 'desc' => gettext('City'), 'type' => 'tinytext', 'searchDefault' => 1, 'size' => 50, 'edit' => 'multilingual'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'state', 'desc' => gettext('State'), 'type' => 'tinytext', 'searchDefault' => 1, 'size' => 50, 'edit' => 'multilingual'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'country', 'desc' => gettext('Country'), 'type' => 'tinytext', 'size' => 50, 'searchDefault' => 1, 'edit' => 'multilingual'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'credit', 'desc' => gettext('Credit'), 'type' => 'text', 'edit' => 'multilingual'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'copyright', 'desc' => gettext('Copyright'), 'type' => 'text', 'edit' => 'multilingual'), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'tags', 'desc' => gettext('Tags'), 'type' => NULL, 'searchDefault' => 1, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::tags', 'bulkAction' => array(gettext('Add tags') => array('name' => 'addtags', 'action' => 'mass_tags_data'), gettext('Clear tags') => 'cleartags')), array('table' => 'images', 'name' => 'codeblock', 'desc' => gettext('Codeblocks'), 'type' => 'text', 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::codeblocks'), array('table' => 'news_categories', 'name' => 'tags', 'desc' => gettext('Tags'), 'type' => NULL, 'searchDefault' => 1, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::tags', 'bulkAction' => array(gettext('Add tags to articles') => array('name' => 'alltags', 'action' => 'mass_tags_data'), gettext('Clear tags of articles') => 'clearalltags')), array('table' => 'pages', 'name' => 'extracontent', 'desc' => gettext('Extra Content'), 'type' => 'text', 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::extracontent'), array('table' => 'pages', 'name' => 'codeblock', 'desc' => gettext('Codeblocks'), 'type' => 'text', 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::codeblocks'), array('table' => 'pages', 'name' => 'tags', 'desc' => gettext('Tags'), 'type' => NULL, 'searchDefault' => 1, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::tags', 'bulkAction' => array(gettext('Add tags') => array('name' => 'addtags', 'action' => 'mass_tags_data'), gettext('Clear tags') => 'clearalltags')), array('table' => 'news', 'name' => 'extracontent', 'desc' => gettext('Extra Content'), 'type' => 'text', 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::extracontent'), array('table' => 'news', 'name' => 'codeblock', 'desc' => gettext('Codeblocks'), 'type' => 'text', 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::codeblocks'), array('table' => 'news', 'name' => 'tags', 'desc' => gettext('Tags'), 'type' => NULL, 'searchDefault' => 1, 'edit' => 'function', 'function' => 'optionalObjectFields::tags', 'bulkAction' => array(gettext('Add tags') => array('name' => 'addtags', 'action' => 'mass_tags_data'), gettext('Clear tags') => 'clearalltags')));
    function __construct()
        $protected = array('date', 'owner');
        $fields = self::fields();
Exemplo n.º 25
$numimages = getNumImages();
$numalbums = getNumAlbums();
$total = $numimages + $numalbums;
$zenpage = getOption('zp_plugin_zenpage');
if ($zenpage && !isArchive()) {
    $numpages = getNumPages();
    $numnews = getNumNews();
    $total = $total + $numnews + $numpages;
} else {
    $numpages = $numnews = 0;
if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
	 			<a href="<?php 
    echo getGalleryIndexURL();
" title="<?php 
    echo gettext("Index") . " » ";
} else {
	 			<a href="<?php 
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Helper function to list tags/categories as keywords separated by comma.
  * @param array $array the array of the tags or categories to list
 private static function getMetaKeywords()
     global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_zenpage_news, $_zp_current_zenpage_page, $_zp_current_category, $_zp_gallery_page, $_zp_zenpage;
     $words = '';
     if (is_object($_zp_current_album) or is_object($_zp_current_image)) {
         $tags = getTags();
         $words .= htmlmetatags::getMetaAlbumAndImageTags($tags, "gallery");
     } else {
         if ($_zp_gallery_page === "index.php") {
             $tags = array_keys(getAllTagsCount(true));
             // get all if no specific item is set
             $words .= htmlmetatags::getMetaAlbumAndImageTags($tags, "gallery");
     if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
         if (is_NewsArticle()) {
             $tags = getNewsCategories(getNewsID());
             $words .= htmlmetatags::getMetaAlbumAndImageTags($tags, "zenpage");
             $tags = getTags();
             $words = $words . "," . htmlmetatags::getMetaAlbumAndImageTags($tags, "gallery");
         } else {
             if (is_Pages()) {
                 $tags = getTags();
                 $words = htmlmetatags::getMetaAlbumAndImageTags($tags, "gallery");
             } else {
                 if (is_News()) {
                     $tags = $_zp_zenpage->getAllCategories();
                     $words .= htmlmetatags::getMetaAlbumAndImageTags($tags, "zenpage");
                 } else {
                     if (is_NewsCategory()) {
                         $words .= $_zp_current_category->getTitle();
     return $words;
Exemplo n.º 27
echo gettext("Archive view");

					<div id="archive">
echo gettext('Gallery archive');
						<hr />
if (extensionEnabled('zenpage') && getNumNews(true)) {
    echo gettext('News archive');
							<hr />

echo gettext('Popular Tags');
Exemplo n.º 28

 * PHP sendmail mailing handler
 * @author Stephen Billard (sbillard)
 * @package plugins
 * @subpackage mail
$plugin_is_filter = defaultExtension(5 | CLASS_PLUGIN);
$plugin_description = gettext("Outgoing mail handler based on the PHP <em>mail</em> facility.");
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
$plugin_disable = zp_has_filter('sendmail') && !extensionEnabled('zenphoto_sendmail') ? sprintf(gettext('Only one Email handler plugin may be enabled. <a href="#%1$s"><code>%1$s</code></a> is already enabled.'), stripSuffix(get_filterScript('sendmail'))) : '';
if ($plugin_disable) {
    enableExtension('zenphoto_sendmail', 0);
} else {
    zp_register_filter('sendmail', 'zenphoto_sendmail');
function zenphoto_sendmail($msg, $email_list, $subject, $message, $from_mail, $from_name, $cc_addresses, $replyTo, $html = false)
    $headers = sprintf('From: %1$s <%2$s>', $from_name, $from_mail) . "\n";
    if (count($cc_addresses) > 0) {
        $cclist = '';
        foreach ($cc_addresses as $cc_name => $cc_mail) {
            $cclist .= ',' . $cc_mail;
        $headers .= 'Cc: ' . substr($cclist, 1) . "\n";
    if ($replyTo) {
        $headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . array_shift($replyTo) . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 29
		<div id="main">
			<div id="header">
$zenpage = extensionEnabled('zenpage');
$numimages = getNumImages();
$numalbums = getNumAlbums();
$total = $numimages + $numalbums;
if ($zenpage && !isArchive()) {
    $numpages = getNumPages();
    $numnews = getNumNews();
    $total = $total + $numnews + $numpages;
} else {
    $numpages = $numnews = 0;
if ($total == 0) {
if (getOption('Allow_search')) {
    $categorylist = $_zp_current_search->getCategoryList();
Exemplo n.º 30
		<div class="menu_rule"></div>

    if (getOption('RSS_album_image') || getOption('RSS_articles')) {
		<div class="menu">
        echo gettext("RSS");
        if (class_exists('RSS')) {
            printRSSLink('Gallery', '<li>', gettext('Gallery'), '</li>');
            if (extensionEnabled('zenpage') && ZP_NEWS_ENABLED) {
                printRSSLink("News", "<li>", gettext("News"), '</li>');